Read Halloween In Paradise Online

Authors: Tianna Xander

Tags: #Ménage, #Paranormal, #Erotic Romance, #Shapeshifter

Halloween In Paradise (4 page)

BOOK: Halloween In Paradise
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“Hello,” said the uniformed man standing just outside the door. “I’m Merrick Hunter, Sheriff of Paradise. Do you two have a few minutes to talk?”

The significance of the other man standing in the hallway wasn’t lost on Corbin as he opened the door wider. “Certainly, Sheriff. Come on in. Is there something we can do for you?”

The lawman entered their room. It didn’t escape his notice that the man didn’t carry a weapon. He didn’t need to. He was a shifter. Corbin could smell it. Plus, if the stories he’d heard about the man were true, he was a retired Army Ranger. That in itself made the man a weapon in his own right. Add that the sheriff was also a shifter, and the man was a killing machine.

Our mate is one strong and smart woman, indeed, if she sent this man here to check us out,
Vince said through their mind link.
At least we know she takes her self preservation seriously.

It makes one proud to know their mate is no pushover.
He almost smiled, but the sheriff was here on serious business and most likely wouldn’t appreciate it.

“I’m going to cut to the chase. It’s not as though we aren’t all shifters, though I’ve never scented any quite like you two before. What are you?” He paused for a moment, awaiting their answer and then shrugged when they didn’t reply. “It doesn’t really matter, if you don’t want to share. What
matter is that the female you’re sniffing after has asked for my help.”

The sheriff walked to the window and looked down into the parking lot for a moment, before he turned and pinned him with a look. “Do you have anything at all to say about that?”

“We’re glad she asked for your help. It tells us that she is strong and smart. We cherish that in a mate.” Corbin reached for his bottle of cola and took a drink. “We also assumed she would either seek help or run. In the event that she runs, we ask that you put a guard on us. If we can’t find her in time or convince her to mate with us, you must have them put us down before we go feral. If we manage to go feral before you put us down, we will be difficult to kill. You have not seen the likes of us in a very long time.”

“Well,” the sheriff said, lifting a brow. “What
the likes of you, so that we can be prepared?”

Corbin glanced at Vincent.
Screw the council of elders. You know as well as I do that the procurement of a mate takes precedence over anything else.
Taking a deep breath, Corbin made what the humans would call an executive decision. He
the prince of their people, after all. “We are Caspian tiger shifters. In this world we live in Oregon, but there are many of us who are stuck in mid-form who live permanently in the Caspian Cascade.”

He watched the other man’s eyes go wide. “The Caspian Cascade? We thought that was just a legend.”

“As you were meant to do,” Vincent said as he lowered himself onto the bed. “We have been in hiding these past fifty years. We had hoped that the furor for hunting animals to extinction would have calmed down as the world reached the time of enlightenment.”

“Well…the time of enlightenment only means something if the people you’re talking about want to be enlightened. As long as big business has control of most everything, greed will prevail.”

“Which is why we hesitated to share who and what we were with you.” Corbin sat in the chair in front of the desk and gestured to the easy chair in the corner. “Have a seat, Sheriff.”

It appeared as though the sheriff wasn’t going to sit. After a short pause, he sighed and sat down on the edge of the seat. They all knew that this was a precarious truce.

Though Corbin was certain that the other man didn’t want to die, he was equally as sure that the sheriff
die for Gabby if shoved into a corner. That was as it should be. The males had an obligation to protect those weaker than they were. It was the way of the shifter world. Those who didn’t feel the same didn’t belong in their ranks and deserved to lose their place among their ranks.

“Tell me something about your people,” Merrick said as he leaned forward, his elbows on his knees. “Is the Cascade really an endless paradise? I’ve heard it described as a form of Shangri-La.”

“I would describe it so,” Vince said as he, too, leaned forward. “It’s not like your Paradise, where the town is set in the open wilderness. We felt your spell as we entered. Such a spell must tax your people and grow thin during this time of year.”

“It does.” Merrick nodded. “Are you saying that you don’t have issues with unwanted visitors?” He shook his head. “If so, would your people be willing to help us recast a spell that would be easier to maintain?”

“Perhaps,” Corbin said with a nod. “However, that is something that we must ask our council of elders. Like most governments, we have a ruler and a governing council. While my father and, eventually,
will rule the Cascade, we are really little more than figure heads.”

“That’s only because you don’t exert your power,” Vince interrupted. “You know as well as I do that if you or your father made a declaration, the people would fall in line.”

“Perhaps,” Corbin said with a shrug. “However, we don’t wish to take advantage of those who would follow us.”

“Will you ask your people when you return?” Merrick stood and made his way to the door. “It would be nice to spend our holidays home with our families instead of in tiny cabins in the woods, shoring up the defenses of Paradise when the veil is thin.”

“We will ask on one condition.” Corbin watched as the sheriff’s spine grew stiff. It was apparent that the man didn’t like stipulations, though he was certain the sheriff wouldn’t mind this one when he requested it.

“What condition?”

Corbin was glad that he had nothing to fear from this man’s reaction. Otherwise, the expression on the Sheriff’s face might have given him pause. One could see death in the depth of the man’s eyes.

“We only ask, Sheriff, that you guard our mate against us should the need arrive.”

“That I can do,” he said as he reached for the doorknob. “I’ll leave you to your preparations. If you need anything, anything at all, just call down to the front desk. However, I think you’ll find everything you need in the nightstand next to the bed or in the bathroom. And, by the way, call me Merrick. Everyone does”

“Well, I’ll be damned,” Vince said just after the door closed.


“I just checked the nightstand. I think I like this place. You should see the stuff they have stored in here.”

Chapter Eight



“I don’t know how you do it, Gemma. I’m beat, and I’m not carrying a set of twins around everywhere I go.”

After visiting five stores and filling the trunk with Halloween decorations and a few other unrelated items, Gabby was beat. She wanted nothing more than to sit down in the car and nap on her way back to Paradise. With luck, the hour ride would be enough to perk her up. She’d need the rest if she planned on facing Vincent and Corbin again.

Gemma turned her way and grinned. “As you might imagine, I don’t get out without the guys too much. I’m taking this opportunity to buy their birthday and Yule gifts.”

The other woman turned to Mel, who looked a
like an actor with the same name. Right down to his gorgeous blue eyes. He looked so much like the actor, his friends had even taken to calling him Movie Star, though most just called him Star. “And don’t you dare tell them what they’re getting.” She waggled her finger. “If you do, you’re not eating at the lodge for at least six months.”

“My lips are sealed, ma’am. If they ask, I’ll merely tell them it’s classified.”

“Damned skippy, it’s classified,” Gemma replied. “I’m tired now.” She sighed. “Do you think we can go home?”

“Wait one,” Mel said as he held up a finger and pulled his ringing phone from his pocket with the other hand. “It’s your dime,” he barked into the phone. “Yep, uh huh, okay. Will do. Yep. Later.”

Gemma glanced at Gabby and raised her brow. “Wow. This end of that conversation was as informative as a politician on campaign.”

“Wasn’t it?” Gabby laughed.

“So what’s up?” Gemma asked as she hooked her arm through Mel’s and dragged him toward the car.

“Oh, no you don’t.” Mel pulled free. “I’m not going to have you go home with my scent all over you and have your mates threatening me again.” He backed off, holding his hands up. “I’ll tell you once we’re in the car.” Reaching out, he opened the door and waited for Gemma to get in before closing it. He closed Gabby’s door in the back, before walking around to the driver’s side and climbing in. “Everyone have their seatbelts on?”

“They’re on, already. Now, tell us what’s up.” Gemma flipped the switch and rolled down her window, and stuck her head out. “Is it hot in here? I think it’s hot in here.”

“It’s not hot in here. I think it’s your imagination.” Mel glared at Gemma as he rolled up the window. “Stop being annoying. You know I’ll tell you if you’ll just give me a minute to get on the road.”

Gabby watched the two in the front seat banter with a smile. She only hoped that she could find friends like Gemma’s one day. She wondered what it would be like to live and belong in a community where the people actually cared for one another. She hadn’t believed they existed until her plane crashed in Paradise.

“That was Merrick on the phone. He said that he spoke to Gabby’s shifters and that they seem perfectly safe. They even asked him to hunt them if they should get out of hand.” He glanced at Gabby in the mirror. “I haven’t been a part of the Paradise community as long as Gemma has, but from what I understand,
is a big deal. Men willing to ask others to protect their mate, even from them, is usually a sign that they are honorable men.”

Gabby closed her eyes and murmured a prayer of thanks. Her shoulders slumped with relief. She hadn’t realized just how tense she had been until now.

Her stomach knotted as she realized that this meant she could go back to Paradise and meet her two men at the lodge. “Stop! Stop the car.” Gabby had her seatbelt off and the door opened before they even came to a complete stop. She leapt from the car and took several deep breaths.

Now that she knew there was nothing stopping her from being with the two men, she was nervous. Her stomach felt as though it was full of rocks, her heart pounded and it felt as though she couldn’t draw enough air into her lungs.

She wanted this. She knew she did, yet she feared what it meant—what it would do to her. She needed advice. Turning back to the car, she opened Gemma’s door. “Can I talk to you for a few minutes?”

“Sure.” Gemma released her seatbelt and clumsily climbed out of the car. Smiling, she rubbed her belly. “They’re moving around. I don’t think they like Mason at all. It feels as though they’re telling me to get my butt home.”

“I’m sorry.” Gabby paced away from Gemma before turning to face her. “I have to ask you something.”

“Ask away.” Gemma waved her arm as though there was nothing Gabby could ask that she wouldn’t answer.

“I heard that you used to be human.”

“You heard right. I was human until I mated Matt and Merrick.” Tilting her head, she cradled her stomach and smiled wistfully. “And I would do it again and again. Those two men are my life as much as these babies.”

“Then you have no regrets? They never gang up on you to get their way?”

“They wouldn’t dare,” Mel said from behind Gemma. “You’ve seen them with her. Gemma has those two idiots wrapped around her little finger, just as Nina has her mates wrapped around hers and every other woman in town.” He snorted. “It’s almost enough to make me gag.”

Gabby smiled at Mel. “And you can’t wait to find your mate, can you?” she asked shrewdly. “All of your bluster is because you see the men and how happy you are and wish you had a mate.”

“I’m not old enough.”

“Bull crap, Mel,” Gemma interrupted. “Age has nothing to do with it. You’ll find her when you’re ready. Until then, just take it one day at a time.” She rested a hand on Gabby’s arm. “If they are really your mates, you’ll know soon enough. One of the signs is their being able to contact you telepathically, though it usually doesn’t happen until after the ritual.”


“Every shifter species has a ritual of some kind that the men and women perform when they choose to mate. Your men will let you know what to do when that time comes. Sometimes it’s no more than a nip on the shoulder.” Gemma reached up to a spot at the crook of her neck. “They exchange saliva or…” She paused, giving Gabby a wink. “Some other body fluid, and you’re suddenly a shifter. It’s a lot like magic.”

“Magic? I was hoping it had a more scientific explanation.
I could understand.”

“Stop trying to understand it and do your best to enjoy it, live it, love it. Most importantly, love
. They will love you with everything in them.”

Turning, Gabby glanced at Mel, who gestured to the car.

“Ready to go?”

“Yes, Mel. I’m ready.” Gabby smiled to herself when she realized just how true that statement was at this moment. She was ready to go back to Paradise and start her new life. To heck with writing a romance, right now. She would rather live one, instead.

Chapter Nine



“Do you think she’ll come back?” Vincent stood staring out through their window to the parking lot below.

“I hope she does. You know we’ll never find her if they’ve helped her run.” Corbin sighed and sat at the desk.

Vince watched as his triad mate booted up the laptop they’d brought with them and connected to the inn’s wireless internet. “Are you contacting the others?”

“Yes. I just don’t know how to break the news to them.” Corbin turned to meet his gaze. “I know they’ll be happy that we found others. I’m just not sure how happy they’ll be to find out that we told them about
if you know what I mean.”

“It doesn’t matter what they think.” Vince walked away from the window. Watching the parking lot wasn’t going to do anything but frazzle his nerves. “All that matters is that we have found our mate. You know as well as I do that that takes precedence over anything and everything else.”

BOOK: Halloween In Paradise
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