Read Haleigh's Ink Online

Authors: Jennifer Kacey

Haleigh's Ink (6 page)

BOOK: Haleigh's Ink
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“You’ve never had the urge to be with any of the women we’ve
played with. Not even Cyn?”

She looked a bit like Haleigh, and Kyle wasn’t gonna bury
his head in the sand and say he hadn’t noticed the resemblance.

“Cyn’s hot, but I didn’t want to have sex with her.”

“Haleigh? What about her? Would you like to have sex with

He waited too long to answer. “Maybe,” was as honest as he
was willing to go.

“You might want to check your dick before giving me a
half-assed answer.”

Kyle glanced at his cock, which was hard as a rock.
“Fucker,” he mumbled then pulled a sheet over his lap.

“Making a tent out of it isn’t going to make it go away.”

“I got it, okay? But seeing her today… It’s like the old
uncertain me is right under my skin again. It sucks, but I’m also pumped
because she was the best of me, you know?” He ran a hand through his hair and
stared up at his Dom. “Were her nipples so amazingly beautiful after they were


“What do you mean nipple?”

“I pierced one, got her off like the last space shuttle,
then she bolted before I could do the other.”

Kyle stiffened but then deflated. This was no different than
the other times Scott had been with a woman. Because it was Haleigh shouldn’t matter,
but it sure fucking did. He tried shrugging it off. “Why? What did you do to
her, other than licking her to orgasm? I remember what that tongue can do.”

“I mentioned your name. Something about telling you what
happened and she freaked. Nothing short of chains could have kept her in that
room with me.”

“Because I’m gay?” It hurt asking the question but he had to
know. He could only imagine what she thought of him.

“No, she appeared totally cool with you being gay. She
freaked because she doesn’t understand our relationship and I’m sure my mouth
on her pussy didn’t gel with the monogamy fairytale she has in her
white-picket-fence fantasy.”

“So I guess that’s that. She left, never to return.”

“Not exactly,” Scott replied as he traced the
interconnecting pattern of Kyle’s tattoo. “I think you should call her. Meet up
with her somewhere. The coffee shop or CJ’s Bar. You’ve got a shitload of stuff
you need to say to her. You’ve run your fingers through your hair enough times
in the last few minutes to qualify as a shampoo model.”

Kyle let his tense hand fall to the bed. “But how am I
supposed to do that? I don’t have her number, and I’m not calling her parents’
house to ask for it. Her parents are worse than mine.”

“A copy of her consent form is in the back pocket of my
jeans that are somewhere on the floor. So there’s nothing stopping you.”

“I just…uhh, I…and she’s so… Well, damn,” Kyle grumbled.

“Why did you really bolt all those years ago? Your family’s
kind of bat shit, your parents are at least, but Haleigh? She seemed
genuinely…nice. I don’t think she would have ostracized you. Hell, she acted
like the type to throw you an out-of-the-closet party. So, what gives? It’s not
like she bolted when she saw you with my tongue in your mouth earlier.
Actually, she was quite content for us to continue.”

Just the suggestion of it had blood rushing to Kyle’s cock
that he had almost gotten under control. His dick pounded, twitching, demanding
attention. Kissing Scott in front of Haleigh should have made his dick shrivel
and hide.

He could only conjure up images of her tied to the bed,
forced to watch. Then participate. What kind of sick fuck did that make him?

“Come on,” Kyle blustered even though he distinctly
remembered the moan that came from her before Scott pulled away. “She’s not
some fuck-hole for us to mess with.” He threw off the covers and stood beside
the bed, rubbing his suddenly sore neck where a headache was digging its meaty
claws in.

“She’s like a pixie with that pretty blonde hair and those
tight shapely legs. You were a chickenshit for not being upfront with her to
start with. It’s not like being gay is some kind of disease, Kyle. She couldn’t
have caught the urge to run out and eat pussy for a living from you. I know
there’s more to it than what you’re telling me. Tell me the truth. Why did you
leave her? She’s obviously cool by her reaction today at the shop. What are you
shaking your head for?”

Kyle stared at him before pacing in front of the bed.
“Right…I can just imagine the conversation now.” He put his hand up to his ear
like it was a phone and kept talking as he cast Scott an exasperated glare. The
ink on his chest rippled with his halting movements.

“Hey, Haleigh, how are you? Yeah, I’m good. Oh, well, sorry
for those few years I wasn’t talking to you. I tapped my inner submissive, and
oh, I’m a flaming homo, too.”

He rolled his eyes and missed Scott’s narrowed scowl.

“Well, no, actually I’m sort of gay plus one, which means my
door swings both ways, but only for you, baby. I’ve wanted to be with you for
years, but didn’t figure you could accept someone who likes to suck dick and
eat a nice sweet pussy like yours. But no other woman compared so I’ve never
gotten to indulge in straight-up hetero relations before. But fuck, I would for
you. Oh, and if you’re looking for me, most nights you can find me on my knees
in front of Scott. Nice talking to you.”

He lowered his lids, rubbing his temples until he collided
with Scott. He’d gotten out of bed, planting himself right in front of him.

“Get on your knees.”

He dropped to his knees, resting on his heels, his hands
placed palms up on his thighs. His Dom told him to do something and he couldn’t
say no. He beseeched him with his earnest face, but Scott saw right through it.

“Oh no, that isn’t going to get you shit tonight. You and a
flaming homo are about two continents apart. You are a very hot, extremely sexy
guy who I assumed was one-hundred-percent gay before tonight. But after seeing
your reaction to Haleigh, I don’t think so. You didn’t like the idea of me
piercing Haleigh’s nipples, did you? And be honest,” he clipped out. “I need
the truth from you before I slide my dick into the vacuum of your mouth and
eliminate your ability to speak.”

After licking his lips, and taking a moment to consider, he
answered. “It wasn’t that I disliked the idea of
piercing her. I didn’t want her to be hurt. In pain. And…yes. I would have
preferred to be the one to do it, but I didn’t trust myself so I left.”


Scott stroked his steel-hard erection. “Why didn’t you trust
yourself? You have the best control of any sub I’ve ever trained.” He stepped
closer, putting his dick less than an inch from Kyle’s mouth to test his
theory. To his credit, Kyle didn’t lean forward even though his throat rippled
as he swallowed. He knew Kyle could see the short bar piercing underneath the
head of his cock that Kyle had pierced for him. Scott wrapped his fingers
tighter around his dick and gripped it towards the top, sliding down along his
shaft until he cupped his balls. He tugged at the sensitive skin then fisted
his throbbing dick.

Kyle stared at his cock and precum formed at the slit at the
top. The tattoo on Kyle’s chest was one of Scott’s favorite pieces. The tribal
pattern was square in shape, made up of four different traditional designs. It
took up his entire left pec, up to his shoulder, and it was sexy as all hell,
especially given the fact that Scott had been the one to ink him. It was like a
brand and he got harder remembering the night they hooked up for the first

Kind of like tonight. Edgy. A little bit dark and urgent. He
wondered if the fireworks would be even more explosive when Haleigh joined

Scott cocked a brow that clearly meant he still expected an

“I’ve got good control over my body, but

“Explain,” Scott growled as his patience frayed. He was
ready to pounce on Kyle and fuck his mouth until he couldn’t do anything but
swallow as Scott blew inside it.

“She was mine,” Kyle said as if he were a dominant. “For a
long, long time she’s been mine. I’ve always wanted to be with her.
Intimately.” He glanced up at Scott again and clasped his wrists behind him.
“She’s the only woman I’ve wanted to fuck, but I don’t want to hurt you. I
never wanted to hurt
, so I decided to walk away before I did
something I would regret, or that would scare her.”

Scott threaded the fingers of both hands into Kyle’s hair
and said, “Take me deep,” and before he could even finish the sentence, half
his cock was buried in Kyle’s mouth. He didn’t just suck it, he worshipped it.
The times earlier were forgotten. It was like that every time. He couldn’t get
enough of him.

Kyle ran his tongue underneath as he sank down until the
head bumped the back of his throat. He hummed against it, making sharp tension
grip Scott’s balls. Sensation ran up his spine to tell his brain one mother
huncher of an orgasm was in his future.

Scott pulled none too gently on Kyle’s hair and heard him
groan as his cock stroked against the roof of his mouth. He moved, holding
himself away. “Ask the question you’ve been dying to ask, Kyle. Ask it now
before we go any further. My temper is holding a thin edge here so don’t piss
me off again by denying it.”

Kyle swallowed. “Did you hurt her?”

“I pierced her nipples, Kyle. Well, one of them. It’s not
like I was doing her nails or some shit. You’ve done lots of them. Some people
handle it better than others.”

“She was terrified, wasn’t she? Oh God, what was I thinking
leaving her there? See? I’m no good for her.” Kyle’s eyes closed and he tried
to hang his head. Scott held firm, waiting until Kyle stopped hiding.

“Stop being a douche. She wasn’t terrified, at least not for
the reasons you’re assuming. She was so fucking horny, straight out of one of
my fantasies, and she was scared because she had no idea what was happening to
her. Her pupils got huge, she made this noise that at first I imagined was
distress and then I smelled her.” Scott breathed in as if he could catch her
scent again, filling his head with it. “It was fucking amazing.”

Kyle paused, probably adding a few things up. “Wait. Why was
she scared if not for the pain? You can’t possibly mean she’s a…”

“Virgin?” He offered helpfully. “Yeah, that’s exactly what
I’m saying. And do you want to know something else? I’d bet you my next
paycheck that she saved it for you. Hoping you’d be the one to take it from
her. She wants you, and before you spout all sorts of denials and bullshit, you
need to see her. You need to talk to her and you need to be upfront with each
other. You both have some unresolved shit that you need to work out.”

Kyle stared then let out a chuckle. “Listen to you, having a
whole moment with your feelings.”

“I’m gonna wash your mouth out, but it’s not soap I’m gonna
use. Stick your tongue out.” Kyle complied, but he still had the ghost of a
smile that Scott was determined to replace with something else. He rubbed his
dick along his tongue and watched him try to roll his tongue around the bar as
he shoved in farther and pulled out again. Scott grabbed his shaft, holding it
flat against his belly.

“Lick my balls, Kyle. I want you to suck them into your
mouth and love them so I don’t fuck you right now for talking down about
yourself.” Kyle lowered his lids and sighed. Scott pumped several times in
short succession as Kyle laved his sac with his wet tongue. Scott watched him
lick his balls, and his arousal multiplied knowing he was having a tough time
reigning in his needs.

What a fucking turn-on.

Scott released the hold he had on Kyle’s head, retreating a
few steps until he was out of arms’ reach. Staring down at him, on his knees,
an erection straining close to his belly. Scott’s muscles hummed with pent-up
need to possess him again. To own his body like he’d wanted to own Haleigh’s
but couldn’t. Thinking of her had him picturing her again, next to Kyle on the
floor. Both of them on their knees waiting for him to command their pleasure
along with his own. “On the bed by the time I get done, Kyle, and I’m warning
you. I’ve had a hard-on for you for hours and it’s not gone yet. Gentle is not
what I need tonight.”

He went into the bathroom without waiting to see if Kyle
complied. But he heard “Yes, Sir.” That was more than enough.

He knew Kyle would be in place when he got back, but was
afraid if he kept watching him, picturing Haleigh with him, he’d flip him over
on the floor and take him again. He’d already had him twice but he couldn’t get
enough tonight. Being inside his ass was addictive. No matter how many times
Scott fought Kyle’s natural body resistance, every time was like the first
time. Every time made Scott want to take him again and again. Thinking surely
the next time he would have his fill and the urgency he felt to possess not
only Kyle’s body, but his heart and mind would dissipate. He’d stopped waiting for
that more than a year ago. The sex between them had only ever gotten better.

He grabbed two things and caught sight of Kyle. He had
stripped the comforter off and knelt in the middle of the bed on his hands and
knees, gloriously naked with his head bowed slightly. Scott knelt on the bed
but didn’t climb behind him, shoving inside in the next heartbeat like he
wanted to.

He bent at the waist and leaned underneath Kyle’s chest,
sucking the head of his cock. Kyle groaned loudly, trying to keep from
thrusting into Scott’s mouth. He ran his tongue around the flared head, dark
and flushed with need. His cock was thicker than Scott’s but it wasn’t as long.
It curled slightly up toward his belly, and Scott licked up his salty essence
as he laved it with his tongue.

He ran his palm possessively over Kyle’s smooth sac as he
continued to make shallow pulls on his tight flesh. Kyle pumped his hips
slightly even though he knew that was a punishable offense.

BOOK: Haleigh's Ink
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