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Chapter Six

Riley sat at the dining room table in a fluffy robe, waiting for Dirk to bring in dinner. He’d insisted on eating in here. She didn’t know why, but she bet he had a reason.

The chef had made crepes, and somehow they stayed fresh and warm.

“I think they have crab in them,” Dirk said.

Riley would miss all of this wonderful food. Boxed macaroni and cheese was just not going to cut it anymore. She’d have to learn to cook more. Maybe Chef could teach her some basics while she was here. She’d ask him tomorrow.

For now, she would enjoy what he cooked.

And pitch her idea to Dirk, who she knew would not like it, but she wasn’t being reckless. He had to see that. To capture the leaker they were going to have to do some things that were unconventional. This person was clearly clever and knew how to cover his or her trail.

She’d never had a case this tough. Or a case that she didn’t want to end. She’d be without Dirk, and that would be sad. For once, a man had wormed his way into her heart. This was why she hadn’t wanted to fall in love.

She was already alone in the world. No family. Joan was a good friend, but as soon as that girl found a husband, she’d never see her again. The woman wanted babies and a white picket fence.

Riley didn’t need those things. Babies, maybe, but she hadn’t spent her childhood dreaming about having children. Other girls talked about their Prince Charming sweeping them off their feet. Riley had never understood tacking her dreams to another person.

She wanted to make herself happy.

Though, having gotten used to regular sex, she would miss that.

Dirk rubbed a spot on her forehead. “Your brow is furrowed. You are deep in thought and not enjoying these crepes the way you should.”

Riley smiled at him. “They are very good.”

“What were you thinking about?”

She put down her fork, wiped her mouth. She took a sip of her water, since she was still restricted from having wine.

“You’re stalling,” Dirk said.

“I’m just thinking about how I need to frame this so you’ll accept it.”

“Sounds like I’m not going to like your idea.”

“You might not, but I think I’ve covered everything that could go wrong.”

Dirk laughed. “Go ahead.”

“I want to meet the person again. I think this person has a lot of useful information. We’ll do it with Kent involved in the whole process. I will not put myself in danger. I promise.”

Dirk finished chewing what was in his mouth. Riley did not like the look on his face. He was ready to dismiss the idea. She didn’t want him to disregard her idea.

She was doing this with or without his approval. She’d have a harder time getting it past her bodyguard if Dirk didn’t agree. She crossed her fingers under the table for luck.

“I don’t like it, Riley.”

“We’ll plan the meeting area. I’ll consult Kent and do whatever he says to stay safe.”

“Why are you so eager to do this?”

“Because I think this person might have some piece of information we can use to break this case. Don’t you want this person found? They’ve leaked your important information.”

“They’ve leaked client information also. Yes, of course I want this person caught.”

“Then let me do this. I’m doing it the right way, and the person will know that I’m not alone. I’ll make it clear to my contact that I can’t be alone and that there will be people watching.”

“What if he balks at that?”

“Then we won’t get the information.”

She’d let the contact dictate things to a point. She didn’t want to be in the hospital again, but ultimately this might be the only way they could find the leak.

She hoped it wasn’t Zeke. With all her heart, she didn’t want it to be Zeke. Riley thought that Chad being the culprit would be less painful to both of them. If she had to tell him that Zeke was the bad guy, he’d never forgive her.

They’d been friends for a long time. She didn’t want to break that up.

“So if the person won’t agree to your terms, you won’t do this.”

“Why would I?”

He eyed her, but didn’t say anything else. “You finished eating?”

“Yes. That was very good. I was thinking that I’ll have to learn to cook so I can eat like this when the job is over.”

A look of pain crossed Dirk’s face, but he shrugged it off. She wondered what that meant. Was he having second thoughts about ending it? No, that was wishful thinking on her part.

He stood, pulling her to her feet with him. He kissed her and shoved the robe off of her shoulders. She was naked in front of him.

He spun her around. “Look at the view.”

She did. It was stunning. The lights of the city made a beautiful panorama. Took her breath away. Dirk pulled her back to him, and his erection nudged at her bottom. What was he doing?

“Look at the lights, Riley,” he whispered.

His fingers found her warm center and he began to circle around her clit. She wasn’t sure she could stand.

“Spread your legs, honey.”

She did, and he rubbed a little harder, sending her into the stratosphere. She gripped his arm to steady herself. “Oh, Dirk.”

“Kneel down,” he said. “Put your hands on the floor.”

She did as he said, her gaze still on the scenery. This could be a beautiful city from this angle. Even on her hands on and knees as Dirk ran his hands over her.

He kissed her back. That sent tingles down her spine. She heard the rip of a condom package. Soon.


Riley had the most beautiful back. Long and lean. Just enough muscle to make it sexy. He wanted to kiss it all night, but his dick had other ideas.

She was wet and ready for him. This was how he’d dreamed of making love to her since she’d first entered his apartment. Hell, since she’d first entered his life. How was he going to live without her?

He was a man of his word, and if she wanted to be released when the job was done he would. He’d made a bargain, and he was going to stick to it.

He rolled on the condom then slid himself into her. She moaned. This was a whole different angle, and he loved it. He would touch her in ways he hadn’t before. He held her hips as he thrust into her. She pushed back to meet him with every stroke.

The lights danced as they moved. She threw back her head with what he wanted to only be her first orgasm. He hoped he could hold on for more than one. Her body clenched around him.

Why had he agreed that this was only business? It was so much more than that. She was so much more than any real girlfriend he’d ever had.

Her breath came out in pants. He stroked a little faster, wanting to wring at least one more out of her. Could he?

She pushed back at him harder than before, and he sped up. And there it was. Her body clenching around him again. This time he had to follow her over. Spilling his seed, but not really.

He clenched her hips as he pistoned in for the last part of his climax. Damn.

He wasn’t sure he could hold himself from falling on her. He tied up the condom and put it on a paper napkin. He didn’t want to move from her. Riley was now sprawled on his floor, her head resting on her hands.

She still stared at the view.

He slid up her body to cover hers with his. “Good?”


He kissed the top of her head then rolled off of her. Grabbing the robes, he put them over both of them like covers. She turned her head to him. “What was that?”

“What do you mean?”

“You seemed more desperate,” she said.

She’d felt it. She’d felt his emotion in that act. Damn. “No, just a different position. Might be fun to get a manual and try them all.”

She eyed him as if she didn’t believe him, but she didn’t say anything.


“That wasn’t it,” she said.

“That was part of it.”

She started to get up. He shook his head. “Don’t get up. I’ll get us some pillows.”

He returned with some large pillows, and he made her comfortable before he left to get the ice cream that Chef had made. She sat up as he handed her a bowl of it.

“I’ll feed you.”

“You are in a mood tonight,” she said.


“You’re being very sweet. Very boyfriend-like.”

He wondered if he’d crossed a line. She wasn’t mad, but she seemed wary. Maybe he shouldn’t wear his heart on his sleeve. She might squash it. The thought hadn’t occurred to him. She might not feel the same.

Now he knew how all of his previous girlfriends felt. They must have had feelings for him, and he’d never considered them. He just dumped them when he was bored. The same thing would happen to him.

Riley wasn’t shallow. She was smart and ambitious. Smarter than he would ever be. How could he ever keep up? She’d get bored of him, so he shouldn’t try to keep her. If she wanted to leave he would have to let her.

She ate her ice cream in silence. She put down the bowl. “What’s wrong?”

He couldn’t tell her. Instead he said, “I’m not truly on board with you meeting this person. I want to go with you.”

“No. They will most likely clam up or not meet me if you are there.”

She had a point. At least he’d deflected from his real feelings. She would never know them, and he knew he was a coward for not saying something. He was the man. He was supposed to be strong, but he had a feeling that when Riley left she’d take a piece of him with her.

“I guess that’s true. You have to call me as soon as it’s all done. When are you meeting this person?”

“I haven’t set it up yet.”

She didn’t make eye contact when she said that. She was lying, but he had an ace in the hole. Kent would let him know what was going on. Hopefully she hadn’t charmed him. The man should remember who paid him. Not Riley.

As adorable as she could be, she wasn’t his paycheck. Dirk was.

“Well, let me know when you have. I’d also like to know what Kent has to say and his idea for the logistics of this.”

“Sure. I’m sure he’ll have a lot to say.”

“Please do whatever he says.”

“Dirk, I will. I said I would. Let it go.”

Strong words from someone who was lying to him. He’d let it go because he’d figure it out eventually. He took their bowls, and then Riley helped him clear the table. He could leave it for his housekeeper. She was in tomorrow, but Riley insisted on cleaning up the kitchen.

“Okay,” he said.

Later they snuggled in front of a movie. Dirk was beginning to like movies, and it kept Riley resting. That way she’d heal and feel better. He liked her healthy and felt bad that she’d been injured on his job.

His movie was another romantic comedy. Riley’s favorite. He didn’t care as long as he could spend the time with her. He’d miss this when she was gone, but he knew they had no choice.

He had no choice, and that didn’t make him happy.



Chapter Seven

Dirk left for work, and Riley got down to business with Kent. She wanted them to strategize. Joan was on her way over. Another body to help. Another brain to come up with ideas.

An excitement ran through Riley. Maybe this time she’d get the information and this case would be done.

Kent sat in his usual spot at the kitchen island, reading a newspaper this time. He turned his gaze to her, wariness in his eyes. Had Dirk warned him that she might do something like this?


“Hello, Riley. You look like you are up to no good.”

She laughed. “I have an appointment. With someone who might be able to give me information about what’s going on at Dirk’s company.”


“I’ve told the person that I won’t meet him alone. That’s not an option. Here’s the address and time.”

The doorbell rang. Kent rose. “I’ll get it.”

“Of course.”

He’d answered the few times someone had rung the doorbell. Kent’s voice was clearly warmer when he realized it was Joan. Riley hadn’t had a chance to talk to Joan about it, but the date must have gone well. They chatted for a moment before they entered the kitchen.

Both had smiles on their faces. Riley smiled back, liking that they were getting along well.

Of course, she was probably going to lose her friend, but she was happy to see Joan happy. Even if Riley herself didn’t want the same things as Joan, she wanted the woman to get her life wishes.

Looked like Kent might be it.

Now to business.

“We have an hour to figure this out before we need to get on the road,” Riley said.

Her two companions turned serious.

“I’m meeting him at another coffee shop.”

“You’re sure this is a man?” Kent said.

“I’m going with it being a man. It could be a woman,” Riley said.

The two sat. Riley showed them a Google Earth photo of the area. “This isn’t a bad neighborhood. It’s the middle of the day. I can’t see what can go wrong.”

“Where do I fit in?” Joan said.

“I’m not sure. I’m hoping Kent can help us with logistics.”

She turned to him.

“I don’t want Joan involved if this is dangerous.”

Already? He was protecting her. Nice.

“I don’t think it will be. The person assured me that he had nothing to do with my attack. My instincts tell me that it had nothing to do with this case, but I don’t want to risk anyone’s life.”

“Good. Now, we’ll go together. Of course parking will be crappy, but I can get us a driver who is a whiz at getting around Manhattan,” Kent said.

“On short notice?”

“He’s my brother, and he’s between jobs at the moment.”

Riley nodded, glad that Kent wasn’t giving her a hard time.

“Okay. Then we’re set?” Riley said.

“I’m not sure what my role is?” Joan said.

“To stay here,” Kent said.

Joan crossed her arms. “I’m here. I’m part of this. I’ll sit at another table, but I’m not staying here.”

He frowned. “I’m not happy about this.”

“We had one date, Kent. You don’t get to tell me what to do. Ever,” Joan said.

The frown didn’t leave his face. “Something odd happens, you leave. You go find the car and stay there,” he said.

Joan’s gaze didn’t waver. “Maybe.”

Kent’s eyes fell closed, and a sigh escaped his lips. “Fine.”

“Can we go now?” Riley said. “I want to get this done. I’d like to make some headway on this case.”

Kent nodded then called his brother.

Riley snagged Joan’s arm and dragged her out into the living room. “How’d your date go?”

“Really well. We’re seeing each other again tomorrow night.”


“Not impressed with that Neanderthal behavior,” Joan said.

Riley understood. They’d both been on their own for a while and had made many life decisions without a man. Riley would bristle if Dirk started sticking his nose into all of her life. He’d kept himself to her business life. That was fine. That meant she’d easily extricate herself from the situation when the job finished.

But did she want to?

Her head had one answer. Her heart had another. She wasn’t one to follow her heart. She was a scientist who relied on facts and figures and reality. Dirk wasn’t going to marry her. No matter what she felt for him.

He didn’t feel the same way, and that was okay. She had to get her job done and move on. The sooner she did that, the less broken her heart would be. Berating herself for feeling anything for Dirk would not help anyone.

She felt something. Her heart would break. No need to dwell on it.

“I can understand that, but it means he sees something in you that he wants to keep safe,” Riley said.

“We aren’t damsels in distress,” Joan said.

“No, we aren’t. Dirk once said that he doesn’t open the door for me because I can’t, he does it because he wants to.”

Joan shrugged. Kent finished his conversation and found them.

“He’ll be here in ten minutes.” He turned to Joan. “I can’t talk you out of this?”


He pressed his lips together. “Okay.”

“We ready?” Riley said.


“Anything we should bring?” she said.

“I don’t have your cell number, Riley,” Kent said.

She gave it to him as he typed it into his phone. She had his, and clearly he had Joan’s. He rattled off his brother’s number.

“If anything goes down, anything at all, or if you don’t feel safe, get out. Call my brother Sid and get to him,” Kent said.

He looked at both of them pointedly.

“We understand,” Riley said.

She was anxious to get there. Her nerves were beginning to bug her, but she wasn’t backing down. She was brave, but not dumb, and she wanted to end this job before her heart would break permanently.


Dirk looked out the window to see a really beautiful day. Marcia put some papers on his desk.

“I used to rarely see you look out the window, boss,” Marcia said.

“I know.”

“I think Riley is getting you to see things differently in life.”

The idea chafed at him. Riley had gotten so far under his skin, it would hurt when she was gone. “I guess.”

Marcia laughed. “Wasn’t sure it would happen to you.”


“Falling in love.”

Love? No way. Riley challenged him. That’s why she was always on his mind. “I don’t think so.”

“I bet that you were just thinking about knocking off early and taking Riley out for lunch. Maybe even a picnic.”

He had been. “Am I that transparent?”

“Yes, you are.”

Marcia chuckled.

She leaned against his desk, taking in the view with him.

“Or one of those outdoor restaurants. There’s no rain in the forecast,” Marcia said.

“Are you trying to get rid of me?”

“It is easier to get work done when you are actually working. Or if you’re gone.”

He eyed her. “Really? Has this always been?”

“No, just since Riley’s in your life. She’s been good for you. Got you out of your comfort zone.”

Had she? He’d never watched movies before this. He was always working. Always chasing the better client. The better employee. Now he’d built an empire. Should he stop and enjoy himself?

Would someone get ahead of him if he did? Probably not. He was too far out in front of this race.

That clinched it. One half-day was not going to put him behind. He stood. “I’m going out to lunch with Riley.”

Marcia smiled. “You need to tell her how you feel.”

“I don’t think I feel that way, Marcia.”

She shook her head as he grabbed his suit jacket, then left. He was about to dial Riley’s number when he decided to surprise her. He hopped in his car.

“You’re chipper, Mr. Trent,” he said.

“When was the last time you remember me taking a half day?” Dirk said

“I can’t ever, sir. Home?”

“Yes. And take the rest of the day off.”

“Really? Thanks.”

“Yep. I’ll drive myself if I go anywhere, though I suspect we’ll walk.”

He leaned back in the seat, and watched the buildings go by. Not much scenery, but he never really looked at it.

His driver pulled into his building ten minutes later. Traffic was much lighter, so the trip had taken so little time. He waved goodbye to his driver, then rode the elevator up this penthouse. As soon as he opened the door, he knew no one was there.

Where had they gone? At least Riley had gone with her bodyguard. He didn’t want her to be irresponsible.

He changed into more casual clothes. They hadn’t returned. He called Riley’s cell. She didn’t answer. It didn’t go right to voicemail, so her phone was on. Briefly, he thought about looking up where her phone was located, but he decided to trust her. That would be intrusive, and she hadn’t tried to go anywhere by herself.

Instead, he called Kent, who put him right to voicemail. “Does he forget who is paying his salary?”

He called again. This time Kent answered. “Mr. Trent. We’re about to meet this person.”

“What person?”

“The person who is going to give Riley some information for the case she is doing for you.”

What the hell? “Did you clear this with me?”

“Uh, Riley said she ran it by you.”

“She mentioned it, but I never approved this field trip.”

“I was under the impression that you knew about it.”

“Where are you?”

He gave Dirk the address. “Stay put.”

“We’re about to make contact.”

“No, in fact. Leave. Don’t make contact. I don’t want Riley in any danger.”

“She’s perfectly safe. I wouldn’t have done this if I’d thought there was danger. That is my job, Mr. Trent.”

“Just get out of there,” Dirk said.

He jammed his finger to disconnect the call. Damn that Riley. She’d hoodwinked Kent. She’d convinced him to take her out for this meeting. What were they thinking? Then he remembered that he’d given his driver the rest of the day off.

He had a backup car service, so he called them. A car arrived fifteen minutes later. He would pick up Riley and bring her home. What was he going to do? She’d pissed him off. He’d have to fire Kent, but he couldn’t do that until he found another bodyguard.

That woman was going to give him a heart attack.

He dialed her number again. She still didn’t answer. Now he was really pissed. What was happening? He wouldn’t be satisfied until he heard her voice. To get her off of this job, he was going to have to fire her company. He wasn’t happy, but would that get her fired?

He hoped not, but he was out of ideas to keep Riley safe. She refused to back down on this case, and she was going to get hurt again. He couldn’t handle that again.

This was why he didn’t want to be in love with anyone. This pain in his chest that increased with every red light they encountered. Kent hadn’t called him back to confirm that the meeting had been aborted.

No one was listening to him.

Not even the driver, who didn’t take the route that Dirk had suggested. Now they sat in traffic, and who knew what was happening to Riley. He hoped he hadn’t been too late. Or he wouldn’t be too late.

Finding this problem in his company was not worth anyone’s life. It certainly wasn’t worth Riley’s life.

He’d have to implement Marcia’s plan and see what happened. They could flush out this person another way. He should have made that clear to Riley. He should have insisted that she was off the case.

He’d been blinded, and now she was going to get hurt again. It would be his fault.











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