Read Gravel's Road Online

Authors: Winter Travers

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Contemporary, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Contemporary Fiction, #Romance

Gravel's Road (8 page)

BOOK: Gravel's Road
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“Babe, no,” Lo said, dumping his empty glass in the sink and walked over to Meg.

“Why the hell not?” Meg demanded.

“Cause you have that college thing with Remy tomorrow, remember,” Lo reminded her.

“Oh shit, you’re right.’ Meg looked at Marley and gave her a sad smile. ‘My son is going away to college next year. We’re going to an open house tomorrow at one of the colleges he is thinking about going to.” Meg turned her head, wiping away a tear. I remember how I felt when Lo left the house. It broke my heart.

Meg put on a good front, always trying to look happy, but I knew she had a lot of things going on.

“You can’t come with,” Meg said, standing up and walking into Lo’s open arms.

“I can if you want me to.”

Meg shook her head no and wiped her nose on Lo’s shirt. “No. Hunter is going to be there tomorrow. It’s best if I just go with Remy.”

“Meg, he’s going to meet me one day, might as well be tomorrow,” Lo insisted.

“Nope. Not happening.’ Meg pulled away from Lo and walked over to Cyn and Rigid, giving them both quick hugs. She came over to me, wrapping her arms around me. ‘Thanks for today. It was fun, but I bet tonight is going to be even more fun.” She giggled.

“Meg, you need to let my boy in all the way,” I whispered back, ignoring her ribbing about Gravel and I. Meg did anything to avoid a topic she didn’t want to talk about.

“He is in all the way,” she insisted.

I gave her a knowing look, letting her know I knew she was lying. “You know what you need to do, Meg,” I said sternly.

She rolled her eyes at me and dragged her feet back over to Lo. “You can come with,’ Meg mumbled. Lo winked at me, knowing I had convinced Meg he needed to go. ‘But if there is any bloodshed, I swear I won’t talk to you for a week, Lo.”

“Alright, babe. The silence might be nice for a change.”

Meg swung at Lo, but he ducked, darted to the left and made his escape out the front door.

“If Lo kills Hunter, you all are-“

“Going to throw a party!” Cyn interrupted Meg. Rigid and Gravel both burst out laughing, and Marley covered her mouth with her hand, smothering her laugh.

“Ugh!” Meg groaned and stormed out the door.

“Do you think Meg will let us come along and watch King meet Hunter?” Cyn asked Rigid, beaming up at him.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Rigid chuckled.

“Probably right. I’m sure Meg will tell us all about it later.” Cyn yawned, smothering it with the back of her hand.

“Come on, beautiful. Time to get you home,” Rigid said as he grabbed Cyn’s hand and led her to the front door.

Gravel and I followed and stood on the front porch, watching them leave. Cyn turned around and threw us a wave, and then they roared down the driveway on his bike.

“Marley can stay the night, Gravel. It’s only one night,” I said, leaning into his side.

“No, let me borrow your car. I’ll show her where the hotel is get her checked in, and then I’m coming back here, to you, and doing what I’m been wanting to do for the past fifteen years,” Gravel said, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me flush against him.

“Fifteen years, really?” I asked, lifting my head up to look at him. It was hard to believe that Gravel had wanted me since the day he meet me.

“Yeah, darlin’, definitely fifteen years.” He pressed a kiss to my forehead and walked back into the house.

I looked around the yard, still seeing a bunch of wood that needed to be picked up for the club, but it was at least neatly piled, ready.

It had been a good day. Excluding the whole Lo and Gravel standoff, it was definitely a good day. I was still in shock that Gravel had basically claimed me in front of most of the clubhouse.

I didn’t spend a lot of time at the club, but I knew what Gravel had done today was a big deal.

Now he was going to claim me tonight. I hadn’t had sex for so many years; I was afraid and hesitant on being with Gravel. I knew he was still very much sexually active, and just I hoped I would be able to keep up with him.

“Hotel is only a couple of miles away from here. I’ll lead you in Ethel’s car. We’ll be over in the morning to help you figure things out, and also have that talk you know is going to happen,” Gravel said as he walked out of the front door with Marley following behind him.

“I already told you everything I’m going to, Lincoln,” Marley said.

“There’s more, Marley, and you are going to tell me,” Gravel shot back.

“Whatever. I’m tired, can we just get going?” Marley crossed her arms over her chest, and a shiver ran through her.

It was September, and there was a chill in the air, even though it was only seven.

“Follow me,” Gravel grumped.

He grabbed my hand, tugging me to him and pressed a quick kiss to my lips. “I won’t be long. Be ready,” he growled.

A shiver ran through my body, and I leaned into him, kissing him. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and wished he didn’t have to leave.

He pulled away, pressing a quick kiss to my forehead again and walked over to my car and lead Marley down the driveway. I watched until their taillights faded and headed back into the house.

I cleaned up the kitchen, all the while jumping at every noise I heard, thinking it was Gravel.

I flipped all the lights off, leaving the porch light on for Gravel. I walked down the hall, looking to Gravel’s open bedroom door, realizing he wouldn’t be sleeping in there anymore. Things had changed, and now he would be with me every night.

Opening the door to my room, I flipped on the light and walked over to my vanity, sat on the stool I had sitting in front of the mirror and grabbed my brush. I pulled it through my hair, watching myself in the mirror.

My hair had gone white right around when I had turned forty. I had always had very pale blonde hair, so my hair turning white hadn’t surprised me. I had never been real thin or big. I was average in looks and weight.

My body was in good shape, although things weren’t as tight as they used to be. I hoped that Gravel would be happy with what he had chosen today. I knew that I was not going to be disappointed with him.

I had never seen a man age as well as Gravel had. Whenever he hugged me, I could feel his firm and youthful body. Thank god, he had trimmed his beard. He had such a long beard for a while that it made him look older than he was. Now, with it cut closer to his face, he looked twenty years younger. I could see why he had no problem getting women, he was handsome.

I finished with my hair and slipped out of my clothes. I pulled the pale yellow, lace nightgown out of my dresser and pulled it over my head.

I flipped off the lights and turned on the bedside lamp, illuminating the room with a soft glow. Turning down the covers, I slid in, crossed my hands in my lap, and waited for Gravel.


Chapter 10


It had only taken minutes to get Marley checked in, and we headed to her room. I had insisted she had the closest one to the main office and that the hallway be well lit.

She slid the keycard into the slot and opened the door. A wave of cold air hit me, and I walked over to the AC and turned it down. I doubted she would need it at all tonight, but I would let her decide later if she wanted it on.

“Thanks for helping, Lincoln. I think I’m just going to turn in for the night,” Marley said, plopping her bag on the bed and unzipped it.

“I know you don’t want to talk about it, Marley, but I need you to tell me one thing.”

“Fine, one thing,” she said, not looking at me. She pulled clothes out of her bag and tossed them on her pillow.

“Look at me,” I insisted.

She turned her head and looked me in the eye. “What is it?”

“Are you safe? Is whatever you’re running from chasing you?” I asked. I needed to know that when I left, I wasn’t leaving her for some psycho to come fuck with.

“I’m safe, Lincoln. Nobody is chasing after me.” She grabbed her bag and tossed it on the floor next to the bed.

“Ok,’ I said, running my fingers through my hair. I believed her, but I still knew there was something not right. ‘I’ll leave you with my phone number. Just call in the morning when you want me to come over,” I said, looking around for a pad of paper. I saw one sitting by the phone and scribbled down my number with the pen sitting next to it.

“Call if you need anything,” I said, walking to her and pressing the paper in her hand.

“Thanks, Lincoln,” she said, grabbing the paper and putting it in her pocket.

I walked to the door, my hand on the handle when I turned around to face her. “I know I wasn’t there as much as I should have been, but I’ll be here now if you want me to be.”

“Ok,” she whispered.

I saw a tear run down her cheek, but she quick swiped it away, not wanting me to see it. “Night, Marley.”

“Night, Lincoln.”

“Would it kill you to call me Dad?” I asked, not liking that she only called me Lincoln.

“Maybe one day. For now it’s Lincoln.”

I nodded my head, understanding she didn’t see me as a dad. I grabbed the handle, opening the door and walked out. I twisted the handle after it shut, making sure it was locked and was satisfied when it didn’t open again.

I walked to Ethel’s car but didn’t get in. I leaned up against the car and crossed my arms over my chest.

I had really fucked things up with Marley. I should have made more of an effort to see her when her mom took off with her, but I didn’t. It all came back to the fact that I wasn’t ready to settle down.

Running my fingers through my hair, I wondered if I was even ready now to settle down. I didn’t want to hurt Ethel if things didn’t work out between us. But God dammit, I couldn’t walk away from her. She had this pull over me that made me want to stay and never leave. When I’m with her, I feel like I have been missing something my whole life.

She even understands my love for the club and the Brotherhood of the Knights. I’d be a fool for leaving her, but I felt like an ass for staying with her, not knowing if I would be able to stay forever.

I was going to try, though. I knew, deep down, that Ethel could be the one person who could make me stay and not want for anything else.

So first I was going to go home and give Ethel everything I had to give and tomorrow I was going to do everything in my power to make things better with Marley.


Chapter 11


I heard the car door slam and knew Gravel was home. I had been a raging ball of nerves waiting for him. It felt like I was seventeen all over again. I still remember that night I lost my virginity, and it was a freakin’ nightmare. I prayed my night with Gravel would end much better.

“Ethel,” he called as he walked through the door. I heard the door shut behind him, and the lock slid into place.

“I’m in the bedroom,” I called back, my voice husky and soft.

I heard his boots hit the floor as he took them off, dropping them by the front door like he always did these past few weeks. We had somehow forged a pattern and level of complacency I didn’t even realize.

He made his way down the hall and stood in the doorway of my room. “You got the house all locked down?” He asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

Gah, the man was gorgeous. It ought to be illegal to be his age and look the way he did. “Yup. All done,” I replied, not taking my eyes off his sculpted arms.

“Did you miss me?” He smirked.

“You’re an ass.’ I laughed. ‘You were only gone for a half an hour, if that.”

“Long enough for you to miss, darlin’. I know I missed you,” he said, pushing away from the door and walked into the room.

He pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it in the direction of the hamper, missing. “You missed me?” My eyes glued to his chest.

“You’re hard to forget, Ethel.” His eyes trained on me. His hands went to the button on his jeans and popped them open.

“Wait!” I yelled, not wanting this to go on without getting a few things straight between the two of us.

“What is it?” he asked, his eyes watching me.

“I want you, Gravel, more than you’ll ever know, but…” I dropped my eyes from his and looked away.

“But what, darlin’?” He asked, moving to the foot of the bed and crawling up next to me.

“It’s just I haven’t had sex in a while. I know that you are still really active, and I don’t want to be compared to the girls you’ve had, knowing that I won’t be able to measure up.”

Gravel reached up, grabbing my chin with his fingertips and lifted my head up to look him in the eye. “Ethel, you don’t need to worry. All those girls in the past, are just that; the past. The only thing that matters is you and me in this bed right now. I don’t want you to think that you have to be something you aren’t to impress me.”

“But I’m not young anymore, Gravel.”

“Ethel, if I wanted to be with any of those other girls right now, I wouldn’t be here with you. I know that you are something special that not all men get in their lives. The fact that you are even going to let me in your bed blows me. Makes me want to be a better man than I have ever been,” he confessed, stroking my chin with his fingers.

“You always have been a good man, Gravel. You didn’t try to seduce me when I was with Henry. I think that says a lot about you. Not a lot of men would set aside their feelings for a woman because they don’t think they are good enough.”

“I’m not good enough-,” Gravel started, but I leaned up, silencing his doubts with my lips.

“You are good enough,” I whispered, our lips rubbing against each other.

“You’re wrong darlin’, but I’m not going to argue with you.” His fingers delved into my hair, gripping my head.

I grabbed his biceps, pulling him back with me as I fell into the pile of pillows I had at the head of the bed. “Don’t you know you’re never supposed to tell a woman she’s wrong?” I laughed as he sprawled out on top of me. He straddled my hips and I could feel his cock through his jeans.

“Maybe that’s why I’ve never been able to keep a woman, I always tell them they’re wrong,” he said, brushing a kiss on my lips.

“I think it has more to do with the fact that they were just the wrong kind of woman, in general,” I bantered back.

“So does that mean you’re the right kind of woman for me?” He asked, his hand snaking down my side and tugging the hem of my nightgown up.

“I’ll be whatever you want me to be, Gravel,” I purred, feeling his rough, calloused hand against my leg.

“Hmm, just how I like it,” he growled. I arched my back, giving him access to pull my nightgown all the way up to my breasts.

He looked down at my body, his eyes roaming over my black lace panties and not much else. “You’re like water to a man who’s been in the dessert for a week.”

“And you sure know how to give a compliment.” I smiled, loving the fact that Gravel liked the way I looked. I tried to stay fit and in shape, and all my walks through the woods and weekly Zumba classes seemed to pay off.

“I just call ‘em like I see ‘em, darlin’.” He ran his hands over my stomach; his thumbs grazing the bottom of my breasts and a shiver ran through my body.

“Fuck me, this is going to be good. Lean forward,” he ordered pulling my nightgown up further and pulling it over my head. I leaned back in the pillows and cupped my breasts in my hands.

Gravel growled, low and deep in throat and his eyes turned cloudy with desire. I still knew how to drive a man crazy. “I need you, Lincoln,” I purred, knowing saying his name would drive him crazy with desire.

He grasped my arms, tugging them up over my head and he devoured my breasts with his mouth. I arched my back into his mouth, wanting more.

I tugged my arms out of his grasp, wanting to touch him. I trailed my fingertips down his back and wrapped my hands around the waistband of his jeans. “I need this off,” I gasped as Gravel sucked my nipple into his mouth.

His hands left my breasts, but his mouth stayed, sucking and licking my nipples. He tugged the zipper down on his jeans, and I helped him pull them down and he kicked them on the floor.

My hands roamed over his body, feeling the hard plains and valleys of his sculpted back. “You feel so good,” I murmured.

“Not half as good as you taste, darlin’.” His mouth traveled up my chest, trailing kisses along my neck and jaw.

His mouth left a heated trail that I would never forget how it felt. His mouth devoured mine, commanding me to give him everything I had.

His hand traveled down my body, cupping my mound. “Mine,” he growled against my lips.

“Yours,” I assured him, knowing I would never be the same after Gravel, not wanting to be any ones but his.

He tore his lips from mine, balancing on his knees and worked his underwear down his legs. His cock bobbed heavily, almost waving at me.

I waved back and giggled. “Did you just wave at my dick, darlin’?” Gravel asked, a smirk playing on his lips.

“It was waving at me, the only polite thing to do was to wave back.”

“Not sure if polite is what I want right now,” he said, reaching down, stroking his cock.

I bit my lip, watching him. I ran my hands down my body and tugged my underwear down my legs and tossed them on the floor. I laid back down, Gravel’s gaze still on me as he continued to stroke himself.

“Touch yourself,” he ordered his voice stern and filled with lust.

I tentatively ran my fingertips down my sides and cupped my breast. My thumbs brushed against my nipples, and another shiver ran through my body, my nipples sensitive from Gravel.

Tweaking my nipples, my back arched, enjoying Gravel’s piercing gaze on me, watching every move I made.

“Who do you belong to, Ethel?” Gravel growled, his breath shallow and labored.

My gaze dropped to his dick, his strokes fast and harder. “I belong to you, Lincoln.”

“Son of a bitch,” he growled as he tore his hand off his dick and fell on top of me.

He hands and mouth were everywhere. I delved my fingers through his hair, tugging his head up to mine.

“Greedy,” he whispered as he claimed my mouth, his tongue dancing with mine.

“I need you. Now,” I purred against his lips. I bucked my hips, hinting at what I wanted.

He reached down, grabbing his cock and stroked it. “Is this was you need?” He asked, taunting me.

“Please,” I begged. I needed him; he was driving me crazy with just his kisses alone.

He stopped stroking his cock and cupped my mound. His finger slipped inside and started stroking my clit. I whimpered at his touch, and bucked my hips into his hand, reaching for more.

“So greedy,” he growled, his finger flicking my clit.

“I wouldn’t be so greedy if you would just give me what I want,” I countered, impatient.

“You’ll get exactly what you want, darlin’,” he said, his finger speeding up, driving me insane.

“Gravel,” I moaned, feeling myself getting ready to tip over the edge.

“That’s it, darlin’. Beg for it. Tell me what you want.”

“I want you, please,” I pleaded, the edge getting closer and closer. I bucked my hips again, demanding more.

“Say my name,” he whispered against my lips.

“Lincoln,” I moaned, a tremor rocking through me.

His hand left me, and I felt his dick at my entrance, ready. “Make sure this is what you want, darlin’. Once we do this, I can guarantee I will never let you go.”

“I want it, Lincoln. I’ve wanted it for so long, please.” If Gravel didn’t give me what I wanted, I was going to go crazy. I had never been so turned on in all my life.

I reached over, grabbing the bottle of lube I had placed there earlier. Things were not as moist as they used to be. I tossed it to him, and he popped the cap open and spread it over his cock. He put the cover back on and threw it on the floor.

He slowly pushed into me and I planted my feet on the bed and opened my hips wider.

“Holy shit, Ethel,” he groaned as he pushed all the way.

He stayed seated in me, not moving and looked down at me. “You’re mine.”

“I’m yours,” I promised, trailing my fingertips down his chest.

He slowly pulled out, and I moaned, missing the fullness of him. He slowly plunged back in, and we both moaned when he was fully seated again. “I don’t know what I did to deserve you, woman. But you better believe I am going to do everything in my power to keep you,” he said as he pulled back out and steadily began to plunge in and out.

I clenched the walls of my pussy, and he groaned as I milked his cock with my pussy. “Fuck me,” he growled.

He sped up, the walls of my pussy tightening around him as he drove me closer to the edge with each thrust.

“Lincoln,” I moaned, closing my eyes and throwing my head back. I had never felt something so wonderful before.

“Not yet, darlin’,’ he growled, ‘You’re going to wait for me. I want you cumming around my dick.”

He grabbed my hands that were traveling down his chest and held them above my head and caged me in with his arms.

“Don’t stop,” I called while he pounded into me. He lowered his mouth to my breast and made love to them while I arched my hips up to his.

“Lincoln!” I called as I fell over the edge when Gravel sucked my nipple into his mouth and gently nipped it. My head was swimming with desire, and all I could feel was Gravel.

“Ethel,” he groaned, thrusting one last time as he came inside me. He collapsed down onto his forearms, his breathing heavy and labored.

He placed tiny kisses along my neck and jaw, muttering sweet words. “A girl could get used to that.” I marveled as I stroked his back with my fingertips.

“I hope not right away. I think you might have broken me.” He chuckled, he face buried in my neck.

“Maybe I’ll be recovered in a week,” I joked, knowing I wouldn’t be able to last that long without having Gravel again.

He held two fingers up but didn’t say anything.

“Two minutes?” I asked, astonished he would be able to go again that soon.

“Darlin’. No,” he mumbled.

“Two hours?” I guessed. If he really wanted to go again that soon, I would give it my best shot not to fall asleep.

He shook his head no, not talking.

“Two days?!”

He shook his head yes and chuckled. “Maybe not exactly two days, but I can guarantee you have put me out of commission at least until this time tomorrow,” he muttered.

He rolled off of me and laid on his back on the other side of the bed. I turned on my side, propping my head up with my hand. “I find it hard to believe that, Gravel, the big, bad biker, needs that long to recoup. I call bull.”

“Is that so?” He asked, smothering a yawn with the back of his hand. He turned his head to look at me with a sleepy smile on his face.

“Yes, that is so.”

“How about I try to prove you wrong tomorrow night? My shoulder is killing me and your pussy just drained the last ounce of energy I had out of me,” he said, exhausted.

I glanced at his shoulder that now had a nasty, angry red, raised, puckered scar. “Are you ok?” I asked, concerned that I had hurt him.

“I can honestly say that I have never been better, darlin’. Just a little sore. I’m resting for five minutes and then I’m going to get some pills,” he said, closing his eyes.

“Stay here, I can go get them,’ I said, resting a hand on his chest. I sat up and leaned over, placing a kiss on his lips and stood up.

BOOK: Gravel's Road
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