Grave Insight (A Maddie Graves Mystery Book 2) (20 page)

BOOK: Grave Insight (A Maddie Graves Mystery Book 2)
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Sheldon lunged for her, but Maddie was ready. She gripped the bat with both hands and swung. Hard. When the bat connected with the side of Sheldon’s face, he looked momentarily surprised.

The sound of wood hitting bone was unmistakable, and Sheldon grunted upon impact. He tried to remain standing, but he was losing consciousness. Just as he hit the floor, the garage door flew open.

Maddie turned swiftly, prepared to fight off a second assailant if need be. Instead of death, though, Maddie came face to face with love as Nick stormed into the garage with Kreskin on his heels.

“Maddie?” Nick grabbed her, pulling her to him as Kreskin moved over to Sheldon and drew his gun.

“Nicky,” Maddie said, wrapping her arms around his neck. “Nicky.”

“I thought … I thought we were going to be too late.” Nick was crying. “I thought I was going to lose you.”

“You’ll never lose me, Nicky,” Maddie said, kissing his cheek. “You’ll never lose me. Not again. I promise.”


Nick found Maddie asleep on the window seat a few hours later. She’d answered questions for hours, and then asked a few of her own. While the crime techs were working, she’d disappeared into the house to rest. Nick had checked on her periodically, but he gave her the space she needed to process. He didn’t want to crowd her – or smother her.

While the paramedics said that Sheldon would survive, Nick wasn’t sure how he felt about it. Part of him was glad Maddie hadn’t killed him, because it would be hard for her to deal with on an emotional level. The other part of him didn’t want a piece of filth like Sheldon to go on living.

Nick shifted Maddie over slightly and climbed up on the window seat with her. Maddie instinctively reached for him, even though she didn’t wake up. Nick pulled her head onto his chest and kissed the top of her head.

That’s where Kreskin found them five minutes later. “The garage is clear. I made sure all the blood was cleaned up.”

“You didn’t have to do that,” Nick said. “I could have done it tomorrow.”

“I think you guys have dealt with enough,” Kreskin said. “It really wasn’t that bad. His shirt absorbed most of it. Do you want me to help you get her upstairs?”

Nick shook his head. “We can sleep here.”

“Isn’t that a little tight for you?”

“We’ve been sleeping here for years,” he said. “We make it work. Olivia built it for us so we had a place to hang out when she was working in the shop. It’s Maddie’s favorite place in the house.”

“Which means it’s your favorite place in the house,” Kreskin finished.

“Pretty much.”

“Is that who told you to go looking for Maddie tonight?” Kreskin asked.

Nick stilled. “What do you mean?”

“Right before you bolted out of the police station, you looked like you were listening to someone.”

“I wasn’t.” Nick felt panic well in his chest.

“You know there are rumors about Maddie, right?”

“I don’t care.”

“I’m just telling you that I know what’s going on here,” Kreskin said. “Olivia was known as a fake psychic, and yet people believed she was a real psychic. I’m guessing her daughter has the same gifts, which would explain why she ran as a teenager. Olivia came to you tonight, didn’t she? Only a mother could be strong enough to make you listen.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Kreskin pursed his lips. “You don’t have to tell me. I understand why you’re keeping it secret. Look at it this way, you learned a valuable lesson today.”

“And what lesson was that?”

“Maddie took care of herself,” Kreskin said. “In the end, she didn’t need you to rescue her.”

“She’s strong,” Nick said, rubbing the back of her head as she slumbered.

“She is. You are, too. You’re strong together. Now, why don’t you get some sleep together? You look exhausted.”

Kreskin moved toward the door. “Oh, you can have tomorrow off. It should be a slow day, and I’m betting you’d rather play kissy-face with her than work.”

“I’d always rather do that,” Nick said, grinning. “Thanks.”

“You’ve earned it. Do you want me to lock the door on the way out?”

“Maude will do it when she comes in.”

“Where is Maude?” Kreskin asked, looking around.

“I have no idea,” Nick said, rubbing his forehead. “She’s probably out stalking Edna Proctor.”

“Do you want me to find her?”

“No. She’ll come home when she’s good and ready.”

“Are you going to yell at her about the cup?”

“No,” Nick said. “Speaking of that, though, what are we going to do about Charles Harper?”

“I’ll pick him up tomorrow. Don’t worry about it.”

“You’re a good guy,” Nick said.

“So are you. Take care of your girl.”



woke an hour later to find Nick watching her sleep. “Hi.”

“Hi, love.”

“Why didn’t you wake me up?”

“How many times do I have to tell you, it’s a crime to wake a sleeping angel.”

Maddie smiled. “Are you hungry?”

“Not really,” Nick said. “You scared the hunger right out of me.”

“How did you know?”

“Your mother came to me. She was weak, but I could still hear her.”

“She’s the one who warned me,” Maddie said. “Sheldon said he was going to sneak up behind me and kill me, but Mom warned me so I wasn’t where he expected to find me. She saved me.”

“Even in death, Olivia is watching out for us,” Nick said. He kissed Maddie softly. “Do you want to go up to bed?”

“Are you tired?”

“I’m … exhausted, but I’m not sure I’m ready to sleep yet.”

Maddie smiled. “Good. I have an idea.”

Nick arched an eyebrow. “What idea?”

“Trust me.”


believe you want to do this,” Nick said, staring out at the placid water and smiling. When Maddie had suggested taking a walk to Willow Lake, Nick thought it was merely because she wanted to unwind. She had something else in mind, though.

“Why not? Don’t you want to?”

Nick smirked. “Maddie, just for the record, I always want to go skinny dipping with you. If it’s thirty degrees and freezing, if you’re going to be naked, I’m there. I just never thought you would be the one to suggest it.”

Maddie whipped her tank top off, revealing a pretty lace bra, and focused on him. “It’s come to my attention that I might be a little too timid.”

“You’re not timid, you’re cautious.” Nick found he could barely drag his eyes away from Maddie’s bra. “You know, I’m standing by my moratorium. We’re not doing it tonight. We’re both tired, and you’ve had a horrible day. I’m not marking one of the worst days of my life with something I’ve been dreaming about for a decade.”

“Who said anything about sex?” Maddie asked, unsnapping her jean shorts and letting them drop to the ground.

Nick almost growled when he saw her matching panties. Her body was a marvel. Her legs were long and lean, and her hips were narrow. Her abdomen was flat and defined, and her breasts were perfectly formed without being too large. He’d never seen anything more lovely.

“Can’t we just … swim?”

“Yes,” Nick said, automatically reaching for his shirt and stripping it off. He dropped his shorts a second later, and then waited, cocking an eyebrow in challenge. “Do you want me to go first, or are you going to go first?”

Maddie smiled. She didn’t say a word as she unfastened her bra and tossed it on the ground. She was silent when she pulled her panties down. The only sound Nick could hear was the beating of his own heart.

Maddie leaned over and kissed him, and then she turned and raced into the water – giggling like a madwoman as she ran. Nick watched her, love filling his heart. After a moment, he stripped off his boxers and followed.

He finally had everything he ever wanted, and now he was going to enjoy it. Nothing would ever separate them again.

Up Next


When you find the light, you finally get to embrace delight.


Nick Winters and Maddie Graves are officially a couple – and more importantly, they’re officially happy. They’re finally on the road to forever.

When a body washes up on the Lake Michigan shoreline, though, the couple finds themselves embroiled in another mystery – and the stakes are high.

Local teenager Hayley Walker was missing two weeks before her body was discovered, although her autopsy indicates she’s only been dead for twenty-four hours. Because of the age of the victim – and the way her body was discarded – the death rocks the community.

Between a suspicious boyfriend, legends of a local “pervert” running around the docks and a mysterious older fisherman, the couple have their pick of suspects. That’s on top of the teen’s parents, who are hiding a few secrets of their own.

Nick and Maddie have love on their side, even if they’re still struggling with Lila’s machinations and Cassidy’s anger at every turn.

When the pieces finally fit together, it might be too late for Maddie. Can Nick get to her in time, and can this couple give peace to a restless soul before it’s too late?


Grave Delight hits shelves July 21, 2015. It’s available


Author’s Note

I’m a romantic at heart. A true romantic. I love the idea of a happy ending, so much so I have trouble writing a sad one. The world is sad enough. I like escaping in fiction. That’s just me. I like sarcasm and snark – but I’m not sure a sad ending is in me. If you’re looking for an edge like that, you’re probably looking in the wrong place. Just FYI.

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This book is available for lending. Please do so.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

Books by Lily Harper Hart


Hardy Brothers Security

Deadly Intentions

Deadly Intuition

Deadly Illusions

Deadly Proposal

Deadly Prospects

Deadly Ever After

Deadly Honeymoon

Deadly Questions

Deadly Addition

Deadly Vacation

Deadly Secrets (Coming August 2015)

Deadly Storm (Coming September 2015)

Deadly Dealings (Coming October 2015)

Deadly Christmas (Coming November 2015)

Deadly Desperados (Coming December 2015)



A Maddie Graves Mystery


Grave Homecoming

Grave Insight

Grave Delight

Grave Misgivings (Fall 2015)


An Ivy Morgan Mystery

Wicked Days (July 2015)


BOOK: Grave Insight (A Maddie Graves Mystery Book 2)
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