Read Gracie's Touch Zion Warriors 1 Online

Authors: S E Smith


Gracie's Touch Zion Warriors 1 (22 page)

BOOK: Gracie's Touch Zion Warriors 1
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Gracie gasped as she felt the warmth inside her. She never knew a woman could feel so much of the man when he was buried in her like this. Gracie tried to push up off the bed but Kordon ran his hand down her spine until his palm was between her shoulder blades.

“Stay like this.” He groaned deeply. “I am not done. I have never been this swollen before and it is difficult to hold back.” He gritted out.

“What did you mean by your intentions to claim me?” Gracie groaned out as she felt the pull of Kordon as he began moving again.

She would be lucky if she could walk after this. Gracie stretched out gripping the far side of the bed with her hands and spreading legs further apart. She had no idea the position caused her ass to raise up and gave Kordon a better view of watching his cock disappearing into her. Gracie jumped when she felt his hard hands grip her ass in a bruising hold and he spread her cheeks.

“By the Gods Gracie, I can’t get enough of you.” Kordon whispered out hoarsely as he pumped into her faster and faster.

The sight was so erotic and the feel so sensual he exploded over her as her body suddenly clamped down on his. Their cries mingled and twisted together becoming one just as their bodies. Kordon collapsed over Gracie’s body protectively, caging her within his arms as he breathed deeply trying to catch his breath.

Kordon pressed a kiss to Gracie’s damp skin moaning as her body responded to the touch of his lips by milking more of his hot seed from his cock. He had never felt so sated or weak as he did now. His cock was still fused to Gracie as if it was determine she take everything he had inside him and more to make sure she would accept the child he wanted to give her.

“Kordon?” Gracie asked suddenly sleepy again.

“Yes, Gracie Jones.” Kordon replied softly continuing to press kisses into her shoulder and neck.

“What did you mean when you said you put in your intentions to claim me? I’m not some dog or car or anything, you know.” Gracie said sighing as her body relaxed in satisfaction.

Kordon chuckled. “I am not sure what a dog or a car is but you are mine. A Zion Warrior lets his council of elders know of his intentions to claim a female. He normally also informs the female’s family. Since you do not have a family that we know of I simply informed my clan’s council. My father is one of the members of the council and was very pleased with my choice.”

“Mmm, well, where I come from the guy asks the girl and if she says yes then they get together. I guess in a way they claim each other. Because I can tell you one thing, if you don’t ask me…” Gracie lifted her head just enough to look over her shoulder into Kordon’s eyes. “…then it’s not going to happen.”

Kordon chuckled at Gracie’s stubborn declaration. She might not admit it but she had already given him her answer. He would not be in the least bit surprised if he had not given her his seed. Her ability to not be intimidated by him also impressed him. He could not remember having a female who did everything she could to please him. Gracie looked at him as if she was his equal. Kordon gently pulled out of Gracie as he finally felt his cock soften enough. He pressed a gentle kiss to her shoulder as she moaned at his withdrawal. Kordon gently picked her up and took her back into the bathing stall.

“Isn’t this where we started?” Gracie asked as she leaned heavily against him.

Kordon couldn’t contain his laugh. “Yes, I believe it is. But, I will restrain myself this time. You need food and rest. I promised Toolas I would not tire you out too much. If I don’t feed you and let you get some rest she will ban me from the medical unit.” Kordon said as he gently washed her.

Gracie let her fingers follow the pattern of symbols running down the side of his body. Kordon groaned as her fingers traced the pattern on his hip. He reached down and grabbed her hand, pressing it against his hot flesh. His cock was beginning to swell again. Kordon gave a dry chuckle. This was unprecedented even for a Zion Warrior. Four orgasms with the intensity of the ones he just had normally required at least a few hours time before he should be ready to go again.

“Gracie, stop. I need to get some food into you. You were already too thin before. Toolas has been giving you supplements but it is not the same. You need to be fed. I swore when I first saw you that I would feed you until you were nice and plump.” Kordon said as he grabbed her other hand which was trying to join the first.

Gracie looked up at Kordon in disbelief. “You want me fat?”

Kordon flushed. “You could never be fat. But, I would not object to you being a little rounder. Especially…” Kordon whispered against the palm of the hand he pulled to his lips. “…if it is with my child.”

Gracie shivered as she felt Kordon touch his tongue to the center of her palm. “Okay. But, there will be no claiming B.S. unless you ask me first.” Gracie insisted sleepily.

Chapter 17

Gracie insisted she be allowed to move back into Kordon’s living quarters that night. They spent the rest of the evening eating, talking, touching, and sleeping. Gracie still couldn’t believe all the questions Kordon threw at her.

“What is your favorite color?” Kordon asked while feeding her.

Gracie rolled her eyes remembering how he insisted on feeding her every bit of the food he ordered. She finally gave up and just let him. If it made him happy than who was she to argue. She leaned back against the pillows he stacked behind her and opened her mouth for another piece of fruit.

“Dark blue.” Gracie replied licking the juice from her lips.

Kordon’s eyes followed Gracie’s tongue. “Why?” He asked in a distracted voice.

“Because I love your eyes. I’ve never seen such dark blue eyes before and yours are beautiful.” Gracie said leaning forward and dropping a kiss on his nose.

Kordon picked up another piece of fruit and fought back a groan as Gracie licked it before snapping it out of his fingers with her tiny, white teeth. “How would you feel about living on Zion?”

Gracie frowned. “I’m not sure. If I had a choice of living there with you then I’m okay with it. But, if you expect me to stay there while you are on the
it isn’t going to happen. I go where you go.” Gracie said firmly as she opened for another piece of fruit.

“Do you have family there?” Gracie asked suddenly. “You said your father was on the council, didn’t you? Do you think your folks will be okay with you choosing me?”

Kordon hated the sudden look of fear that came into Gracie’s eyes. “They will love you as I do. My mother will guide you on the ways of my people. Gracie, they will respect you as the warrior you are. This is a great honor and not given lightly. Tales of your skills and bravery are already being told on Zion. Many of the crewmen aboard the
are from Zion and they saw what you did.”

Gracie just nodded after that. They talked about what happened after she boarded the mother ship, how the other women came together to fight, along with many other subjects until Gracie finally fell into an exhausted, dreamless sleep in Kordon’s arms. Kordon stayed awake holding Gracie tight against him for over an hour before he was satisfied she was in a deep sleep.

Rolling out of bed, he glanced once more at Gracie’s sleeping figure before he moved into his living quarters. He opened the reports from his resources within the council and began reading. The more he read the darker his expression grew. He now understood what the human councilman was planning. He would kill the arrogant bastard first. He might just do it for thinking he could get away with his ludicrous plans. Kordon finished reading the report thoroughly before he called for Bran, Quan, and Cooraan to join him in his quarters.

Kordon walked quietly into the room and pulled on a pair of pants. He didn’t bother with a shirt. He stood over Gracie’s still figure smiling down at the way she was spread out over the bed in utter abandon. Her hair was spread across both their pillows, she had one arm tossed out as if she was looking for him and the other lay curled under her chin. She had one leg bent and the other thrown out so the tips of her toes peeked out from under the covers. Her dark lashes lay like beautiful crescents on her cheeks and her lips were parted as she softly snored. He didn’t like the dark shadows under her eyes but that would change. His father was pressuring him to become a member of the High Council on Zion. He could easily commute between his home and the capital city on Zion when needed. It would give him more time with Gracie and would make it easier to protect her.

Kordon turned when he heard the chime at the door indicating the men had arrived. Leaning over he brushed a soft kiss across Gracie’s forehead before turning and leaving the room. He ordered the door to close behind him so they did not disturb her.

Quan raised his eyebrows in surprise. Kordon must be upset if he was willing to pull himself away from his life mate long enough to meet with them. He looked like the warriors of old. The thin braid of hair with his family’s beads and colors braided into it swung behind him as he walked over to pour himself a drink. He indicated for the other men to help themselves. Quan moved silently over and poured a glass of the amber liquid before moving back towards the couch.

“So, what is important enough to pull you away from your mate’s bed at this time of night?” Quan asked before swallowing half the contents of the glass.

“The human councilman, Proctor.” Kordon said darkly. “He will be lucky if I don’t kill him tomorrow when we meet.”

Bran nodded and Cooraan grinned. “I never did like that slimy

Cooraan said. “Is it an assassination or just outright murder?”

Kordon turned and looked at the men who he knew would stand behind him. “He plans to claim Gracie as his own.” Kordon said coldly.

Bran grimaced while Quan jerked upright. Cooraan let out a low growl of anger. All three men were very protective of the little human female who sacrificed so much for others. None of them would stand by and let her be used for the political purpose of some over pompous ass trying to get re-elected to the council.

Bran spoke first. “What do you intend to do?” He asked.

“I’ve already petitioned my clan council for permission to claim Gracie as mine. They unanimously agreed. As far as I am concerned, she is my mate. The paperwork the Confederation requires is a mere formality I will do to appease them but I could care less of their requirements.” Kordon said before swallowing the contents of his drink in one swig.

Quan chuckled. “Need I remind you that as the Grand Admiral who is neck deep in the Confederation bureaucracy it might have an impact on your position if you don’t fill the necessary requirements?”

“Not to mention killing one of the councilmen.” Cooraan said before adding hastily. “Not that I don’t agree with you.”

Kordon studied each man for a moment before he replied. “I am resigning my position. I will be joining the High Council on Zion. I am taking Gracie to my home there.” Kordon said quietly.

Quan grinned widely. “Hope you like neighbors. I am taking Mohan there after I take her to see her parents. She has this idea I need to ask her father’s permission to claim her.”

Bran looked back and forth between the two men with a grin. “The High Council will be getting a good man.” Bran said to Kordon before turning to Quan with a smirk. “It is the Zion custom to ask the female’s family for permission, if you haven’t forgotten. What are you going to do if her father turns you down?”

Quan grinned. “Kill him, of course.”

Cooraan growled out lowly. “That will really endear you to Mohan.”

Quan chuckled and shook his head. “I have already gotten permission from both her parents and our clan council. I am merely taking her home to please her. She wishes to have both her parents bless our union as is the custom of her people. She is also worried about if I can handle having them as part of my family now. I guess her brothers are known to be a little wild.”

BOOK: Gracie's Touch Zion Warriors 1
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