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Authors: Aj Matthews

Tags: #Romance

Goodbye to You (37 page)

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A.J. Matthews wrote her first book at the age of six, a retelling of
The Three Little Pigs
. Illustrated by her grandmother, the book was never picked up and was self-published instead, glued to cardboard with a cover fashioned from wallpaper scraps. She’s written a lot in the ensuing years (though not every day,) and majored in English so she could write about books and earn a degree later in life—at the ripe old age of 35. Today, the Maryland native transplanted to central North Carolina pens stories featuring nice guys (or nice guys in-the-making) in between juggling jobs as a technical writer, a referee for two young daughters, and spoiler to a neurotic cat. She’s also a kick-ass autism mom. Special skills include consuming nachos, watching sports, eating an impossible amount of chocolate (this is a daily occurrence,) and making her husband shake his head. This also happens every day.

Say hello to A.J. at
, and
, where she shares yummy pics of hot guys, er, photos of research, for all of her planned books.

BOOK: Goodbye to You
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