Read Gone Away Online

Authors: Elizabeth Noble

Tags: #gay romance

Gone Away (4 page)

BOOK: Gone Away
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Riece retrieved his camera bag and checked a few things before slinging it over his shoulder. As an afterthought he grabbed a hoodie, one of the few things he’d hung up before going to Mason’s room earlier.

“Do you think we’ll see any? Maybe I can get some good shots,” Riece said. He turned and smiled at Mason.

Holding out one hand, Mason motioned to the camera bag. “Want me to hold that?” He took the bag’s strap before Riece could say anything and pulled it gently off his shoulder.

Riece shrugged into the sweatshirt, and Mason adjusted the strap on his own shoulder and waved at the door. “Ready?”

“I can carry that,” Riece said.

Mason smiled. “I know. But this way you can concentrate on what pictures you want to take.”

Riece suddenly felt a bit shy and flustered. This side of Mason popped out when he least expected it. A guy who was attentive and caring, Mason was also protective enough that Riece always felt secure in his presence. Mason pushed off the wall and took a step forward. He hooked one finger under Riece’s chin and tilted it up, bending to meet him as he did so. Mason pressed a soft, chaste kiss to Riece’s lips.

As he had before, Riece almost immediately leaned flush against Mason. He was that sort of man, the type someone could easily lean upon. He let his body mold to Mason’s, their breathing syncing almost immediately. For most of his life, Riece had avoided physical contact with others. Mason was different. When he was around Mason, Riece looked forward to a kiss, a hug, and more, but rarely more than he could handle at any given time.

Mason broke their kiss and backed away, pulling in a deep breath and sighing heavily. “I think if you want to take some photographs, we’d better stop now or we’ll never leave this room.” His voice was deep and mellow and incredibly sexy.

Riece nodded and stepped away far enough that Mason’s hand slipped from his waist. He zipped up his hoodie. “Guess we should go, then.”

“Guess we should.”



awake under the thick blankets. The luxurious feel of the soft sheets against his legs and groin and the way it caressed the hair along his legs and around his balls was sensual. He’d almost forgotten how much he enjoyed the sensation of sleeping naked. What he hadn’t forgotten was how wonderful it felt having the warm body of the man who was beside him tucked to his side.

He wasn’t in any hurry to get out of bed. Riece had spent a few hours last night experimenting with his camera and getting shots of the night sky. He’d shown Mason different filters and how they worked with night photography.

Although he’d left Riece in his own room, it wasn’t long before he was at Mason’s door. Mason had finished the kiss he’d begun after dinner, and they’d used another of the couples’ kits, taking their time rediscovering each other’s bodies. He closed his eyes, shifted to the side, and ran his hand lightly over Riece’s chest and belly to feel his body roll and stretch beneath Mason’s touch.

Riece sighed, and Mason felt how his chest expanded beneath his hand. When he opened his eyes, Riece smiled at him. “I’m glad we stopped here instead of driving straight through to South Dakota.”

Mason moved so he could speak near Riece’s ear. “Me too, and that you’re enjoying yourself.”

“I’m enjoying you too,” Riece said and blushed.

Brushing the backs of his fingers over Riece’s beard, Mason said, “That little bit of flush looks good on you.”

“You’re so proud you can make me blush, aren’t you?”

Mason moved his hand lower on Riece’s body until his fingertips brushed over the soft curls between Riece’s legs, making him shiver and suck in a deep breath. As he leaned over Riece and kissed his cheek, Mason spread his fingers out and slipped his hand over Riece’s hip. He moved his thumb in a steady motion, skimming the soft skin of Riece’s inner thigh.

Riece hooked one arm around Mason’s neck and nuzzled his cheek with a deep sigh. Running his tongue along Riece’s neck, Mason nudged his head back and sucked at his jawline.

“I’ve missed you,” Riece whispered and curved one leg around Mason’s.

Mason knew Riece was fishing for him to profess his feelings, but Mason couldn’t offer those sentiments right now. He hoped he could soon, but now wasn’t right for him, despite how he felt. He waited for Riece to get angry, pull away, and leave the room. Instead Riece exposed his neck, tucked more tightly against Mason, and used his leg to coax Mason to slide farther on top of him.

Pushing back onto his knees, Mason flipped Riece over and grabbed one of the little bottles of lube from the floor next to the bed. He nipped, kissed, and sucked along the back of Riece’s neck and down his spine to his shoulder blades. He flicked off the bottle’s cap, squeezed a generous amount of lube onto one hand, and used his other arm around Riece’s pelvis to lift his hips.

Riece was forced to lean on his arms. Mason pushed his hand, slick with warm and silky oil, between Riece’s asscheeks. Riece moaned and spread his thighs wider, leaning back against Mason’s hand. Riece had always liked sex a bit on the rougher side, and that seemed to have increased. He yelped out an “Oh,
yeah” when Mason shoved his thumb into Riece, bent it, and pressed against Riece’s sweet spot with no finesse or gentleness. He twisted his thumb until Riece was squirming, panting, and begging for more.

He sat back on his knees, dragging Riece with him. Without much preamble, he replaced his thumb with his cock. Mason adjusted his arms so he had a firm grasp on Riece’s waist and yanked them as close together as he could. Hips jerking frantically, Mason pumped into Riece. Freeing one hand, he reached around and pressed two fingers to Riece’s taint

That earned him another ecstatic yelp, and Riece’s head dropped back onto Mason’s shoulder. He reached behind Mason and dug his fingers into the backs of Mason’s thighs. It had always been something unspoken between them that Riece never touched himself until Mason wanted him to. Mason could manhandle Riece however he liked, take him in whatever position or place he desired. The harder Mason pushed, the rougher he was, the more Riece’s breath came in fits and spurts. Riece’s sheer submission was intoxicating.

Mason couldn’t move well in this position, so he shoved Riece forward and pulled out of him with a powerful shudder. Forcing Riece forward and onto his forearms again, he plunged back in deep. Gripping Riece’s hips with enough force there’d be more small bruises, Mason pounded into Riece until he collapsed over Riece’s back, body jerking and quivering. Mason’s balls tightened and he had the euphoric sensation of liquid fire coursing through his cock and into Riece. He loved the feeling of Riece’s rear against his groin and Riece’s heart thumping against Mason’s chest.

He sucked the back of Riece’s neck, reached around and grabbed his cock in a harsh grip. After every few strokes, he closed his fist over the head of Riece’s cock and rubbed back and forth. It didn’t take more than a few of these moves before Riece was coming, entire body shaking as he spilled warm, thick fluid over Mason’s hand.

They flopped to the side, and Riece dropped one arm over his forehead and turned to look at Mason. “Maybe we should give the inn their other room back.”

Mason laughed and kicked one leg over Riece’s, nodding. “You’re probably right. I’m hungry, and if you want to see Devils Tower, we should get going soon. Let’s get your stuff, bring it here, and head down for breakfast.”

“After a shower. You sort of got me all messy and sweaty.”

“After a shower,” Mason agreed. He swung out of the bed and teased, “Your getting messy is your own fault.”

A short while later they were in the main lodge. Tyler was working the breakfast shift, and Mason got a few side glances and a raised eyebrow when he asked that his food order be doubled. He was famished on top of being the best rested he’d been in months.

Riece’s hand stopped halfway to his mouth, holding a glass of juice. “You weren’t kidding when you said you were hungry. What did you do, fast for a week before coming to meet me?”

Mason swiped a thick slice of bacon through some syrup and shook his head. “I think it’s the different sort of workout I’m getting.” He winked and smirked. Shaking his head, Riece made short work of his own meal. “And don’t get any ideas about sniffing around my plate.”

“I think I sniffed around more than just your plate,” Riece said. Mason coughed down a mouthful of pancakes and shoved his toe against Riece’s shin under the table. “I believe this time the meal is on you, since you started it this morning.” He slid the check to Mason, who chuckled and snatched it up.

After breakfast they ordered some lunch to go and packed it in a cooler in the back of Mason’s Jeep.

“Thank you,” Riece said softly as they settled in for their drive.

Mason started the Jeep and glanced over at Riece. “While I appreciate the sentiment, there isn’t really a need for you to thank me after I rock your world and screw you senseless.” He held up three fingers and mouthed the words “

Riece shook his head and groaned. “I meant thank you for meeting me at the airport and bringing me here. This.” He waved one hand at the window. “All this change is hard for me, and what you’re doing after how I left you is… heroic.”

“There isn’t anything heroic about it. My motives were purely selfish.” Mason guided the vehicle onto the road. “I already told you that.”

Despite his brisk attitude, he could tell by the way Riece shook his head he’d seen right through him. Riece always had.

Their ride was quiet and uneventful. It didn’t get by Mason that for once Riece didn’t need his calming music and earbuds. Mason supposed all the sex they’d had in less than twenty-four hours had a good effect on Riece. Mason knew he certainly felt extra good.

Riece wanted to take pictures from different vantage points, so Mason spent much of the rest of the morning basically driving in circles. They’d get close, then drive to another side of the monument for photographs.

The sun had moved well beyond its zenith when they stopped near the Tower’s base. While Riece set up his tripod, Mason cracked his back, stretched, and then wandered around the area. Keeping Riece in his periphery, he walked back to his Jeep and took one of the sandwiches from the cooler in the back. He found a nice spot and settled on the ground, watching Riece work.

“You know, I have my equipment in the back of the Jeep. We can check in at the climbing office and go up,” Mason said. When Riece turned to look at him, Mason pointed skyward. “I’m sure the park service will want some pictures from the top.” He chewed his sandwich to keep a straight face. “The view from up there is to

Riece turned and stared at him, frozen in place. “I…. They’ll want… go—climb…?”

“I don’t think there’s an elevator,” Mason said and held out his sandwich. “Last meal?”

“You’re an ass.” Riece picked up a stone and flung it at Mason.

Mason laughed, lumbered to his feet, and retrieved the cooler. He sat down again and patted the ground beside him. “C’mon, take a break and enjoy the scenery you’re taking pictures of.” He pulled another sandwich from the cooler, held it out, and raised his eyebrows.

Riece sat beside Mason and took the offered food. “Thanks. You’re still an ass.”

“Yeah, I know.”

“I do like this area.” Riece unwrapped his sandwich. “I want to see a bear.”

“I’ll get right on that, and I’d be curious to see if you say the same thing in the dead of winter with the bear right in front of you,” Mason said. He leaned back on the ground and closed his eyes.

“I saw on the news about a kidnapping incident at Jewel Cave last spring. You were there,” Riece said quietly.

Mason’s name hadn’t been released in any of the reports. “How did you know?”

“I guessed. And I remember how much caving you did when we met. You work here, and I know you. Did you know them?”

Mason pulled in a deep breath. “I didn’t spend more than a few minutes with the victim. His boyfriend was a US Marshal; he was there with a few others from his office. I spent a day or two with them. They seemed like decent people.”

“Did you kill that man?”

Sitting up, Mason bent his knees and hung his arms across them. “He opened fire on a group of US Marshals and me. He’d held a man hostage and dragged him across the country. Once he pulled that trigger, there was only one way things were going to end. I don’t know if my shot killed him, but yes, I returned fire. One of the slugs from my weapon was recovered in his body, so were slugs from two of the Marshals’ weapons.”

“Were you scared?”

“Yes,” Mason answered immediately. “Especially at the point I had to go into a cave after him. I was pretty happy to get out of there.”

Riece looked at the ground and sat quietly for a few minutes, eating his food. “Will you ever go back to that cave?”

“Not if I can help it. The whole thing was awful. I think it was a suicide on the part of the perp.” He shrugged. “I guess no one will ever know. I’ll tell you one thing—until this week, I haven’t slept well since then,” Mason said softly. “What I have thought about since is, I think in some ways it’s worse to find a dead body and not know what killed that person.”

“Does that happen to you a lot?”

Mason shook his head. “Not a lot, but people—hikers, campers, tourists—go missing in the Black Hills every year. Some are found and end up safe, some not. Sometimes the body is found. Other times it’s like they vanished off the face of the Earth.”

“Is that part of your job, finding out how they died?”

“Yeah, it is. I’m no different than any other cop in that regard.” He waved at the landscape around them. “Except not a lot of nosy neighbors to give out license plate numbers are out here. I heard about one case a few years before I was assigned to this area where the rangers tracked down a killer because of a bullet found in a bear carcass. Poachers don’t leave dead animals lying around. There are all sorts of crimes out here I investigate.”

“And yet you give up time doing that to spend driving me around to take pictures,” Riece said.

BOOK: Gone Away
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