Read Going Down (Quickies #1) Online

Authors: Cassie Cross

Going Down (Quickies #1) (5 page)

BOOK: Going Down (Quickies #1)
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Carter looked up, a goofy, endearing smile on his lips. “That’s oddly specific,” he said, laughing. The warm puffs of breath against my heated skin made me shiver, and I wished I could just…shut up.

As if Carter could read my mind, knew I was nervously babbling away to distract myself from the fact that he was kissing and touching me, he brought his mouth to mine, our lips moving together as he licked into my mouth, his tongue sliding against mine as he brushed his palm across my ankle, up my calf, and along the inside of my thigh. He ran his hand along the edge of my panties, pulling the fabric aside so he could slide his fingers along my slit.

I sucked in a sharp breath through my teeth, which made Carter let out a low, rumbling laugh. He had me and he knew it.

“Where do you want my mouth?” he asked, reaching up and plucking my nipple between his fingers, giving it a firm pull that made me gasp. “Here?” he said, kissing along the swell of my breast.

“Yes,” I breathed.

While his mouth was busy, he teased me with his hands, pressing his fingers against my heated flesh, right where I was wet and ready for him. I bucked my hips against his palm, desperate for more friction, more pressure, more anything, but all that did was make him pull back. He was such a bastard the way he made me want more.

“Here?” he said, sliding his stubbly chin down the valley between my breasts, then taking the lace cup of the other side of my bra between his teeth and pulling it down before taking my nipple into his mouth.

I nodded and sighed. I think I might’ve said yes with actual words, but that part’s not so clear.

And then he sunk down to his knees and ran his hand down my leg that was propped up against the elevator railing. He kissed his way from my ankle to the inside of my thigh, stubble rubbing against my sensitive skin, his lips leaving goosebumps in their wake.

“Here?” he asked, pressing a kiss to the inside of my knee.


Carter laughed. “Patience.”

Then he slid his hands up my other leg, smooth caresses that both relaxed and aroused me. How did he manage to have such an effect by just rubbing circles on my skin? My leg started shaking, my nerves and excitement just too much to hold me up, and I leaned back against the wall.

“I’m gonna fall,” I said, kind of breathy. I felt like I should’ve been embarrassed, that a man I’d known for such a short time had such a hold on me, but I couldn’t bring myself to care. He was making me feel too good for me to care.

“I’ve got you.” Carter took the leg that was barely managing to hold me upright and slung it over his broad, muscled shoulder as he gripped my skirt and pulled it taut to the side, giving him full access and me an unimpeded view of what he was doing to me.

He disposed of my panties with a firm tug, and I didn’t even care, just swiveled my hips to get closer to his mouth, waiting for him to tease me, but it never happened. He placed gentle, sweet kisses to the crux of my thighs, then licked my slit, laving his tongue against my clit, driving me higher and higher with gentle licks and sucks and kisses. When I thought I couldn’t take anymore, he slid two fingers inside of me, crooking them in time with his licks, leaving me breathless. I gripped the back of Carter’s head as my own head lolled back against the wall and I closed my eyes and just let myself
. I brought my hand down to grip at his fist, the fabric of my dress bunched between his fingers. I leveraged my weight against his shoulders, moving in time with his mouth. The pleasure built up like the tide inside of me, small waves getting bigger and bigger, lapping against my skin.

“Ah,” I cried, “I’m gonna…I’m…”

I couldn’t get the words out, but he understood, altering his rhythm, licking slow circles around my clit, twisting and pumping his fingers in time with my heavy breaths until I tensed around him, moaning as I came, all the blood in my body rushing to where his mouth met my skin.

Carter kept rubbing my thighs and I caressed the back of his head as I came down, breathing heavily. Then he stood, gently placing my feet back on the ground and pulling me in for a kiss. His tongue met mine and I could taste myself on him.

“That was…”
, I wanted to say.
Perfect, amazing
. But those words wouldn’t even begin to cover what it was that I just felt.

“That was just the beginning,” he said with fire in his eyes.


In the still quietness of the elevator, all I could hear was the quick huff of our exhales as our breathing returned to normal and the soft, wet sounds of Carter’s mouth against mine. He trailed kisses from my lips to my cheek, down my neck to my collarbone, and even though I was still coming down from an orgasm, I was ready for another one. Ready for

“Shouldn’t we go inside?” I said breathlessly as I looked at the elevator doors. An alarm hadn’t gone off despite the fact that we’d been in here for a while, so I figured we were good, but I still thought I’d ask. I wasn’t sure my legs would hold me anyway.

Carter pushed a tendril of hair behind my ear as he kissed his way up my throat. “Soon,” he murmured. “Can’t…wait.”

I reached down, running my palm along Carter’s erection, which was straining against his pants. He groaned, trusting up against my hand as he caught my earlobe between his teeth. Still perched on the railing and trusting Carter not to let me slip, I reach down and fumbled with his buckle. As I tried to work off his belt, he reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet, sliding a condom out from one of the slots. For one brief, shining moment, the lust-filled haze in my brain cleared, and I wondered if he put it in there specifically for tonight. I wanted him to, I hoped he had.

“Let me,” I said against his lips as we kissed. When we parted, I ripped the condom wrapper open with my teeth, while Carter pushed his pants down. He hissed when I touched him, taking my time as I rolled on the condom, letting him lick his way down my neck.

His hand slid up into my hair and he cradled my head as his lips found mine again, and we were just sort of there in the moment for a bit; me stroking him, and him getting a little weak in the knees as he learned every inch of my skin he could reach.

The touching and kissing was nice, it was perfect. But I wanted, no…

“I want you,” he breathed against my mouth. “I just…”

“I know,” I replied, skimming the tips of my nails along his scalp, loving the soft moan he let out at the contact.

Carter slid his fingers between my legs, teasing my clit with his thumb as he thrust up, pushing inside of me for the first time. We both let out strangled sighs as he filled me, and my head bumped against the elevator wall.

His hands gripped the railing on either side of me and I wrapped my arms around his neck, holding on for dear life. We were desperate for each other, all unfocused kisses and bitten lips, hurried breaths and moans. He pounded into me, pushing me against the wall, and I was thankful for the leverage; it was heaven feeling so surrounded by him.

Even though his pace was frantic—we were both so consumed by each other that we couldn’t stand to go slow—Carter was surprisingly tender with me, rubbing soothing circles across my skin with leisurely strokes that belied the frenzied thrust of his hips.

Then his hands slid under my ass as he picked me up, reaching behind him to lock my ankles around the small of his back.

“Hold on,” he growled into my ear, his voice low and full of want.

I buried my face in his neck, could feel his breaths making my hair flutter as he pounded into me. The pleasure built up, unstoppable, leaving my nerve endings buzzing, begging for more. I licked and kissed his neck, unable to catch my breath as we both moved relentlessly together, tumbling toward the precipice of gratification.

Carter pressed me against the wall—freeing one hand to rub against my clit—and I fell fast, muscles squeezing, clamping down around him. He fucked me through my orgasm and straight into his, his thrusts becoming unsteady and unfocused as he pulled me close, holding me tight against his body.

As we caught our breath, Carter’s fingers trailed up and down the small of my back, and I gently massaged his shoulders, easing the tension there. He tilted his head back and looked at me, smiling this beautiful smile as he tenderly pushed my hair out of my face. Then his forehead was against mine and he gave me a soft kiss before he reached over and pounded on some button that made the doors open.

Carter kicked his pants out into the foyer, then walked over to a bench, bringing us down until I was straddling his hips, his hands gently wrapped around my waist. I ran my fingers through his hair as he watched me intently, and it was nice, appreciating his chiseled features there beneath the soft light.

Leaning forward, Carter grinned as he pressed chaste kisses against my throat, my chin, the tip of my nose, and then my lips. It felt right, being held by him, and I wanted more.

“I didn’t expect you,” he said.

I smiled, running the tip of my finger along the curve of his jaw before kissing him. “Good surprise?”

“Great surprise.”

“How about if I surprise you again in the bedroom?” I said, bucking my hips.

He laughed, landing a playful nip on my chin. “I like the sound of that.”


In the morning, I woke up wrapped in Carter’s ridiculously soft sheets, lying on his ridiculously soft bed, feeling for all intents and purposes like I’d been swallowed by a cloud. There was a delicious smell in the air, sweet and warm and decidedly
Italian, since we never did get around to eating that last night.

I sat up right as Carter opened his bedroom door, balancing a tray in his hands. I smoothed my hair back as he walked toward me with a huge grin on his face.

“Good morning. You look beautiful,” he said softly.

I swallowed hard, feeling the heat rise to my cheeks. “Thank you. Good morning.” I almost told him he looked beautiful too, but thankfully my sleep-hazed brain didn’t have time to formulate that response. He was beautiful though; his body was perfect, and it didn’t hurt that he was only wearing a pair of silk boxers.

“What’s this?” I asked, pointing toward the silver dome that sat atop the tray as he set it on top of my outstretched legs.

Before answering, Carter leaned over and gave me a soft, slow, good morning kiss. Then he pulled off the dome with a dramatic flourish and I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Belgian waffles with strawberry compote-”

“And a pile of whipped cream as big almost as big as your head,” he said, finishing my sentence.

I swiped my finger along the edge of the fluffy cream, wiped it across Carter’s bottom lip, and then leaned in and licked it off.

“You pay attention,” I whispered against his mouth.

“When it’s important, I do. I thought you’d be hungry, since we never got around to eating last night.”

I nodded as I picked up a fork. “We did work up quite an appetite last night.”

“And this morning,” he added.

“Mmmm,” I hummed as I took a bite. “Did you make this?”


“What other surprises do you have up your sleeve?”

Carter reached behind his back, then held out a leather-bound, beautiful copy of

“I was thinking we could read this,” he said, spearing a piece of waffle on the end of his fork and holding it out for me to eat. “And work up more of an appetite between chapters.”

“Doing what?” I asked after I swallowed.

“Oh, a little of this.” He kissed my shoulder, his stubble tickling me, teasing goosebumps out of my skin, then pulled away the sheet that was covering my breast and laved his tongue over my nipple, smiling as I shivered. “A little of that.”

There was a wicked, wonderful gleam in his eyes when I leaned in and kissed him.

“And what happens when I want to go home?”

Carter kissed his way across my chin, along the curve of my jaw. “When I get through with you, you won’t want to.”

I laughed, tilting my head back so he had better access to my neck. “Promise?”

He promised.

And he was right.

About the Author

Cassie Cross

Visit Cassie’s website for the latest news and upcoming releases:

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Cassie Cross is a Maryland native and a romantic at heart, who lives outside of Baltimore with her two dogs and a closet full of shoes. Cassie's fondness for swoon-worthy men and strong women are the inspiration for most of her stories, and when she's not busy writing a book, you’ll probably find her eating takeout and indulging in her love of 80's sitcoms.

Cassie loves hearing from her readers, so please follow her on Twitter or leave a review for this book on the site you purchased it from. Thank you!

Currently available titles:

Meeting Mr. Wright

The Billionaire’s Desire: The Complete Series

BOOK: Going Down (Quickies #1)
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