Read Girl Trouble Online

Authors: Miranda Baker

Girl Trouble (7 page)

BOOK: Girl Trouble
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Kat held her gaze as she covered as much of Bonita’s breasts with her hands as she could, squeezing the hot flesh. “You aren’t allowed to come without permission. Uncross your legs.”

Bonita obeyed immediately.

Her breasts were striped red with shallow scratches, and her nipples were ruddy and hard, even though they hadn’t been touched.

“Take off your dress.”

It slithered to the floor.

“Arms at your sides. Feet on the seat.”

She watched Bonita struggle into position. She wanted to reach forward and ease the tension of Bonita’s thong, which looked like it was pressing uncomfortably against her labia, but that would be breaking the rules. “Remember how we used to do this and pretend we weren’t being naughty? After all, what was wrong with touching each other’s thighs as long as we didn’t stray too close to here?” She hovered her palm over Bonita’s pussy and watched her clench in reaction. “The lighter the touch, the wetter I got.” She stroked with her fingertips up and down Bonita’s thighs, each pass getting closer to her straining core. “I can see you’re wet, slave, and that pleases me.” She concentrated her efforts on the top two inches of Bonita’s thighs, each teasing stroke straying just a little closer to her pussy while she watched her labia swell and grow slicker.

Bonita’s hips began to move again, just the tiniest motion, but it gave Kat an excuse. She slapped her thigh, hard enough to make an immediate mark. “Be still.” She made her voice harsh.

Bonita whimpered. “I’m sorry, Mistress.”

Should she continue their game? Kat’s pussy was as swollen as Bonita’s. She ached for relief every bit as much as she wanted to thrust her fingers into Bonita and give it. She slid to sit on the other seat, facing Bonita, and slipped out of her underwear.

“Take off your panties and shoes. Slaves should be naked.”

Bonita obeyed.

“Crawl over here and make me come with your mouth. We’re five minutes from home. If you make me come before we reach the gates, I might have some mercy for you.”

Bonita didn’t waste any time. She was on her hands and knees and crawling before Kat finished speaking. With eager hands, she thrust Kat’s dress to her hips and licked between her thighs, catching Kat’s clit between her lips and tongue. After playing with Bonita’s breasts and thighs while hiding her own squirming, Kat was ready for intense stimulation, and Bonita gave it to her, riding the length of her clit with her tongue while using her throat to supply rhythmic suction.

Oh, sweet Jesus, that was good. Kat leaned back and pushed her hips to the edge of the seat. The scent of their mingled arousal filled the air. She breathed deeply, almost able to taste it, and gazed at Bonita, crouched on the floor, intently focused on bringing her pleasure. Bonita glanced up, green eyes shining, and sharp need pierced Kat, stealing her breath and making her heart beat wildly. She reached down to sink her fingers into Bonita’s hair, creating another connection between them as Bonita entered her with her tongue.

Kat’s head fell back against the seat. “Now, Beauty, suck me again.” Bonita’s lips and tongue returned to her clit with renewed effort, sucking hard with firm, unrelenting pressure.

Kat thrilled to the sensation of being in control and out of control at the same time. Hot sparks fired her clit as she exploded into Bonita’s mouth. She drew out her climax, rocking her hips back and forth, riding Bonita’s face, groaning as Bonita thrust a finger deep inside her, igniting more tremors.

“Bad slave,” she growled. “I didn’t say you could use your hands.”

Bonita drew a sharp breath and put her hands behind her back. “I just wanted to please you.”

Kat sat up. “You do please me. But you need to learn to follow orders.” She reached to cup Bonita’s pussy, so wet it soaked her palm. Bonita moaned and whimpered, clearly wanting to rub her pussy against Kat’s hand but afraid of what would happen if she did.

The SUV rolled to a stop, then continued through the gates. Kat leaned to press the intercom button. “Park in the garage, please.”

“Yes, Ms. St. James.”

The sound of Bonita’s labored breathing filled the Mercedes. Tears poured down her cheeks. She looked miserable and gorgeous, and Kat wanted nothing more than to pin her to the floor and grind their pussies together until they both came, screaming. However, they were pulling in to the garage, and she needed to dismiss her chauffeur for the weekend.

Reluctantly, she pulled her hand from Bonita’s thighs. “Gather our things but don’t get dressed.”

As soon as the SUV stopped, she got out and shut the door quickly, not wanting her driver to open the back door of the vehicle and find Bonita naked. She held her hand out for the keys. “That will be all for the weekend, Alan. Thanks so much.”

He nodded good night, and she waited for him to exit the garage. Then she shut that door, too.

She opened the door of the truck and found Bonita sitting on the floor just as Kat had left her, only now she was clutching their purses, underwear, her dress and her shoes.

“Lovely,” Kat praised. She helped Bonita out of the vehicle and steered her into the house.

Desire filled her at the sight of Bonita standing naked in her home, the diamond collar at her throat her only adornment, but mischief made her say, “I’m starving. Are you hungry?”

A dismayed sound burst from Bonita’s lips, quickly followed by an expression of such chagrin it made Kat chuckle. “I’m just teasing you. Let’s finish the game.”

She caught Bonita’s hand and pulled her into the living room, where the carpet was thick and soft. “Wait here, slave.” She kicked off her shoes and raced upstairs. When she reached her bedroom, she fished the jeweled nipple clamps out of her jewelry box and went back down the stairs.

Bonita was waiting.

Kat pinched Bonita’s right nipple until it was hard then tightened the clamp around it. “Tell me when.” Bonita gasped, and Kat gave the screw another quarter-turn.

She followed the thin chain that connected the clamps until her fingers found the other one. She gave the left nipple the same treatment, this time going slower to draw out the delicious feeling of power it gave her to bring Bonita such kinky pleasure. She looked exotic standing naked with diamonds at her throat, jeweled clips decorating her rosy nipples, and a chain hanging between her breasts.

She couldn’t resist—she tugged.

Bonita moaned, and Kat’s pussy contracted. She cupped her own breast, rubbed it and then pinched her nipple hard to give herself an idea of what Bonita was feeling. She pinched harder then slid her hand down to play with her clit. She was ready to come again.

“On your back.” She placed a pillow under Bonita’s hips and crouched over her, settling their bodies together. The soft friction of Bonita’s pubic hair against Kat’s own bare pussy felt incredible. Clit to clit, lips slick and entangled, she rode her, falling into their familiar rhythm.

“I’m going to keep you naked all weekend, just like this.” She thrust her fingers inside Bonita and felt her begin to tremble. She rubbed her clit hard with her thumb.

“Yes, harder. God, don’t stop, it’s so good,” Bonita begged. Kat drove against her as if she could enter her skin. Kat spiraled up and up. Every time she reached a peak, it got just a little bit higher. Bonita writhed beneath her, utterly abandoned.


Bonita’s eyes flew open.

“Don’t come yet,” Kat said.

Kat began a series of short, sharp grinds, all the while gazing deep into Bonita’s clear green eyes. Kat could see into Bonita’s soul, and she would make that hers, too. She would bind them together with whatever ties she could summon. Bonita would never leave her. Kat wouldn’t allow her to go.

“Don’t come,” she ordered, knowing every time she said the word it took them closer to the edge. Bonita’s mouth fell open as the pleasure stormed out of control, and still she struggled, chasing after it, trying to rein it in. She tensed, held her breath, eyes wide and still. She almost managed, but then Kat reached out to tug the silver chain that connected Bonita’s nipple clamps.

Bonita climaxed, screaming Kat’s name.

Stimulated by her tense struggle, Kat climaxed too, in a hard burst of spasms that made every muscle in her body feel like stone. Aftershocks ricocheted between them, tiny spasms continuing their pleasure. When Kat could move again, she collapsed on her back next to Bonita.

“You did that on purpose,” Bonita said weakly.

Kat nodded, turning on her side and throwing a leg over Bonita’s hip. She pulled her close, wiggling until their curves and hollows meshed in a way that made her sigh with contentment. She bent her head and kissed Bonita until they were both breathless.

“I’m sick of doing what I’m told. Aren’t you?”



Bonita should have felt spent, but she hungered for more, even after everything Kat had put her through tonight. She could never get enough—not really—because Kat could never be hers. Sure, they could pretend during a stolen week, a fantasy weekend, but that was all she was going to get. Since that was the case, she planned to make the most of it.

She sat up, giggling as her ass stuck to the cushion, making a wet, sucking sound. They’d ended up in the closet after all, where Kat had worked her over with what had felt like every one of DoublePlay’s finest vibrators while she fought the Velcro restraints on the black cushion.

She stood, then held out a hand to Kat.

“Not moving.” Kat’s voice was thick with sleep.

“You’ll get a crick in your neck.”

“Don’t care.”

For a second Bonita was tempted to sink back down onto the cushion with her, but comfort won out. Kat might not care about a crick in her neck, but she wasn’t the one who had been tied up in a variety of diabolical positions all night. Bonita wanted a soft, flat bed, and she wanted Kat in it. She wanted to continue playing their game.

“Up. Now. Move.”

Kat yawned but allowed Bonita to haul her to her feet.

Bonita led her through the clothes, the bedroom, and into Kat’s enormous bathroom. She put her toothbrush in her hand and left her there while she went down the hall to grab her own. She could have brushed her teeth there, but she returned to Kat. As they got ready for bed, Bonita was reminded of the hundreds of times they had done this together. God, how had she lived without her best friend for three years? The history they shared was precious.

Kat dropped a soft kiss on the back of her shoulder before she left the bathroom, an absentminded gesture of affection that stole her breath. Desire roared through her, but it wasn’t the least bit sexual. Bonita wanted it to be like this every night: the two of them, together, doing normal, boring, everyday things.


When she went back to Norton, Kat would have other lovers, and so would she. Kat would go back to maintaining her image by dating sought-after Hollywood bachelors, and Bonita would…what? She’d lost her release valve. No one at Johnny’s club would be able to satisfy her after she’d been topped by Kat.

“Beauty?” Kat’s voice was sleepy but still demanding, making Bonita smile even though her eyes stung with tears. She loved that bossy streak.

Bonita hadn’t tried reiki or Kabbalah yet. Maybe studying Buddhism would help. A tear slipped down her cheek, and she wiped it away, shaking her head as the words to the song “We’ve Got Tonight” played through her mind.

She took a deep breath. Damn straight they did. And tomorrow…and then she’d go. Her resolve firmed as she remembered how many times Kat had pretended to be a world-famous movie star when they were kids. Her dream had come true, and Bonita was happy for her. She left the bathroom and crawled into Kat’s gigantic bed. As soon as she hit the mattress, Kat wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close, mumbling, “I can’t wait for you to see
, darling. This is the one—I just know it. The movie that will make me untouchable, a superstar, just like we always wanted…”

Another tear rolled down Bonita’s cheek, and she held her breath to stifle a sob. As long as no one knew, they could be together once in a while, and that would be enough. But as emptiness yawned inside her, chasing sleep away, she knew better.

Chapter Five

Kat woke alone to sun streaming in the window. It was almost noon. She stretched and slid out of bed, eager to find Bonita. She couldn’t wait to kiss her good morning, look into her eyes and see a reflection of honest emotion. Something real. For the first time in a long time, Kat felt real, too.

She found Bonita sitting in the kitchen with a half-empty coffee cup and a table full of magazines and newspapers spread out in front of her. She jumped when Kat touched her shoulder. Since Bonita didn’t raise her face for a kiss, Kat kissed the top of her head, catching sight of a photo of them in the
LA Times
on the table.

“We knew that was coming.”

“But what about all this?” Bonita made a gesture that encompassed the rest of the magazines, all supermarket checkout tabloids.

“I always ignore those. Where did you get them?”

“Herb left them at the gate, and the guard brought them up. You can’t afford to ignore them this time, Kitty Kat.”

BOOK: Girl Trouble
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