Read Getting Wet Online

Authors: Zenina Masters

Tags: #Science Fiction, #erotic Romance, #Paranormal, #Shapeshifter

Getting Wet (5 page)

BOOK: Getting Wet
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“Did you do all this carving on your own?” The woodwork hypnotized her. She climbed the stairs to get a better look. Beavers were carved all over the place, but it was the new doorframe that had her focus.

Otters scampered from the base of the frame up and over the doorway. They curled in balls, twisted in place and peeped over the edge of the doorway.

“When did you know what I was?”

“Within two weeks. I wasn’t able to sleep, so I started working on the doorway. Do you like it?”

She threw her arms around him and squeezed him tight. It was like trying to milk a rock, but he seemed to enjoy it. His arm came around her, and he squeezed her with the hand not holding the trap.

She mumbled against his chest. “Boy, are you lucky I said yes.”

His body began to shake, and he chuckled against the top of her head. “I have been feeling my luck every moment since we met.”

Augusta relaxed against him, inhaling the scent of his body. “Drop the trap.”

It thudded to the ground, and he put his other arm around her. “You are quite bossy.”

She chuckled and then squeaked as he lifted her to face him. “I am, but no one notices. They just do what I tell them and no one needs to get hurt.”

She looped her arms around his shoulders and her legs around his waist. He carried her over the threshold with her hanging onto him.

Inside, she could smell wood, leather and Randal. He carried her up to the second level, and she didn’t see anything but him.

She rubbed her cheek along his, making the tiny, pleased noises that her otter was murmuring in her head.

He made a short chuckling noise, and it sent a shiver through her. He moved his hands and pulled her skirt up to ruck about her waist.

Augusta blinked when he slipped his hands inside her panties and cupped her butt.

He let out a low groan, and she pressed her nails into his shoulders.

She kissed him and nipped his lip. “I think we are at a stalemate here.”

Randal smiled. “I believe we have room to move. Can I lead?”

Augusta’s stomach flipped at the gleam in his eyes. “Sure.”

Her panties tore as his hands shifted from human to webbed and clawed. The fabric flicked away, and he continued the march of her dress up and over her head, leaving her wearing her bra and nothing else.

“If you hurt this bra, you are a dead man.” Like all good women, she guarded a comfortable and sexy bra with her life. The ladies needed all the help they could get and finding one that fit and looked good was worth its weight in gold.

His claws moved carefully, and the elastic and lace snapped forward. He placed one clawed hand at her back and held her while he flicked the bra across the room.

She laughed wildly as he carefully cupped her butt with his hands and rubbed his face in her breasts. That strange chuckling sound came from his throat again, but he unfastened his jeans and freed his erection, and she suddenly stopped thinking about sounds.

He slid between the lips of her sex and prodded at her opening.

Augusta twisted her hips, and the head of his cock slipped inside.

He tugged at her, pulling her onto him while he thrust with his hips.

She quivered around him, and her own hands formed claws, tearing through his shirt as she fought for a more solid grip on him.

He pulled, she clawed and, finally, they rocked together, thrusting and retreating.

She gasped and clutched at him when her body captured its release.

Randal carried her to the bed and thrust savagely into her until he could follow her down the path to pleasure.

Instead of freezing above her, he rolled until she was sprawled across him. “That was a lovely housewarming.”

She laughed and ran her hands across his chest and up to his head. His dark hair was sweaty and curled around her fingers. “Well, something warmed up. Where did my bra end up?”

He raised his head and looked around. “Over there on the bureau. It’s pretty. I can understand why you guard it.”

She rubbed her chin on his chest. “It has never been in danger before.”

“I will endeavour to be a danger to your lingerie at all times.”

“Oh, dear. I think I will need a safe zone for it then.” She laughed and settled against him with him still deep inside her. She felt him twitch and had to fight a giggle.

“I will show you your half of everything tomorrow. For tonight, I just want to enjoy my otter-skin blanket.”

“And I will enjoy my beaver mattress. Self-heating. Very nice.” She grinned and ran her hands over his torso lazily. He did the same to her back, and before she knew it, it was lights out.

Chapter Seven



Augusta crept out of Randal’s arms in the early morning. She was wearing his shirt but that was all she could find. Wherever he had put her bag, it wasn’t somewhere she could find it.

The water called to her. She wanted to run and jump straight in, but the scent of human distracted her.

Turning her head, she saw the flash of camouflaged clothing. She could smell both of them, and their scent turned her stomach. With carefully casual moves, she headed back for the house.

Randal was working on making coffee in nothing but a tight pair of boxer briefs.

She kissed his shoulder. “Can you give me our location for local police?”

He rattled off the instruction. “The number is by the phone. What is wrong?”

“Two poachers in the yard. Drunk. I don’t want to pick a fight, so I am going to call police or possibly fish and game.”

He was already out the door and down the stairs, scenting the air and looking for the intruders.

She picked up the phone and waited for the connection.

“Hello? Draycott police department.”

“Hello, I am staying with Randal Forester, and I just ran into two poachers laying leg-hold traps on private property. Randal Forester’s property to be precise.”

“And what do you want us to do about it?” The woman’s voice was contemptuous. “They probably saw you come in with him and thought you were giving it away.”

The line went dead, leaving her blinking. “Well, hell.”

With a deep breath, she called her mother, and when Justine Samuels answered, she said, “Hi, Mom. Yes, I found him. Yes, he’s the beaver from the strip club. Now, I have a more pressing problem. I need to get some police or fish and game officers to his place and no one will come. I am getting the feeling that his being an occasional stripper is going to be a problem.”

“Augusta, that is more than I have heard you say in years. I will call your cousin Jordan. He will make some calls. Where can I direct his answer?” Justine was practical. She would be able to quiz Augusta later.

Augusta rattled off all pertinent information and the number of the phone in her hand. Randal came back in, and he was bristling with hostility.

“Two, they set two more damned traps near my property.”

She shook her head. “They probably heard about the giant beaver in the lake and were too greedy to pass it by. It could be construed as your fault.”

He froze for a moment and then burst out laughing. “Fine. All my fault. Now, let’s get the coffee going.”

“I couldn’t agree more.” She went to the freezer and found some waffles in a box. It wasn’t even close to Teebie’s muffins, but it was the most important meal of the day.

They were sitting and having breakfast when the phone rang. She picked it up. “Hello?”

A masculine voice asked, “Is this Augusta Samuels?”

“It is.”

“I am Captain Andrews Larkson of the Draycott police department. What can I do for you?”

With Randal watching, she outlined the situation. “There was a trap last night as well, and it is making the damned yard dangerous to walk in.”

“Yes, ma’am. I will have an officer stop by in the next hour to collect the traps and take your statement.”

“Thank you, Captain Larkson. I was thinking of holding the wedding here in a few weeks, and I want the place safe for the kids running around. They don’t always stay on the paths and the mowed yard. Not when there is a lake and forest to explore.”

The voice on the other end warmed. “Wedding you say? It is about time that the Forester boy got himself a good woman. We were beginning to believe that he was too pretty for the girls.”

“Well, sir, he is very pretty, but I can hold my own. I look forward to meeting your officer. Thank you for calling.”

He mumbled something, and she hung up.

Randal blinked. “You are actually getting them to come down here?”

“I am. They will collect the traps and take a statement. If those buggers come back, I will simply call Captain Larkson. I think he is sweet on my no-nonsense turn of phrase.”

Randal came up behind her and massaged her shoulders. “I know I am. Someone will be here in an hour?”


“Then, we had better get showered and dressed. I want them to think well of you. You may have to bail my butt out of jail one day.” He kissed the top of her head and rubbed her neck with delicate fingers.

“Don’t worry. I have done that for brothers and cousins. Everybody dips their toe in sometimes.”

He took her by the hand and tugged her back upstairs. As if by magic, her bag was sitting next to his bureau.

“Who takes care of this place when you aren’t home?”

“My brothers or sisters come by and keep the yard up for me when I am working out of the county.”

“Does that happen a lot?”

“It did, but it won’t anymore.” He smiled brightly. “I will stay close to home. I promise.”

“Promise all you will. I am still going to have an hour commute to and from the shop.”

He frowned. “We are going to have to look into that. I don’t want you on the road that much.”

“Same here. Perhaps an apartment near the shop? I can come here on the weekends.”

He scowled. “I want you with me all day and all night. If I can only have one, I will have you next to me each night.”

She laughed. “We will negotiate later. For now, we need to shower before the police get here. I want to be presentable.”

He wrinkled his nose but waved her into the large bath with its barrage of showerheads that struck at all angles. “I will scrub your back.”

She nearly answered that the shower would probably reach her back, but when he entered behind her, she had to admit he did a fair job of blocking the water.

Clean, dressed and her hair combed into a straight cloak, she got another cup of coffee and sat on the deck that surrounded the house.

The police car that drove up the gravel drive parked near the house. Augusta kept her seat though her instinct was to stand up. He needed to address her first. Rules of engagement were precise.

“Miss Augusta Samuels?” The young officer looked up at her, and she slowly got to her feet.

Randal came out and put his hand on her shoulder.

She patted it comfortingly and gesture for the officer to approach. “Can I get you a cup of coffee, officer?”

He paused and blinked, halfway up the steps. “Yes, please, miss.”

She smiled, “Cream or sugar?”

“Cream, please.”

He was using his visitor’s manners, and Augusta was delighted. This was right where she wanted him.

They sat down, and he took the particulars of the poachers along with her general description. “You say you have the traps, miss?”

“We do. Three of them in two days. I was looking forward to having my cousins and their kids down for a weekend, but with those leg-hold traps, it isn’t safe. We need it explained to those trappers that they have to ply their illegal trade on property that isn’t about to be overrun with children.” She sipped at her coffee. “I hate to say it, but if any of my relatives or Randal’s were injured, we would prosecute the offenders until they had nothing left but their ratty clothing.”

The officer blinked. “I understand your concern. So you are moving in then?”

“Yes. We are in the first days of an engagement, but I will be living with Mr. Forester from now on. As my safety is his main concern, his is mine. If I take off into the woods, I still want his property safe for him or his next of kin to wander.”

The officer nodded, completely swamped by her linear commands.

“So, officer, why didn’t the receptionist want to take my call?”

The man looked to Randal and blushed.

Randal shrugged.

“Please, it is important that I need to know what I am facing, community-wise.”

“Oh, it is well known that he dances at the Hard Wood, miss. Our receptionist had a crush on him, but he didn’t notice it, so she began circulating the idea that he was gay. She was practically foaming after your call, by the way.”

Augusta smiled. “Thank you for your help. The traps are on the deck.”

The officer smiled and retrieved his notepad and his hat. He nodded nervously and left them alone.

The traps were lifted off the porch, and he stowed them in the trunk of his vehicle. With a jaunty wave, he drove off to the main road.

Randal was standing with his arms crossed, looking her over. “I now understand what you were saying. You manipulated him until you had him right where you wanted him.”

She shrugged. “It is what you do when you don’t have the strength to fight. You twist people to suit your purpose. I will tell you that I never use my power for evil.”

He laughed. “Good to know.”

“I am very careful, but I also know how small towns are. I had to whitewash the hell out of my intentions to get them here. By the way, we now need to go and get a ring. It is a human tradition and it will cement our relationship in the eyes of those around us.”

Randal grinned. “Ring shopping? Do you want to go shopping for your trousseau as well?”

“We are playing human roles, Randal, we are not living in the eighteenth century.” She wrinkled her nose at him.

“And yet, my lady, do I throw myself upon your mercy, for thy tongue is sharp as a knife and your wit a rapier.” He bowed low.

“Sir knight, as long as your heart is true and you cleave only to me, you shall not fear my tongue, for it shall be devoted to your pleasure.” She winked.

He perked up. “Really? When can we twist that knife?”

BOOK: Getting Wet
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