Getting to Her: A Sapphire Falls BONUS Novella (6 page)

BOOK: Getting to Her: A Sapphire Falls BONUS Novella
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“This is happening,” he told her firmly, his voice gruff. “I’m going to strip you naked, kiss you from head to toe, and fuck you right here and now.”


Any other words, any other tone of voice, and she could have maybe said no. She could have grabbed on to the sanity that was threatening to fly away and realized that he wanted so much more from her than she could give him.

But it wasn’t other words. It wasn’t another tone of voice. It was a determined, dominant command that sent heat like she’d never known shooting through her and making her bite her tongue to keep from begging.

How did he know that’s what she’d respond to? How had he gotten so confident to even say those things? How—

“Say yes,” he said darkly. “Right now. I have to hear it before I lose my mind.”

She nodded.

it. Say, ‘yes Ty, fuck me’. You have to tell me you want it.”

Tears stung her eyes. Even in the midst of burning her up from the inside, he was asking for consent. He was making sure she was fully here and in this.

She wished he really did know her. He’d fallen in love with her in-charge, perfect persona. And yet, he still seemed to know things about her no one else did. Like the fact that she wanted a guy who would say things like “I’m going to fuck you right here and now”. Most guys tread more carefully around her. The ones who didn’t, certainly didn’t go to great lengths to be sure she was as into the moment as they were. They actually seemed to rush through it, as if hoping to get what they wanted before she changed her mind or wised up.

Ty wasn’t doing that. At all. He was keeping her in the moment. Even if her mind had been able to wander away from him and this moment, he was keeping her there, fully aware, fully with him.

The only way this could be more perfect was if he wanted her this much and really

“Say it, Hailey.” His voice was softer, gentler this time, but as insistent. He brushed her hair back from her forehead and the lamp light was just enough for her to see the desire and yes, love, in his eyes as he looked down at her.


She’d never seen that in another guy’s eyes during sex. Not like this.

Whether he really knew her or not, she wasn’t strong enough to resist that.

“God yes, please, Ty. I want it. I want you.”

With a muttered curse, he pushed back onto his knees and grabbed the hem of her dress. It was a simple spaghetti-strap sundress and when she lifted her arms over her head, he whisked it off in one smooth sweep.

“Wow, seems you have some practice with that.”

But he didn’t respond.

She was naked now. Her panties were in his pocket and she hadn’t worn a bra with the dress.

He knelt between her knees, so her legs were parted, her arms still over her head. She was completely exposed and there wasn’t a centimeter on her that wasn’t tingling.

He was studying her as if she was every Christmas and birthday gift he’d ever hoped for and Hailey felt her heart expand in her chest to the point of near-pain.

God, to
that for someone. No, not someone.
. For Ty.

And in that moment, she didn’t care what he thought or believed he knew about her.

that girl. The one that was about to make all of his dreams come true. For this one night. What he didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him, and what he
he knew would make this the best night of his life.

She wanted to be the best night of his life with everything in her.

Hailey Conner was spread out, completely naked, on his sleeping bag.

Ty was still grappling with the truth of it all. He wanted his brain to work. He didn’t want his cock to take over everything like it was striving to do. He wanted to imprint these images and the feel, sound, smell of her on his brain.

Because he knew this would be the last time he would have her like this for a while.

This was going to spook her later. Right now, desire was coursing through her, muting the warning signals in her mind. And he was good with that. Reveled in it, in fact. He loved that he was able to take over her mind and override the part of her that had kept him at arm’s length for two years. But it wouldn’t last. This was too spontaneous for her.

But she was with him right now. She was saying yes. She was saying
. And he was a good guy, but he was no saint.

Hailey Conner was naked and saying please.

Yeah, this was happening.

“God, you’re gorgeous.”

He hadn’t seen a lot of fully naked girls. Typically, so far, they had been in the dark, at least partially dressed, when he’d gotten lucky in the past. He’d seen photos of naked and near naked women, of course.

And none of them compared to Hailey.

Because he knew how her laugh sounded and how she wrinkled her nose when she was thinking hard about something and how she lifted her chin when she was being brave about something and how her hair shone under a spotlight and that she sucked on Hershey’s Kisses, letting them melt in her mouth, rather than chewing them.

Knowing those things, loving those things, made her body all the more beautiful to him, and Ty was completely confident enough to admit all of those things. To himself.

“You are too.” Her eyes roamed over him hungrily.

She’d looked at him the same way when he’d come up to her at the bonfire. As if she was memorizing every inch.

Her friend—Sarah? Suzanne? Whatever— had looked at him with obvious appreciation as well, but her gaze on him had done nothing to him.

Hailey’s, on the other hand, had reached inside him, grabbed him, and pulled him to her.

He knew that girls found him attractive. But none of them had ever mattered like Hailey.

“I’ve never seen you without your shirt on.” She reached up and stroked her hand over his lower abs.

Everything in him tightened and swelled. Her touch was enough to almost send him over the edge.

He needed to get some control here. He was going to embarrass himself and ruin this moment.

He pressed her hand against his rib cage as she reached higher, keeping it still. “I love your hand on me, so fucking much, but this isn’t going to last long if you keep touching me right now.”

She got a sly look in her eye. “Oh? I haven’t even touched the really good stuff yet.” Her gaze went to his cock, prominently tenting the front of his trunks.

Even the
of her touching him there, wrapping her hand around him, stroking him… Ty closed his eyes, tipped his head back and pulled in a deep breath. Jesus, he had to get a grip.

He had some things he wanted to do first. Lots of things. And he had to be sure this was good for her because once he got inside her, it was probably about one minute from start to finish.


He opened his eyes and focused on her again. “I need you to lie very, very still,” he told her huskily. “And let me do this head-to-toe kissing thing.”

“Right. That comes before the fucking-me thing.”

The curve of her lips and the twinkle in her eye told him that she knew exactly how that would affect him.

And it did. Hearing the word “fucking” from her made his cock pulse painfully.

“Right,” he managed.

“Well, what if
?” She started to sit up.

he had no trouble getting past his tight throat and oxygen-less lungs.

Her eyes widened at the command in his tone and her nipples beaded.

And that was all he needed to know.

He had a dominant side. He didn’t totally understand it and had been fighting it with all of the other girls he’d been with. They were sweet girls he’d known his whole life. Even the couple who had been into just fooling around rather than being his girlfriends hadn’t made him feel comfortable saying the word fuck or telling them what to do. He just enjoyed the making out and sex for what it was. But there was always this need to get more commanding, to push them, to see what they were willing to do and try bubbling inside of him.

He squelched it with everyone else. But for some reason it was coming out with Hailey.

Hailey. The in-charge-of-everything girl.

He would have never guessed he’d be like that with her. Or that she would like it.

Maybe that was part of it, though. The idea that she was usually the boss, the one making demands. Part of him loved the idea of making her so delirious with desire that she would do anything he asked.

“This is my show,” he told her. “Lie back.”

She did. Her eyes still wide.

“Keep your arms above your head.”

She stretched them up. The motion arched her back slightly and lifted her breasts.


He could come just looking at her.

“Spread your legs more.”

She did that as well, without blinking. But her breathing was ragged, her chest rising and falling quickly.

Ty leaned in, bracing himself over her again. He kissed her, but softly this time, not the hot, wet, lots-of-tongue kisses of earlier. She squirmed under him and he grinned against her lips. He loved that.

He trailed his lips along her jaw and then down the side of her throat. He kissed the dip above her collarbone then dragged his tongue to the pulse point at the base of her throat.

She tipped her head back, giving him more access, and he couldn’t resist nipping slightly.

That pulled a deep groan from her and Ty felt his cock pulse again in response. He pressed his aching length against the sweet spot between her legs and she arched into him.

The pressure was heaven and hell at once. He needed more. He needed her encircling and gripping him.

But not yet. He needed her to be on the edge of sanity as well.

There were breasts and nipples and a stomach and thighs and a gorgeous ass to appreciate before he got between her legs. Because once he was there, he wouldn’t be coming up for air anytime soon.

He had no idea, really, what to do down there. He could admit that—also only to himself. But he’d figure it out. Whatever made her moan. He’d work at it until she did.

Ty moved lower, kissing the upper slope of his breast and then the valley between. He lifted his head to get a truly good look at the breasts he’d fantasized about for years.

He lifted a hand, cupping one fully, the tight center pressing into his palm. He rubbed back and forth, looking up to see the reaction.

Hailey’s eyes were half-closed, her lips parted with her rapid breathing. Her legs shifted under his.

“Yes,” she encouraged. “I love that.”

He moved his hand, taking the point between two fingers and squeezing slightly. She gasped. He squeezed tighter and pulled.

Her neck arched and she moaned.

Satisfaction and hunger rushed through him at the same moment. He was making her moan.
Fuck yeah
. But he wanted so much more.

He lowered his head, swirling his tongue around her nipple and then sucking. Hailey’s hand went to the back of his head, pressing him closer, and he took the hint. He sucked harder and heard her groan as she pressed her pelvis up against his cock.

Ty bit gently, almost subconsciously, and she cried out.

Her thighs tightened, as if she was trying to close them, but Ty was in the way. She arched against him again instead, rubbing on his erection, but she gave a frustrated moan that said it wasn’t enough.

He’d planned to spend time kissing his way over her stomach, running his hands over her thighs and ass, kissing from her lower back up her spine to her neck. He’d intended to run his tongue up her inner thighs, over her hipbone and then down to her clit.

He knew that most guys were intimidated by the idea of performing oral sex and he knew a couple whose girlfriends wouldn’t let them even try.

Ty had no such illusions about him and Hailey. He hadn’t gone down on a girl before and that probably meant he
with Hailey. What if he did it wrong?

But he wanted to. So badly. He wanted to touch every inch of her. He wanted to taste her. He wanted to give her pleasure.

And as she arched into him again, clearly seeking stimulation on her clit, Ty had to do it.

He slid down her body, kissing every inch of smooth skin as he went, but he didn’t stop, didn’t detour, on his way.

It took a few seconds for Hailey to realize what he was doing. She propped up on one elbow and reached for his head with the other.

“Ty.” But she didn’t say anything more. Just pushed her fingers into his hair.

For a moment, he couldn’t pull his attention from the sweetness in front of him. She trimmed her pubic hair, leaving only a small v on her mound. That meant he could easily see, even in only lantern light, the wet pink folds and the nub that needed him. He drew in a deep breath, absorbing the scent of her.

Finally he looked up at her.

BOOK: Getting to Her: A Sapphire Falls BONUS Novella
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