Read Game On (The Morgan Brothers Book 4) Online

Authors: Gale,Avery

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance

Game On (The Morgan Brothers Book 4) (18 page)

BOOK: Game On (The Morgan Brothers Book 4)
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“Lean back,
, I’m going to play with you. Watch your other Master’s reaction. See the fire in his eyes—how difficult we are making it for him to concentrate on what his brother is saying? By the time this little infomercial is over, nothing will keep him from barging over here and claiming his share of the fun. You’ll be lucky if he doesn’t throw you over his shoulder and haul your delectable ass upstairs like a fucking caveman.” Mitch had seen Kent torment Kyle in much the same way more than once during meetings. By the time, Kyle had wrapped things up he’d been almost out of control until he’d gotten his fill of Tobi.

The West brothers were well known for public play and had only afforded their lovely sub moderate levels of privacy throughout her first pregnancy. He wasn’t sure the two Doms would have been so open to revealing her changing body if she fussed with them continually about it. The more she fought them, the more they pushed her. Most of the other Doms at the Prairie Winds Club had never seen a pregnant woman in all her naked glory, so it had been a learning experience for many of them as well. Brian and Kirk swore Kent and Kyle had done the younger men a huge favor by allowing them to see the beauty of a woman’s rounded form. Since many of those same Doms had wives and were now planning families of their own, they’d be much better prepared for the changes they’d see.

Shoving all those thoughts aside, Mitch grinned at Phoenix’s obvious frustration, earning him a glacial glare. Sliding his fingers through Aspen’s soft folds, he drew slow circles around her swollen clit as he pressed kisses to the soft spot below her ear. “You’re deliciously wet for me,
. I can’t begin to tell you how much I love knowing you’re enjoying this bit of exhibition. Playing in public is one of my very favorite things, and I’m going to enjoy playing with you on one of the stages downstairs. Knowing Phoenix and I are the envy of every Dom in the room will add to our pleasure.”

Aspen’s body was slowly relaxing as her arousal began blocking out any residual embarrassment she might be feeling. Her soft moans were going to shatter his control. If he didn’t bring her to release quickly, there was going to be a serious change in the tone of this meeting. The woman was simply too tempting.

“You slay me,
. Everything about you draws me like a magnet to steel. Your hips lifting into my touch, the feel of your cream coating my fingers as I let them slide through your swollen folds—baby, you are a Dom’s wet dream come to life.” Cupping her cheek with his large palm, Mitch turned her into his kiss, capturing her cries as he pinched her pulsing clit sending her over the top.

Easing her down from what seemed like an earth-shattering release took several minutes as she lay shuddering against his chest. Phoenix brought over one of the club’s soft subbie blankets making no attempt to hide his straining erection. Wrapping it around her, he leaned down and took her lips in a forceful kiss. “You chose your name well, sweetness. You’re a fucking goddess when you come. As soon as we’re finished here, we’re going to head up to the ranch.”

Mitch gave his friend an inquiring look, but Phoenix gave him a quick shake of his head before mouthing
. Obviously, whatever happened involved Aspen’s safety, it was the only reason Mitch could think of Phoenix would be willing to wait to take her. What he didn’t know was what the hell the holdup was. “What or who are we waiting for?”

An emotion Mitch couldn’t identify crossed his friend’s face before Phoenix seemed back to business. “Kip. Or more specifically, Caila Cooper. It seems the Mistress of Mayhem has once again managed to land herself in a peck of trouble.” Mitch had heard the Morgan brothers talk about their neighbor
but hadn’t dreamt she was old enough to have been admitted to Mountain Mastery.

“Your neighbor? Why was she here? And where is she now?”

“It seems Caila managed to grow up while none of us were watching. And from what I’ve heard, Kip pulled her upstairs an hour ago and despite Brandt’s threats to breakdown the door, little brother doesn’t seem to give a rat’s ass the rest of us are left down here cooling our heels while he plays knight in shining armor.” It was easy to see there was more to the story, but Mitch decided those questions could wait. If he had to guess, he figured the older Morgan brothers were worried their youngest brother’s reputation as a one-night wonder would hurt the young women they were all so fond of.

Brandt had told him once that Calamity was the closest thing they had to a little sister, so it was easy to see why Phoenix was so frustrated with Kip. Mitch’s throbbing erection pressing relentlessly against the zipper of his pants made him silently curse the youngest Morgan as well.
Get your ass down here kid, waiting isn’t my best trait.

Chapter Sixteen

hoenix watched Kip
swagger into the room followed by a dazed looking Caila. He wanted to slap the smirk off his brother’s face and remind him of the importance of aftercare.
Jesus, Joseph, and Mary, he isn’t even holding her hand. I’m going to kick his ass.
From the scowl on Brandt’s face, Phoenix wasn’t the only one unhappy with their younger brother.

“Now that Kip has finally decided to bring Caila back downstairs, we’ll get started.” Brandt’s tone left little question about how frustrated he was with Kip’s cavalier attitude. “Caila, please tell us every detail you remember about the man you accosted you.” Phoenix watched as she blinked her eyes several times trying to focus on Brandt’s request. Every Dom in the room recognized the signs, she was still trying to battle her way back from the haze of what must have been a marathon sex scene. The post-orgasmic haze in her eyes would clear much quicker with the appropriate after-care, and now Nate was also glaring at Kip.

Surprising them all, Joelle stepped up to Kip and poked him in the chest as she spoke. “What the hell, Kip? You’re being a jerk. Where the heck is the sweet brother-in-law Coral, Josie, and I all love? Where is the guy who is always so supportive of the three of us when our men make us crazy? I don’t like this change at all. You’re being an arrogant prick, and if no one else is going to say what we’re all thinking, then I will.”

Holy shit!
Phoenix wanted to applaud and from the looks on the faces of the others in the room, he wasn’t the only one. Ryan took measured steps forward until he was able to shackle Joelle’s wrist, as he faced down his cousin. “She’s right, Kip, even though I find her timing a bit disturbing.” Looking at his lovely wife, he grinned. “You’ll get a paddling for talking to another Dom so disrespectfully at the club, my darling sub—even though I doubt it will be much of a punishment.”

If Phoenix knew his cousin, he planned to reward Joelle’s courage while disguising it as a punishment. Damn, you had to love his creativity. Joelle muttered, “It was worth it. He’s being an asshat. Wait until Coral gets wind of this.” Phoenix chuckled, and several others in the room coughed in an effort to cover their own laughter. Joelle’s parting shot mentioning Coral made Kip cringe, no doubt their oldest brother’s lovely wife would take an even dimmer view of Kip’s inconsiderate behavior.

Nate brought everyone’s attention back to the matter at hand by brushing past Kip and pulling Caila into his arms. “Sweetness, come here for a minute.” When she started to step back, he shook his head. “No. Be still and let me hold you. I want to make sure you’re all right, and I need to calm down before I say something to Master Kip I’ll regret later.”

Kip might not be as committed to the lifestyle as the other Morgans, but it was clear from the chastised look on his face, he realized he’d pushed the boundary too far. Landing on Nate’s shit list wasn’t an enviable position for a Dom or a submissive.
Yeah, little brother’s definitely gotten his ass in the fire.

By the time Caila finished describing her assailant, Aspen was fully focused, and Phoenix could tell she was barely holding back what he was sure was going to be a barrage of questions. It was only after Aspen approached Calamity that he noticed how similar the two women were in size and physical appearance. They were almost exactly the same height and body build, their hair color was nearly identical and cut in similar styles, although Caila’s was longer. The biggest difference he could see was the color of their eyes and the fact that Ms. Cooper was easily five years younger.

Turning to Brandt, he quietly asked the question he wasn’t sure he wanted the answer to. “You think he mistook Caila for Aspen, don’t you?” The regret he saw in his brother’s eyes was all the answer he needed. “Fuck. I don’t even want to think about how this is going to affect Aspen, she’s going to feel awful thinking she’s put someone else in danger.”

“I figured. She knew the risks when she signed on with DHS, but Caila is innocent in this mess. Honestly, I was worried this was where we were headed when we found Aspen’s picture in the man’s pocket. But hell, even I didn’t realize how much they look alike until I saw them standing side-by-side—it would have been an easy mistake to make, especially if you didn’t know either of them really well.”

Just then Caila straightened and went white as a sheet. To Kip’s credit, he was the first to her side. “What is it, Cal?” Kip only shortened their nickname for her when he was worried about her and Phoenix was glad to see he seemed to have snapped out of his earlier self-absorption.

“I just remembered, he said something about wishing it had been me who’d done his paperwork. He acted like I should know what he meant, but I was too scared to ask what he was talking about.” When she shuddered, Kip pulled her close, draping his arm over her shoulders in a move Phoenix knew she’d recognize. The light in Caila’s eyes dimmed when she realized Kip was pushing her gently back into the neighbor box.
. He wanted to slap some good sense into his younger brother. Kip should have never taken her unless he was prepared to follow through. It was a real prick move to view Caila as casually as he typically looked at other women.

Brandt looked up from the picture in his hands, smiling indulgently at the young woman they all still saw as a kid. “Anything else, Caila? Close your eyes and try to picture it again in your mind, but I also want you to hold on to Kip’s hand. Let him keep you grounded while you go back in your mind.” Phoenix watched as she let Kip take her hand as she closed her eyes. Her expression quickly shifted from the affable look she’d given Brandt, the small frown lines appearing between her brows indicating her concern with whatever she was reliving.

When she shuddered, Kip’s soft curse let Phoenix know his brother was more invested in the situation than he appeared. Letting go of her hand to wrap his arm around her shoulder, Phoenix watched as she unconsciously leaned into Kip’s hold. When her eyes flew open, it was Phoenix she turned to. “He called me Athena…isn’t that the name of the woman who kicks your ass in your games? I don’t play often, but I’ve seen enough on-line chatter to know there is a lot of speculation about you and Mitch and the player named after some Greek goddess.”

Nate stepped behind her giving her ass a sharp swat rocking her up on her toes. “Check the attitude, precious. You are still in a BDSM club and the rules about respect apply in the office just as they do the rest of the facility. You’re skating very close to the edge, and since you don’t have a Dom, I won’t think twice about giving you the spanking you deserve.” Kip might not be ready to commit himself to Caila, but the icy look he gave Nate spoke volumes.

Before Phoenix could react to everything happening around him, Aspen had wiggled away from Mitch and planted herself squarely in front of Caila. “Oh my God, he almost hurt you because he thought you were me. Are you okay, sweetie? Holy crapping cottontails, I can’t believe this.”

Caila blinked a couple of times before laughing. “Seriously? You’re Athena? What kind of blind bastard mistakes you for me? Good heavens, you’re gorgeous.”

Another resounding slap of Nate’s palm against a barely covered ass had the other Dom’s in the room chuckling. In typical Brandt Morgan fashion, Phoenix saw his brother grin as he arched a brow at his longtime friend. “Damn, Nate, you’re losing control of the submissives in this club at an alarming rate. You may need to call in reinforcements if Tobi or Coral show up.” When Joelle glared at her husband, his smile widened. “Go ahead and say it, minx, I’ve been looking for a good excuse to wear out that pretty ass of yours.”

Joelle’s pout was pretty and likely all the excuse Brandt needed to lay some crimson stripes over his sweet sub’s ass. Phoenix knew his lovely sister-in-law had been so busy recently she probably hadn’t had time to get in enough trouble to suit Brandt—the middle Morgan brother loved nothing more than having her bare ass draped over his lap. Ryan pulled her back into his arms and sighed. “Baby, I have a different vision for this evening, so please try to refrain from poking the bear.”

Phoenix refocused his attention on Aspen’s frantic inquiries about whether or not Caila was sure she was all right. Pulling Aspen back against his chest, Phoenix wrapped his arm around her low, so when he slid it up under her breasts, he lifted the front of her dress enough she’d feel even the slightest brush of air move over her exposed sex. Any movement she made would have her flashing everyone in the room. Leaning down, he spoke against the soft shell of her ear. “If Caila tells you she is okay, she is. She may be young, but she’s wicked smart, and she trusts us enough to tell us if she’d been injured.”

“Oh yeah, I’ve had plenty of experience running to the Morgan brothers when I got hurt…really, lots and lots of experience. Besides, I don’t want to get paddled by Master Nate for telling a lie…I’ve seen how that works out for subs, and it’s not pretty.” Nate’s smug look made Phoenix want to laugh, the little minx had managed to assure Aspen she was okay and stroke the club owner’s ego all in one go. Hell, even he had to admire her diplomatic efforts. And she was right, she’d had a lifetime’s experience confessing her dangerous escapades to them.
I’ve never met anyone who can get themselves into as much trouble as the Mistress of Mayhem.

BOOK: Game On (The Morgan Brothers Book 4)
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