Gabriel's Heart [The Men of Treasure Cove 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (10 page)

BOOK: Gabriel's Heart [The Men of Treasure Cove 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“Breathe, little bird. Nice and slow, deep breaths in and out,” Gabriel said softly, coaxing her as Alex gently rubbed her back.

She could feel the head of his cock begin to enter. The burn wasn’t anything she had ever felt. Gasping for air, she tried desperately to breathe through it.

“Relax, Annie. He won’t hurt you. Let him in,” Alexander whispered against her ear as he continued rubbing. She knew he was trying to soothe her nerves, but this was too much. The fire in her ass was uncontrollable.

Breathing through the pain, she arched her back, trying to relax her bottom, and that was when she felt the head pop through.

“That’s it, little bird. Let me in,” Gabriel said as he slid his cock deeper into her ass an inch at a time.

Moaning, she let go and allowed Gabriel to take over. She never said a word when his hand begin to rub her clit, nor when another hand began massaging her nipples. All she knew was that her body was on overload, and she was reaching her pinnacle fast. She was still groaning as Gabriel began to fuck her, and this time he was not going slowly.

She whimpered as he picked up the pace, and just as she was about to come, he stopped.

Moaning, she closed her eyes and said nothing when he lifted her up until her back was flush against his chest. His cock still throbbed deep in her ass.

Leaning her head on his shoulder, she kept her eyes closed and relished him holding her once again. She missed him, and she would take anything he wanted to give.

Opening her eyes, she watched as Alexander kneeled before her, stroking his cock, and before she could say anything, she watched his cock enter her, in one hard thrust.

“Ah!” she screamed as her insides stretched to the max. Taking her bound hands, she placed them over Alexander’s head, resting them on his shoulders.

Gabriel grabbed her hips and increased his strokes.

She moaned louder as they both started fucking her in unison. The harder they fucked, the more turned on she got. Rocking her ass back and forth, she soon found a rhythm as she took over fucking them. In her ass, out of her pussy, over and over again. Lost within the haze of sexual gratification, she could no longer think. All she wanted, no, needed, was her release. She could feel her orgasm building deep within her as she moved on them, taking them deeper and deeper into her body. The sounds of pants and grunts fed her desire as she fucked the two long stiff cocks within her. The smell of sex permeated the air as a loud moan erupted deep within her soul. “
!” she screamed as her sphincter spasmed and her pussy convulsed in the biggest earth-shattering orgasm she had ever had.

In that erotic second, everything around her fell away, as they thrust their cocks into her, simultaneously erupting white hot cum into her ass and pussy. She could feel stream after stream of cum being released deep into her body as they, too, shook from their release.

Her whole body, weak with exhaustion, never flinched when Alexander moved away, and she slowly fell to the cabin floor. Panting and gasping for air, she laid there as Gabriel slowly eased himself out of her ass and moved away. She didn’t know where they went, nor did she care. Her body hummed gloriously, and she loved it.

Slowly, she tried to calm her breathing, but with every breath she took, hot cum oozed from within her. She never moved when Gabriel returned with a warm wash cloth and began to clean her up. Smiling, she drifted off into a peaceful sleep.


* * * *


Alexander walked over and gently picked Annie up. Taking her to the cabin in the back of the plane, he placed her on the large bed and covered her with the white blanket at the foot. She was adorable awake and full of life, but asleep she was beautiful and enchanting. Alex just stood there and watched as she moaned and curled onto her side as her chestnut hair flowed around her. Sighing, she fell into a deep slumber.

Alex knew he was falling hard and fast. That was always his way, but this time something was different. He didn’t know if it was her, Gabriel, or the weather. All he knew was there was something bigger going on here, and he liked it.

Silently closing the door, he walked back into the main cabin, finding a seat. The cold leather chilled his hot naked body. Leaning his head back, he closed his eyes when he heard Gabriel speak. “She likes you, a lot.”

Alex knew Gabriel didn’t like to share. Hell, the only other time they did share ended badly. It took Gabriel months to look him in the eye after that episode, and the woman they shared was already forgotten about. He never asked what became of the woman, and at the time he didn’t care. She was just a piece of ass that night, but the ramifications of what happened to the woman that night haunted Alex. There was no way he was going to let that to happen to Annie. She was different, special, and the more time he spent with her, the more he liked her.

“Is this going to be a problem?” Alex asked, never opening his eyes. He couldn’t look at his friend. He did not want to see the resentment in his eyes or the pain.

“As long as she wants you, there will be no problem.”

“You could have said no. She loves you.”

“I know.”

“I like her, Gabriel. I like her a lot.”

“What are you saying?”

Alex turned and finally looked at his friend. “What I am saying is you need to learn to share and play nice. Annie is not like the others. She is special. I knew that within the first five minutes of seeing her. The more time I have spent with her only confirmed that. She is an incredible, beautiful woman with a glorious heart. She wants to be loved. Hell, she is begging someone to love her.

“Do you know why she did what she did a few minutes ago? She did it for you. I saw the look you gave her when she looked to you for answers. You wanted to watch her fuck another man. Well, you got your wish, and I think you liked it. I am not going anywhere, Gabriel. As long as Annie wants me, I will be available.”

Alex watched as Gabriel stood. “You love her!”

Sighing, Alex leaned forward and rested his arms on his legs. Looking up, he said, “Am I that obvious? I know she doesn’t feel the same way yet, but I’m hoping she will someday. You’re not afraid, are you, Gabriel?”

“I’m not afraid of anything.”

“Bullshit. You’re scared just as much as I am.”

“She already loves me.” Gabriel grinned.

“Lucky bastard,” Alex smiled back and then said, “Look, we can talk about this later, and we will talk about this, Gabriel. I’m tired. I’m going to go to bed.” Alex got to his feet, “And yes, I am going to sleep right next to her.” With that, Alex began to walk back toward the cabin when Gabriel stopped him.

“I don’t want her hurt.”

“Then do the right thing. Stop toying with her and tell her how you truly feel. She is not some child’s toy. You cannot wind her up and then walk away thinking she will be fine. She has feelings, Gabriel, real feelings, and most importantly, she isn’t Lisset. You must get over what happened and move on.”

Alex opened the cabin door and quietly walked to the bed. Sliding under the blanket, he let his body finally relax. He hated arguing with Gabriel. Nothing ever came of it. In all the years he had known him, Gabriel commanded obedience. He never once allowed for anyone’s opinions or feelings on any matter. It was always his way or else, and that was what led to the destruction of Lisset.

Alexander did not like remembering what happened, but he knew he was to blame just as much as Gabriel. Neither of them knew until it was too late. By the time he figured out what had happened, it was too late. The damage done tore a rift between them that took years to fix, and neither of them had shared women since, until Annie.

Well, Alex knew one thing. He would fight for Annie until his last breath. There was no way he was going to let the overpowering, dominant ass extinguish the light in this beautiful woman. Annie was a free spirit, full of laughter and love.

Pulling her into his arms, he smiled when she wrapped herself around him. She snuggled close as if she were trying to climb under his skin.

“I love you,” he whispered, kissing the top of her head. Closing his eyes, he let the hum of the engines lull him to sleep.


* * * *


Gabriel was furious. He wanted to beat the shit out of Alexander saying her name in his presence. What was he thinking? He knew how much he blamed himself for what happened to Lisset. Hell, Alex received the quarterly statements.

Lisset Benoit was a young, vibrant, flirtatious schoolteacher, who played them both for fools. Of course, at the time, they did not know that she was seeing other people. When they found out, they broke off the relationship and even went as far to find her another Dom. What they didn’t know was that the Dom they found for her had beaten her to a bloody pulp and left her for dead. An in-house resident discovered her three days later when he heard her whimpers. By the time she received medical treatment, it was too late, and the doctors could do nothing about her eyesight. She was permanently blind.

Gabriel spent months trying to find her a doctor who could restore her eyesight, while Alex made sure the Dom paid dearly for his sins. During the aftermath, the bickering and fighting began. It started out as snide comments, then jabs. It finally escalated when Alexander blamed him for being so closed off and emotionally unable to commit. Alex blamed him for Lisset’s wandering eyes, and when all was said and done, Gabriel did blame himself. If he hadn’t been so controlling and told her how he truly felt, she wouldn’t have sought comfort somewhere else.

What happened to her was his fault.

Gabriel knew it.

The only problem was he did not know how to go about fixing it.

For the last ten years, he had loved only one woman and trusted only one friend with his life. In less than one hour, both had connected in a way that brought about feelings he was unable to discuss, let alone understand. He loved Antoinette. He just had a hard time opening up and expressing it, but he knew if he wanted to keep her, he was going to have to try.

Gabriel knew there was no way he could ever walk away from Antoinette again.

He had caused this mess. He created it three months ago. He didn’t have the courage to walk away then, and he could not do it now. The only problem now was Alexander was involved.

God, why did he have to show up?

Gabriel had known Alexander since he was five. They grew up together, played together, and got in trouble together. When his parents died, it was Alexander who got him through the whole mess. After Gabriel was shipped off to live with his grandfather, it was Alexander who helped him survive. Through it all, Alexander had always been by his side. Even when he decided to open the Pleasure Cave in Montana, it was Alexander who agreed and even offered to stay behind and take over his private estates, giving him the freedom to be who he wanted to be.

Alexander had always understood him when others hadn’t, and Gabriel was grateful for that. It wasn’t easy being different. There was a time when Gabriel thought he was a deviant, a sadist, someone who should be locked up in an insane asylum. It was Alexander who made him understand that he was normal, that there was no shame in what he desired.

Leaning forward, he placed his head in his hands. Gabriel felt like weeping. So much had changed, and nothing was ever going to be the same. He needed Antoinette like he needed air in his lungs, yet he could not see his life without Alexander in it.

His trusted friend, his confidant, his brother.

That was the crux of the matter.

Sighing, Gabriel stood and began pacing. Should he tell him? Would it make a difference? Would Alexander want to know the truth?

It was only after Gabriel’s grandfather passed and he was sitting with his solicitor that the truth came out. At the time, he was happy and excited not to be left in the vast world alone. Every time he went to tell his best friend, the words would not come out.

Alexander lived a fabulous life with parents who loved him dearly. He had everything he could have ever wanted. His whole life was a lie. His parents were not his parents.

Alexander was Gabriel’s half brother.

Older by one month, his father met and bedded a woman the night before he married Gabriel’s mother. When Gabriel’s grandfather found out, he placed the infant child with adoptive parents. A well-known family, the Ellises descended from a long line of royalty. Though no longer titled, the family was still prominent within the social circles of London.

When Henry and Adeline Ellis realized they were unable to conceive, they retreated to the country, and that was where they were approached by Gabriel’s grandfather.

Gabriel did not know why his grandfather did what he did. His grandfather was a bastard. Heartless and uncaring, he never liked Gabriel, making his life a living hell. Sent away to Eaton for school, he cherished the time away from his grandfather. The time he had with Alexander made up for everything he endured.

He was jealous.

Jealous that Alexander had the life he always wanted. Jealous that Alexander received the love of two adoring parents who worshipped him, jealous that his grandfather paid more attention to him, and mostly, Gabriel was jealous that Antoinette wanted him.

BOOK: Gabriel's Heart [The Men of Treasure Cove 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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