Fugitive Millionaire (Fugitive Millionaire Book One) (3 page)

BOOK: Fugitive Millionaire (Fugitive Millionaire Book One)
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Fabian shoots her another weird look. Has she stuck her foot in her mouth again? “My parents are happily divorced and estranged. In fact, they go out of their way to avoid each other. Mom spends most of her time at the Connecticut home or at our retreat at Martha’s Vineyard.”

“Wow. I feel dumb. Nathan mentioned your mom might be here, so I just assumed…”

“That’s okay. Don’t sweat it.”

Claire wishes she had taken time to do some research on the Cooper family—too late now. “Are you on good terms with your mom?”

“Actually, we used to be very close when I was growing up. She’s warm and loving, just like your dad. Unfortunately, the divorce screwed everything up. Mom turned to my sister for support during that time. I guess she assumed that I’d naturally take Gray’s side, but that’s never been the case. Mom and I still talk from time to time.”

“You see? I’m still learning stuff about you. I didn’t know you had a sister.”

“Yep. She’s married and lives near mom in Connecticut. She is not on speaking terms with Gray, so he’s lucky I’m even making an effort to stay in his life.”

“I always wanted a sister. I’m an only child.”

“Really? I’ll definitely take you to meet, Jocelyn. We call her Josie. I think you two would get along great.”

“I would love to meet her.”

Claire stands up. “I want to go in and thank your stepmother for inviting me. It’s the classy thing to do since I’m not even supposed to be here.”

Fabian reluctantly follows her lead. “You’re way classier than Sloane.”

Claire takes Fabian’s arm and they slowly head back to the well-lit mansion.

“How come you don’t like Sloane?”

“Ugh. I don’t wanna get into that right now. We’re here to enjoy ourselves while raising money for a good cause. At least, with you around it’s easier for me to pretend I’m enjoying all this.”

Claire remains silent so she can savor every part of this moment. Maybe this party is old hat for Fabian, but to her it’s an amazing experience that she’ll never forget. Despite her desire to hold back, she’s falling fast and hard for Fabian Cooper.

Claire extends a friendly hand towards Sloane Cooper who quickly corrects her.

“No, no, darling. You’re supposed to do a greeting like this.”

Sloane grabs Claire’s upper arms and air kisses her on both sides.

Claire is slightly embarrassed, but quickly recovers. “Thanks for showing me. I’m new at this.”

Sloane looks gorgeous in her glittering black gown with the open back. Her diamond and gemstone earrings match her outfit perfectly. A diamond tennis bracelet encircles her small wrist. Her hair is styled in a tasteful up do.

Claire wonders what it feels like to look that fabulous. She can tell Sloane spends plenty of her husband’s money on her appearance. She can’t help but wonder if Sloane married the older Gray Cooper just for his money. Could she sincerely love her husband while carrying on a secret affair with Nathan? Claire isn’t sure of the answer, but Sloane certainly fits the profile of a typical trophy wife.

Claire senses that Fabian doesn’t want to make small talk with Sloane and her friends so she wants to hurry up and get this over with.

“That’s a nice little dress, Claire. Is it designer?”

“I’m sure it was designed by someone talented, but not famous.”

“Well, whoever made it you look amazing tonight.”

Claire isn’t sure if Sloane is being sincere in her compliment, but she doesn’t really care. She’s not out to impress anyone, except Fabian. “Thank you. You look amazing as well.”

“So, how do you like my party?”

“I’m having a really good time.”

“It’s my very first charity party and I worked really hard to pull it off. I’m glad you’re getting a chance to see another side of me.”

Claire assumes that Sloane is hinting that her slutty behavior with Nathan shouldn’t discount her high society efforts. Duly noted.

“I just wanted to come by and thank you, Mrs. Cooper, for adding me to the guest list at the last minute. I really appreciate it.”

“Fabian here asked me and I gladly made an exception for family. Besides, Nathan says you’re a hard worker, so you deserve this as much as any executive.”

“Thank you. I guess Fabian and I will head off to see the art collection now. It was nice seeing you again.”

Sloane manages a fake smile. “You too.”




All the guests have left, including Claire Decker. Cooper mansion is quiet, except for the remaining catering staff cleaning up for the night. Fabian never imagined that he’d actually be glad he came to Sloane’s bash, but that’s the truth. He and Claire were inseparable from the moment she stepped foot on the estate. Even now, his heart is beating with excitement at the mere thought of her in that black dress.

On his way to his quarters, he passes by the Art Room. This is where his family displays their most intriguing and special fine art pieces.

“Fabian! Got a second to talk?”

Fabian stops in his tracks. He doesn’t feel like dealing with Sloane after such a great evening. But, she is partly responsible for Claire coming so he decides to see what she wants. He walks into the Art Room and sees Sloane relaxing on the lounger in her gown. Her bare feet still have pink bruise marks from an evening of wearing her five-inch heel pumps. She smugly sips her brandy.

“Yeah, I’ve got a few seconds to spare. What is it?”

“Even you have to admit I pulled off a fantastic party for the charity.”

“Okay, I’ll admit that you outdid my expectations.”

“Good. I just wanted to hear you say it. You think I’m pretty useless around here, but I feel I bring a lot of value to the Cooper family. Keeping up appearances among the wealthy set is important. This event is going to get major publicity.”

“Congratulations, Sloane. You have finally arrived. Happy?”

“Quite. A number of people that came tonight think I’m not in their league. They talk about me like a dog behind my back. But, I think tonight is finally going to change all of that. They don’t have to like me, but they damn sure better start showing me some respect.”

“Uh huh. Respect is earned, Sloane.”

“I know that. Some people are harder to please than others.”

Fabian is well aware that Sloane is desperate to win the approval of the most esteemed families in their social circle. While Gray is already a popular guy among the hoity toity crowd, Sloane is simply tolerated. She’s been snubbed by most of the wives. Fabian doesn’t blame them—they know her type all too well.

“Sloane, regardless of whether or not you’ve won more acceptance, this event raised a bunch of money for needy children. That’s what this event was really all about, right?”

Sloane swirls the brandy around in her glass. “Of course, you’re right, Fabian. I didn’t mean to make it all about me. I’m looking forward to presenting the charity with a huge check.”

Fabian is sure there will be cameras around and a reporter or two to ensure her good deed is duly recognized. It’s obvious to even his dad that Sloane enjoys being in the spotlight.

“Claire certainly had a tight grip on you all night.”

“It was mutual. We like each other a lot.”

“I don’t blame her for trying to capture a millionaire. Are you sweet on her?”

“We’re just friends.”

Sloane narrows her eyes. “Don’t lie to me. I see the way your face lights up around her. Be careful not to get too carried away with the hired help.”

Fabian pushes back on Sloane’s snootiness. “You act like she’s beneath us.”

“She is. Frankly, I’m surprised you’re that into her. You usually go for models, actresses or socialites.”

“So? I’m open-minded when it comes to women. Claire’s a great person. She’s interested in me, not my money.”

“Right. You keep believing that. Hey, I’m not trying to tell you what to do, but in my opinion you should stick to women that are on your own social class level.”

“You mean like you and Gray? You certainly weren’t on his social level when you sunk your hooks into him.”

Claire doesn’t seem bothered at all by her blatant hypocrisy. “I’m an exception, not the rule. What makes me different than someone like Claire is that I’ve always been comfortable around wealthy people. Your father can take me anywhere and never worry that I’ll stick out like a sore thumb.”

Fabian isn’t going to let her get away with insulting Claire like that.

“Yeah, you sure have that fake act down pat. Keep in mind that showing some class in public doesn’t mean shit without having the good character to go with it.”

“I beg your pardon? Don’t talk to me like that.”

“Mind your own business then. I don’t need your advice on who I should date.”

“Fine. I was just trying to help you avoid making a mistake you may regret later.”

Fabian leaves before he says something really despicable. He wishes his father would realize the mistake he made by marrying Sloane. Gray is blinded by her youthfulness, her looks and the scant sex she lets him have. Fabian wonders if Gray doesn’t care that Sloane isn’t in love with him. He brags about her to his friends. Maybe at his age all he wants is a good-looking woman on his arm that makes him feel young and virile.

Fabian is glad he’s nothing like his dad in this respect. He wants a real woman that truly loves him and is always there for him through thick and thin. That kind of woman is worth investing in.




Claire inhales the invigorating aroma of grapefruit tinged with sweet honey as she watches the tub fill with water and bubbles. She is treating herself to a bubble bath so she can more easily relax and unwind after her eventful night at Cooper manor. She’s still on cloud 9 and wants to extend her enjoyment just a little bit longer before she heads off to bed.

Claire shuts off the faucet and eases her body gently down into the warm, sudsy water. There are just enough bubbles to be playful without feeling too silly. Her thoughts right now are not of the childhood variety. Oh no. They are very much R-rated adult content.

“Umm. Feels so good.”

She leans back and closes her eyes.

“Oh, Fabian. You are so sexy.”

Claire relives her stroll in the garden with Fabian. Only this time they make their way to a clearing where there is a king sized bed awaiting them. The silky sheets and plush pillows beckon the couple to lie down and get comfortable, which is exactly what they do. Claire nuzzles up close against Fabian’s masculine body. His cologne is absolutely intoxicating. She doesn’t know what brand it is, but is sure the company that makes it is infusing it with some kind of secret hormonal concoction that causes women to lose their inhibitions.

Everyone in the mansion has disappeared and there is no one else in the whole world except she and him. There is no need for conversation because they can read each other’s minds. It is like they are the same person. As she strokes his hair, she takes comfort in the fact that he knows her every need and desire. She is eager to let him have his way with her. Damn her rules about making him wait. She wants him desperately, and that’s all that matters.

“Mmm…yes. Touch me there.”

Fabian’s hand makes its way up her dress. She feels him tug at the front of her panties. His fingers work quickly to find their way to her golden spot—that dark cave of wonder that responds with delight as he strokes his fingers against her most delicate area. Claire spreads her legs open with unbearable anticipation.

“Enter me.”

Fabian needs no further invitation. His worldly fingers know exactly what to do. His commanding middle finger breaches the entrance and explores the inside of her increasingly warm cavern. In and out his finger goes, penetrating deeper each time. Claire begins panting with excitement as his nimble fingers do their work.

“Oh…Fabian. Do it, baby. Do me.”

Again, Fabian obeys her command and puts everything he has into pleasuring her. Two fingers are working her hot spot in earnest. Back and forth they go, causing her to become even hornier. This is the kind of man she has been dreaming about all her life. He’s smart, great-looking and is more than willing to make sure his woman is happy in bed. She could lie here forever in this silky wonderland and allow him to ravish her over and over again.

Claire feels herself about to come as her body tenses and prepares for the inevitable eruption between her legs. Just a little bit more and her dream night with Fabian will be complete.


Ding dong!


Ding dong!

Is that the doorbell? It can’t be. It’s like freaking one o’clock in the morning.

Ding dong!

“Shit! Why now?”

Claire drops the waterproof rabbit ears vibrator into the tub. She was so close to nirvana that she was ready to have the mother of all self-induced orgasms. Whoever this is at the door better have a damn good reason for interrupting her sex fantasy.

Claire exits the tub, quickly dries off with a towel and slips her white terrycloth robe around her body. There’s no time to search for her slippers so she goes to the door with bare feet. In the brief moments it took to transition back to reality, her mood has gone from extremely annoyed to concerned. Maybe one of her neighbors has an emergency and needs her help. This is New York City so anything can happen at any time during any given day. She eyes her cell phone but decides to see who it is first before grabbing it.

Claire looks through the peephole in the door and is immediately shocked. For a hot minute she thinks she is hallucinating. She looks again. Nope. It’s not a hallucination. The stars are certainly lining up in her favor tonight. She opens the door without hesitation.

“OMG. What are you doing here?”

Fabian Cooper stands in her doorway wearing jeans and a t-shirt. The musky smell of his body enticingly mingles with the faint scent of his cologne. She observes that he decided to change clothes without showering before heading for her place. My god. Did she will him here with her lusty thoughts?

Fabian smiles at her mischievously as his eyes drink in her still glistening body in that robe. “Hope you don’t mind me stopping by for a bit. I got your address after snooping around in the office personnel files. Naughty, I know.”

BOOK: Fugitive Millionaire (Fugitive Millionaire Book One)
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