Freedom to Ride - Resolution (Raven's MC) (4 page)

BOOK: Freedom to Ride - Resolution (Raven's MC)
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Deanna ducked her head so Megan wouldn’t see her thoughtful expression.

“What’ve you done?” Megan asked as she studied Deanna’s face.

“Nothing,” Deanna replied, still not looking at her friend.

“Oh I see. Our roles are reversed for once. You’ve got a sneaky smile on your face and I’m worrying what you’re up to.”

“I haven’t done anything. Well, not yet anyway. Nate’s birthday is only a few weeks away in August. I was thinking of getting another tattoo.”

“I knew it. I bet you were so satisfied with his reaction the first time that you’re after another demonstration. Am I right?”

“I’ve always loved Nate’s tattoos but since he got the Raven birds, I’ve been thinking. I want to get some work done to cover the scars that Lee left me with,” Deanna said quietly.

Deanna tried every day to not think about what her crazy ex had done the night he’d attacked her in the compound office. But she would never forget the feeling of the blade slicing her body and plunging into her stomach.

“Sweetie, you should be proud of your scars. You’re a survivor. I’m sure Nate doesn’t have a problem with them.”

“He says he doesn’t. But I can see it in his eyes when he looks at them. Nate believes that, as he promised to always protect me and wasn’t there the night Lee attacked, he failed me. No matter what I tell him I know he’ll always think that. I want to turn a bad memory into a beautiful reminder. I was thinking of getting a fierce raven to represent Nate, just like his, tattooed over the stab wound. On the slash mark I want a bramble vine wrapping around my stomach, hip and back. A red rose for Holly and then I’ll leave space for the rest of our children. What do you think?” Deanna asked, wanting her best friends approval.

“I think it’s a lovely idea,” Megan said, clutching Deanna’s hand and the friends shared an affectionate smile.

“Right, enough of this soppy shite. We’ve got a party to get to,” Megan said, appraising Deanna in a long tight leather skirt with splits up both sides, spiked stilettos and a green and black corset Basque top, which looked great on her curvy figure. Her long red hair was in curly disarray, as usual, and she wore a large emerald necklace that Nate had bought her in Italy.

Deanna followed Megan out of the room, saying goodnight to Holly and Alice, who watched the women leave the house, Alice shocked at some of the outfits modern day women wore. 

Megan strutted across the road in her short turquoise dress with her long blonde hair trailing down her back, her arm linked through Deanna’s as the girls entered the clubhouse.

The party was already in full swing, half naked women and regular club groupies stalking around the room, trying to catch the eyes of the members.

“Come on, let gets steamin’,” Megan said as she dragged Deanna to the bar where there was a young lad working that Deanna hadn’t seen before.

“Hi girls, what can I get you?” the boy asked quietly as he peered shyly at them.

He was only the same height as Deanna with dark brown hair and piercing blue eyes. Deanna thought he looked too young to be working behind the bar, but she knew Nate was strict and wouldn’t let anyone underage in the clubhouse during a party.

“Hello. You’re new around here and we haven’t been introduced yet –
” Megan shouted at her boyfriend, gesturing to him.

“What’s up gorgeous?” Fraser, his long ginger hair pulled back in a ponytail, made his way over to them and wrapped his arms around Megan as he kissed her. He pulled away and quickly kissed Deanna on the cheek in greeting.

“Who is this wee cutie behind the bar and why haven’t we seen him before?” Megan asked him.

“This is Jamie. He’s the grandson of old Mike. His granddad asked if we had any work for him so Nate suggested he could help out around the club,” Fraser said but trailed off when his name was shouted and Logan waved him over.

“Well hello, Jamie. I’m Megan and this is Deanna,” Megan introduced after Fraser walked away. Deanna looked over at Jamie who was staring at her with a coy smile.

“Hello. You’re Deanna? I’ve heard a lot about you,” he said quietly.

“I deny everything these men might have said. I know it can’t have been anything good,” Deanna joked.

“All good I promise. The men think a lot about you. Especially with how happy and good-tempered their President is all the time now,” Jamie said and Deanna smiled at the compliment.

“So, are you settling in okay? If you need anything just ask, we’ll all help you. Plus Megan and me work in the club office and shop so you can ask one of us for anything,” Deanna said, already liking him and his shy nature.

“Okay, thanks. Can I get you something to drink?”

As Jamie took their order and made the drinks he watched Deanna talking with her friend. Her smile was kind. After everything he’d been through he knew how to recognise an evil person. If the rumours were true, she’d experienced traumas in her past, not so different from his own. He’d make sure he went to her if he needed any help. Some of the members still made him edgy, especially the new mechanic who wasn’t a very nice man.

“Thanks Jamie. See you around. Don’t forget, just shout if you need anything,” Deanna said as Megan pulled her away from the bar to sit on one of the large comfy sofas in the corner.

Deanna looked around the room but couldn’t find Nate anywhere. The large wooden club meeting room doors were closed so she knew someone was in there. She hoped that nothing serious had happened, especially if it was important enough to interrupt a club party.

As the girls chatted animatedly about the honeymoon, Deanna felt the couch sink down and a body sat close to her side. She looked round, knowing instinctively that it wasn’t Nate and was unhappy to find Alastair, the new mechanic, sitting too near her.

“Hey darlin’. How was the honeymoon? I bet you fucked constantly, didn’t you?” he leered as he nudged her shoulder, his rancid breath making Deanna recoil.

“Piss off. You’re interrupting girl talk. And don’t speak to her like that again,” Megan said as she leaned across Deanna to look directly in his face.

Alastair held up his hands in surrender. “Just being friendly sweetheart. The wedding is all anyone talks about. Shagging so much they broke the bed. I fuckin’ love a woman who knows how to be a whore.”

“Alastair,” a voice barked behind him and Deanna looked over to see Bruce’s father, William, frowning down at Alastair in warning. William was one of the oldest club members and looked like a large cuddly teddy bear with a huge beard.

“Shut your mouth. You don’t speak to ladies like that in this club. If you don’t watch what you say you’ll be tossed out on your arse. You’re lucky none of the other members heard you, especially Nate. I strongly suggest you leave the ladies alone,” William bent down talking quietly to him, not wanting anyone else to overhear them.

Alastair smirked and staggered to his feet, saluting William sarcastically as he turned, sneering down at Deanna and then stumbling away.

“Thank you William,” Deanna said, a little shocked at what just happened. She now understood why some of the other ‘old ladies’ felt uncomfortable around Alastair, especially if he spoke to them in that way.

“Deanna, be careful around him. He’s one nasty piece of work,” cautioned William.

Deanna smiled her thanks before he walked away. She turned to Megan who was frowning and watching Alastair’s retreating back as he disappeared into the crowd.

“Well, at least this place doesn’t get boring,” Megan tried to joke, but she didn’t like the way Alastair had looked at Deanna. She knew that he’d continue to harass her. Megan had spoken to a few of the other ‘old ladies’ who’d repeated some of the things he’d said to them, but for some reason he’d now left them alone. It looked like he’d found a new target.

“Babe, come here,” said a deep voice behind Deanna and she felt familiar arms wrap around her as Nate sat and pulled her into his solid chest.

“Hi honey,” she said, relaxing into him.

“You look gorgeous. How long you been here?” Nate asked, his eyes staring hungrily at her chest practically spilling out of her top.

“Not long, we just got here. You never said that you had someone new starting. We’ve just met him. He seems nice.”

“Aye, he’s a good lad. He’s had some problems in the past but ol’ Mike’s hoping we can sort him out. He seems to be doing a good job.”

Deanna followed Nate’s gaze as he raised his glass at Jamie behind the bar who nodded back at them.

“Are you alright?” Nate asked, sensing that something was bothering her.

“Yeah, I . . ,” Deanna was interrupted when William appeared at Nate’s other side.

“Nate, could I have a word with you?” William asked.

“Sure. What’s up Will?”

“It’s about Alastair,” William said as he perched on the edge of the table in front of the couch. He looked over at Deanna, silently communicating that he was going to tell Nate what had just happened.

“What about that dickhead?” Nate said, already having heard his name too many times tonight.

“Well, it involves Deanna.”

Nate’s head swung to hers, his eyes fierce.

“What did that fucker say to you?” he demanded, planning to beat the shit out of the bastard if he’d said anything obscene to her.

“He . . erm . . ,” Deanna didn’t know what to say as Nate’s eyes turned fiery with anger.

“Deanna,” he cautioned her, needing to know.

William interrupted. “He sort of implied that she was the same thing as the graffiti that was written on the clubhouse. He’s heard the story of what happened after your wedding and made a crude comment.”

Nate’s jaw tensed as he ground his teeth, his fists clenched as he raised his head slowly and spotted Alastair across the room staring back at him and smirking. Nate jumped to his feet ready to strangle the wanker, but he felt a hand grab his arm restraining him.

“Nate, wait lad. I didn’t tell you this so you’d knock his teeth out, even though he’d deserve it. You brought Alastair in because we need the extra pair of hands. I hate to say it but he knows his way around a bike. Just have a quiet word with him. I know you’ll put him in his place. We’re too busy to be down one mechanic,” William tried to calm Nate.

Nate stared hard and nodded his head with a grunt, his blood still boiling with what the prick had said to Deanna.

“Alright. But I’m gonna go talk to that fucker. I’ll be back in a minute,” Nate said darkly.

“Nate . . ,” Deanna trailed off uncertainly.

“It’s fine. I’ll go easy on him,” he smiled evilly and winked.

Nate walked away and leaned down and whispered in Logan’s ear as he passed him, both of them then heading in Alastair’s direction. Alastair turned and saw them approaching and his smug face dropped. Nate grabbed his arm and pulled him, none too gently, into the meeting room and slammed the door shut. A few of the other members gathered around watching the scene in anticipation of some excitement.

“Well, this is a great party,” Megan said sarcastically. “Come on Deanna, get that down you,” Megan passed Deanna’s untouched drink to her.

As Deanna downed the drink her gazed drifted back to the closed meeting room door and she hoped that Nate’s words would have an effect. Alastair didn’t seem the type to back down quietly.



Deanna woke with the most pleasant sensation running through her body. Lying on her front she tried to roll over but felt hands stop her and hold her down.

“Mornin’ babe,” whispered a voice behind her.

“Good morning to you too,” she replied hoarsely, moaning when she felt Nate’s tongue inside her, his hands holding her legs apart.

“I need to be inside you,” he said, breathing hard.

Nate slid his hands under her chest and lifted her up as he knelt on the bed, her back to his chest. He positioned himself under her and slowly thrust upwards.

“Is it too much?” Nate said, his voice full of need, as she cried out when he entered her.

“No, just go slow,” she whispered.

His large hands gripped her waist and pushed her down as he rose up, burying himself fully inside her.

“That feels so fuckin’ good,” he said, but all she could do was moan.

She lifted her hips and began to move, the sensation of him filling her was exhilarating. Nate wrapped one of his arms around her ribs and up between her breasts, his hand gently cupping her jaw as he turned her head and kissed her, his tongue sliding into her mouth.

They moved together, kissing deeply as his other hand rubbed between her legs, Deanna reaching back and grabbing fistfuls of his hair. She began to moan loudly as Nate thrust up harder, pushing himself forcibly into her.

“Babe, come for me,” Nate panted.

He stroked her faster, his hips rising frenziedly and she moaned his name, throwing her head back as she came. Nate kissed her shoulder as he thrust again and came hard when she clamped down on him, sinking his teeth into her neck to hide his loud groan.

As they caught their breaths, Deanna turned and looked over her shoulder into Nate’s eyes, which were glowing with pleasure.

BOOK: Freedom to Ride - Resolution (Raven's MC)
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