Read Foursomes and More… Online

Authors: Adriana Kraft

Tags: #Multiple partners, #ménage, #Erotica, #Interracial

Foursomes and More… (3 page)

BOOK: Foursomes and More…
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“That’s right. Come for me,” Crystal demanded.

Jen bucked harder. “Make me come. Put a finger in me. That’s right. Now fuck me. Tongue and finger.”

Jen locked her ankles behind Crystal back, keeping her in place. “That’s better. Oh God, yes. I’m coming. Swallow. Take me higher.” Jen held her breath. She lurched forward. “Jesus, you’ve got me. I can’t stop coming. Swallow. Swallow.”

At last, Jen pushed her playmate away. “No more. Not now.”

Drawing in gulps of air, Jen steadied herself and smiled at Crystal, who was kneeling between her legs waiting for her to recover. “Come here, girl. Turn around and let me do you, too.”

“Excellent idea. How about a little sixty-nine,” Crystal said, scooting around until positioned atop Jen. “I’m not nearly ready to share your pussy with my husband.” She lifted her head and waved at Jason. “Are you enjoying the show?”

He nodded with an open mouth.

Jen groaned when she felt Crystal spread her pussy lips to show her husband.

“I’m getting her ready for you,” Crystal called out, sliding two fingers in between Jen’s folds. “Soon. As soon as she has my black ass ready for Brett.”

Jen tugged on Crystal’s hips, blocking out her view of the men. She knew she was more than ready for Jason, and now she’d work on Crystal for Brett. She dipped her tongue into the glistening pussy hovering above her. “Oh shit,” she moaned. “You are a tasty morsel. And you’re hot. You won’t need much help to be ready for my husband—but I’m like you, not quite ready to share.”

She cradled her arms around Crystal’s buttocks and drove her tongue as far into the woman’s heat as she could manage. Withdrawing her tongue, she swallowed Crystal’s rich cream. “You are so turned on.”

Jen held on tight as Crystal rocked softly back and forth. Somehow she’d managed to get three fingers in Jen’s pussy and was busy stretching them side to side. Jen closed her eyes—Crystal was sure serious about preparing her for Jason. Jen sighed.

“I’ve got four fingers in,” Crystal announced.

Jen tried not to cry out. She knew Crystal’s husband was large, but four fingers?

“You are so open,” Crystal continued. “I could get my entire fist in. Maybe another time. Do my clit.”

Jen worked a thumb across Crystal’s clit and drove her tongue rapidly in and out of the woman’s pussy. Crystal’s squeals only served to speed up Jen’s efforts to bring her playmate to climax. She tried but couldn’t ignore the fingers expanding her vagina. Christ, another thrust or two and the woman
have her entire fist in her. It wouldn’t be the first time, but fisting would sap her energy for the rest of the night. Jen slapped Crystal’s butt and strummed her clit faster until Crystal bellowed, withdrawing her fingers from Jen.

Jen knew her own juices flowed freely again. Both women suckled and swallowed. Both women shattered. They took their time swallowing and cleaning each other, then collapsed. Jen felt like she might be so wide open that two-by-four would actually fit. Jason would definitely fit, and that was what she looked forward to now.

She stroked Crystal’s buttocks. “Hope that lived up to you expectations. After all these years.”

“Oh, it did,” Crystal replied, sliding a hand back and forth along Jen’s thigh while planting a little kiss on her pussy. “You’re a talented lover. Did you know you become a deep pink after an orgasm? That’s so lovely.”

“Glad you like. You’re pretty fantastic, yourself. And you only generate more and more heat the more you come. Hope you don’t scald my husband.”

Crystal chuckled. “Speaking of husbands. Maybe we should let them have a little pussy. They have been quite patient. Do you suppose they’re ready for us?”

“I’d be amazed if they’re not.”

“Why don’t we roll onto our sides?” Crystal said, “and let them cuddle behind us and see if they have anything they might like to slide into us.”

“Damn, woman, you are creative. A four way sixty-nine.”

“I want to help Jason get his cock into you. And you can help Brett get his in me. That way we really are sharing husbands. Are you okay with that, honey?”

Jason and Brett had both already slipped on condoms and joined them on the floor. Jason stretched out behind Jen.

Jen turned and kissed him briefly. “I think he’s okay with the plan.” She felt Crystal rubbing the head of Jason’s cock up and down the length of her pussy folds. Jason wrapped an arm around Jen and cradled her breast. Jen felt his hips move, adjusting to the angle his wife held his cock, guiding him.

“Oh wow,” Jen moaned as the large cockhead slowly entered. “Slow and easy,” she cautioned. She tried her best to relax. “More. Jesus, I feel like he splitting me in two. More.”

“He’s almost in,” Crystal chirped.

Jason wiped Jen’s brow. She looked at him with wide eyes. “This may be the biggest cock I’ve ever had. At least the widest. Damn.”

“You’ve got him,” Crystal called out. “Just relax and get used to him. And now it’s my turn. Help Brett fill me up.”

Jen grabbed her husband’s cock and guided him to Crystal’s entrance. She marveled at the contrast of her husband’s white cock slowly disappearing into the dark pussy.

“Holy crap,” Jason said, his voice hoarse with emotion.

Jen glanced over her shoulder to see Jason propped up on an elbow watching Brett pull most of the way out of Crystal and then reseat himself. “You okay?” Jen whispered.

Jason nodded, ducked back down and began slowly flexing his hips back and forth, driving his cock in and out of her.

“Oh my, that’s sweet,” Jen cooed. “You are so long, so big. Feels so good.” She certainly hoped her verbal attempts to boost Jason’s ego would help offset whatever he was feeling about Crystal being fucked by another man.

“So smooth, Brett,” Crystal said. She giggled, placed a palm on Jen’s pelvis and blew on her clit. “This is so cool, Jason. I can feel your cock sliding in and out of Jen. And of course I’m watching it. I never get to see you do me this close. Wow! You are big. And these ballsacks. Do you like me cradling your balls while you fuck Jen?”

“Yes,” Jason managed to say, thrusting faster and deeper.

“So deep,” Jen said. “How about you, dear? Do you like it when I blow on your balls?” She heard Brett grunt something and then saw his testicles rising. It wouldn’t be long. The men, no doubt, had been well primed by the show she and Crystal had put on earlier.

She tapped lightly on Crystal’s clit and the woman immediately bucked her hips, driving Brett deeper.

“Good God,” Crystal called out, “I’m almost there again. Fuck me, Brett. Jason, fuck Jen harder. Oh God, this is so amazing. “

Jen felt Jason’s cock bulging deep in her interior before she heard him yell out something unintelligible. And then his hips surged against her ass, driving his cock in and out at a furious pace. He was turning her into mush. Crystal clawed at Jen’s clit and Jen lost track of everything else except the cock threatening to expand her vagina to epic proportions.

A wail started building in her throat. It wouldn’t come out. She scrunched her body, thrusting against the invading cock. It had to happen. She couldn’t go on. “Oh hell,” she shouted. “Drive me over the cliff. Yes, Jason, you’re making me soar. Keep going. Keep coming.”

She lost awareness. For a few seconds? For minutes? Slowly she regained her breathing. Her heart steadied somewhat. She felt warm lips on her neck. Jason. He wasn’t just a fuck’em-and-leave kind of guy. She cuddled back against his form. His chest still moved in and out rapidly as he tried to reclaim equilibrium. She felt his cock in her depths. Not as rock-firm, but still there.

Jen cracked her eyes open. She smiled. Brett had clearly finished with Crystal. His cock had slipped half way out. Crystal’s juices coated Brett’s balls and condom. Brett’s hand rubbed Crystal’s ebony butt with affection. No one made a sound. The room seemed still, almost other worldly.

Crystal probably hadn’t gone this long without speaking since they’d arrived in the suite. Jen marveled again at the post-coital bliss of four bodies, sated, still touching, perhaps unsure about how to move from such a pinnacle back down the mountain to routine, day-to-day needs like going to the bathroom and getting a badly needed drink of water. Clearly, no one wanted to be the first to break the spell.

“Speechless,” Crystal groaned at last.

Everyone laughed in response.

Crystal slapped her husband’s butt. “Don’t laugh at me. Are you still okay with this, Jason? You certainly seemed to get into Jen okay.”

“I can vouch for that,” Jen chuckled, squeezing Jason’s hand.

“Beyond my wildest dreams,” Jason said, his voice strong and firm. “I even enjoyed watching Brett make you squeal. Damn, what a night.”

“I never knew,” Crystal said, “four people could be so intimate. This was beyond my dreams, too. Just to let you know. I’ve never been part of a foursome before.”

“We’re often thrilled with what four creative people can manage to do,” Brett said, still stroking Crystal’s ass. “That’s one of the neat things about swinging. Just trying new things. Sometimes it doesn’t work.”

“But this time it sure did,” Jen said. “You guys exceeded our expectations. You’re willingness to experiment bodes well for your swinging adventure. I’m not sure I’m ever going to want to move.”

“Sorry to disappoint you, girl.” Crystal said, beginning to stir. “But if I don’t get to a bathroom soon I’m going to embarrass myself. And I don’t think I want to experiment with golden showers.”

“Nor I,” Jen said, laughing. “Thank goodness we have two bathrooms. Sounds like potty breaks and drinking lots of water is in order. Hope you guys are okay with that.”

“We’re pretty exhausted, too,” Brett said. “Why don’t you girls hit the bathrooms first, and then it will be our turn?”


The following week, Jen sat at her bedroom vanity clad in her bra and panties, checking her eyeliner. She glanced over at Brett, who was holding two shirts in his hands trying to decide which one to wear. “The green one goes best with those pants.”

He nodded and hung the blue one back in the closet.

“I checked our email earlier this morning. Crystal and Jason won’t be able to meet us at the club next month after all. A cousin moved her wedding date up, and Crystal needs to set up a wedding shower and probably a baby shower.”

“Don’t these young people ever learn about protection?”

Jen shrugged. “Anyway, we’ve left it open ended. They’ll get back to us when they have a couple dates to run by us.”

“Do you think they’re just blowing us off?”

“I don’t think so. Crystal’s note was very apologetic, and she made it quite clear she was looking forward to playing with both of us again. I doubt she’ll have to drag Jason along next time.”

“Not the way he howled when he came in you that last time. Damn, for a quiet fellow he sure makes a lot of noise when he comes.”

Finished with her makeup, Jen walked to the closet and grabbed a blouse. She smiled when Brett stepped behind her and hugged her tightly. His growing erection slid along the crease of her butt.

“Just thinking of our time with them is getting me hard.”

“I can tell. You’ll have to save it. I can’t be late for work. I have an important appointment first thing and I need to prep for it.” She reached back and squeezed his cock. “Besides, you have to save this guy for Donna tonight. Remember, this is Wednesday.”

“You’re right,” Brett said. “I did forget. Am I going over there, or is she coming over here?”

“Actually, Donna and Ryan are both coming over here. There’s something important Donna wants to talk about. You know Donna—that could be Ryan’s health, World War Three or the next economic crash. She wouldn’t say. She just wanted all of us to be there.” A chill shot through Jen. “God, I hope they’re not moving. Certainly, she would’ve said something about a job transfer. Or maybe they got an STD. Maybe they’re rethinking playing with us.”

“Don’t go jumping to conclusions. They both seem quite content with our current situation. We’ll just have to wait and hear what’s on her mind this time. She can be a bit of a drama queen.”

“I love her dearly, but you’re right. She does love drama. And you’re right, I shouldn’t be even trying to guess what’s caught her attention this time. We’ll know soon enough.”


“I printed a copy for you,” Donna said, giving Jen and Brett a knowing look. “Can you believe it? Some idiot thinks people fifty and older shouldn’t have friends with benefits. Talk about age discrimination.”

Brett tried unsuccessfully to contain a laugh.

Donna glared at him. “This isn’t funny.”

“But it’s just one writer,” Brett protested. “She probably thinks having friends with benefits at any age is wrong.”

“Maybe so,” Donna huffed, “but she’s writing about us, and I don’t like it.”

“So what are we to do about it?” Jen asked. “One person’s opinion isn’t going to change reality. It’s not going to change what we’re doing. Is it?”

“Of course not,” Ryan interjected. “But as you can see, Donna’s not about to let this pass. And she’s right. Seems like at least half the people we see at the club are over fifty.”

“Hell,” Brett said, “we’ve seen one eighty-plus couple. More power to them.”

“I don’t get it,” Donna added. “Some younger people behave as if they’re never going to get to be our age.”

“If they’re lucky, they will.” Ryan squeezed his wife’s fingers. “And we’re enjoying ourselves.” He shrugged. “I don’t see why we should get so worked up about one person’s opinion.”

“I think Donna is onto something,” Jen offered. “This kind of tripe is the stuff that will be picked up by mainstream media and spread around like it’s true, like it’s grounded in scientific fact. And we know it’s not. Seems like we could at least write a letter to the editor of the magazine.”

“Guess there’s no harm in that,” Ryan admitted. “Will that be enough for you, Donna?”

“It’s something. It just makes me mad how someone can make such a bald statement about a group of people that she obviously doesn’t know a damn thing about.” Donna folded her arms under her breasts. “I’d never even heard of polyamory, but isn’t that what we’re about?”

BOOK: Foursomes and More…
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