Forgiving Reed (Southern Boys #1) (10 page)

BOOK: Forgiving Reed (Southern Boys #1)
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“Give me a couple hours, I’ll see ya then.” He lowered his lips to mine for a soft, gentle kiss. His manly aroma engulfed my senses. He made my entire body tremble from just one kiss.

He pulled back too soon, and I thought I might have groaned out in protest. He chuckled. “Hurry back.”

I only nodded as he shut the door and backed away from the car. I forced myself to start the car and drive away.

My body was feverish and was on overload. The heat he caused to erupt inside me was extreme.









Chapter Seventeen



I was nervous as I lifted Rhett out of his car seat. I tried to fight it off as I walked up Reed’s porch steps, but it was useless. Whether I wanted to admit it or not, things had changed. He and I were now different. Before, we had the distance between us, the boundary of an agreed friendship, but now it was crossed. The friendship line was voided the moment I kissed him. I took what we had to an entirely different level, and I had to admit there was no regret. That acknowledgment didn’t make it any less intimidating.

I took a deep breath and rang the doorbell. Almost immediately Diesel began to bark, and Rhett grew excited. I could hear Reed’s deep voice trying to calm Diesel. The moment the door opened and that gorgeous smile spread out across his lips, all the nervous energy disappeared.

“Hey you, come here, little man.” Reed held his hands out to Rhett, and in no time at all my son was lunging for him. Rhett gripped Reed’s shirt tightly and kicked his legs as he looked down at the big dog who was spastically wagging his tail. A loud squeal escaped Rhett when Diesel barked, and the sight was one I would always have etched in my mind.

If you had asked me six months ago if I would be falling for Reed, I would have laughed. I promised myself I would never go there again. Once a cheater, always a cheater, right? Now here I was, standing in his doorway, while he held my son and tickled his tummy. I could see the adoration in Reed’s eyes as he looked at Rhett. I had to accept that he had changed. Reed was no longer that selfish young boy. He had changed, things had happened that forced him to grow.

“You gonna come inside?” Reed tilted his head toward the house, and I took a step in through the doorway. His house was beautiful, and surprisingly clean. It was nothing like I expected. It had that homey feeling, the one you got when you walked into a place you belonged.

I could feel Reed against my back as he stepped up behind me. “It feels good having you here, both of you.” He kissed my head softly and nudged me forward.

“Thanks for inviting us.” I spoke softly, still not trusting my voice. I had mixed emotions right now. It felt so right to be here with him, yet I felt guilty for that. Was I moving too fast?

We decided to stay in and make something to eat. A movie on the big screen was the plan. It felt so natural for Rhett to be hobbling around the kitchen while Reed and I made dinner. Diesel was attached to my little guy’s hip. It really was the sweetest thing. If Rhett stopped walking, Diesel sat back on his hind legs next to him and waited patiently. The moment Rhett was on the move again, Diesel jumped to follow close behind.

With no highchair here, Reed chose to eat with Rhett on his lap. I offered to hold him myself, but the two of them decided his current position was exactly where he was staying. Watching Reed help my son eat overwhelmed me with emotion. I tried not to feel bad for the things Blake missed. Instead, I tried to focus on the fact that Rhett had a man in his life, one who clearly loved him. In turn I allowed myself to believe Blake would want that. He would want Rhett to feel a man’s love. If it couldn’t be him, then I had to believe he would be happy it was a man like Reed.

Before the movie had even started, Rhett was passed out. I stood next to the couch looking down at his tiny form curled up against the big beautiful husky that had now claimed Rhett as his own. It really was one of the sweetest things I had ever seen. I couldn’t stop myself from capturing the moment with my phone.

Just as the picture snapped, Reed approached from behind. “Whatcha doing?” I pointed, and a huge grin spread across Reed’s lips. “Diesel found himself a new best friend.”

I took my place on the couch next to Reed as he started to get the movie loaded up and ready.

Maria had sent me a text right as I was attempting to save the picture as my screen saver.


Follow your heart, love, you deserve to be happy. M


I am.


That was the reply I sent her, because I was. I had to be; the darkness I had been living in needed to be laid to rest. I would always love Blake, I would always talk about him. There wouldn’t be a day that went by that something, or someone didn’t make me think of him.

“Who you texting?” Reed asked as he placed his arm behind my shoulders and pulled me closer.

“Maria, she told me to follow my heart.” I shrugged, and he continued to watch me, waiting for more detail. “I told her I was coming over here tonight.” I let my head rest back against his shoulder. “I also told her I kissed you earlier.”

I watched his throat bob as he swallowed. His gaze fell to my lips, licking his own just before he spoke. “About that kiss, you think I could get another?”

I bit down on my lower lip and nodded, never taking my eyes from his. Slowly Reed lowered his lips to mine, and I melted back further against the couch. With his hand reaching over to grip my thigh, I grabbed for the back of his neck. I allowed my tongue to trace over his lips, and he groaned. Feeling his tongue brush over mine, I sucked on the tip gently.

After a few minutes of sensual kissing, we separated. Both slightly breathless, we looked at one another in silence. Letting out a deep breath, Reed chuckled. “Well, that was one helluva kiss.”

My cheeks reddened and I buried my face in my hands. “I’m sorry, I got a little carried away.”

Reaching out for my hands, he lowered them to my lap. “No need to be sorry, you can get carried away any time you feel the urge.” He winked and settled back on to the couch next to me.

“I just need to bring one thing up. It’s something that I can’t deal with. I’m not sure where this puts us. As for where we are after today, but…” He studied me in silence, and I continued. “If we are going to see where things go between us, there is something that needs to be handled. Kimberly, her flirting and touching, I can’t take that. It’s a hard limit for me, and it needs to stop.”

“I agree. I’ll take care of it,” he reassured me. “As for you and me, today changes everything. We are gonna make this work.”

We sat snuggled close as the movie played. My mind wandered in every direction. If you were to ask me what the movie was about, I couldn’t answer. I closed my eyes, remembering the feel of his lips against mine.




“Hey, pretty girl, wake up.” Fingertips skimmed over my cheek, down to my neck. Soft kisses feathered along my jaw, inducing chills to spread over my body. “Unless you just wanna stay here,” Reed whispered against my ear, before kissing me once more.

Grinning like a fool, I giggled when his nose trailed over my neck. The soft touch tickled my sensitized skin. “I need to get home. Blake’s dad is coming in the mornin’. He’s gonna take us to breakfast.”

When my eyes locked onto his, he looked concerned. “You okay going by yourself? I could meet ya.”

Shaking my head lightly, I slid forward on the couch. “We’ll be okay. Don’t worry.” Standing up, I approached Rhett, who was still cuddled up against Diesel.

When I bent down to lift him from the floor, Reed stood quickly and came to my side. “I can carry him out for ya. You gather up his things.”

“Okay.” It really warmed my heart to watch him with Rhett. He was so unbelievably gentle and kind. My boy looked so tiny in his arms. All six foot three, two hundred and fifty pounds of cowboy. But seeing him holding Rhett and looking at him with pure love made my knees weak.

He followed me out and gently placed Rhett in his car seat. Once he made sure the straps were tightened and his sleepy form was secure, he rolled a blanket, placing it against the side of his head. He looked back over his shoulder and smiled. “I don’t want his sleepy little head to be bobbing all over the place. That should help keep him comfortable ‘til ya get home.”

He stepped back and closed the door softly, so not to wake him. The moment he turned to face me, I stepped forward. I wrapped my arms around his waist and buried my face in his chest. His arms encased me against him just a little tighter.

“Thank you.”

Reed’s lips brushed against the side of my neck, and I squeezed him a little tighter. “What are you thanking me for?”

I felt a tear drop down my cheek. “Thank you for being here for me. I know it wasn’t easy, I didn’t make it easy. You still never turned your back on me, though. Thank you for giving me time, and most of all, thank you for loving Rhett.”

Reed kissed my temple and held me close, as he rocked me slowly, his heartbeat rapidly stuttering under my cheek.

“You do know that Rhett isn’t the only one here that I love, right?” I only nodded against him. It was all I could offer right now, all I had in me. I thought he knew because he never pushed. “As long as you know that.”

Kissing me once more, he continued to hold me. It was the best thing he could do, it was exactly what I needed from him.









Chapter Eighteen



The knock on the door had my heart racing. I was nervous, scared, and if I admitted it, a little excited. I had spent the morning on the phone with my momma. I was in need of her guidance. Momma always had a way of making me feel better. She was the voice of reason, and she knew what it took, what I needed.

After I ran another quick inventory of Rhett’s bag, I lifted him from the floor and took a deep breath. “Let’s go meet your grandpa, buddy.”

The moment Mr. Harrison set eyes on Rhett, his filled with tears. “Wow,” he whispered. “He looks so much like Blake.”

“I know.” I couldn’t agree more.




I directed him to a small family owned restaurant on the edge of town. We spent over an hour just talking about Rhett. We even talked about some of the last moments I had with Blake. Mr. Harrison wanted to know if he was happy. I could see the regret in his eyes.

“He was happy. We were taking a small trip before Rhett was born. He wanted to surprise me. We laughed all the time, he was such a good man.” I could read the guilt all over Richard’s face. I knew it well. “Don’t hold on to that guilt, he wouldn’t want that. What you’re doing right now, taking the time to heal old wounds, he would be proud. The man sitting in front of me now, this is the father I heard so much about.
What If’s.
You could do that to yourself, but really, why? It won’t change anything, I’ve played that game over and over in my own mind.” I wiped away a stray tear from my cheek. “Blake would want us to remember the happy times, so there is no need to dwell on all the sad ones.”

“I know I never said it, hell, I was horrible to you, but I’m glad he had you. I’m glad my son got to experience the kind of love you two obviously shared.” His gazed shifted to Rhett. “You are doing a great job with him, He’s such a happy little boy.”

“Thank you.”

He nodded, continuing to watch Rhett play with the toy tractor. “I’d like to be a part of his life, my wife too. She wanted to come, but I thought the first trip I should take alone. I wasn’t sure what your reaction would be. Molly hasn’t been doing that well since the funeral. She’s suffers a lot with depression now. With time I hope that she’ll heal and maybe come back to me.” He shrugged, and his gazed shifted back to mine. “With some time maybe we can all heal.”

“Yeah, I hope so,” I whispered, fighting off the threatening tears. The impending breakdown was so close. Today was so emotional, and it was starting to break down my walls.

When he dropped Rhett and me off at home, we exchanged numbers. He promised to keep in touch and in the near future plan another visit.

Watching as he drove away, a small sense of calm set over me. For once things felt as if they might be all right.




“Momma…who is that man in the barn?” I barged in through the front door demanding answers. “Momma.”

“I’m coming, where’s the fire girl?” She huffed as she came up the basement steps carrying arm loads of jarred vegetables.

“Who is that guy in the barn?” I lowered Rhett to the floor near his toys.

The jars clanked against each other when she placed them on the countertop. “Oh, you mean Gavin? That’s the new guy your daddy hired. He told you he planned on finding another farmhand.”

“Where did he find him?” My momma shot me a confused look. “He doesn’t look familiar.”

“Kori Lynn, will you just calm down? He came highly recommended by Rigdon Wilson and May Reeves. They’ve known his family for years. He was looking for a new start. He’s just gone through a messy divorce, his wife went astray with his boss.” I think my eyes must have bugged out of my head with what my momma said. “Oh, I know, ol’ hussy didn’t know what she had in that man. He is a sweet one, Kori, and not too bad on the eyes either.”

“Momma,” I shrieked.

She cackled as she continued to empty the jars of canned vegetables into the pan on the stove. “What? I’m only stating the obvious. I’m guessing that’s why you came in here all flustered.”

I decided to ignore her comment about the new hot addition to the farm. “I need to tell you something. Something about Reed and me.” I had to drop the Gavin topic. Yes, the man was completely yummy. He was tall, dark, and oh my, those jeans on that ass. I shook my head at the thought. “Something’s changed, Momma.”

“What? The two of you finally decide to quit pretending that you’re only friends?” My head shot up and found my momma staring at me with a huge smile on her face. “That is what this is about, isn’t it?” I only nodded. “Kori, I could see it building. Reed never stopped caring about you, honey. Yes, he messed up. Yes, he regrets it. But it was bound to happen with you two again.”

“Slow, Momma, I gotta take things slow. I want to, though, I want that happiness again. Blake will always hold a place deep in my heart that no one will ever fill. I just think he would want me to love again. If the tables were turned, I would want that for him. I wouldn’t want him to live his life out lonely and sad. My only hope would be that he’d do everything he could to make sure Rhett knew about me. I can guarantee I will do that, teach him all about his daddy, but I gotta live on, Momma.”

She took me into a tight embrace. “Yes, you do. Kori, I am so proud of you, darlin’, so very proud. I want you happy, and if Reed makes you happy, then I’m happy.”

“Thank you, Momma.”

“Well, what’s with all the tears in here?” My daddy’s voice filled the silence. “You two know I don’t like seeing my girls crying.” He wrapped his arms around us both, pulling us into a hug.

“It’s good tears, Daddy.”

Rhett squealed, and I looked around my daddy to find him at the feet of the handsome new employee. His ocean blues called out to something deep in my stomach. His eyes were absolutely gorgeous, and that chiseled jaw almost had me melt in a puddle on the floor. Rhett was slamming a toy tractor against his leg, and he was laughing, rubbing his head.

“Gavin, meet my grandson, Rhett.” My daddy turned back to face me. “This beauty right here is my daughter, Kori.”

Gavin nodded. “Nice to meet you, Kori.” The handsome stranger smiled, and it was almost as beautiful as his eyes.




Over the course of the day I had helped around the farm; I was sweaty, dirty, and a complete mess. Cleaning stalls was never a chore I enjoyed. Gavin started at one end, and I at the other. We met in the middle just before sunset.

“So Gavin, where you from?” I asked as I scrubbed at my arms over the tub of water.

“Savannah.” That deep grumbling voice made my pulse pick up a little more. He stepped up beside me, and his manly scent filled my senses. I tried my best to remain calm and not lean toward him to inhale a little deeper. That was all I needed, for him to notice me sniffing him. Talk about creepy, being sniffed by the farm-girl.

When Gavin leaned closer to share the tub, I heard someone clear their throat. Looking over my shoulder, I found Reed standing in the doorway, holding Rhett in his arms. Seeing him made me forget all about the man next to me. Reed was the kind of beautiful that instantly made my mouth dry and my knees wobble. He wore two day old stubble and those damn cowboy boots peeking out from under his jeans. Oh, and did I mention his thighs…so thick and muscular, his jeans molded over them.

“Who’s your friend, Kor?” I instantly knew by his tone that he was thinking this scene was more than it was. I dried my hands on my jeans and walked in the direction of the doorway, doing my best not to laugh or even smile at Reed’s obvious jealousy.

Placing my hand on his forearm, he stared past me in a silent warning to Gavin. “This is the new guy Daddy hired to help out around here. Gavin, meet Reed.”

Gavin stepped closer and held his hand out to Reed. The two exchanged a friendly handshake and shared a few quick words.

Gavin excused himself to go clean up, and I could see Reed’s shoulders relax. I tried, but I couldn’t hold back a giggle. His gaze shifted to mine, and I covered my mouth.

“What’s so funny, Giggles?”


With his eyebrows scrunched, he asked, “Me? What did I do?”

“You are so jealous right now.” I took Rhett from him and began walking toward the house. It was actually pretty chilly out, and I wanted to get inside where it was warm.

Reed quickly followed me and wrapped me in his arms from behind. “I feel like we just turned a corner, Kori. I don’t want anything setting us back.” His lips skimmed over my temple setting off those familiar chills once more. “Do I have anything to worry about with this guy?”

I shook my head and whispered my answer. “No, nothing at all.” Turning my head just slightly, my eyes locked with his.

Reed was so damn sexy. He made it really hard to take things slow. Right here, right now, I was having difficulty remembering how cold I just felt. With Reed’s body so close to mine, with his lips just inches away, I felt like I was on fire from the inside out.

“I came here to ask you to have dinner with me. We can eat at your place this time, so it’s easier for Rhett.” It didn’t go unnoticed that Reed’s eyes continued to shift back and forth between my eyes and my lips.

“Momma already invited us to eat here. Do you wanna stay too? She made enough. Beef stew and homemade biscuits.” 

Turning around to face him, Rhett reached for Reed. It still hit me deep each time I saw them together. It was a bittersweet feeling, and with each day it got a little easier to love.

“If you think it’ll be okay with your parents,” he questioned, holding Rhett close for warmth.

“They love you, I’m sure they already expect it.” Grabbing his hand in mine, I led him toward the house.

BOOK: Forgiving Reed (Southern Boys #1)
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