Read Forged by Fate Online

Authors: Reese Monroe

Tags: #Fiction, #Coming of Age

Forged by Fate (38 page)

BOOK: Forged by Fate
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She wouldn’t give up. Ever.

Even if she died right here with him.

Chapter Sixty-one

A wave of warmth bloomed from Theo’s chest. His body was heavy, weighted down against something soft.

Another ripple of warmth chased away the chill that had seeped into his bones. Had he finally made it to Heaven? Would he see Sadie here?

Of course he would. She was an angel. He couldn’t wait to hold her again. Something shifted against him. Warm. A beating heart and soft murmuring.

It was like music to his ears. Because it was
voice. Sadie was here. He went to open his eyes to take in her beauty, but they were heavy. He tried to swallow and sandpaper would have felt softer in his throat.


Something on top of him moved. Flinched. More waves of softness caressed his face, cheek, and neck. Muffled sounds intensified, but he couldn’t make out the words. Where was he? Why couldn’t he open his eyes?

Drops of moisture sprinkled his cheeks. The familiar scent of vanilla swarmed his senses. Thick and rich. Tantalizing. His heart hammered, and a rumble vibrated through him as he drank in the scent. Sadie. He held his Sadie in his arms.

Wait. His arms were at his side. They weren’t moving as he’d ordered. But he detected something tickling them. Feathers. Yes, Sadie’s wings.

She whimpered. “Theo. Come on. Please.” That was her real voice. The first time he’d heard it in months. God, it was beautiful. Like music.

She wove her arms beneath his shoulders and held him tight. “Take it all. Please heal. Come back to me.”

An inferno of heat swarmed him. Something pricked his earlobe, sending a thrill straight down his spine. Finally, his arms moved and reached for the body atop his. His hands landed on smooth skin. Sadie’s back. He ran his fingers down and cupped her bottom, pressing her to him.

Yes. That was what he needed. To join with her.

“Open your eyes, Theo. Please,” she whispered against his temple. “Please be okay.”

Finally, they opened. Red eyes stared down at him, and tiny fangs protruded from her upper lip. Tears drizzled along her cheek. “Theo.”

His fangs dropped, and he claimed her mouth. Teeth knocking, tongues sparring, she tasted sweet. Vanilla.

He buried his hand in her hair, deepening their kiss. Heat pulsed through his neck and down his shoulder. He broke away and gasped for air. She shifted, and he rolled. In one swift movement they were one. She clutched his face with her hands as she arched against him.

Energy roared through him, fueling his deteriorated muscles, chasing away his fatigue, and setting his body afire.

For Sadie.

For his Mate.

She coiled her leg around one of his. “Take what you need, love. I give you everything.”

He slid his hands up her arms and meshed his fingers with hers as he moved against her. Within her. He knew Heaven would be amazing with her, but never had he imagined such pleasure.

And he would enjoy every minute with his wife until the end of time.

Chapter Sixty-two

Sadie walked her fingers down Theo’s chest as he slept. Finally, the trails of light followed in the wake of her touch. He was alive, rejuvenating with each touch, each kiss, each time they made love.

She reached to the bedside table for her glass of water, and his grip tightened. “It’s okay. Just getting water.”

He turned, nuzzling his face into her neck. He’d yet to speak, other than murmur words about Heaven, eternity of pleasure, and finally together.

She sipped her water, then turned toward him. “Here. Take some.”

His tongue jetted out, wetting his lips, and his eyes opened slightly. Oh how she wanted them to stay open. Wide and bright, like she remembered. She tilted the glass and some dribbled into his mouth.

“Mmm,” he moaned, sitting up more. His mouth opened, and she tilted the glass. He gulped until it was gone. “More.”

“Here.” She turned and grabbed the pitcher. He took it from her and drank straight from the opening.

Water ran down his chin and onto his chest as he drank. With a gasp, he pulled the pitcher from his lips. “Sadie. I’m finally with you.”

He tossed the empty container to the floor and reached for her. She met him greedily. His mouth was cool from the water, but heat pulsed from him everywhere else.

She hugged him close, needing more. “Theo.”

He turned, settling at the cradle of her hips, and eased into her. “Home,” he whispered.

“Together,” she said against his neck.

“Heaven is my reward.” He leaned back and trailed his hand down the front of her body as he picked up the pace. “You’re mine. I love you. Love you so much.

Her world tilted as a rush of pleasure flooded her body.
Theo, we’re together. At the compound.
White stars sprinkled her vision as she neared the edge again. He’d taken her there so many times already as he gained his strength, but he still needed more.

So did she.

Though she hadn’t weakened during their separation, she needed to feel him deep inside her. To love him. To strengthen him. They still had Aggie to face, but the feelings of euphoria chased that thought away.

Their bodies tensed together, sharing in the moment. Heat erupted deep within her chest. So hot it bordered on painful. He collapsed atop her, and some of the heat dissipated. He’d absorbed it. Still needing energy.

More. Take more, Theo.
He stilled against her, but she felt his pounding heart against her chest. Where before she’d felt nothing, then an erratic flutter, she now felt a strong, pounding heart.

She combed her fingers through his hair, and he lifted his head. “Rest,” she whispered. “It’s okay.”

He propped his elbows on the mattress on either side of her head and glanced around. The light of recognition flickered. “Our room,” he said as he fixed his focus on her. “You’re here with me.”

She nodded, kissing his chin. “For always.”

“You were gone so long. I faded away.”

“You’re back. We’re together.” She grabbed his bottom and squeezed. “In every way, husband.”

He stared at her for a long few seconds, then his body flinched. “You were taken. I—I—we couldn’t find you.” He glanced around again. “Where are we?”

“We’re home. Halena and Justin are downstairs. Smell the food? They know you’ll be hungry.”

“Hungry? I…the door.” He looked behind them, still clinging to her as if scared to disconnect from her. “I felt you. Tried to get to you.”

“That’s why I found you at the door. You were coming for me.”

He trained his attention on her. “I hadn’t felt you in so long. I thought you were dead. Figured I died, too, and it was you calling to me.” He kissed her lips. “For so long I searched for you.”

“I was hidden well. Drugged.” She nipped at his bottom lip. “But I’m free now. I’m here. I’m yours.”

“You brought me back.” Orange swirled in his irises as his pupils dilated. God, she’d missed that.

“I’ll always bring you back.” She latched onto his mouth and didn’t let go for another two rounds of lovemaking.

She would have gone for round three, but both their stomachs roared as they lay on their sides. “Ready for food?”

He grasped her hip and nodded. “I can’t believe you’re here.”

“I am, and I think I have what it takes to end Aggie for good.”

His eyes grew dark. “Did he hurt you? Try anything with you?” A growl ripped through Theo’s chest.

“No. Our mating protected me. He could barely even touch me, according to Yvonne. Especially if his intent was sexual.” Sadie smiled at the thought of Aggie getting electrocuted when trying to lay with her.

“I’m still going to rip his head off.”

“That’ll be fun. And while you’re doing that, I’ll say the vanquish and skewer him with the Mavet.”

“Deal.” He leaned back. “Then we better eat and get started.”

Chapter Sixty-three

“Nice to see you up and about, brother.” Justin grasped Theo’s hand. “Really good.”

“Sorry, brother, you were close to death.” He pulled out a chair for Sadie. “Sit, love. Eat.” If they’d been alone he would have fed her himself.

“Yeah. Let’s not try the almost-dying thing again anytime soon.” Justin nodded to Sadie. “I knew that little spitfire would bring you back. You should have seen her when she realized you were so close to meeting The Great One.

Theo’s time with Sadie had fully rejuvenated him, healed him of every ailment his drained life force had allowed, both mental and physical. He still couldn’t believe he hadn’t left earth’s realm and entered Heaven.

But thank The Great One he hadn’t, since Sadie was here. He brushed his knuckles along her cheek, then strode to the counter filled with food. Halena busied herself preparing cut fruit and more sandwiches.

“Thank you, Halena.” He dipped his chin toward her as he grabbed a plate of sandwiches. “For everything.”

De rien
. Is your Mate settled now? No more hissing and snapping at me?” She tossed a glance toward the table. Justin sat across from Sadie and handed her a glass.


“She just got a little protective when she found you on the floor.” She straightened. “Didn’t like me coming near you.”

“And Justin?”

“Fine with it.”

“Most likely because he’s my Companion.”

Halena cleared her throat and said, “She guarded you well, Theo. You should be proud.”

His chest swelled. Compliments from Halena were few and far between. He grabbed a second tray, one filled with fruit, and turned to go sit with Sadie. Her long, silky hair cascaded over her shoulders, resting at the crook of her elbow. It shone bright and vibrant. Much like her smooth skin.

Seemed their time together replenished her as well.

“Here.” He set the plate down and dropped a kiss on the top of her head. “Eat. Did you reach Dasha?”

“Yeah,” Sadie said, a smile claiming her mouth. “I think the entire dorm heard her screaming and felt her jumping up and down. Classes start Monday. She wants to come back here till then.”

“I’ll go get her after lunch,” Justin said. “Deal?”

“Thanks.” Sadie looked at Halena. “Did you find anything out from the scrolls?”

“Reading through them is tough since I don’t read Hebrew. If this is even Hebrew.” She grinned as she sat down. “Might need to use your little red eyes.”

Theo looked at Sadie. He vaguely remembered them.

“Seems I can read languages I don’t know with my special eyes.”

“And hear our thoughts,” Justin said as he shoved in another bite of his sandwich. “Which hopefully you won’t be doing on a regular basis.”

She shivered. “Not with you, anyway.”

“I took some snapshots and sent them to Beckett. He found some interesting bits in this first scroll.” Halena clicked her phone to life. “Here. It’s in an e-mail.” She thumbed the screen, then read aloud.

“Where did you get this? There is no record of such things. Regardless, part of the language predates any records I’m aware of. It has Hebrew roots. Beyond my scope; however, I did get some of the third paragraph deciphered.” Halena cleared her throat. “‘Prophesized powers freely flow. Unrestricted and unbound. Only one who arises from ash—
not sure on that word
—shall wield the power to vanquish. Created on a heavenly realm, left to grow and form within the human realm.’”

She paused and looked at Sadie, who said, “Go on.”

“It gets a little choppy here so he summarized as best he could. You might know it word for word if you look at it.” Halena shifted her weight. “‘Alone her strength abounds. United her strength amplifies. Her words cut more than swords when phrased as the Heavens prepared.’”

“Does it give the words?” Sadie reached for the scroll in the middle of the table.

“Not that Beckett could tell. He said it felt more like a description of…well, you, I think. And your Mate.” Halena glanced at Theo. “It mentions you, not by name, but by power and rank and purity.”

Sadie rolled the scroll open. She flinched ever so slightly, and Theo felt her heart rate spike, but only for a second. “It describes Mom and Dad here. Listen: ‘Heavenly hosts unite, though beyond a carnal level. Willing their heavenly essence to The Great One to wield, though banished to the heavenly realm, never to enter the realm of their beloved creation. Paxon, heroic angel, beloved by Michael, the archangel of war, provides the strength and will. Whereas the gentle wisdom of Abigail, the sapere angel, gifts the Batya beyond measure.’”

“Wow. They really do name them. How old do you think that scroll is?” Justin asked, standing up and leaning over the table for a better view.

Theo rested his hand on Sadie’s shoulder, and she peered at him with red eyes. “Mom and Dad are millennia old. Who knows when this was drafted? But it tells me nothing of the words we need.”

“The words
mon amie
,” Halena said. She tapped the scroll. “This here is about you, at least the talking part. And the figuring it out part with your mom’s wisdom.”

“Give me the other scroll.” Sadie offered an open hand. “Let’s see what we can figure out.”

Theo downed his third sandwich and second plate of fruit while Sadie scanned the scroll in silence.

“Here.” She pointed. “‘Batya breathes words of death to the evil one. He rose from the darkness, mastered by no one, out for destruction and chaos on the earthly and Hades realms.’”

“You said Aggie was set on overtaking Lucifer,” Halena prodded. “Right? To get to Lucifer’s Mate to weaken him?”

She nodded and looked to the pages again, then sat straight and shouted, “Oh wait. Here. I think this is it! ‘Only one can face him, the Batya, equipped with the Mavet dagger and these words:
Morte Aeterna
.’” She tapped the paper and looked at Theo with wide, bright eyes. “
Morte Aeterna
. We got ’im!”

“It’s about damn time, too,” Justin said, pounding the table with his fist. “I’m sick of that asshole coming back.”

“That’s not much different than our vanquish.” Halena looked to Theo.

BOOK: Forged by Fate
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