Read Forever My Angel Online

Authors: Kelly Walker

Tags: #Best friends to lovers romance, #family saga drama romance, #billionaire millionaire rich alpha romance, #Steamy new adult romance, #alternate pov romance

Forever My Angel (7 page)

BOOK: Forever My Angel
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Kevin’s probably referring to the employee records that were left scattered on my desk. But why are they valuable? For identify theft, maybe?

I hang up my phone and face my sister. “The officers are done at the townhouse. No fingerprints other than mine, Tess’s, and some that they’re assuming belong to you and Dougie. You’ll both need to go be printed to be sure, but whoever it was, they were in and out without leaving a trace.” Chelsea looks like she’d rather swallow rat poison. “Don’t worry, I’ll contact Dougie about it. You don’t have to. I need to talk to him about his reassignment anyway. But I do need you to come over in the morning to help figure out what's missing.”

“Is there anything missing here?”

I frown at Ware. “Not that it’s any of your business, but not much. A few bottles of alcohol. Some cleaning supplies that the officer said teens are using for DIY highs. Stupid, really.” And with the vast amounts of liquor behind the bar, the fact that only a few bottles are missing is shocking.

“So the officer thinks this was just kids causing trouble?”

Chelsea pokes her head out of my office, likely to make sure Angel isn't in earshot, then answers, “Kids would’ve left prints. They never would have been this precise. Did Nick do this?”

I really don’t want to think about that question. If he’s coming for her again, I will not stop until he is eliminated. I can’t let him hurt her again, and I can’t let her live in fear.

Kevin’s tone is clipped. “I can’t say, but I’m inclined to agree it wasn’t just kids causing trouble. Everything is too deliberate. The cleaning stuff? The alcohol? If I had to wager, I’d say that was to cover the tracks of what they were really after and make it look like a break-in. A smokescreen, if you will. The cops will focus on that and not bother to look deeper.”

Ware stands. “Your guy here is right. I’ve been that kid causing trouble; there’s not much else to do in tiny backwoods town other than screw, get shitfaced, and cause trouble. But this, this doesn’t feel right.”

No one asked for his opinion. I stand too, ready to be done here. “I’ve got to get Tess home. Don’t say any more than you have to about this in front of her. Can you stay here tonight to make sure Chel is safe? Hopefully Lexi won’t mind too much.” Just thinking about Lexi and Kevin together makes me growl deep in my throat.

Kevin looks like he wants to refuse, but I pay him damn good money to handle shit like this for me.

Chelsea tries to diffuse the situation. “That’s not necessary. I’ll be fine.”

I’m about to tell her that I didn’t ask her if she’d be fine. I want someone staying with her, end of story. Before I can, Ware volunteers. “I’ll stay.”

Him staying with her is the last thing I want, but Angel asked me to try to be friendly. “Fine. But if something happens to her, I’m holding you personally responsible.”

The ride back to the townhouse is far different than the ride to the bar. This time, Angel holds my hand the entire way, occasionally tossing me small smiles. I’m eagerly anticipating taking her to bed.

As soon as we get home, I go in the bathroom to change, thoughts of burying myself in Angel occupying my mind. But when I come out Angel’s already curled up on the bed, fast asleep. I pull the covers up around her shoulder, smiling as I notice how peaceful she looks.

At least one of us is.

Chapter Eight


ongest. Hour. Ever.” I shut the door behind Chelsea and Ware the next morning after we finish going through the townhouse, making an itemized list of things that are missing. I’ve been up since six this morning, reviewing upgrades to our security plan with Kevin. I thought our system was good, or at the very least adequate. But apparently it was more than a little outdated, and obviously it failed us yesterday. That changes immediately. Kevin is going to oversee getting an updated system installed not just in the bar, but in the apartment upstairs and here at the townhouse. I’m more than a little pissed that he hadn’t already identified the weakness, but I’m trying to remind myself that his proficiency isn’t in technology. I’ve suggested he bring someone on immediately who does have that proficiency. My girls
be safe. I won’t fail them again.

I’m turning back toward our small living room when a pillow whacks me in the side of the head. Angel giggles. “Come on now, he isn’t
bad. He seemed a bit nervous, but who could blame him? Otherwise, I think he’s nice.”

I don’t think he’s nice. In fact, I don’t want to think about him at all. “I didn’t think they would ever leave.” I hold the pillow in between my hands, waiting for a prime opportunity to toss it back at her. No way am I letting her whack me with it without retaliation.

“In that much of a hurry to clean up?” She begins gathering broken picture frames from the floor while keeping her eyes on me. I have to fight the urge to growl, all thoughts of goofing off with the pillow fading.

“Stop, before you cut yourself. You’re not even looking at what you’re doing.”

She sucks in her lower lip. “Maybe there’s something I like looking at more.”

I cross the room in large, purposeful strides, the pillow falling abandoned to the floor. She takes my offered hand, rising to her feet. “Don’t worry over the mess, I’ll call a cleaning team to come in and put the place back together.”

The playfulness fades from her eyes. “A...”

“Later, Angel. Let me take you back to bed.”

“I’m not tired.”

My eyes light up as desire pools in my stomach. “Neither am I.” Sleep is so not on the menu.

She sucks in a sharp breath.

Keeping my eyes locked on her, I scoop her into my arms, holding her close against my chest with her legs draped over my arm. I have to watch my step to make sure I don’t trip over any overturned drawers or their contents, but in mere moments we’re in the bedroom.

“How do you want it, Angel?” I ask, laying her gently on the bed. Some days she still needs it slow, with her in complete control, to be comfortable. Other days I can’t see any remnants of the frightened creature who first showed up on my doorstep, and she’s more than happy to let me take the reins. I’d be surprised if the shock of having the place we live invaded hasn’t stirred up her fears. I want to be what she needs me to be, but fuck, I just want to bury myself in her.

“Don’t hold back,” she whispers, looking up at me with a hint of shyness.

My breath hitches. “Are you sure?”

“Completely. I need to know that I’m still okay, that no one will be able to come into our lives and send me right back to who I was without warning, whenever they want. Show me I’m better. Show me we’re untouchable.”

Oh, she's
touchable, but only by me.

I can’t get out of my clothes fast enough, but then I realize she’s eagerly watching, licking her lips in anticipation as I unzip my pants, my shirt already having been discarded onto the floor. I force myself to slow, lowering the zipper with agonizing care, then peeling the denim away from my hips an inch at a time, one side, and then the other. She’s practically panting as she watches me, and that only encourages me to go slower. I love watching her savor this.

At last I slide my jeans free of my hips and let them drop in a puddle around my feet. I step free, then hook my thumbs in the waistband of my briefs.

“Wait,” she says, causing me to instantly freeze. Has she changed her mind? “Let me,” she offers, her eyes blazing. My breath catches in my throat. I step closer to the bed as she sits up, her hands replacing mine, her slim fingers ducking beneath the elastic, driving me wild.

“As beautiful as you look in my t-shirt, we need to get you out of it,” I remind her.

A sharp tug at the waistband of my briefs catches me by surprise, and I step forward to keep my balance, bracing both hands against the edge of the mattress. My face is inches from Angel’s, staring into her wickedly delighted eyes. “Patience,” she scolds. Her tone encourages me to be a lot of things, but patient isn’t one of them.

She scoots forward until her hands can reach around to my ass. I groan in impatient pleasure as she slides my underwear down my butt, leaving me just barely covered in the front. When she cups my balls in her hand, letting me feel her warmth through the cotton, I can’t take it anymore.  I stand and remove the damn underwear, then grab her by the waist and hoist her up on the bed. Then I’m leaning over her, one foot still on the floor, the other knee pressing into the mattress, my length pressing firmly against her as she lays back, staring up at me.

“This, off. Now.” I lean the weight of my hips against hers, leaving us balanced precariously on the edge of the bed as my hands glide up the smooth skin of her stomach, taking the t-shirt she stole from me this morning with them as they go. It’s pinned behind her in the back and she has to lift her hips to free it, grinding against me in the process. My vision blurs with wanting.

After stripping her of her gym shorts, and discovering she isn’t wearing anything beneath them, I revel in us both being naked. Our flushed skin presses together as we kiss. I slide us both up onto the bed, our legs momentarily tangling together.

“I’m ready, A.” Her voice is breathy, and I know she’s going out of her mind, just as much as I am.

I gently stroke her with my finger, loving how wet she is. “Ready for what, Angel?”

“You.” Her one-word answer sends a bolt of fire arcing through me.

“You have me.” I flex my hips against her, removing my hand and sliding it behind her back, keeping us as close as possible. I don't know which of us is going to break first.

Her eyes are wide, begging me. “All of you.”

I can’t resist her any longer. I enter her with one strong thrust, causing her head to dip backwards as she sighs in pleasure. Being in her is like coming home, and I never want to leave.

I can never get over the feeling that our lovemaking is a gift, and it’s one I don’t take for granted. After everything she’s been through, I wouldn’t blame her if she never wanted to be touched again. But rather than letting Nick take another moment from her, she gives herself to me completely, and that’s something I’ll be eternally grateful for.

The heat of our joined bodies is building, and I’m close, so close. It takes all of my self-control not to lose it right now.

Angel moans, meeting me thrust for thrust. Just as I begin to see stars behind my eyes, she gasps and digs her nails into my back, clinging to me like a life preserver as the waves of her orgasm capture her in their current. Her walls press in on my cock and I shudder, then thrust as deep as I can, giving myself over to my own release.

Afterward, we crawl under the covers, spent. Feeling Angel’s leg draped over mine, her hand curled lightly on my chest, her breathing slow and even, I decide this is heaven.

Then she sighs, and it isn’t one of the good, ‘I’m completely content’ sighs. No, this is one of those 'I have something to say, but I don’t know if I want to' sighs that us guys fear. It’s the equivalent of, ‘we need to talk.’

I shift my hips, tucking her closer under my arm and turning my head to study her. A dark tendril of her hair is laying across her face; I gently brush it back, tucking it behind her ear. “What is it, Angel?”

She keeps her gaze turned away from me. She rarely meets my eyes when she’s nervous. I tilt her chin up, not letting her hide.

“I don’t want you to call a cleaning company.”

That? That’s what this is about? My chest instantly lightens and I have to fight the urge to laugh. “Okay...” I’m sure there must be more. There’s always more.

“What?”” Her nose crinkles.

“Nothing. I just thought this was going to be a bigger deal than just you not wanting to hire cleaners. Though I’ll admit I don’t understand why."

Her brow furrows, and I worry I’ve misspoken. “That’s just it! I’m here all the time, unless I’m hanging out at the bar with you. I have nothing of my own. I do nothing on my own. And I do nothing for us.”

What the hell is she talking about? Is this what she was getting at on the ride back from the farm yesterday? “Angel, you do everything for me, just by breathing. Don’t you understand you’re the air I need to survive?”

“But I need to feel like I’m contributing. Like we’re equals. You have all this money, and you own the bar, and some day you’ll own the farm. I might as well be Vanessa. If we get married someday, everyone will think I’m just a gold-digger, the trophy on your arm.”

They wouldn’t dare. I don’t give a shit what anyone else thinks, but if it bothers Angel, then it bothers me. “We
equals, Angel. You rule me, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Whatever you want, whatever you need, if it’s in my power to give, it’s yours.”

“That’s another thing. Stop putting me on a fucking pedestal! I don’t want that, any of it. I just want us to be equals who appreciate each other.”

I have no clue how to fix this.

“Think about how it makes me feel. I’m here with no responsibilities, and instead of expecting me to help you clean up the mess that’s overtaken our home, thanks to those asswipes who broke in—” her dark eyes flash with hatred ”—you want to hire it out to someone else. It’s like you don’t think I’m capable of handling anything!”

What?” “No, baby, it isn’t that at all.” I cup her cheek. “I was just afraid that thinking about them invading our home would scare you.”

She sits straight up, shrugging off my arm. “Of course it scares me!” she snaps as she climbs out of bed. “It fucking terrifies me. But what scares me more is not mattering. That twenty years from now I might look back and realize the only thing I’ve ever accomplished was being the broken girl who somehow became yours.”

She shimmies into her shorts and shrugs my shirt over her head. I’m alone in the bed, sitting in the mess of sheets, afraid to open my mouth and make things worse.

“Tell me what to do. How can I help you? How do I fix this?”

She looks to the ceiling as if answers will be written there. I wish they were. “To start with? Go to the store and get us another box of trash bags.” She looks at the mess around us. “We’re going to need a lot of them.”

BOOK: Forever My Angel
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