Read Forbidden (Star Crossed MC Lovers, #1) Online

Authors: Sierra Rose

Tags: #biker, #motorcycle club, #motorcycle romance, #forbidden romance, #contemporary romance, #mob romance, #romantic suspense, #romance, #new adult & college, #new adult

Forbidden (Star Crossed MC Lovers, #1) (2 page)

BOOK: Forbidden (Star Crossed MC Lovers, #1)
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"You have no idea just how naughty I can be, big boy. Too bad you'll never find out." I shrugged and couldn't help but smile at the soft chuckles that resounded around me.

I didn't have many friends in school simply because everyone was scared of my family. I was fine with it, or so I put forward that front. No reason to covet something that would never belong to me. Fun days of lounging by the pool with girlfriends, slumber parties or hair appointments with silly gossip sessions hadn't been my lot in life.

It was me and my family. Not much more. Something told me my father had more to do with that than he would ever admit. It wasn't worth arguing over. I enjoyed most of my cousins and was far more of a bike-riding tomboy than any of the other girls in my school.

My thoughts caused me to miss my chance to hit Lucky with another jab. His deep voice rolled over me and I swallowed the need to growl at him for making me feel anything.

"Party at Martin Jeffery's tonight. Be there... I want to see you." He reached out and brushed his fingers along mine.

I shuddered and quickly wrapped my arms around myself. There was no way I was going to that party. Lucky and I had been flirting for four years. Things would unravel due to a little bit of liquid courage and I'd have him naked and on top of me in the Jeffery's backyard. One time would never be enough. Of that I was sure.

A few of the kids in front of me walked up on stage as their names were called. The whole gym cheered for them. It was a rarity for me to work up a sweat, but the light sheen of it covering my upper lip and the edge of my hairline worried me.

I hated to be called to the front of the room or to stand in front of large crowds. I might not fully know what my father was involved in to make the kind of money he did, but it seemed a lot of other people had preconceived notions about it.

None of them were good.

"Kari Dement." The short Asian girl in front of me walked up on the stage as the crowd roared for her.

"Selene Delgado." The assistant principal called my name and my father and cousins' cheering reached me, but they were the only ones.

Embarrassment rolled over me, and I swallowed it down. I didn't need the crowd’s approval. I was fine just belonging to my family.

Taking my diploma, the principal forced a smile and said something I didn't pay attention to. The constant mantra to get the fucking diploma and get off the stage kept running through my head.

I turned and walked down, forcing myself not to show any emotion at all. Everyone's eyes were on me, and they should be. The town was proud of all of the kids graduating... except me. The worst part was that I hadn't done anything to deserve the disdain, other than proudly carry my last name.

My eyes moved over to Lucky's and the kindness in them melted me.

He smiled and licked at his lips before winking. "Come tonight."

“You know we can’t,” I whispered. “It’s forbidden. And I really want you to live to see tomorrow.”

“Come to me,” he said. “You won’t regret it.”

"Never," I mouthed and walked toward my seat, knowing good and damn well I was going. My father would never accept Lucky, but a one night stand was all it would be. We would never become anything more than a few grunts and a much needed release.

"Much needed indeed," I mumbled and focused on the handsome man who was not working very hard to steal my thoughts and yet doing so quite effectively.

Chapter 2



grabbed my diploma off the desk in my room and dropped down on my single mattress bed, letting out a long sigh. I opened it and rolled my eyes as Dane walked into the room.

"This piece of shit isn't even real. It says here on the back that you have to come pick up your diploma by Thursday this next week. Rip off." I rolled it back up and lobbed it toward my best friend as he dropped into a chair and swatted at it.

"Who cares? The paper doesn't mean anything, but the ceremony seals our past. Done. Being a kid is over and the next stage of life is going to be so much better than this one was." Dane popped the top on a beer sitting beside him and tossed a bottle at me. "Your old man is dead to the world and he has too many of these. We should help him out."

"I wish his ass was dead." I caught the beer and repositioned myself on the bed. "You think Lena will be there tonight?"

"At the after-party? Heck no. She's hated by most of the town. No way would she show up there." He laughed and cleared his throat as I pinned him with a hard stare. "I mean... maybe?"

"Fuck you. You have no idea what it's like to live in the shadow of shitty parenting. Your mom makes Betty Crocker look like a two-bit whore." I took a long drink of the beer as Dane seemed to contemplate his comeback. "She's not her father, just like I'm not mine."

"That's not what I meant and you know it." Dane set his beer down. "Of course you're not your father. Don't start that shit."

"I didn't. You did." I stood and pulled my t-shirt over my head. "Everyone expects me to be the next town drunk, as if that shit is in my blood. Fuck them. Lena's not going to end up being the dark, nefarious bastard her dad is, either."

Dane shrugged. "You don't know that. Don't become blind to her, Luck."

"I'm not, but you can't label someone when they haven't done anything to earn it." I shrugged and pulled out a black Metallica shirt, turning and holding it up as best I could. "I can’t stop thinking about her."

“She’s off limits. You know that. Her old man will shoot you dead. So stay the fuck away from that broad!”

“But I love a challenge...The more I can’t have her, the more I want her.”

“C’mon, man. She’s forbidden fruit.”

“I want to snatch that fruit off that tree...and just take one taste.”

“Look what happened to Eve,” he said. “Except she’ll make out better than you will. Because you’ll be dead when her dad catches you sniffing around his precious princess. You can’t pursue a doomed romance.”

“Is there such a thing as forbidden soul mates?”

“That girl will rip your soul in half.”

I laughed.

He sipped his beer. “There’s never a dull moment with Selene.”

“No, there’s not.”

“But seriously? Is she worth dying for? You need to ask yourself that question.”

“I’ve asked myself that question a million times. And it’s why I stay away.”

“Then keep doing what you’re doing. Because it’s good for your health. And why do you want to get involved with a crazy girl, anyway? She pushes the limits and constantly rides the edge.”

“And she does it fearlessly. That’s what I love about her. She’s not like any other girl I’ve ever met. She’s got spunk. She’s smart, spontaneous, a thrill-seeker, a risk-taker, and she loads of fun. Did I mention the fact she drives me absolutely insane? And her smile... There is nothing sexier to me than a woman’s smile.”

“I think it’s the thrill of the hunt. Men are aggressive by nature, and once we devour our prey, we’re off on the next hunt.”

“It’s more than that. She challenges me...inspires me like no other girl.”

“She’s toxic,” he said.


He threw his arms up in the air. “Okay, I give up. I think you’ve lost your mind because all you think of is the crazy sex you’ll get.”

“Crazy in the best way possible. But she’s not a whore. Crazy, yes. Loose? No. She doesn’t sleep around. She’s just wild and carefree.”

He nodded. “Selene’s like a wild horse that can’t be broken.”

“I’ll break her. You can count on that.”

He chuckled. “You tame her? Good luck. Besides, the wild ones are rarely relationship material anyway.”

“Who says I’m looking for a relationship?”

Dane was cut short by my father yelling. "Lucas. Get your dumb, worthless ass in here and turn the fan on. What the fuck are you doing? Jacking off to love songs in there? Stupid kids nowadays thinking life has something to offer."

"Sorry, dude." Dane pressed his fingers to his mouth and averted his gaze as I handed him the beer and walked out.

"For what? You didn't marry the piece of shit and birth me."


he wind felt good as it pulled my t-shirt tightly against me. The ride to Jeffery's place was no more than twenty minutes, but it was a solid twenty minutes of watching the world fly by my bike. Dane had to stop and pick up a few people, so I was on my own, which was perfect.

Nightfall had cooled the day off and the moon was big and full as it sat high above his head. The vintage Harley between my legs was a gift I had saved up the last four years for. A few weeks before graduation, the guys at the bar pulled together the last thousand dollars and helped me get it.

No one had ever gotten me anything. It was one of the only times in my life I'd gotten choked up, but I had. The old farts and sweet butts had made it a point to bring it up daily since.

A smile lifted my mouth under my helmet and my heart soared with the promise of what was to come.

Where most of the kids from our graduating class were preparing for college or the police force, I was looking at eventually owning my own bike shop. I had been in love with hogs for as long as I could remember. They were the escape I needed. Several of the old guys in town who owned shops would call me in to help when they were overworked or something new and trendy would end up on the list.

I would be a part of the Stone Wolves MC club, which was the burning desire of my heart. The guys had been a large part of my upbringing and had picked me up on more than one occasion when my dad beat me senseless for no reason.

There were no secrets between me and several of the guys in the club. My spot was saved for the day when I finally earned it. I didn't want any more handouts, and the guys seemed good with that. They would accept me as one of their patched members the minute I fulfilled the duties and obligations expected of a Stone Wolf.

I pulled up to the party and parked my bike under the coverage of the road, noticing a bright pink crotch rocket sitting not far from where I stood.

How long had I been watching the pretty daughter of the biggest piece of shit in town? My whole high school career for sure. She was perfect from the top of her head to the tip of her toes. Long, dark, silky black hair, almond colored skin, big green eyes and a mouth that made my body harden if I looked at it a second too long.

Her hands and wrists were adorned in far too much jewelry, but I didn't mind. She was so rough and aggressive; perhaps the small things that softened her were more for her to remember she was a woman than for anyone else.

I moved up toward the bonfire and caught sight of her standing by herself. Her jeans hugged her hips and spread across the thick curve of her rear, leaving my stomach tensing and a growl rolling through my chest.

Behave. She's not on the market and even if she was... You hate her daddy with a passion.

I was going to get my ass kicked out of the Stone Wolves before I even got invited in. There was nothing a Stone Wolf hated more than a Black Heart, which was Selene's future. Her father was the head of a club that acted far more like a death-and-disease spreading mafia than a true MC.

She turned as if she could hear my thoughts. A cocky grin lifted her lips. "You're late."

My eyes moved down the white and pink tank top that clung to her perky tits and left a little bit of  cleavage on display. She was by far the most beautiful, sensual girl in the whole fucking town.

Hell, the world. Don't fuck this up. Please don't fuck this up, Luck.

"I'm right on time, actually. I don't think I gave you a time." I stopped in front of her, leaving a little bit of space as I tilted my chin down a little, wanting to fully take her in again and again.

"Like what you see?" She scoffed and lifted a beer bottle to her pretty red lips. "Most boys are subtle about eye-fucking someone. Do I need to teach you how it's done?"

"Most guys haven't waited four years to approach the girl who tears up their nights and promises things no girl could possibly come through on." I shrugged and plucked the beer from her hand. "Not even you, Lena."

She chuckled and turned, her smile reaching her eyes as she seemed to spot something she liked.

I glanced in the direction of her attention and took another step closer before handing her the beer back. "Whatcha see?"

"Zach's here with his supplies. I want ink." She took the beer and licked the rim before moaning softly.

The sound drove a spike into the center of me as my cock stirred, pulsing with hopeful anticipation of being ridden, long and hard.

I swallowed and forced myself to chill. I’d been with lots of girls, but nobody ever captured my heart like Selene. There was never a shortage of the pretty girls who had taken up so many of my nights over the last four years. Yet, I only fantasized about one. She invaded my thoughts and dreams all the time. 

"I didn't realize that dude was an ink slinger,” I said. “He busted the curve in my chemistry class this year like a thousand times."

She laughed and reached for my hand, sliding her fingers against mine and tugging me with her. "Come with me. Let's get something to remember tonight by."

"I have enough ink on me. I'm saving my back for when I join an MC." I rubbed my thumb over hers, not able to help myself.

"Chicken shit." She glanced over her shoulder as we moved up to the front of the line, cutting ten people.

"Hey... you can't cut." A whiny female voice called out from beside us. Lena turned her head and leaned over in front of me.

"They're several cups of shut-the-fuck-up at the house. Make sure you get one before you say something you'll regret." Selene winked at the perky cheerleader and tugged her hand from mine.

I stifled a laugh and moved up to watch with anticipation as she ran her fingers around the edge of her top and pulled hard. She handed the shirt to me and I took it, my eyes racing across the creamy tops of her breasts and the tight skin of her stomach. She was still wearing a tight tank top and I couldn’t stop staring.

"What can I do for you, Selene?" Zach patted the seat beside him. "You want something original?"

BOOK: Forbidden (Star Crossed MC Lovers, #1)
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