Read Forbidden (A Serian Novel) Online

Authors: C.T. Nicholson

Forbidden (A Serian Novel) (8 page)

BOOK: Forbidden (A Serian Novel)
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Chapter Thirteen



Anger. Confusion. Lust. No matter how far away, she felt everything. An invisible chain held their connection together. She knew his every move, his every emotion. And still with no understanding why.

She stood with her toes covered in warm sand, about five hours away from where she left Ryder. A light breeze came off the Ocean, cooling her. Seria had sand, so the cool grains didn't impress her as much as the ocean did.

A feeling of peace came over her as she listened to the waves crash down and let the water sweep over her feet before disappearing back into the vast ocean. How could anyone live without the beauty of Earth? The real masterpiece. She’d read many books about Earth, but her imagination didn't compare to the true beauty before her.

Laili would've loved it.

She ended up at the ocean searching for Nasim, a half-breed with the Antika gift, and the only one who could help her. He used to chase her down using his speed and, even as a child, he could carry both Talia and her at the same time without even a little strain. She also remembered how he cared for all of them. Nothing and no one ever hurt them with him around.

She closed her eyes and followed the trail that led to her long-lost brother. She could see his energy inside the home. Something about him seemed different, but she didn't hesitate to step up to the red door and knock. No answer, so she knocked harder.

The door swung open. She gasped. A black gun pointed at her face. Her heart pounded as she shifted her gaze from the weapon to the stormy gray eyes she remembered so well. Her brother.

"Who are you?" he demanded as he studied her closely. His brows rose at her obvious loss for words.

"A-Anara." She stuttered her name. Her hands shook with anticipation. Trying to rid the lump in her throat, she swallowed.

His face went from serious to shocked, before he wrapped his large arms around her without warning.

"Too tight." She barely squeezed the words out as her air supply dwindled.

"Sorry." He watched her closely and squeezed her shoulders gently, as if she would disappear.

"You're alive. We've all been worried not knowing if you survived on your own. I should've known little Anara could handle herself." He grabbed her hand and dragged her through the door.

"Now look at you all grown up.
Still short though." He placed his overly large arm on top of her head.

She punched him in the arm. She didn't have to let him get away with his brotherly teasing, no matter how much she missed him.

"And you still punch like a girl." His booming laughter filled the air and her heart.

It was really him.

"Oh yeah, I can't help you're a giant and what's with this hair? She stretched to run her fingers over his black hair spiked in the middle. Her neck ached while she stared up at him; she didn't even reach his shoulders in height. Everything about him looked the same, only he was older, and if possible, larger.

"Hey! I actually like my Mohawk, though it did start off as a dare." He skimmed over the spikes with his hand. "And I can't help those Antika genes made me such an irresistible man."

She missed him, but why did she come? Danger followed her. She could have brought death to his door.

"I shouldn't have come here." Tears blurred her vision. "I feared what would happen if I didn't have help, and when I found you, I couldn't stay away."

"What do you mean? Of course you should've come. Whatever is scaring you, I'll protect you." He gathered her into his arms. "You know that."

"How did you keep from being caught?" She ran for three days and felt no closer to losing her pursuer. Ryder.
Though it was a unique situation.

All her life she hid from Serians, trying to stay unn
oticed, so she could keep from becoming a slave. She didn't think she could run for much longer.

She pulled back and glanced up at Nasim. With him, she thought she would feel safe, but dread still crept up her spine. Her chest ached and she didn't want to think about the reason why. Running from Ryder seemed to hurt more than anything.

Nasim answered her question. "Life's not easy; I've moved plenty of times over the years, along with the others."

They survived? She'd fantasized over the long years that they'd all made their way to safety. She stepped away and waited. Her hands shook as she tried not to get her hopes up.

Memories of all of them as children playing in the small house and having to share two beds flooded her. Acacia was the youngest, and the most vulnerable with her gift to feel others emotions.

Even a year younger than Talia, Anara still managed to keep up with her. They both had the same gift and got along well because of it.

Then there was Isen, the oldest of them all. He was tall, lanky, and had wild red hair. Isen was a genius and could operate or even build anything he wanted as long as he had the parts.

Sometimes, that was a problem in their home when he started disbanding other things for some of his projects.

"Yes. Isen, Talia, and Acacia survived."

Anara whipped her head toward him. "How did you know that's what I was thinking?"

He laughed and squeezed her hand. "I see your thoughts written all over your face, and I know what I would've thought if I ended up left behind instead of you. What about Abarron?"

There was no easy way to answer, even after so many years. She took a deep breath and answered. "He distracted the soldiers who attacked that night, so I could get away. I never heard from him again."

They both knew if Abarron escaped, he would have come for her. He loved them like his own kids, and if given a choice, he wouldn't have left her alone.

"With her Jatron abilities, Talia stayed hidden easier. She knows when they're near and can even mask herself and the rest of us from Jatron that come searching Earth."

Talia's gift surpassed Anara's in every way. "Where is she? I could really benefit if I can learn to do the same." She glanced out the window. "Sooner would be better. There are some bad men after me, not including the Jatron I left unconscious and tied to the bed."

Nasim's eyebrows rose and his features softened with a smile. "That's the girl I remember."




The door opened an hour later and a woman walked through.
Tears blurred Anara's vision, echoed by similar tears in Talia's eyes. Anara grunted as a hundred and twenty pounds tackled her. She couldn't stop as they both tumbled to the ground.

Talia grabbed her hands to help pull her back up off the floor.

"I'm sorry, it's just"—Talia hugged her again—"we didn't know if you survived."

More tears slid down Anara's cheeks. "I thought none of you made it to Earth."

Eyes wide, Nasim looked lost and frightened as the two women cried in his home.

Anara's heart ached with happiness she didn't think she'd ever experience again. She had to look up at Talia who stood a few inches taller. She wore her black hair short, with pink and purple streaks. Anara loved how the short strands framed her pixie face. Light brown eyes jumped with excitement as Talia described their life to her.

"I'm leaving you two alone. All these tears are more than I can handle." Nasim turned to leave, shaking his head as he mumbled under his breath.

"No, Nasim. We'll take a walk on the beach." Talia grabbed Anara's hand and dragged her out the door.

Talia looked up at the sky before turning to Anara. "I remember how much I loved coming here after we escaped Seria. I know you feel the same."

"It's so peaceful. I want to stay forever." Anara closed her eyes, letting the calming effect envelope her body. Ocean water lapped at her feet, coaxing her to join the waves. She knew, deep within, the happiness she felt wouldn't last and the life she dreamed about would disappear for good.

Talia grabbed her hands and spoke with tenderness. "Okay, now that you're relaxed, keep your eyes closed and open your mind."

The world fell away and energy surrounded her. She saw Talia and Nasim's energies. Even with his distance, she felt Ryder with even more intensity. Ryder attracted her, making everything and everyone disappear. Without thinking, she reached for him.

"Now, build a wall around yourself, blocking everyone around you." Talia's voice brought her back to the task.

Anara built the wall with ease. Stacking one imag
inary brick at a time until she felt like it would be impenetrable.

Talia laughed. "So powerful and in control of your gift, your energy already looks like a shadow."

Anara smiled. She knew what Talia meant by a shadow and why Nasim and Talia seemed different than Anara remembered. Still recognizable, Anara knew the shadow replaced the usual yellow glow that used to help her distinguish Talia from the others.

"We are familiar. You'll know me and I'll know you. That's how you found Nasim, even though other Jatrons can't. Now, they won't realize what you are. If they aren't close enough to you personally or physically, you won't be found," Talia said.

"I feel and see him," Anara whispered. How did she explain about Ryder? She opened her eyes and looked at Talia.


Anara explained her situation with Ryder. Talia burst into laughter and Anara couldn’t help a smile when she mentioned leaving him tied to the bed. To let go a little made her feel free, though she knew her freedom didn't exist. "I know he's coming. I knew when he woke up after I shot him with the macca. I don't understand."

"If he's that far away, then he'll lose you. Building your wall should've blocked him." Talia patted her back with assurance.

Anara turned away from her. "You're wrong. I feel his every emotion and can tell you his exact location without using my gift. What if this connection between us goes both ways? He'll always find me."

Her belly fluttered with excitement and that familiar ache started between her legs at the mere thought of seeing him again.

Talia pursed her lips together. "I've never seen anything like this. A gift?"

Anara shrugged. "Maybe, though I don't believe so. He's a Jatron. A strong one, but I've never heard about any others with a gift like his. Why would I know his every move?"

"There's more?"

Here it is. "We kissed. Not just kissed, I felt like we were one and then white light sur
rounded us when we touched. It was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."

"This is beyond my understanding. We need to call Isen." Talia walked toward Nasim's home and left Anara to follow. "After we call Isen, you need to get some sleep. You look exhausted."

Anara nodded, but she didn't think she'd be able to sleep. She put Nasim and Talia in the line of fire, and now Isen would be there, too. Not that she wasn't happy to see them again after fifteen years. But how could she be so stupid to put the ones she loved in danger? Especially, when she had no way of hiding from Ryder.

Inside Nasim's home, Anara's stomach g
rowled when the smell of food drifted in her nose. She moved closer to inspect his food. "What is it?"

Nasim smiled. "I'll make you some. It's called instant macaroni and cheese. Best food invented."

When Talia snickered, Anara turned to look at her. "What?"

"I promise this is not the best food invented, but it is good," she said, rolling her eyes.

She remembered Nasim always did exaggerate. "I like hamburgers."

"Next best thing ever invented. Well, after pizza," Nasim said.

"Pizza?" Anara asked.

"Nasim, don't overwhelm her with so many new things. She'll get there. Maybe tomorrow you can order pizza and something healthy," Talia said.

Nasim threw his head back and laughed. "Don't hold your breath."

Anara followed as Talia ushered her toward the kitchen table. She couldn't help her excitement when Nasim placed a bowl of the yellow food in front of her. As she took a bite, flavors bombarded her taste buds. "Mmm, this
the best thing invented."

"Now, Anara, you've only have it to compare to Serian food, and not the good kind. Plus, how much Earth
food have you eaten so far?" Talia ate her own bowlful.

She thought about Talia's question and realized she'd only eaten the one time. Even on Seria, she managed to eat at least once a day if not twice. "I only ate the hamburger and the crispy sticks that came with it.
Maybe a day ago."

"I don't know how you haven't eaten anything since then. When we first came here and ate the first time, we would be hungry every few hours." Talia paused and took another bite of food. "Though it's disgusting, something in Serian food fills you up a lot longer than Earth food. Most humans eat at least three times a day."

"That makes sense. I guess I've had too much on my mind." She looked at them both and smiled.

"How did you escape Seria?" Talia placed her elbows on the table and then sat her chin in her hands.

BOOK: Forbidden (A Serian Novel)
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