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Authors: Casey McMillin

Following Isaac (13 page)

BOOK: Following Isaac
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"Yep," I said. I was as lost in the memory of the weekend as they were in their snow globes. We all three sat there, mesmerized.

"I think we love each other," I said.





I moved to New York that May after I graduated. Those five months apart were hard for both of us, but it forced us to get to know each other in a different way. We had conversations you might not necessarily have in person, and I thought this time apart might actually work in our favor in the grand scheme of things.

I moved into his apartment with very few belongings. I was a little worried about how his friends and family would accept me, but there was never a time when I felt like they didn't want me around.

The fans, however, were another story. I've been in New York for two years now, and had several run-ins with fans that wanted me out of the way. My car has been keyed twice, once with the popping of my tires as an added bonus. Once a girl tripped me, and I was quite often elbowed or shoved "accidently".

The longer we were together, the less frequently things like that happened. It seemed like people started getting less hostile about it about a year into the relationship. It helped that I was getting better and better at seeing the threat before it happened, and could easily dodge a shoulder from a hater.

Isaac was serious when he said he wanted me to do MMA, and I'd been doing kickboxing and a little Jiu Jitsu as exercise. I wasn't a fighter, but I had enough training and cardio that I could easily kick a normal civilian's ass if I needed to. Isaac wanted me to drop somebody who got aggressive with me one day, just so he could see me do it, but I'd always gotten by with averting trouble.

I got a job doing plantscaping for someone else's company just like I'd been doing in L.A. My goal at some point was to have my own business, but for now, it was easier to work for someone else. I didn't travel with Isaac every time he left town, but I did like to pick up and go with him every once in a while, and it was nice to be able to get someone to cover my hotels when I was gone. I figured I'd eventually want to work for myself, but for now I liked the flexibility of working for someone else.

It was times like these I was glad for that flexibility. Isaac and I had been in L.A. for two weeks, and weren't planning on going back to New York for yet another two.

A month off,
you ask
. Why would she need a month off?
Well, maybe it's for my WEDDING and HONEYMOON. Yes, you heard me…

Six hours ago, I became Mrs. Isaac Charles in front of about fifty of our closest friends and family. Isaac knew he was shooting a campaign in L.A. in June and thought it might be a good time for us to get married. He says he saw our future in my eyes next to that window in the ballroom at St. Andrews, and that's where he wanted to get married. We set the wedding date a week after the campaign he had scheduled, and his friends and family from back east flew out to join us.

We hired a photographer named Alex who Isaac had worked with before. I'd already seen a few of the shots, and was so excited about how they came out. Thanks to a brilliant stylist, I looked as if I might actually
at his side.

"What are you thinking about?" he asked, coming into the living room to find me standing there spacing out.

"I was thinking about those photos Alex showed us," I said. "I love my dress."

He threw the keys onto the table by the door and started walking toward me. We were standing in a multi-million dollar beach house in Malibu with our own stretch of private beach. It was ours for two days before we went on our real honeymoon to Greece. (Freaking-a, right?) Anyway, this house was loaned to us by one of his connections at Tang, and it was probably the most beautiful house I'd ever seen.

"I love your dress too," he said, closing the distance between us. He'd already loosened his tie and unbuttoned the first few buttons of his shirt. He still had his jacket on, and he closed the gap between us, looking every bit the stunning male model he was.

"You must be a figment of my imagination," I said, feeling a bit breathless as he came to stand close to me.

He wrapped a hand around the back of my neck and whispered, "Could your imagination do this?" He bent and put a kiss on my mouth. And, now my breath was officially taken away. I stood on my tiptoes to prolong the kiss when he pulled back.

"No," I said.

"Could it do this?" he asked. He grabbed my backside and pressed our hips together.

"No." I said.

His mouth was so close to mine that we shared the same breath.

"So this must be real."

"Did we really just get married?" I asked.


"That's crazy."

"I know, I kind of regret it," he said, acting all nervous and shifty-eyed. His expression was deadpan, but I knew he was messing around.

"Me too," I said, with a fake, worried expression.


"Yeah," I said, "but it can wait till morning."

"Of course," he said.

We both let our faces break into the grins we'd been holding back. Then he scooped me up, causing me to let out a shriek. "You're magic, you know," he said as if he was just stating a random fact.

I smiled. "You said that in your speech tonight."

"You caught that?"

"Where'd you learn to work a crowd like that? Did you take a public speaking class or something?"

He smiled. "No, I just know a great deal about the subject matter."

"Which was me?" I asked, sounding vulnerable like I was in the right state to be taken to bed and ravished.

"Yes, it was you, baby."

"I love you to my toes, Isaac Charles."

"I hope so, cause now I'm all yours."

"Damn skippy you are," I said.

He smiled. "Dig my phone out of my pocket." I reached around him and fished around till I came up with his phone. He told me to hold it out and get a selfie of us like that, and we tried a few positions before finding one that looked good.

"Now post it and write on there that I'm about to take you to bed and mark my territory."

I laughed, knowing I'd never do such a thing, and gently tossed his phone onto a nearby couch. "I'm not gonna write it, but just so you know, I don't mind considering myself your territory."

He smiled down at me. "We got this," he said.

"Yep. We're gonna make it." I smiled and rested my head on his chest, secure in the knowledge that it was the truth.


The End


Thanks for reading Following Isaac!


For the latest news on upcoming releases, please visit my Facebook page at:


Tom Kelly's Boys
series: (3 books)

Book 1 Finding the Magic

Book 2 Steal My Girl

Book 3 Tattoos and Angels


How to Tame a Heartbreaker
series: (4 books)

Book 1 You're Dangerous

Book 2 A Few Little Scars

Book 3 Better with Ben

Book 4 The Real Me


In Too Deep
Series: (5 books)

Book 1  Three Years Later

Book 2  Seeing Clearly

Book 3  Second String

Book 4  Mind the Gap

Book 5  Three Months and You're Mine


Stand-alone romances:

Julien's Book

Feels Like the First Time


Much love and happy reading!


BOOK: Following Isaac
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