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Authors: Beth Kery

Flirting in Traffic (8 page)

BOOK: Flirting in Traffic
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Chapter Eight

Finn kept forcefully directing his brain onto one thing and one thing only—taking his time with Esa. The interest—or
for that matter—to question logically why he should be so dead set on the challenge had long fled him.

Unfortunately, the organ that dominated almost his entire awareness as he carried her to his bed wasn’t remotely interested in logic.

He grunted as he came down on the mattress and hauled an armful of fragrant, wet, delicious woman on top of him. He scooted back on the cool duvet cover until he leaned partially against the pillows and the padded headboard.

It pleased him beyond measure to know that Esa was doing the precise opposite of bolting at present. In fact she was all over him, running her hands hungrily over his body, scraping her nails lightly against his sides, making his skin roughen with goose bumps.

Not to mention that she kissed him with such desperate abandon that Finn temporarily knew only the primitive male mandate to mate…and fast and furiously, at that. The firecracker was back in his arms again and damned if she wasn’t taking him along with her once again on a wild, explosive ride.

He managed to break their kiss with a supreme effort of will.

“Esa, stop a moment,” he growled, desire making him hoarse.

She glanced up at him from his chest where she had been tonguing and nibbling his nipples. Even though he’d just asked her to stop, Finn forced himself to resist an almost overwhelming urge to push her head back down.

“You made me feel so good. I want to return the favor,” she said softly.

“Esa,” he grated out when she fisted his aching cock. He refused to let her turn him inside out all over again.

But the moment she bent at the waist and added her gliding tongue and wet, suctioning mouth to the scenario, Finn’s restraint vaporized for the second time in two nights.

Her hand lowered to the root of his cock, holding him at her mercy as she explored him. His entire body went rigid, every cell of his being seemingly focused on the movement of her searching tongue, her tight lips, her sweet, hungry suck.

When her head moved over his lap faster and more forcefully he groaned gutturally, his pleasure building way too quickly for his liking. His hands fisted her thick hair. Despite his attempts at restraint, he was unable to stop himself from lifting his hips, giving himself to her when she was willing to take him so greedily.

Come here,” he demanded after a moment in a much harder voice than he’d intended.

She looked up from his lap. The sight of her huge, brandy-colored eyes clouded with desire and her damp, lush lips just inches from his straining cock almost sent him over the edge. He momentarily stilled the urge by focusing on the task of retrieving a condom from his bedside table.

She straddled his lap as he ripped open the packaging. He grimaced in pleasure at the sensation of her sliding his near-to-bursting erection between the silky, firm globes of her ass cheeks. It was bad enough that she had an ass that could turn a man into a rutting beast but she made matters worse by rubbing it against him when he was near to bursting.

And purring.

He stilled her squirming hips, furious at her for teasing him so mercilessly.

“If you don’t hold still I’m gonna paddle your sweet ass.”

She laughed, calling his bluff. The low, husky sound of her mirth was almost as potent as her squirming on his cock had been. He couldn’t take another second. He tightened the hold on her hips, urging her to take him inside the humid heat that emanated from her core into his skin.

When she slid down over him, tentatively at first then with one downward surge of her hips, a rough growl scored his throat. Was everything she did merciless? She squeezed him in a tight, warm fist. He pressed down on her waist, silently begging her not to move until he regained control.

She panted shallowly. She leaned forward and drew little circles with her hips, biting her lower lip and moaning in pleasure.

“Christ, you’re incorrigible,” Finn grated out, leaning forward and holding her more tightly onto his lap. He found himself within inches of her large, shapely breasts capped by erect, dark pink nipples.

He swallowed thickly, feeling himself jerk inside of her tight, clasping sheath. He leaned back into the headboard, aware that sweat was pouring off him.

“I’m sorry, Finn.”

“You don’t look like it, Esa,” he muttered wryly as he eyed her bewitching little smile.

Her eyes went wide when he said her name. She shifted her hips forward on him again, ever so slightly. He knew where she was seeking relief and he reached for her, offering it with his massaging thumb. He couldn’t help but smirk in profound satisfaction when she writhed against him and her sleek channel tightened around his cock.

“Two can play at torture,” he reminded her. He became increasingly aware, however, that his desire to make her squirm a little was making her do just that, flinging his challenge back in his own face. Her restless, gripping movements around his cock drove him wild.

Esa paused a moment, gulping for air. His circling thumb sent her straight into blissful orbit. She burned. Everywhere—the soles of her feet, her aching nipples…but mostly beneath Finn’s magical finger. The pressure he applied was cruel in its perfection. She leaned forward and placed her hands on his hard, hair-dusted chest. She moved her hips in tight, gyrating movements.

Finn snarled. His fingers sank into the soft, firm flesh of her ass cheek, encouraging her to ride him.

“Oh, Oh…
!” Esa shouted when he finally let her have her way and she hopped in his lap, stroking him fierce and fast. When Finn increased the rate of his circling thumb, she yelped helplessly and tipped over into climax.

Finn held her to him while she came, one hand splayed across her stomach, reaching down to the sensitive flesh where he nursed her through her orgasm, the other firmly holding her down, motionless, on his cock. He inhaled deeply, struggling for one last ounce of control as her clasping channel spasmed and pulled at his straining cock.

She sagged against his chest. Finn flexed his abdominal muscles and straightened his back slightly, fully supporting them on the headboard. He urged her back up to a sitting position.

He wanted her beautiful breasts directly in front of his face when he came.

While she panted and recovered from her orgasm he leaned forward at his leisure and nuzzled the bountiful glory before him with his nose and lips before he slid a hard little bud between his lips. She whimpered and tightened around him.

He groaned.

“You have the most incredible breasts,” he murmured as he moved his head between both of them, licking, sipping, nibbling and sucking, mindlessly ecstatic at the feast before him.

He demanded that she move on him again, this time adding the strength of his hips and upper body, pushing her down on his cock in short, staccato thrusts that made both of them cry out in pleasure.

Esa became lost once again in the web of mindless carnality that Finn spun so effortlessly around her. She sensed the tension mounting in him, felt it in the bulging tightness of his chest, arm and thigh muscles. He completely controlled her movements now, lifting and thrusting the weight of her body down on him with a breathtaking force that she’d been unable to accomplish on her own.

She cried out sharply when he brought her down forcefully one last time, their flesh smacking together loudly.

He held her down in his lap. His handsome face contorted into a rictus of pleasure.


She cried out sharply, the moment made perfect by hearing her name on his tongue at his moment of crisis.

She felt him spasm deep inside of her. As he held her to him his mouth fastened on her right nipple, drawing on her lustily while he shuddered in orgasm. The sensation sizzled like lightning straight to her core. She ground down on the stiff pillar of his convulsing cock, climaxing again with shattering intensity.

For several minutes, the only sound in the room was that of their heavy breathing as they desperately tried to gain equilibrium.

Esa lay on his chest, wilted, warm and utterly replete. She lightly placed her hands on his sweat-dampened rib cage, feeling it rise up and down as his breathing evened and deepened. With her head turned on his chest she could hear his heartbeat, strong, regular and gradually slowing.

She felt poignantly attuned with Finn as she lay there, as if their bodily processes had synchronized, their flesh separate but somehow unified. When he withdrew from her body she wanted to cry out in protest. But soon enough he’d pulled her down next to his hard, warm length again. He burrowed his fingers into her hair, rubbing her scalp.

Esa purred in contentment.

“Hey,” he murmured with quiet amusement. “Look what I found.”

“What?” she asked groggily, lifting her head from his chest. She blinked, trying to focus on what he held up between his fingers in the dim room, which was illuminated only by the bathroom light. After a few seconds she chuckled in recognition.

“It’s a leaf. I raked my parents’ backyard today,” she said before she dropped her cheek back to his chest.

“Where do they live?” he asked in a low, mellow tone that Esa loved.

“Evanston, right off Lake Shore Drive in the house I grew up in.”

“I thought you said you’d lived in Chicago your whole life.”

“I did. You’re not that meticulous about your definitions, are you?”

“Right,” he agreed wryly. “Chicago, Evanston…Esa, Kitten. No one could claim that you’re loose in your interpretations.”

She grinned into his chest, appreciating his humor but not being in a position to show it because of her chosen role. Her smile faded a bit. She hoped he hadn’t been insinuating she was loose in general…

“Kitten is a-a—”

“Pet name?”

She lifted her head and stared at his face. She snorted with laughter when she saw the mirthful gleam in his eyes.

“I went to school in Chicago until I graduated high school. Doesn’t that count for anything?” Esa asked eventually, thinking it was best to stick to a topic that didn’t require lying.

“Which one?”

“The Latin School.”


“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Nothing.” He began his delicious scalp rub again but Esa wouldn’t be sidetracked. He grinned when he saw her challenging look.

“The Latin School is a rich kid’s school,” he explained matter-of-factly.

“It is not!”

Finn shrugged negligently, as though the matter was beneath his notice.

“My father is a professor and my mother is a real estate agent. We were hardly rich. Why? Where did you go to school?”

“St. Mark’s.”

“Ah hah!” she said with a triumphant look. “You went to a private school as well.”

“Catholic school. Not remotely the same.”

“Did you go to college?” Esa asked.

“Yep. A four-year one with a real campus and everything.”

Esa stilled with wariness when she registered the subtle mockery of his tone. “Where at?” she asked, refusing to be cowed by his entirely uncalled-for testiness.

“The University of Illinois,” he replied after a pause. “Okay, time for you to answer a question for me.”

Esa stilled warily. “What?”

“Why were you driving north in traffic yesterday when your offices are downtown?”

“Oh, well that’s because…” Esa paused, licking her lower lip nervously. This would probably be a good time to tell him that she wasn’t
Metro Sexy’s
publisher. But she felt foolish for having lied about it in the first place and besides…he’d made it clear that he wasn’t interested in anything permanent. It was clear from his occasional prickliness in regard to matters that had nothing to do with Esa that he was still very much in the jittery aftershocks of a bad break-up.

No call for her to turn back from her impulsive adventure now.

Her mind scrambled for work activities that she’d heard Rachel mention in the past. She finally landed on her sister’s real reason for being in Indianapolis for the next week and conveniently changed locations. “I’ve been having some meetings about possibly doing a…a…South Side version of
Metro Sexy

Finn looked puzzled.

“You know, a version that’s just for single southsiders—where to eat, good nightclubs, social events…”

“Hmmm,” Finn muttered.

Esa heard the doubt in his tone.

“What’s wrong?” she demanded. Part of her laughed at herself for being offended that he didn’t think her idea for a job that she knew absolutely nothing about was an ingenious marketing plan.

He shrugged. “I don’t know anything about publishing but it just doesn’t sound like something the typical Chicago southsider would go for. We’re a more…practical lot.”

Esa chuckled and snuggled back into his warmth. She perfectly saw his point, so she thought it best to put an end to the subject.

Or the lie, to be more accurate.

His arms encircled her and tightened. A small smile curved her lips. God, she could die a happy woman lying here in Finn’s embrace and inhaling his scent.

BOOK: Flirting in Traffic
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