Read Five Night Stand (Fox Brothers Book 2) Online

Authors: Lolah Lace

Tags: #interracial paranormal romance

Five Night Stand (Fox Brothers Book 2) (6 page)

BOOK: Five Night Stand (Fox Brothers Book 2)
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“Good morning, I’m special Agent West and this is special Agent Carter, FBI.”

Ryan glared over at his brother. He thought they were going to be US Marshalls and now they’re FBI. Max was always trying to challenge him in some stupid way.

Max and Ryan removed their leather protected badges from their inside suit jacket pockets. Ryan had to remember to pull the right ID out. They confidently flashed their fake FBI badges.

Ryan thought about their fake passports if they should ever have to flee the country. He thought of fleeing the country years ago when he was demon possessed. He had even made it to the airport but somehow he changed his mind.

“FBI, huh. What can I do for you fellows?” Principal Daigle sat in his chair behind his desk.

“There have been three deaths of people affiliated with this school.”

“Yeah it’s a tragic time for the students and faculty. I told the police everything I know which was practically nothing.”

“I understand sir but we have some standard follow up questions.”

“Okay I will do my best to answer them.”

“Is there anything the people who died have in common?” Max asked.

“Two of the deceased were teachers and they all have this school in common.”

“How about is there any one person in particular they may all have in common?”

“Well, hummmm. Let me think. I guess Miss Breedlove, the English teacher. She dated Mr. Jessup. He died in the horrific car crash. The student that died in a small explosion, he was in her honors English class. Then there was the other teacher who died in a fire, Ms. Penmark. She used to live with Ms. Breedlove. There were rumors that they had a falling out over a man but you know how rumors are.”

Ryan and Max glanced at one another.

“We would like to speak to Ms. Breedlove.” Max demanded more than he asked.

“Well she’s in class now. I could send someone to get her.”

“Please do.” Max nodded.

“I can assure you she had nothing to do with any of this. Patty is one of the nicest teachers I’ve come across in all my years in education. She’s on time all the time. Never misses a day. She is dedicated to teaching and to her students.”

“Do you happen to know her whereabouts when the tragedies occurred?” Ryan asked hoping to rule the English teacher in or out as a suspect.

“Yeah I told the police.”

“Could you tell us again sir?” Max’s voice deepened.

“Well Agent--”


“Yes Agent West. Well Miss Breedlove was at a faculty meeting when the student was killed and she was here at the school for parent teacher conference when Ms. Penmark died. Kenneth Jessup died alone in his car.

“Could you locate Miss Breedlove for us?”

“Sure thing.” Principal Daigle stood. “Have a seat. It may take awhile.”

Ryan and Max remained standing. They knew that standing gave them a better vantage point and it made them appear more menacing. Principal Daigle left Ryan and Max alone in his office.

Max went directly to the file cabinet and rummaged through it until he found the file on Patricia Breedlove. Max opened the file and read it to himself.

“Max you know Monica’s last name is Breedlove. It’s not actually a common last name.”

“No I didn’t know that. How would I know the last name of some waitress you banged?” Max turned back to glare at his brother. “Here, it lists Monica Breedlove as Patricia’s sister and emergency contact.”

“Same person that called this morning with the news about Kenneth Jessup.”

“Coincidence.” Max shrugged.

“When is anything related to us ever a coincidence?”

“Right, there’s nothing in here.” Ryan frowned.

Max scanned the documents once more and tucked Patricia’s manila file back into the file cabinet. He closed the file drawer shut.

“This small town caper can’t be all that difficult to solve.”

“Maybe we’re just looking in all the wrong places.

It only took Principal Daigle a few minutes to return. He entered his office with Patty Breedlove in a few steps behind him. Ryan and Max shared a confused glance. She just couldn’t be Monica’s sister they thought.

Max gave Patty a long truly invasive full body scan. He couldn’t help himself. He always checked out women from head to toe.

There was an awkward pause before Ryan decided to take the lead. “Miss Breedlove, I’m special Agent Carter. This is special Agent West.” Had Ryan mixed up the names? He didn’t remember.


“FBI.” Ryan clarified.


“I’ll be right outside at the front desk if you need me.” Principal Daigle added as he moved out of his open office door. They all waited for Principal Daigle to leave them alone.

“Mam, are you acquainted with a Monica Breedlove?” Max finally jumped out of his trance and spoke.

“Yeah she’s my sister. Is she okay?” Patricia’s eyes grew wide as she waited for a response.

Max’s eyes darted around Patricia’s body in a mildly perverted manner. He looked to Ryan to take the lead.

“She’s fine. These are just routine questions.” Ryan explained hoping to calm her obvious distress.

Max couldn’t believe Patricia and Monica were related. “This is the Monica that works over at the bar on John Street, the black waitress?” With the huge tits. He left that last part out.

“Yeah, the black waitress from the bar on John Street.” Patty sassed. “I’m not adopted and she’s not adopted. We have the same father and different mothers. White people and black people can be related.”

“That explains a lot.” Max offered although know one asked. Patricia gave Max the same eye roll he received from Monica upon their first meeting. “I can see the resemblance.”

“You questioned my sister?”

“No, no we just know her from the bar.” Ryan said to diffuse the situation. “We also met your daughter. She’s adorable.”

“My daughter?”

“The cute kid, Cyan.” Max said.

“Yeah Cyan.”

“Our investigation has lead us directly to you.” Ryan got back to business as he was used to Max veering of course.

“I already talked to the police. I really don’t have any idea why people I know are dying all around me.”

“Is there any reason that you can think of, that someone would want to harm any of the people that died?” Ryan asked hoping to get a clue.

“I don’t understand the question. They all died in accidents, right?”

“Yeah but under strange and questionable circumstances.”

“What are you trying to imply?”

“Look lady we’re not trying to imply anything we are just asking questions. That’s our job. It’s in your best interest to cooperate.” Max growled.

“I am cooperating.”

The tension was heavy. Ryan wasn’t sure what made Max jump down the ladies throat but he had to put a stop to it. “Well ma’am, that’s it for now. Thank you for your cooperation. If we have any more questions we’ll contact you.”

Max was staring at Patricia and it was clear she was becoming uncomfortable.

“So I can go now?” Patricia asked.

“Yes of course ma’am.”

“I’m sure we’ll contact you later.” Max added.

“Sure whatever.” Patricia mumbled as she hurried from the office.

“Have a good day.” Max suddenly belted out while gawking at Patricia’s backside.

Ryan waited for the teacher to be out of earshot. “Dude what the hell was that?”

Max squinted his eyes at Ryan. “There’s something fishy with her.”

“Fishy? What the hell are you talking about?”

“I don’t trust her. I can spot a liar. Something was off about her.”

“Dude seriously, you’re weirding me out. Maybe she was just really attractive.”

“Yeah so?”

“You haven’t really paid any attention to a woman since the whole Scarlet Buckley incident.”

“Yeah so.”

“Maybe you’re just afraid to move on and have feelings for someone else.”

“I bet it took you a hell of a long time to come up with that dumbass Dr. Phil bullshit.”

“Bro, I’m just saying. It’s okay to move on.”

“Shut the fuck up. Where the hell is this dorky Principal?”

“Max I understand you were really digging her.”


“Scarlet, she was a nice girl but she’s a vamp now.”

“She could be dead. You don’t even know what you’re talking about.”

“Well.” Ryan tilted his head. He agreed because the truth was they really didn’t know if she took the easy way out or ended her life.

“I would appreciate it if you would stop bringing her up. I really don’t want to talk about Scarlet Buckley today, yesterday or fucking ever.”

Once the brief interrogation was over Max knew they had nothing. This was only the beginning. They left the Principal’s office without even the slightest clue. Max had to come up with some other way to track down the demon seed. He hoped Ryan would come up with something. All the Scar talk had thrown him off his game.

Ryan and Max walked through the school parking lot toward Max’s truck. Class was currently in session. The school parking lot was almost completely empty of people.

They hadn’t really gotten any insight on the demon teen. This really frustrated Max. He didn’t even want to be in this town to begin with.

A teenage skater boy with purple hair rode by them on his skateboard. The teen flipped the skateboard with the toe of his sneaker. He caught the board in his hand.

“Hey, you dudes here about the deaths, times three?” The skate punk asked a little too enthusiastically.

“Yeah kid what do you know?” Max barked.

“Oh snap, you’re Max.”

“What you say kid?” Max was ready to rumble.

“It’s an honor to meet the famous Fox brothers.” The skater teen’s eyes turned blood red. He slowly walked up to them with his skateboard in one hand. “You guys are all that the demons and the vamps talk about. It’s Ryan this, Max that. I belong to the Fox’s Are Forever fan club.”

Ryan pulled his antique silver machete from the sleeved holster at the small of his back. Ryan brandished the blade. Max wasn’t the only one ready to rumble.

“Would you like my autograph? I could make it out the dead demon with the purple hair.” Ryan warned.

Max inched closer to the teen. They had a formation when it came to situations like this.

“Is that any way to greet your number one fan?” The teen demon said to Ryan with a hearty yet sinister smile. “Well not exactly. No offense Ryan. I’m more of a Max fan.” The demon turned to Max. “Could you sign my skateboard?” The demon held the skateboard up as a gesture.

Max removed his prize Ruger handgun from his waistband. The pure ivory handle reflected the sunlight as Max lifted the semi-automatic pistol.

“How about I sign it with a bullet.” Max pointed the 9mm at the demon.

“That gun can’t kill me.” The demon smirked.

“No but it packs a Mayweather punch. We soak our bullets in holy water.”

“Oh you two clever foxes. I guess that’s why you’re hunter celebrities. Why all this hostility? I love you guys.”

“The feeling is not mutual you demon douche.” Max grumbled.

“Dude seriously, don’t damage the human I am inside. I love this kid’s sense of style. Check out these kicks.” The demon skater pointed at his colorful purple, yellow and orange sneakers. “Enough Fox brother fandom, I have a very important message.”

“Spill it. You have one second punk.”

“Vampir’s in town and he knows exactly who the kid is. We will get to him first.”

“We?” Max pulled back. “When did demons start hanging out with vamps?”

“When did Kim Kardashian stop taking butt pics and selfies. Wake up old man. It’s a brand new day. It’s all about the Benjamin’s baby.”

“You think?” Max raised one evil eyebrow.

“Dude, click your ruby slippers three times and head on back to Kansas. We got this here on lock. Peace bros.” The demon swiftly gave the peace sign.

The skater punk demon jumped on his skateboard and glided away. Max jogged a few steps and pointed his gun at the fleeing demon. Ryan grabbed ahold of Max’s forearm. Max quickly pulled away.

“We should go after him.” Max angrily said to his brother.

“If we kill the demon, we kill the human kid he’s inside. Let him go. If he doesn’t jump the body we will run into him again.”

“If Vampir knew where this special demon kid was he wouldn’t have sent this purple-haired reject. He’s just as clueless as we are.” Max surmised. He knew the demon was just blowing smoke.

“Yeah I think you’re right.”

“I’ll go snoop around Patricia Breedlove’s house. There has to be some connection between the teacher and the three victims.”

“I’ll see what I can dig up at the local library.” Ryan informed. I can grab Monica’s car from home.”

BOOK: Five Night Stand (Fox Brothers Book 2)
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