Read Finding Her Fantasy Online

Authors: Trista Ann Michaels

Finding Her Fantasy (5 page)

BOOK: Finding Her Fantasy
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“Nope,” Erik replied and Melinda sighed. “Get used to it, sunshine. I’ll be watching
you like a hawk for the next two weeks.”

She snorted. “That’s more morbid than sexy, don’t you think?”

Erik’s deep chuckle made her insides quiver. “Depends on how you look at it. How am
I to know you’re aroused if I don’t watch you?”

Melinda rolled her eyes then turned to glare at him. “How about I just tell you?”

“I wouldn’t trust you to.” His gaze dropped to her hand over her stomach, then back
to her face. “Are you okay?”

She nodded, then changed her mind and shook her head. His expression softened, giving
her the impression he was concerned. She inwardly snorted. He was probably only concerned
because if she was sick, he wouldn’t be able to fuck her as soon as they landed.

“We’ll be on the ground soon.”

Melinda remained silent, wondering if fucking her was what they had in mind upon coming
home. Nausea was momentarily forgotten as fantasies began to play through her mind
like a porno movie. She really shouldn’t give into them so quickly. It would make
her appear too needy, right?

She licked her lips as the plane descended to the runway and the wheels hit the ground.
She wasn’t needy. She was lonely. She could admit that. Clark had hurt her very badly.
She’d thought he was the one; the man she would spend the rest of her life with. It
turned out she was wrong. He’d used her.

Would these two use her, just in a different way? Or would she benefit from the play
as well? She certainly had earlier with the toy. She’d gotten off, but they hadn’t.

Her brother trusted them, but should she?

She glanced over at them. The plane came to a stop, and they both quickly unbuckled
and came to their feet. Melinda slowly moved her hand to unbuckle her seatbelt but
she didn’t come to her feet. Instead, she remained rooted to the chair, her nakedness
holding her in place.

“Do I get my clothes back?” she asked.

“No,” Erik replied.

Jon went to the cockpit and opened the door. He spoke softly to the pilot, but Melinda
couldn’t hear what was said.

“I’m supposed to walk to the house naked?” she asked as she gaped up at Erik.

“You’re a beautiful woman, Melinda. You have nothing to be ashamed of.”

He held his hand out to her, expecting her to take it. She stared at him pleadingly,
but he shook his head.

“You’re going to walk out of this plane, head held high, and follow Jon and me to
the house.”

“Naked,” she whispered.

“Naked,” he repeated.

Chapter 6

Erik waited for Melinda to slowly put her hand in his. He wrapped his fingers around
hers, keeping her hand in his because he had a feeling if he gave her any slack, she’d
pull her hand free and flee. He tugged gently, and she hesitantly came to her feet.

Her shoulders slumped forward a little and her gaze remained on the floor. Erik didn’t
say anything until they stepped down the steps. Before he let her step onto the concrete,
he set a pair of flip-flops on the ground that Jon handed him.

“The concrete’s hot. These will keep your feet from burning until we get to the house,”
he said.

He kept hold of her hand as she stepped off the last step and into the shoes. She
stood stone still, her gaze still on the ground. Erik sighed and lifted her chin,
forcing her to look at him.

“Head up, Melinda. You’re beautiful. Remember that as you walk proudly across the
grounds. Understand?”

She swallowed and nodded. Erik liked the way her cheeks turned pink from the sunshine
or maybe embarrassment. A warm breeze blew her hair across her face, and he used the
tip of his finger to brush it aside. Her eyes widened in surprise as she stared at

His reaction to her surprised him as well. He’d always been attracted to her and now
here she was, in his control, and all he could think about was holding her. She appeared
so fragile right now, but he knew how strong she could be. How strong she used to

Jon cleared his throat, breaking the spell she seemed to always have over him. He
glanced up at his best friend and could’ve cringed at the knowing look in Jon’s eyes.
His friend knew him too well.

He could easily fall in love with her.

Turning, he kept her hand in his and headed across the tarmac to the path that would
lead them to the house. He pulled Melinda to his side, keeping a close eye on her.
He didn’t want to see her eyes anywhere but straight ahead.

He let his wander down her lean body. He knew she worked out, but he’d still been
surprised at the muscle tone. Her ass was rounded and firm, her stomach flat and taut,
her breasts perky and ripe. God, she was delectable. He felt himself getting hard
and turned his gaze away to try and think of something else.

Yes, he wanted her, but he didn’t want to jump her the second they got back. He had
more control than that, although that control had certainly been taxed while watching
her on the plane. Seeing her come like that, well…she’d been no less than stunning.
He’d let Jon go over and interact with her because he knew if he’d done it, he would’ve
replaced the toy with his own cock and lost himself inside her tight little body.

For now, he would just be content with watching the slight bounce of her breasts as
she walked down the path.


Melinda wanted to fall into a heap on the ground. She couldn’t believe he was making
her walk to the house naked. She had no idea how many people were here, if any at
all, but she could swear she felt their eyes on her as she made her way to the path.

At least on the path, the thick shrubbery would help her to feel a little less exposed.
Hopefully, anyway.

She snuck a glance over at Erik. His jaw was set in a firm line, his eyes straight
ahead. He appeared tense. Was he angry at something? Or fighting something?

She looked over her shoulder at Jon, who trailed closely behind them. He lifted his
eyes from her ass and winked.

Melinda’s lips thinned. “Enjoying the view?” she snipped.

Erik let go of her hand and slapped his palm across her hip hard. She gasped at the
sting and jerked her face around to glare at him. “Hey, what the hell was that for?”

“For being snippy, but mostly just for the hell of it,” Erik replied, his smile wicked
and devilish.

She gaped at him in shock. “You can’t be serious.”

With a snicker, Erik took her hand in his and began to lead her down the shaded concrete
path. “I’m very serious.” He shot her a sideways glance. “You’ll realize that about
me soon enough. I don’t play around.” His gaze moved back to the path ahead of them.
“There are a few house rules we should go over.”

“Rules?” she asked, becoming leery.

“No clothes, at least for now.”


He ignored her exclamation and continued with the rules. “The staff is there for your
comfort, so if you need or want anything let them know. Jon and I will take you whenever,
wherever, and however we please.” He glanced sideways at her again. “That’s the important

Melinda’s mouth dropped open on that rule. “What if I don’t want it?”

Erik gave her a confident grin as if to say,
Yeah, right.
Inside, she could probably agree with that. They were both incredibly gorgeous, overly
confident, and had more sex appeal than a man should be allowed to have. She doubted,
at least if she were honest with herself, that she would ever turn them down.

“We don’t rape women, Melinda. You have a safe word you are allowed to use at any
time you don’t want us or our attentions. But we have yet to have a woman use it,”
he added confidently and Melinda wanted to use hers just for the hell of it.

But maybe she wouldn’t. She remained silent the rest of the walk to the house. Through
the trees, she could just make out the back. Erik took her past the small garden and
around the front.

Her curiosity about the rest of the rules was temporarily forgotten as she stared
at the two-story, tropical home. The part that faced the beach was the most magnificent.
A large pool overlooked the beach, just a few yards away. A thatched roof covered
a deep second-floor veranda and open outdoor kitchen. The smell of food cooking on
a grill filled the air and her stomach growled in protest. She had no idea what time
it was and therefore had no idea when she’d eaten last.

“Hungry?” Jon asked as he brushed past her to jog up the front steps to the door,
which stood wide open, allowing the ocean breezes to flow through.

“Yes,” she said as she glanced around looking for other people.

Her nakedness bothered her, and she was sure her cheeks were beet red with embarrassment.
She wanted this day to be over, to have a robe to cover up with. A towel would do.

“Stop,” Jon said.

She stared at him in surprise as he watched her from his elevated position on the
front porch.

“Stop what?” she asked.

Jon rolled his eyes. “You know what. Stop worrying about what others will think. You’re
beautiful. Let them look and admire. They should.”

“Yeah, but—”

“No buts,” Erik growled. “Get used to it, Mel.”

Melinda started to tell him what he could get used to when an older woman greeted
them. She stood in the door, a smile of motherly affection pulling at her lips. She
appeared old enough to be their mother with her graying hair and weathered, tan skin.
She was short and just a little heavyset. Her bare feet were silent on the tile floor
as she stepped onto the porch. No wonder Melinda hadn’t heard her approach.

The woman wiped her hands on her apron before smoothing it back down over her skirt.

“There you are,” she said. “Lunch is almost ready. You’ve been flying all night, so
I’m sure you’re starving. Cook says to meet him in the outdoor kitchen.”

“You read my mind, Maria,” Jon said with a smile.

She looked at Melinda and her smile widened. “So this is Melinda,” she said.

Melinda frowned slightly. She acted as if she’d heard her mentioned before.

“Yes,” Erik replied. “She’ll be with us for a couple of weeks.”

“Just a couple?” Maria asked with surprise, which made Melinda’s frown deepen.

“For now,” Erik whispered as he pulled her into the opening and past Maria.

Melinda’s questions were again temporarily forgotten as she studied the house. The
open doors and windows made it much cooler inside and she turned in a circle to take
in all the dark woodwork and traditional Caribbean furniture.

“It’s beautiful,” she murmured.

And it was. The only thing that rivaled the house was the view. Her gaze again landed
on Maria as she watched her, a thoughtful expression in her eyes, her smile knowing,
as though she had a secret she was dying to tell. Without a word Maria turned and
headed toward the stairs.

“How did she know who I was?” Melinda asked.

“I told her we were going to get you,” Erik replied.

Melinda’s mouth formed a silent
. Of course. She didn’t know why that hadn’t occurred to her.

“Let’s get something to eat,” Jon murmured as he stepped behind Melinda and began
to push her toward the stairs.

His touch at her waist felt warm and left tingles of awareness on her flesh. She tried
as best as she could to brush the sensations off, but she couldn’t. It was as though
her body had a mind of its own.

“Then we’ll take you on a tour of the house.” He tugged at her waist, forcing her
to come to a stop. His breath was hot and sexy against her ear as he spoke. “Which
will end in the bedroom. If I don’t decide to take you on the veranda instead. I’m
still hard as a damn rock from watching you earlier.”

Melinda shivered at his implication. He pushed her ahead again, and she swallowed
nervously as her feet hit the first step. Just hearing him imply sex made her pussy
feel wet. God, she was so damn easy.

Chapter 7

At the top of the stairs, Melinda came to a dead stop and stared out at the beach
and beautiful blue water just a few feet away. A sailboat floated a few yards off
the coast, making for a breathtaking picturesque setting. Wow, if only she had a camera.

“This is incredible,” she said as she stared in awe. “No wonder you stay down here
most of the time.”

“There you are,” a man said from his position by the grill.

Melinda gasped as his dark brown eyes slid down her naked form. “Oh God.” She tried
to shift behind Jon as he walked past her, but Jon grabbed her arm and moved her back
in front of him.

She tried to turn her back to the man at the grill, but again, Jon forced her back

“You’re being silly,” he whispered. “Remember what I said.”

“That doesn’t mean I want just anyone to see me naked,” she snarled.

Erik stepped in front of her. With his finger under her chin, he tilted her face up
and forced her gaze to meet his very serious, very intense blue eyes. “Here, you will
do as you’re told.”

“And if I don’t?” she asked. “If I demand something to cover up with?”

“Is that what you’re doing?” he asked.

“Yes,” she hissed.

Erik gripped her elbow and tugged her with him to a wicker lounge at the far side
of the veranda. He sat and pulled her down across his lap. Her stomach landed against
his thighs and she huffed out a puff of air so harshly she actually grunted.

“Damn you, Erik! You better not be about to do what I think you are!” she snapped.

Erik’s palm landed across her bottom with a resounding slap. The sting made her gasp
and tears burn the backs of her eyes.

“You son of a—”

His palm landed against her ass again, and this time she cried out. But despite the
pain, to her mortified surprise, a tingling warmth began to spread throughout her
lower body. Another slap landed across her ass cheek, and her womb actually tightened
and the walls of her pussy clenched.

She liked this?

No. She bit down on her lower lip as his hand landed against her flesh again. No,
she couldn’t like this. It was nuts. Wasn’t it?

BOOK: Finding Her Fantasy
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