Read Fighting Strong Online

Authors: Marysol James

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Contemporary Fiction, #Sports, #Romance, #Fiction, #Contemporary, #sex

Fighting Strong (6 page)

BOOK: Fighting Strong
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“I’ll – I’ll see him again.”

Adam looked at her in the mirror. His eyes held hers. “How are you feeling about that?”

“I don’t know.” She looked out the window. “Scared, mostly.”

“I’ll be there, Katie. I won’t leave your side, if that’s what you want. OK?”

“I know.” She was quiet for a minute. “Thank you, Adam. I just can’t imagine doing this without you.”

Her cell phone rang and she jumped a bit. “Oh, man. I should have called Reena and Maggie last night. They’re going to be worried.”

“Yeah, I don’t blame them.”

“I guess I’d better fill them in.” She grinned. “Wish me luck…”


Katie swiped her phone. “Hi, Maggie.”

“Hey, Katie. How’s it going?”

“OK, now. We had – ummm. We had some trouble yesterday.”

Maggie was instantly totally alert. “Trouble? What kind of trouble?”

“Uh. We had a minor accident.”


accident,” Katie repeated “

In the background, Katie heard Reena’s voice and she sighed. “Here we go.”

Adam grinned.

“Put her on speaker!” Reena said. “Right now!”

“No. Don’t put me on…”


“…speaker. Hi, Reena.”

“What happened? Are you guys OK?”

“Yes. We’re both fine.”

“So? What kind of accident?”

Katie explained and when she finished there was a silence at the other end of the line.

“So… you and Adam slept on a barn floor?” Maggie said.




“And you were OK with having him there like that?” Reena asked. “No bad dreams?”

“No. I did have some bad dreams.” Katie looked at Adam. He gazed back, his eyes serious. “But Adam was there and he – he helped.”

“Did you tell him?” Maggie said. “About your stepfather?”

“Yes. Yes, I told him everything. He knows.”

Reena and Maggie were quiet.

“I’m OK, guys. I promise.”

“You don’t sound OK.”

“Well, we’re getting closer now. Adam figures we’ll be there by tomorrow night. It’s soon, you know?”

“Yeah.” Maggie looked at Reena and saw her own worry reflected back. “Listen, do you want us to fly out there?”

“No, really. Guys, it’s OK. I’m really fine with Adam. He’s… he’s great.”

“You sure?” Reena said.


Reena sighed. “OK, then.”

“Thanks,” Katie said. “Thanks for being here.”

“Whenever you need us, Katie,” Maggie said. “Call us – I don’t care if it’s the middle of the night. You got it?”

“Got it.”

“OK, then. Take care. Call us later. You promise?”


“Love you, sweetie,” Reena said.

“I love you guys too.”

Katie disconnected and looked out the window for a few minutes. Adam watched her, wondering what she was thinking.

“OK?” he said.

“Yeah. I’m just lucky to have friends like them in my life.”

“How did all of you meet? You guys and Mia?”

“Oh, it was about six years ago, I guess. We were all invited to the launch party for
Denver Insider

“The entertainment magazine?”

“Yeah. Mia and I freelanced for them and Maggie and Reena had both been featured in the first issue.”

“Maggie paints, right? Reena sculpts?”

“Other way around,” Katie said.

“Oh, yeah.”

“Anyway, it was one of those huge bullshit networking parties, where everyone exchanges cards and phone numbers and promises to call and nobody ever does. But Mia was new in Denver – she’d just moved from Maine the month before – and she was looking for friends. So she called me. Invited me for coffee.” Katie shrugged. “And she’s awesome, you know? Like, sweet and smart and funny. We became friends.”

“Yeah. She’s easy to like.”

“I know, right? And I’m not, but she really gives everyone a chance. She just – she saw beyond the surface and past all my defenses. And about three months later, she had a dinner party and invited me and Reena and Maggie and we all just hit it off. I mean, we’re so different in so many ways, but we’re also all trying to make a living doing something creative, so we get that about each other.”

“That makes sense.”

“We’ve been close ever since, and whenever we get the chance to send work or contacts to each other or collaborate, we do. When I got the contract to do my photo book, I didn’t even hesitate to ask Mia to write the texts. I
working with her, you know?”

“I do.”

“Right. You work with Nick. How did you two meet?”

“We trained at the same gym about twelve years ago. I was already pro by then, but he was new to karate.” Adam looked at Katie. “You know about Shelley?”

“Yeah. Mia told me when I was staying with her.”

“Nick told me about her one night when we went for a beer. I was totally horrified, and kind of kept an eye on him, you know? I thought he’d just lose it completely one day and I wanted to be there when that happened.”

“And did he lose it?”

“No. He got it together in most ways.”

“Except for women,” Katie said.

“Yeah. But Mia’s different.”

“I know.”

They shared a smile, both happy for their friends.

“Anyway, my pro career ended about three years ago, just after I turned thirty. I’d had enough of being hit in the head all the time.”

“I just bet.”

“I had quite a bit of money saved up, and I wanted to start my own training centre. Nick was tired of tending bar full-time, wanted to get in to teaching. He had a bit of money of his own, and we just pooled our resources.” He shrugged. “We were lucky that it’s all worked out.”

“And you both still work at that bar, right? The Cave?”


“How come? If The Rock is successful, why still bounce and bartend?”

“Honestly? For Nick, it was an easy way to pick up women, and for me it was just fun.”

“And now?”

“Well, Nick’s planning to quit as soon as he gets back from wherever he and Mia are. He wants to be with her on Friday and Saturday nights.”

Katie smiled. “That’s nice.”

“I know. And me? Well, I’m a bit tired of dragging drunken idiots out the door and arguing with them. It’s not so much fun anymore.”

“I’m sure.”

“Hey, listen,” Adam said. “Speaking of the gym, I need to call Gavin and check in. Can we stop for lunch now?”

“Perfect timing.” She stretched. “I’m hungry.”

“OK. What are you in the mood for?”

“I’m not fussy. Burgers?”

“That sounds great.”

Chapter Six


Katie sat in the restaurant watching Adam outside. He was leaning against the wall, talking on his phone. He was loose and relaxed and just so fucking gorgeous with his muscles rippling under a dark long-sleeved shirt. He took her breath away.

It wasn’t just his amazing physique and hot face, though there was no denying the attraction of both of those things. No, what Katie really found sexy was
. She’d never have guessed that he’d be so gentle or that she’d be able to turn to him for comfort. He surprised her with his combination of toughness and kindness, and she knew that she trusted him. She believed now that she could tell him anything, ask him for anything. If he could help or be there, he would, no questions asked. That was rare, in her experience.

He laughed and her stomach twisted with desire. God, she wanted to kiss him. Wanted to be close to him, in those arms. But this trip wasn’t about anything like that: this was about making peace with her past, if she even could.

I think the only chance I have of making peace with all of it is with Adam’s help. Just Adam.

He hung up and came in to the restaurant now and she averted her eyes, pretending she hadn’t been watching him. She stared at her nails, annoyed at the chipped black polish on them. She looked up as he got to their table.

“Hey,” she said. “Everything OK at The Rock?”

“Yep. Gavin’s got it all under control. Let’s elevate your leg, OK?” He gently lifted her leg on to a chair. “How’s that?”

“Better, actually.”

“Yeah. It helps with blood flow.”

He sat down next to her in the booth instead of across from her. Automatically, helplessly, her body moved towards his.

“You ordered?” he asked.

“Yeah. She just told me it’ll be about five minutes more.”

“Perfect. I’m starving.”

“Me too.”

“So, listen. It’s just past one o’clock now. What do you say we drive to the state line and find a hotel there? It’s about four hours away and I figure we can get to Tonopah in about six hours from there. We can take it easy tomorrow, get to the hospital when you’re ready.”

God, we’re so fucking close now.

Adam saw something on her face and he touched her hand. “What is it?”

She looked down. “I’m… I’m…” She fell silent.


“I haven’t been this close to the Nevada state line since I left more than ten years ago. It’s – bad for my head.”

He moved closer to her. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

She looked up, startled.

“You don’t
to, you know. We can turn around and go home if that’s what you want. Just say the word.”

She shook her head, her throat too tight to speak.

Adam saw her eyes sparkle with tears and his heart clenched.

Goddammit, I’d do anything to spare her this, to spare her all of it.

Katie swiped her eyes angrily. “Fuck. I feel like all I do in front of you is cry.”

“Hey. That’s not all you do in front of me.”

She blinked at him.

“You also sleep.” He gently wiped her tears away. “And eat, sometimes. I’ve even seen you laugh once or twice.”

She gave him a wobbly smile. “Yeah, that’s all true.”

“So don’t worry about it, OK? Don’t worry about anything. Just focus on getting through the rest of today. Then tonight. Then tomorrow. One thing at a time, and we’ll do it together. Alright?”


Their eyes met and held. The busy restaurant disappeared around them; the noise and bustle just faded away. Suddenly, all Katie saw were Adam’s eyes and all he saw were her lips.

Adam’s breath caught and he moved closer to her, unable to stop himself. She leaned in and his hand touched her upper thigh. He hesitated, then rested it there. She moved closer.

His lips brushed hers, a tiny touch, barely a whisper. She closed her eyes and sighed. Adam both heard and felt it against his mouth, and his cock hardened in response. He wanted her to breathe like that while he thrust inside of her, deeper and harder, until she shattered with pleasure.

Two plates clattered down between them and they heard a cheery, “OK, here’s your lunch!”

They jumped apart, faces flushed.

“Sorry, you two… maybe I should have waited?” The waitress was grinning down at them.

“No. No, it’s fine,” Katie said quickly. “Thanks.”

“Enjoy your lunch, now.”

Katie couldn’t even look at Adam. Her face and body were both hot, flaming with lust and embarrassment. She stared at the food, and found she had completely lost her appetite. All she wanted was to kiss him again.

Adam was staring at Katie’s pretty face, stunned at what he had just done.

You asshole… she’s in no state to be pawed by some guy. Get it together, would you?

“Katie, I am so sorry. I shouldn’t have… I’m sorry.”

Her eyes were wide and shocked, her body pulsing with desire.

“I just… I want you to feel safe. I shouldn’t be all over you.” Adam moved away from her a bit.

She was still silent.

Tell him. Just tell him, just jump off that cliff. See if he catches you. See if you fly.

“Katie? Are you OK?” His fingers itched to stroke her cheek. “Did I scare you?”

She shook her head. “No.”

“No what? No, you’re not OK? Or no, I didn’t scare you?”

“I wasn’t scared.” She looked at him. “And the place I feel safest right now is when I’m close to you. If you want to make me feel safe, then don’t move away from me even one more inch, OK?”

He froze.

Oh, God. Is this really happening between us?

“You really feel that way?” he said.


Her dark eyes were warm and open and he wanted to dive in to them.

“Me too.” The admission rushed out of him. “I want to be close to you. I
to be close to you.”

She smiled.

“But we take this slow, OK, baby?” He touched her now, his large hand running up and down her lower back. “I don’t want you to have to deal with any of this right now… you have enough for getting on with.”

“Yes.” Her fingers trembled as she touched his lips. “We’ll get through everything in Nevada, then we’ll see where we are after. Agreed?”

“Agreed.” He forced himself to pull back a bit, but he couldn’t bear to break all contact. “Now, eat. You’ve barely had anything since we left Denver, and you need your strength for what’s coming.”


They sat and ate, their legs lightly touching, their eyes meeting over and over again. Neither of them said too much, but neither of them could remember the last time they had been so happy.


Nick turned over in bed and reached for Mia. His hand touched the mattress and he cracked his eyes open. She wasn’t there. He squinted at the clock and saw that it was just past one o’clock.

They had been up most of the night making love and they had both dropped off well after three o’clock. He recalled her face as she came over and over again, helpless and eager for him to be inside her, on her, all over her. His cock stiffened right away and he almost groaned out loud. He just couldn’t get enough of Mia, it seemed.

Nick got up and wandered in to the living room area. He smelled fresh coffee and poured himself a cup and that’s when he heard tapping coming from the small office. It doubled as a second bedroom, and it was where he had slept for their first three nights at Open Skies.

He went down the hallway and leaned his massive frame in the doorway, watching Mia typing away on the hotel laptop.

“Hi,” he said.

Mia turned and her golden eyes warmed and sparked at the sight of his naked chest. “Hi.”

“Are you writing your novel?”


Nick studied her beautiful face and he smiled. He walked over to her and pulled her tousled head to his lips. He set the fresh coffee on the desk next to her pile of notes.

“I love you, babe,” he said. Then he left her to write.


Adam looked in the mirror and smiled when he saw that Katie was still sleeping in the back seat. She had resisted, saying that he was doing all the driving and the least she could do was stay awake and keep him company. But the shock of the past two days, plus her injured leg and arm and the painkillers, was all taking its toll.

He thought about the kiss they had shared. Well, it wasn’t even really a kiss; it was more of a hint of a kiss. A promise of one.

Whatever it was, it was the fucking hottest thing I’ve ever experienced.

Adam’s face clouded as he thought about the clock ticking down now. Her brother had called a few hours earlier and he and Katie had a tense conversation. It seemed that her stepfather was fading fast, and Ryan warned Katie to get there by the next afternoon at the latest. As soon as he heard that, Adam had offered to drive all night.

Katie had refused, but they agreed to drive on past the state line in to Nevada and find a place to stay in Caliente. They’d be there around nine in the evening, and they could get to Tonopah by late morning the next day.

She was silent and pale after talking to Ryan. She had stared out the window, trembling, and after a few minutes of watching this, Adam couldn’t take it anymore. He had pulled over in the first rest stop he saw and climbed in to the back seat with her. He had tugged her in to his arms and cradled her. When she started to cry, he’d rocked her back and forth, whispering that she was safe and everything was going to be OK. She cried for a long time, and even after she had calmed, Adam hadn’t moved. His lips in her hair, he held her until her breathing had slowed and deepened and she fell asleep in his arms, exhausted and emotionally shattered.

Now Adam thought about the next day, wondering what was lying in wait for Katie. She hadn’t said much about her mother, but whenever she spoke of her, Adam sensed deep anger and deep love. Katie told him that she hadn’t seen or spoken to her Mom in ten years. Their first few minutes together tomorrow were bound to be difficult. Adam had no idea what he could do to make things easier for Katie.

He turned it over in his mind and he finally – and reluctantly – came to the conclusion that there was nothing he could do to ease Katie’s pain. All he could do was be there while she faced all these things down. So that’s what he would do.

Against his will, his thoughts now turned to her stepfather and Adam felt rage rise in his chest. He knew that Katie was terrified of the fucker, and Adam had no idea how traumatized she was going to be after seeing him again. Deathbed or not, he still had the power to hurt her. Adam was going to prevent that, if he could.

How unethical is it to kill an already-dying/ almost-dead person? It’s bad, right? But what if they’re a really,
big asshole?

Katie stirred and sighed. Adam watched as her dark eyes fluttered open. She saw him and she smiled.

“Hey,” she said.

“Hey. You sleep OK?”

“I think so. How long have I been out?” She rubbed her eyes.

“Almost four hours.”


“You needed it. You’ve been through the wringer the past forty-eight hours.”

She looked outside. “We must be close to the state line now.”

“Yeah. Less than fifteen minutes.”

Katie was quiet. “Can you stop for a sec?”

“Why?” Adam was alarmed. “Are you going to be sick?”

“Oh, no. I just want to get in the front seat with you.”

“OK.” He pulled over.

Adam helped her in to the passenger-side seat and shut the door. He got back in to the car and looked at her carefully. She was pale but she looked OK.

“You nervous about crossing in to Nevada?” he said.

“Very.” She tried to smile.

“What do you need me to do?”

Katie stared at him, touched. “Nothing, Adam. Just… hold my hand. And talk to me, OK? Make me talk… distract me.”

“No problem.”

He pulled back on to the highway and took her hand.

“So, how did you get in to photography?” he said.

“Oh, boy.” She gave a small laugh. “That is actually one hell of a story.”


“When I was ten, my aunt gave me her old camera when she moved to L.A. I had no idea how to use it, you know, and my stepfather flat-out refused to buy me film. Mom would buy me Kodak film on sale sometimes, but even when I couldn’t actually take any pictures, I was fascinated. Mom said that I spent hours and hours just looking through the lens. After a while, I carried the camera with me everywhere and I spent more time looking at the world in that little window than not.”

“What were you doing?” he asked.

“I didn’t know it then, but I was framing shots. I was figuring out how to capture a small piece of something huge. I loved the idea that I could just pick and choose what to focus on, what to reject. I got really good at looking at a whole scene in front of me and zeroing in on what would look best in that tiny box.”

He nodded.

“When I was twelve, I got a paper route and anything I earned, I spent on film. That was when I started to really understand the power that I had.”

“Power?” He glanced at her.

“Yeah. Taking pictures gave me control and perspective. Distance.” She stared out the window. “It went both ways, actually.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, when I held the camera up to take a picture, it created a physical barrier between me and the subject. My whole face was hidden, especially my eyes. Nobody could see me, but I could see them. I could see
. It made me feel – safe. Like everything was separate from me, away from me.”

Adam stroked her palm with his thumb. “You said it went both ways.”

“Right. Well, when I developed my pictures, I saw the subject was smaller than it actually was in real life. You know? Like, reduced in size and frozen in time and totally in my control.” She sighed. “It helped.”

“Helped what?”

“I learned how to develop my own film and I started to… to take photos of my injuries. After he had hurt me.”

Adam looked at her sharply.

BOOK: Fighting Strong
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