Fierce Possession (Touched By You 9) (5 page)

BOOK: Fierce Possession (Touched By You 9)
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Most mornings, Natalie opened a mat on the patio to do her yoga routine. It kept her fit, but also centered, which she needed. The hotel had a fully equipped gym, and Tanner worked out to stay in shape. He certainly did that well. As far as Natalie could see, he’d only gotten leaner and harder. Thoughts of the feel of him, all rock-hard
muscle, thrilled her.

Tanner planned a trip to mainland Italy. The ferry to Rome was about eight hours, so it ran at night, delivering them to the city the morning after their departure. Andre stayed close, since they would be away from the safe oasis of the island. It was a vibrant, lively city, in sharp contrast to the quiet of Sardinia. Natalie loved it, and felt as though she’d stepped back in time, witnessing history all around her.

She was overawed with the Trevi Fountain. It was really the façade of a building, architecturally stunning and rich with history. Originally, the fountain had not only adorned Rome, but had been built to provide much of its drinking water. The amazing carving was a statue of the ocean on a shell cart dragged by two seahorses guided by Greek gods. Although the fountain was modest, the stone carving was massive.

Tanner rented a car, and Andre drove them to see the Sistine Chapel and the Vatican. The one-day trip barely skimmed the surface of all the sights to see in Rome, but Tanner assured her they could return for a vacation another time. They strolled down the streets, marveling at the ancient architecture, and drank Italian coffee. Andre ate with them, at Tanner’s request. They chose
Ristorante Life, which had an outdoor terrace overlooking one of the most historic streets of Rome.

They spent the night at The First Luxury Art Hotel Roma in the historic center of the city, offering a rooftop panoramic view. The rooms featured contemporary works of art, and modern furniture. After a meal of traditional Italian cuisine at
All’Oro, created by Michelin chef, Riccardo Di Giacinto, they went up to the spectacular roof bar. Sitting and sipping limoncello, they enjoyed the view of Rome all around them. Later in the evening, Natalie and Tanner relaxed in the hot tub on their private terrace.

The following day, they took in more sights, checking out a few museums and eating lunch in a family owned place. The return ferry left in the early evening and they ate on board. It was a memorable excursion, but Natalie was relieved when they reached the shores of Sardinia. She longed to be alone with Tanner again, on the secluded island. He had one arm around her, and his other hand held the railing of the ferry boat. Love for him filled her heart as she looked at the wedding band on his finger.

They had a few days left. All too soon, they’d return to New York, back to real life. A feeling of sadness washed over her. She wanted to have her husband to herself, reluctant to share him with the rest of the world. There was no choice. The idyllic bubble they’d been in for weeks would soon end, and she’d find out what married life was really like. With Tanner, she couldn’t imagine it would be anything but good.

9 – Back To Reality

The last morning in Sardinia, walking along the shore with the clear water lapping their toes, Natalie and Tanner chatted about all they’d done in the weeks they’d spent there. Despite late sleeping and leisurely meals, they’d fit in hiking, swimming, and lying on the beach. They’d languished through the sunny days, and spent endless romantic nights in each other’s arms.

The real world was in the distance, across the ocean. Reality played no part in the weeks they had alone. Natalie felt closer to Tanner than ever, adoring everything about him. His muscled form, arms wrapped around her in the subdued light of night, his masculine scent, deep voice, and commanding presence were an erotic tapestry.

If there was a problem, it diminished under the flame of their desire. Away from outside influence, love flourished. A tinge of anxiety nagged at Natalie because she knew it wouldn’t be as effortless in the swirl of activity that was their life. But they had one more night secluded on the island, and she pushed aside any other thoughts.

On the patio, dusk settling in for the evening, Tanner held her in his lap. He was thoughtful. With his hand in her hair, pressing her to him, emotion surged. “I love you so much, baby,” he whispered. That part was true. It had taken him so long to admit it, but he’d loved her from the beginning.

“I love you too, Tanner. It’s been so wonderful being here with you.”

A tinge of guilt pulled at his heartstrings, yet he couldn’t define it. As long as they were on the island and life was held at arm’s length, he’d been able to relax; at least as much as he ever relaxed. The thought of returning to New York unsettled him.

He didn’t know why, not exactly. Admittedly, he preferred to have Natalie to himself. That was a large part of it, right there. He didn’t want to share her, and he’d have to. At home, he shared her with her family, as well as her business. It was unreasonable to expect otherwise.

But reason wasn’t always his strength. Desire often overshadowed reason, and his desire for his wife had become a blaze he couldn’t put out. Not that he wanted to. Natalie was the one woman he craved, the one he’d given up all others for. Yet he wanted more. He was greedy.

If he could, Tanner would enclose her in a bubble of security, next to him, all his. Knowing that was just delusion, he had to face life with her. Marriage had deepened his feelings for Natalie in an unexpected way. Sex was hotter, better, in a way he hadn’t known was possible.

But some demon buried deep in his soul threatened to release itself. Pushing it down and using restraint was more and more difficult. Tanner didn’t understand what was happening. The night Natalie had asked, he’d told her what he could. The need to protect her, and not be bad for her as he feared, was a thin hope. With all his will, Tanner forced unwelcome fears into the darkness where they belonged, and refocused on the present.

Natalie kissed his cheek and then the corner of his mouth. Running her fingers through his hair, she said, “What are you thinking?”

“I think you know,” he said, more gruffly than he’d intended. He held her tightly, one hand on her back and the other in her hair. Pulling her to him, and touching his lips to hers, he lost all control. Restraint, so within reach a second before, was gone.

Kissing her roughly, Tanner wanted to devour her. With her in his arms, he stood and carried her to the bedroom, never releasing her mouth from his. With his tongue delving into her warm, sweet mouth, he ripped her clothes off then his own.

The fact that Natalie responded in kind, kissing him hard, and whimpering in his embrace, fueled his urge to take her. And take her he would. She was his wife, and he wanted her more
than he’d ever wanted anything.

With her naked body under him, Tanner let his hands roam over her smooth, flawless skin. He took his fill of her firm breasts, the curve of her waist,
the flesh of her hips. She was dripping wet, and the knowledge made his cock lurch.

There was no way to hold back. In one fluid motion, he slipped into her deeply and she cried out. But not in pain, in excruciating pleasure. Her soft, fast panting made him crazy. The
smell of her skin, the music of her voice, and the scent of her sex, mixed into a powerful aphrodisiac.

Filling her, Tanner had no will to stop. Pressing against her in a sexual rhythm, he thought only of her, felt only her. Every pant and whimper that escaped her lips drove him closer to a precipice that he fast approached.
Oh, God
, he thought. It was
that was doing the devouring: body, heart, and soul. Tanner had crossed the line; he was hers. It was too late to stop the boundless need that would surely consume them both.

10 – Homecoming

The flight home was uneventful. In the three weeks she’d been gone, Natalie hadn’t even thought of designing. Some new ideas came to mind, and she sketched designs while Tanner worked offline on his laptop. As soon as they landed, Andre escorted them to the limo.

Natalie didn’t feel tired, just the opposite—she was energized being back in New York. As they pulled out of the airport, Tanner booted up the limo computer screen, focused on business. Natalie pressed her cheek to the window, taking in the city sights. It was a special city for her. No matter how much she traveled, it would always be home.

In the lobby of their building, Tanner nodded at the uniformed attendant, who gave him a quick smile. Rising in the elevator, Natalie was excited to see their new home. The moving crew had brought all their belongings from the penthouse; they would live there together as man and wife. She reached out and squeezed Tanner’s hand.

The bell dinged and the doors opened. Before Natalie could take a step, Tanner swept her up into his arms. Her shriek of surprise didn’t stop him.

“I’m carrying you over the threshold, Mrs. Clarke.” He grinned.

Natalie giggled and hoped she wasn’t too heavy for him. For weeks, all she’d done was eat and sleep and lie on the sand at the beach. Well, there was sex, and with Tanner that was something of an athletic event. Maybe it evened out.

Andre turned the knob and pushed the door open for them. Tanner kissed her tenderly on the mouth, then with two strides stepped inside. Across the entry, looking at them with huge grins, were Jazzy, Cheryl, Emma, and Sara.

“Wow, what are all of you doing here?” Natalie was surprised and delighted.

“We missed you,” Jazzy said, rushing over to her. As always, she looked elegant and sophisticated. No longer dressed in fashions Natalie designed for her, now her sister shopped in New York. And she had a talent for it, judging from the sleek cream skirt she wore with a lace top and silver teardrop pendant.

Slipping from Tanner’s embrace, she opened her arms and hugged her sister. “You look ravishing as always. I’m so glad to see you.”

Jazzy stepped up to hug Tanner, leaving Natalie to greet the others. It was a good homecoming, and the joy of seeing her family and friends temporarily overpowered any regrets that the honeymoon was over. With her arms around her mother, holding tight, Natalie saw Andre step into the kitchen to kiss Sara. It was heartwarming as she was so fond of them both and glad they’d found each other.

“How are you?” Natalie said to Emm
a, holding her at arm’s length.

“Good. I’m good.”

“You look pale, Mom.” Probably not the best thing to say after weeks away, but Natalie was concerned.

“No, I’m fine.
Just need to get out in the sun more.” Letting it drop for the moment, Natalie decided to call Doctor Gene when she got the chance. Just to be sure.

“So, how was it?” Cheryl beamed.

“Wonderful. It was wonderful. We took tons of pictures, so I can show you later. You have to get Dani to take you there sometime. Where is he anyway?”

He’s in Moscow. I’m hoping he will be back soon. I would have gone but I have a temporary modeling assignment here I decided not to pass up. There aren’t as many jobs for aging models, so I take what I can get.”

Natalie could never think of Cheryl as aging. Even in her forties, she looked ten years younger. She’d dressed in a light wool skirt with a royal blue and gold top. Tall and slender, she wore it well. Her long, dark hair had some new razor layers cut into it, giving her a trendy, high-fashion look. “I’m glad you got the job…at your age,” Natalie teased, and they both laughed.

“Dani better be back soon, or I’ll go to Moscow to get him. I miss him.”

“I understand,” Natalie said, unable to e
nvision being away from Tanner.

“Hey, Natty.”
The call from the kitchen was Jazzy. “Ellis is sorry he couldn’t be here. The restaurant is really busy and he couldn’t get away. But he sent food.” She smiled.

“Yum,” Natalie said. “I’m hungry. Let’s raid the wine cabinet and see what Tanner’s got in there.”

“Hey, ladies, hold on. Let me check it out. There are a few bottles I’m putting aside for a few years. You can’t just go and grab anything.” He pinched Natalie’s cheek on the way to the wine cabinet.

It was a good homecoming, and Natalie realized how much she’d missed everyone. It was good to be away, but good to be home too. And whatever Ellis was doing to the food, it was amazing. “What is this?” she said to Jazzy through a mouthful of whatever it was.

“Twice baked upside-down cheese soufflé.”

“No kidding. I’ve never had one this good.”

Jazzy laughed. “You’ve never had one before at all.”

“True.” Natalie giggled. “But it’s still amazing.”

After everyone left, Natalie curled up on the sofa and listened to Tanner on the piano. Now that he had the ebony Chiocciola, he’d have the opportunity to play more often. Closing her eyes, she must have drifted off, as the next thing she knew Tanner was carrying her to bed.

Natalie nuzzled against his chest. “I’m happy to be home,” she yawned.

Tanner stretched out on the bed, holding her against him. Feeling his chest against her back, and his strong arms around her, Natalie fell asleep without even getting undressed.

The next morning, she was alone in bed. Tanner was back to his normal routine, up and working early. After midnight, she had woken up and changed into her nightgown before curling back into Tanner’s arms for the rest of the night.

BOOK: Fierce Possession (Touched By You 9)
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