Read Fevered Hearts Online

Authors: Em Petrova

Tags: #mmf;mfm;menage;wheelchair;logging;forestry;romance;erotic romance;erotica

Fevered Hearts (9 page)

BOOK: Fevered Hearts
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Liam straightened and looked at her. She saw only the former desire on his chiseled features.

“Take her to the bedroom,” Liam said with quiet force.

Goose bumps erupted all over her body. Her nipples pinched so hard, she gasped. As she gained her feet, Ward stood too. He tugged her against him. She placed her palm on his chest, aware of the bulk of muscle beneath his plaid shirt. God, how she wanted that chest moving over her as he slid deep into her body.

Shivering, she started off toward the bedroom. Partway down the hall, Ward gripped her waist and plucked her off her feet. She squealed and Liam laughed. Colors blurred by her vision—the warm earth tones she’d decorated the bedroom with years ago, splashes of red accents. Then the silken coverlet was beneath her, Ward’s breath washed over her face and his dark blue eyes loomed close.

He pressed his thumb into the hollow of her hip. “You want this, sweetheart?”


“For who?” His jaw was set, harder than she’d ever seen it. Confusion ran through her.

“What do you mean?”

“Do you want me to make love to you because of Liam? Or do you want it?”

She shot a glance at Liam, who was slipping onto the bed beside them. She did want to see that dark pleasure on Liam’s face as she climaxed. But she also wanted to see it on Ward’s.

“Tell me that you want me to touch you.”

“I do.” She gripped his wrist and guided his hand up to cup her breast. “Here.” Then she slid it low, over her ribs, stomach, to the place where his hips covered her intimate spot. “And here.”

His jaw flexed, and his eyes darkened. “Not for Liam?”

Why was he pushing her so hard for these answers? Down the road, she wasn’t going to cast blame on him by saying she never wanted him and had only made love to him for Liam’s sake.

She drew a quick breath. That was exactly what Ward thought.

Curling her hand around his jaw, she searched his bright gaze. “Not for Liam. For me. For…you.”

Saying this in front of Liam worried her, but when she stole a glance at her husband, she saw his approval. As she focused on Ward again, she realized how important her answer had been to him.

Before she could lose her nerve, she reached for his shirt buttons. Popping them one by one, she slid her fingers along the skin she exposed. When his shirt hung open completely, she smoothed it off his shoulders.

Then she reached for Liam. Twisting the cloth of his T-shirt, she yanked it over his head. Two big male chests pressed near, and she struggled to breathe.

“This hardly seems fair,” Ward said. Kneeling over her, he began to strip her.

Liam helped by guiding her arms overhead.

“I’ll get her bra.” Ward’s warm fingers moved over her torso, and her skin rose to his touch.

After he pulled the thin straps over her arms, Liam trapped her hands securely. The constricting band of her bra fell away, leaving her upper half bare.

“Now it’s even,” she said on a whisper.

“Not quite, sweetheart. You’ve been driving me nuts all day.” Ward teased the underside of her breasts.

She arched. “I haven’t even been around you all day.”

“I know. That’s why. I couldn’t get this out of my head.”

As if by unspoken agreement, Liam claimed her mouth at the moment Ward began sucking her nipple. Liam thrust his tongue deep. For a long minute, she drowned in his taste and feel even as his counterpart plucked at her nipples with his lips and ran his tongue maddeningly around the areola.

Just as she thought she couldn’t live through another scorching moment without someone stretching her pussy, Liam and Ward switched places.

The roughness of Ward’s facial hair against her cheek ignited her. She sucked his tongue into her mouth, drawing on it, learning how far she could go with him. And Liam…

She cried out as he sank his teeth hard into her nipple. The surprise ratcheted her desire up another notch.

With a groan, Ward deepened the kiss, nibbling at her lips until she squirmed beneath both mouths.

Tearing her mouth away, she begged for mercy. “Please. I need you. Your fingers, your cock.”

Instead of Ward taking over as she expected, Liam began to unbutton her pants. She held her breath. He hadn’t touched her this way in so long. The knot in her belly tightened, and warmth blossomed in her heart.

She moved to touch Liam, but Ward forced her hands above her head once more. Liam spanned the slit of skin he’d created with his fingers. Creeping them lower. Lower. Inside her panties, dragging her jeans down as he did.

When he ground her clit beneath the skilled pad of his finger, she quaked with the beginnings of an orgasm.

“Not yet, baby. You’re not nearly ready,” Liam said with a smile.

“I am.”

Ward captured her protests on his tongue. Between his drugging kisses and the way he firmly squeezed her nipples, she thought she’d come. But having her husband’s fingers buried in her soaking pussy shoved her up the steep slope of ecstasy.

Liam pulled two fingers out, slippery with her moisture. He offered them to Ward. “Taste them.”

Moaning, Ward sucked Liam’s fingers all the way to the web. The erotic sight of those long fingers disappearing into Ward’s hot mouth stole Ivy’s sanity.

“Please.” Her hips ground in the air on their own.

Ward released Liam’s fingers with a sucking
and jumped to his feet beside the bed. Both she and Liam watched as he shed the rest of his clothes.

After pulling himself up the length of her body, Liam rested atop her for a dizzying moment. When was the last time she’d felt her husband’s weight? She hitched her ankle around his ass and held him while he kissed her into a puddle.

He suddenly rolled to the side and she realized why. Ward took his place between her thighs, cock poised. The purple length strained, the tip shiny with precome.

She wet her lips, hungry for a taste. To feel it filling her mouth.

“Take him, baby. Right to the root,” Liam said grittily.

Ward clasped her hips, and in one smooth glide, he drove into her. She cried out, locking her legs around his hips and grinding her clit against his body.

“You know what she needs, Liam,” Ward said through a tight jaw.

When he withdrew, Liam slid his fingers down and over her pulsating clit.

Sensation rocked her. Desire intensified.

Ward thrust again, trapping Liam’s fingers between his body and her clit. The pressure sent her over the edge. With a hoarse cry, she came. The orgasm swept over her like fire consuming brittle sticks.

For a long minute, she floated in their holds. Ward sank into her again and again, extending her pleasure. Finally, she regained her wits enough to search their faces. Ward’s handsome features were masked in pleasure as he plunged into her sheath. And Liam…he wore the expression she’d only ever seen when he was about to release.

He pushed the hood covering her bundle of nerves back, smearing the juices over her need flesh. And when Ward filled her again, Liam touched both of them. He swirled his finger at that moment, rubbing her clit.

“Lower,” Ward whispered.

Liam inched his finger lower until she knew he was touching Ward’s cock where it entered her body.

A full shudder passed through Liam.

Ward pulled out.

Liam nudged her clit, sending wild shivers of delight through her.

Ward drove deep. “Again.”

Liam stroked her and this time, he dipped his finger into her pussy alongside Ward’s cock.

“Holy fuck!” Pistoning his hips violently, Ward came. Heated spurts bathed her walls. He bit down on his lip, and stifling his bellow, but she felt it vibrate to the marrow of her bones.

Liam dropped his head back, breathing heavily. He ground his cock against her. Was it her imagination or was Liam getting hard? Even if he wasn’t, he was aroused. Going crazy.

Ward fell forward, and she caught him. She wrapped her arms around him tightly and nuzzled his neck up to his mouth. He kissed her sweetly, lazily.

Suddenly, Liam’s tongue joined them, prodding the corner of her mouth.

With a gasp, she turned to accept her husband’s seeking tongue. Deep down, she rejoiced that he was coming back to her. She didn’t care what path brought him home as long as she could someday move as one with him again.

Ward looped an arm around Liam’s neck and held him close as they tangled tongues with her. She lapped Ward’s then Liam’s, driven wild once again.

“She’s not done,” Liam panted, tearing away. Using his insanely strong arms, he maneuvered quickly down her body.

Ward seemed to know what Liam was doing even if she had no idea. Tumbling to the side, Ward anchored her to the bed with a hard arm around her waist. With a shock, she realized Liam was going down on her.

And she was dripping Ward’s come.

“Oh my God.” She dug her nails into Ward’s arm as Liam strummed her swollen clit.

“Mmm, she tastes so fucking good,” Liam said before burrowing his tongue into her slick folds.

Her pussy spasmed, clamping down hard, and juices oozed from her. Liam licked her from bottom to top. Over Ward’s arm, she caught Liam’s gaze, bright and feverish.

A ticklish heat clawed at her insides, twisting its way all the way up to her heart.

Liam opened his mouth wide and applied the perfect pressure to her pussy. She writhed against him, unable to buck because of Ward’s arm.

“Kiss me while he licks that sweet pussy. While he tastes me on you,” Ward murmured.

Gasping, she turned her mouth into his, swirling her tongue in an echo of Liam’s ministrations.

He poked his tongue into her channel, bathing her as far as he could reach. Then he sank two fingers into her pussy while working her pearl until it was hard and aching.

Ward lifted his mouth from hers and stared deep into her eyes. The intimate connection fanned the flames of her desire. In the back of her mind, she realized the roles of the men were reversed—Ward was nurturing her heart while Liam took care of her physical needs.

“I can’t stop it,” she cried.

“Don’t,” Ward ground out. “Come for him. For me. For you.”

A sharp, blinding burst, and she flew over the edge. Grappling at Ward’s arm, desperate to fuck Liam’s face. Earth-quaking waves pounded her, and she stopped breathing.

For a long minute, she drifted in a haze of pleasure. She closed her eyes and grounded herself through her other senses—the harsh rasp of her men breathing, the warmth of their bodies against hers. The faint moonlight streaming through the separation in the draperies.

“Bose, I think we’ve killed her.” Liam placed a sucking kiss on her lower belly. She felt the blood rise up to meet his mouth. Joy sparked in her heart—he was marking her as his again.

Ward opened his mouth over her throat, just above her collarbone, and delivered another mark.

With her eyes still closed, she smiled. Ward would take them up on their offer to stay with them, to share their lives. Liam needed him to show him the route back to his marriage. And the thought of not having these moments with Ward again made Ivy’s heart constrict with pain.

Yes, for now, this was right. They needed each other, and she needed both of them. They made her feel safe and loved.

So no matter what happened at work, at least she had an escape.

The cool pre-dawn air sliced through Liam as he gathered that first deep breath. He turned his face up to the sky, a midnight blue canvas. In the house, his lovers slumbered, their limbs entangled. Ivy was a heavy sleeper in the hours right before the sun rose, providing Liam with the perfect opportunity to get this job done.

His wheels created a slight sucking sound against the dew-dampened ramp. As quietly as possible, he made his way to the garage. When he opened the door, he automatically avoided looking at the pickup he hadn’t been able to drive in over a year.

Get these goddamn legs working and then we’ll see who stops me from climbing behind the wheel.

He’d worked for months to soup up the truck, tricking it out in the exact way he’d always wanted. It was a showpiece, one he and Ivy had spent many a Sunday driving through the small towns of western Pennsylvania. Liam had even entered the truck in a show once, and though he hadn’t placed, he’d received many compliments on his work.

He rolled over to Ivy’s small blue car. He opened the driver’s door and popped the hood. Then he maneuvered around the front to prop it open. With a few swift movements, he disconnected her battery.

Shooting a glance at the garage door, he half expected her or Ward to appear there, accusing him of tampering with her vehicle. Hell, he was. But damn it, he was keeping his wife safe in the only way he knew how. She would never know that he disconnected the battery cable. Ward would suspect but would go along with Liam’s decision.

Ward could drive her to and from work every day until they got control of this activist situation. To keep the crews safe, Liam had a meeting scheduled with his men at lunchtime. He wanted them all to be aware of their surroundings, of any suspicious vehicles in the field, and to watch each other’s backs. He’d caution Ivy before she left for work. But how to tell her to watch out without frightening her?

Quietly, he lowered the car hood and shoved it down with his palms until he heard it click. His heart thumped as he made his way back to the house. The front door had a squeak that made him jump out of his skin with nervousness, but no one stirred.

In the bedroom, he eased his chair up to the bed. Ivy was curled on her side, her beautiful face concealed by her warm brown hair. Ward’s thick thigh was thrown over hers, his flaccid cock against her naked flesh.

Warmth spread through Liam, and that twitch in his dick was back. Strong.

Running a hand over his sleep pants, he urged the appendage to get up so he could play with the people he wanted so badly. A raw ache began, and for a minute he struggled with the familiar anger that had frozen him for so many months. No, he wasn’t going to feel sorry for himself. He’d retrain his brain to make his lower half work and his cock would listen, damn it.

What if it doesn’t?

BOOK: Fevered Hearts
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