Feral Series IV: Feral Fallout (25 page)

BOOK: Feral Series IV: Feral Fallout
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My Sol has a one-track mind. And I liked it. “Don't you dare think you can taunt me like this and get out of making me beg you to finish what you started."

His pressed his hips forward, and his hard-on lunged against my belly. He leaned his mouth down to almost touch the corner of mine. “Who said I wasn't ready to finish?"

He set my heart ping ponging off my ribs.

I pressed my lips against the corner of his. “Sol,” I whispered.

"I'm going to sit on one of these uncomfortable crates while you grind my cock into sweet bliss, D'ena."

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Chapter Seventeen

Gods, the emptiness aching in my groin insisted Sol produce said lethal weapon now in the storage bay. Hands flew everywhere. Cold air kissed my nude body. And then he pulled me down onto his firm shaft. All the way. Seating his hardness fully as if seeking a warm place to tuck his most treasured appendage.

"What's it like to be impaled, D'ena? Fully captured? Conquered?” he gasped.

Who cared about talking? I rubbed my tender skin of my sex against the wiry hairs and hardness of everything that made me want to revisit connecting with Sol again and again.

"Yes, D'ena.” He locked my hips against the steel musculature of his thighs with a forceful handhold and shut his eyes. “Move for me.” He thrust his hips upward.

Oh, the presence inside me. The pressure. The beat of his pulse. Luckily, he'd descended onto a low crate. I could press my bare feet to the cool metal floor. And ride him.

He opened his eyes to watch me, rather his cock's exposure then envelopment as I gyrated my hips and slid along his slickened hardness. In and out. Up and down every last blessed millimeter of his supple rigid erection until he moaned and struggled to keep his eyes open. Men! They were so easy to please. Show them a peg and a hole, and they got all horny. But he wasn't getting out of taking care of me. I let the silken head of his cock pop free.

He groaned and eyeballed me. “Theo,” he whispered, reaching for my elbow.

He was so damned ready. I backed into a taller crate, seated my bare butt against the cold metal, and spread my legs. “Let's work from this angle."

He chuckled, appeasing me. “You want a good view?"

Maybe of his awesome chest. Or just a good grip on his iron ass. I shot him a grin.

He settled against my crotch in a flurry, guiding his engorged member with a fist into position, pumping his hips. Sliding his thickness along my inner channel.

Oh, yes. Nice. View. Now for a grip on his ass. “Come here."

"You're bossy,” he grinned.

So kingly, my mate. “Just treating you the way you treat me.” I shot him a wink and waved fingers toward me until his ribs pressed into mine, then slid my palms down the pliant musculature of his back.

That hard ass. Flexed. And flexed. Ramming his deliciously stiff rod inside me. Stirring up a wave of pleasure I wanted to ride to the shore. Yes. Back to the bobbing beneath the plank of Solvun. My Poseidon. He could prod me with his trident any time. And send me coasting to the beach. And he shoved and shoved until I couldn't do anything but throw back my head and bite back screams.

"Look at me, Theo."

Gods. How? I struggled to turn my gaze back to where he seriously studied me, lunging wave after wave of cresting bliss through me. And bit back the release that gnawed to envelope me.

"Here it comes, D'ena. Take my heart. I give it to you.” He rammed one final time and stood panting.

His shaft burst with heat inside me.

That's all it took. I couldn't sit still. Couldn't see. Could only jolt with each of his eruptions.

"That's it, D'ena. Know I am yours.” He dragged his thickness out of me only to begin thrusting, to the bittersweet end.

"Always yours. Milk my heart from me, D'ena."

If only we could do this again and again. I clamped down my inner muscles.

He gasped. “That's it. Wring your sun's essence from him, my planet and the starkissed heavens. You and I, givers of life, but not without each other. So we dance.” He groaned. “The dance of creation."

How could a warrior so rigid and controlling say such beautiful things? He loved me. I know now. And I couldn't imagine not having him in my life. I slid my palms up from his flexing ass to his slim lower back and rubbed his delectable skin. “Sol, you keep talking like that and we're never going to leave this cargo hold."

He grinned and turned his nose down to watch himself fuck me.

Our movements ground to a halt with a deep sigh from my hovering warrior. His wild blond hair framed most of his face. All but his eyes, nose, and mouth.

And his golden gaze watched me again. “Can you ever love me, D'ena?"

If what I feel isn't love, it's close. I slid my palms to his cheeks and brushed his hair back to reveal his squared jaw. “I think I do now."

He swooped down to plant a brief kiss on my lips and petted my cheeks with is thumbs. “D'ena, Theo, listen to me, I put everything I am in your care. My heart, my people, my planet. Take heed with Flonn. You could destroy all that I am."

Why was I crying? What in the Hell for?

He brushed the warm tears away even though more escaped my eyes.

But talk about a big responsibility. And if I failed him... Gods. I couldn't fail him. Not after what we shared together. “I'll try. I don't want anything to happen to you. That's my job, Sol. Marshals keep the peace among cultures."

An evil smile crept across his face.

"What are you thinking now?” I don't want to know. But at least my tears dried up.

He chuckled gently. “Prall nanites are specially programmed to find eggs in mates and set them into production."

That wicked thought meant only one thing. “Sol! How

"Just enough to ensure I get what I want."

"Sol!” He needed to explain. “How many are you talking about?"

He ran a hand down my shoulder to the curve of my breast and gruffly cupped the globe. “You only have two of these, my sweet. I took that into consideration."

Holy shit. Between him and Wrank, I would be bedridden.

He planted his devilish smile against my lips, sucked a moment, and backed away. “Don't look so worried, little D'ena. You are my love, my heart, and my Goddess. I won't let you come to harm."

Goro waited beyond the hatch. Somewhere. Right out there. What would he think when he saw me in my sex-slave getup? Geesh. This whole mission began to take on a comical ambiance. Shoot me now, universe. At least my clothes were a short walk away in my personal quarters. Warm clothes with lots of coverage. And I had three possessive mates for backup.

Everyone was oddly quiet.

"Don't anybody bother taking command,” I surveyed all the warriors’ stoic masks behind me. “This is what's going to happen. I'm reporting to my commander. He's going to ask questions. I'm answering. And then I have some business to tend to.” I shot M'yote a quick warning glance to encourage his silence.

"Well, let's finish this,” Sol said. “I need to return to my planet. See what's left of my castle.” He, the big barbarian-looking shirtless King, almost glared, shifting his gaze sideways while he faced me as if shooting the evil eye at my other barbarian-looking mate, Flonn.

Joy. What else can I stress about today? At least Flonn hadn't reacted to Sol's attacks. “When we're finished here, that's exactly what I intend to do, Sol.” I plowed toward the hatch.

The gangplank popped open and descended into bright sunlight.

Nobody waited.

Thank the stars. I so need a stiff drink. Especially when I was dressed like a slut. I stepped onto the short grassy meadow directly outside the circular compound. Right next to the Order's long line of low body-sized pod fighters. The compound's inner plain-Jane pagoda-shaped central building thrust its pointed second-story peak toward the two clouds overhead. To the left of the Marshal's compound jutted the Starry Sky Tiger clan mountain city. Although the large pagoda inside the roughly-hewn palisade had once housed the realm's queen, the encircling medieval outer wall of sharpened tree trunks now protected the queen's relatives and any realm folk who chose to live in the village.

So much had changed for each realm since The Order of the Marshals’ arrival.

Weeks. I'd only been gone weeks. Almost a month. It felt like months. Like something cataclysmic was about to occur. Cough it up intuition. I have one suspicious mate, a war between two worlds to quench, a blood mate to claim, a baby or God knows how many in tow, and a commander whose head I could pinch off in a heartbeat.

Footsteps whispered through the grass at my heels.

"Where is everybody?” M'yote asked.

Busy. Surviving. My return was nothing more than my return. Hello, I'm back. No worries. Just Solvun thinks the !Dakos are coming. Nothing to concern yourselves with. “Everyone is probably in training among the Marshals. The Luvks, who knows? They live like normal populations. Eking out a meager existence."

"What are these spacecraft?” Solvun asked.

I caught his finger pointing at the single-seat pod fighters shaped like streamlined ketchup bottles resting on their sides. “Each Marshal earns one upon completing his or her training. They aren't for fighting. They're for survival."

"There's the commander,” M'yote announced.


Goro stepped through the gaping gateway, approaching in his knee-length black overcoat and black boots, his black hair tied back in his standard long leather-bound tail. Seven warriors strode with him, all in standard Marshal black leather attire. One female who I didn't recognize. But why would I when I rarely did anything with the other cadets because Goro had special plans for me all along?

Can I say disgusted? My gut had warned me. Yes, it had.

Two cadets towered over the others behind Goro.

Tigers. The shorter was orange-and-black with orange hair. Not Wrank. The other had black-and-white stripes. Not my Wrank either. Where is he? These two Luvks would know. Brothers, kin, or friends, the Luvk cadets were all noblemen. They knew everything about each other. And since they were telepathic, they could simply ask someone someplace else. Instant answers. Just what I needed.

I stood before the commander's fiery orange eyes before my thoughts came full circle.

"Captain,” Goro nodded.

"Commander.” I waved toward Solvun. “The King you sent me to find."

"Solvun?” Goro managed the faintest bow.

Sol stepped forward in his standard overbearing manner. “You're the one who sent my brother?"

Goro met his gaze with typical calculated patience. “M'yote requested assistance. I sent Theone."

Like I said, send the woman in to take care of business.

"We should return to my chamber for a debriefing,” Goro said.

Wait a Gods-damned minute. “I have business to attend to. Will debriefing take long?"

Goro shot me a speculative glance. “Business?"

Like I couldn't possibly have anything else going on in my life because he'd chained me to
The Savior
. Which has done nothing along the lines of salvation in my book. What about me, universe? It's time for Theone to do something for herself. “Personal business."

His brow furrowed slightly as if he knew what I meant all along. “There will be plenty of time for your personal business after we discuss the mission."

What's there to discuss? Like it ever mattered what I wanted. I followed his knee-high black boots into the compound.

Sol stepped to my side and rubbed a palm across my back.

Caring? Thoughtfulness danced in his gaze. How would he react when he learned I meant to bring another mate into the fold? You can let me in on my future, intuition. Any time now. Especially when Sol is being so compassionate. What of Flonn?

He quietly followed in my footsteps.

Poor guy. He'd said next to nothing since I had sex with Sol, crawled into a bunk, and awoke from a nap with
The Savior's
computer reporting we were about to begin descent to Luvk's surface.

Flonn offered me a faint considerate smile.

One I could treasure for the sympathy it projected. Nobody could tell me my !Dakos warrior didn't have a heart. Especially my big lion of a king. I turned back to follow the others.

M'yote kept Goro busy with questions.

No, there hadn't been any signs of an outbreak of war in the previous day. No news from Prall or Treusch. Lunch had just ended. The cadets were in class. Goro's mate was pregnant again.

Pregnancy. Geesh. The mark of a youngling. The thorn in my side. Literally.

Goro flicked a curious glance over his shoulder at me.

Whatever. Where is Wrank? Goro knew. He had to know what my
personal business

We followed him and the other cadets into Goro's meeting-hall-slash-chamber containing three empty chairs across the front of Goro's desk.

Goro left the cadets in the passageway and waved Sol toward a chair. “Please sit."

The commander's consideration through acknowledgement wasn't extended toward me. Rather, he kept his back to me.

An insult for my insistence to tend to my personal business? Aye aye, captain. Flog the good crewman after she's put out, literally, then make her walk the plank. Kill the messenger. Shaft your treasured assistant. By all means, save the chairs for the big strapping lads.

M'yote took my elbow and nudged me into his seat.

Goro descended into his own and leaned across his desk's dark wood to take us all in.

We had to be the nuttiest sight if he had any inkling we were all one big somewhat happily married unit. I choked down a big snort.

"I take it all went well?” Goro asked.

Nobody said a thing.

Dammit. I'll have to handle the debriefing. And I wasn't up for shits and grins. I so needed to stop cursing. A baby was listening! I met Goro's serious gaze. “Honestly, sir, you sent me into a hellhole that I can't believe I managed to escape. This one,” I pointed at Sol, “made me wear this slut's outfit. And this one,” I pointed at Flonn, “marked me before it even registered he wanted to mate me. Changed me in the process. Hence the hair and silver sparkles. So not me, sir. And, M'yote, well,” I slid my gaze up to where he smiled patiently. “M'yote just seems to be as baffled as I am. If it hadn't been for a riot among the prisoners and the fact Flonn is !Dakos and saved me and my mates, we wouldn't be sitting here today. What else would you like to know?” My sarcasm had to express my disgust.

BOOK: Feral Series IV: Feral Fallout
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