Read Feisty Online

Authors: Mackenzie McKade

Feisty (4 page)

BOOK: Feisty
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“Fine,” Kat huffed. “I’m afraid I have to go,” she mumbled to her dance partner. After saying her good-byes, she passed by Devon, bumping his shoulder with her own. “You owe me.”

When it was only Sahara and him, she wadded her fingers in his jacket and pulled him to her. Her long eyelashes swept low. “Your place or mine?”

As he stared at her full lips, his pulse took off. If he was caught leaving Sleepy Cove, the bed and breakfast owned by Lila and Jon Wilson, the entire town of Whispering Cove would know exactly what he’d be doing and with whom.

His groin stirred with thoughts of stripping off those tight blue jeans she wore. The tip of her tongue slid seductively between her kissable lips and he swallowed hard. “Mine.”

She released her hold on him. “I need to check on my nephew before we leave.”

“No need.” He wanted to kiss her so badly his mouth began to water. “I saw him leave with Errol earlier this afternoon. He’s in good hands.”

She gazed into his eyes as if she sought the truth.

“Trust me,” he whispered.

Silence stretched between them until he bent his head and captured her lips. For a brief moment, he was in control, drinking slowly from her mouth. Then he felt himself being pulled deeper and deeper into the caress. Her soft lips made his head spin. The low moan she released made him forget where he was and who might be watching them. When her tongue touched his, his knees went weak. Heart rate speeding, he felt breathless when they parted. If he didn’t know better, he’d say she had drugged him. He felt high off a single kiss and it scared the living hell out of him.

She placed her pillowy lips against his. “Let’s get out of here.”

He didn’t respond—couldn’t.

Still immersed in the moment, all he could think of was how soft her lips were, how sweet her kiss. When he finally came to his senses, he gathered her hand in his and led her to where his jacked-up truck was parked. He chucked the half-full beer he held in the back of his truck. Remembering the bottle in his back pocket, he heaved it after the first one. He opened the door and she crawled inside. He slipped in beside her before he took her into his arms.

Another kiss. Another moment of euphoria that didn’t last long when a set of headlights flashed on them. He blinked, struggling with the dark spots before his eyes. Or were they stars? The thought forced him to take a ragged breath. Maybe this wasn’t a good thing, but when she looked at him with desire burning in her eyes, he reached into his hoodie pocket, pulled out his keys and started the truck.

He didn’t live far from the beach, but the drive seemed to take forever when her palm smoothed up his bare leg and along the inside of his thigh. His dick thickened and he swore he could still taste her on his lips. When her hand moved farther up his thigh, he stopped her with one of his.

“I wouldn’t go there, baby, or we won’t make it to my cabin.”

She released a sexy laugh that made his chest tighten, but she behaved herself. When Devon pulled in front of his two-bedroom house tucked deep within a wooded area, he wanted to touch her so badly his hands shook as he reached for his keys. He didn’t hesitate to climb out of the truck. When he helped her out, she fell into his arms.

Devon liked his privacy. When he pinned her against his truck and trailed his lips down her neck, following the V of her jacket until he was nestled between her breasts, he had nothing to worry about. She threaded her fingers through his shoulder-length hair and held on as he nuzzled her jacket and bathing suit top aside to circle his tongue around a nipple. Her head fell back against the cab of his pickup, her lips parting on a sigh.


Oh God
. This was heaven.

Moisture built between Sahara’s thighs as he nibbled, sucked and pulled on her nipple. When he skimmed his teeth across the sensitive skin, she hissed. Bittersweet pain set off a burst of tingles in her sex that made her squeeze her legs together.

“Mmmm…” he hummed against her flesh, making it tickle. “You like that, don’t you, baby?”

“Yes.” She held on to the “s”, gasping as he pinched her other nipple, sending her body up in flames. The coolness of the night did nothing for the warmth that spread across her face, singeing her ears and heating her blood. She felt flushed all over.

Like a woman starving for the touch of a man, she pushed her hands beneath his hoodie, felt his damp skin, the hardness of his abdomen and his chest. She needed him naked and on top of her—in her. Her hands shook as she raised the hem of his jacket.

“Too many clothes,” she breathed through the pulse beating in her throat.

Devon chuckled, stilling her hands with his much larger ones. “It zips. Here let me do it.” He took a step back, reached for the zipper and began to drag it down.

Back against the cold truck, she watched as he unveiled himself to her. The man was amazing. Tan skin stretched tight over bulging muscles carved to perfection. She even liked the light cover of dark hair on his chest that narrowed as it swirled around his bellybutton, disappearing into his boardshorts. Placing his hoodie across the side of the truck, he looked at her and smiled.

Sahara hadn’t noticed until that moment he had a lopsided grin, his right side a little higher then the other. This non-perfection should have turned her off, but when his heated gaze swept across her, she realized it made him even sexier. His long, jet-black hair draped over one sapphire-blue eye gave him a bad-boy charm.

“Now you.”

Sahara didn’t need any more encouragement as she reached for the zipper of her jacket, but he shook his head.

Leaning into her, he whispered, “Let me.” The words were breathed in a husky, sultry tone against her ear.

Her nipples puckered, tingled, begging to be touched—caressed. When his fingertips grazed her cleavage, icy shivers prickled along her skin. Slowly he dragged the zipper to her jacket down and pushed it off her shoulders. The material held her arms trapped, and God if it didn’t turn her on.

He smiled that lopsided grin as if he knew exactly how she felt. Gazing into her eyes, he reached for the strings of her bathing suit knotted behind her neck. With a single tug the top fell forward, revealing her breasts now heavy with need.

His gaze dropped. “Beautiful.” He cupped her with both hands, his palms warm against her cooling skin. Running his thumbs over her nipples released another series of explosions deep inside her.

“Don’t play with me,” she grumbled.

“You don’t like to be played with?”

“Yes. No. Can’t we just get to it?”

Again with that damn grin, but this time his eyes sparkled in the moonlight with laughter. When the humor in his expression disappeared it was replaced with an intensity that made her nerve endings jump like a live wire. He swept a finger beneath her chin and raised her gaze until they were eye to eye once more.

Devon moved so close she felt his warm breath caress her face. “Tell me your deepest, darkest fantasies.”

The air in her lungs froze. No one had ever asked what her dreams were. Hell, no one she had ever dated had even cared to ask. Most men were into their fantasies and whatever their needs were. The one time she had asked for something off the beaten path it was met with shock and disgust. Yet the thought of providing this man with explicit details of her most intimate fantasies sent her pulse racing.

Could she? Did she dare?

No. She licked her lips nervously, remaining silent, but the forest was alive. In the distance she heard an owl screech. To the left a choir of crickets sang. Something stirred in the bushes, but her attention was plastered on the man before her.

Devon smoothed a palm across her cheek. Snaking his fingers around the nape of her neck, he pulled her closer. “Do you dream of being taken tied to a bed or bent over a table? Maybe two men at once would make those baby-blue eyes of yours go wild. Or perhaps you want to be forced on your knees and made to take my cock past those soft, kissable lips.”

The walls of her sex tightened and released, not once, not twice, but three times. Sahara bit back a moan, but somewhere she found her bravado. Now it was her turn to chuckle.

“Why, Devon Taylor, I think you’re trying to shock me.” And he was doing a damn good job at it, because if she hadn’t been leaning against the truck she might have fallen.

“You’re not a stranger to ropes, handcuffs and a little whip play?”

She swallowed hard. Again she dampened her lips before she tilted her head at a cocked angle. She inched closer to him, whispering in his ear. “I can take anything you can dish out.”

A gravelly growl raised from deep in his throat. He jerked her to him and covered her mouth with his. This time he didn’t coax her lips apart. No, he took what he wanted, probing and slipping past her teeth. He demanded entrance. At the same time, it was clear he expected her surrender, and she did, falling into his caress without any resistance.

How he managed it, she had no idea, but before the kiss ended her jeans were around her ankles, her string bikini bottoms lying across them. When he ran his palm across her abdomen, across the landing strip that had been waxed, to her swollen clit, the breath she attempted to take caught. As his fingertips danced over her moist slit, she rocked against his hand. A tremor shook her from head to toe. She needed him and she needed him now.

“Fuck me,” she pleaded, and then caught herself. She had never pleaded for
man to take her. Yet this man did things to her mind and body. He pierced her inner calm, the trait she dearly cherished. Tonight she was acting out of character and for once she didn’t care, because she wanted to scream the words.

He dropped his boardshorts to his ankles and her eyes widened. Sahara didn’t get the opportunity to fully appreciate what she saw. He pushed her back against the truck, grabbed the back of her thighs, and lifted her.

“Wrap your legs around me.”

He didn’t have to ask twice as she locked her ankles together, her body meeting his. She felt his cock against the entrance of her body and anticipation pounded in her chest. When his hips thrust forward, the large head of his penis parting her slit, she went into meltdown. If he hadn’t been holding her, she would have been a pool of lust at his feet.

Then he paused, stopped. As if he were having second thoughts, he rested his forehead on her shoulder.

“W-what?” she panted. Why the hell did he stop? He couldn’t stop. She was naked. In his arms. His cock breached her pussy.

“Condoms are in the house.”

Sahara eased the back of her head against the cab of the truck. She released the pent-up breath she held. Was that all?

“I’m on the Depo shot. And I’m clean,” she added.

“Me too. Is it okay?”

Oh Lord. Did he really have to ask?

Evidently not, because he plunged forward. With one thrust he buried himself deep inside her.

“Ahhh,” he groaned. “You’re so tight.”

Between ragged breaths, she thought,
And you are perfection
. He filled her completely.

Devon slowly rocked into her, easing in and out until her body adjusted to his size. When he pressed his lips to hers, his tongue ravishing her mouth, the pace of their bodies coming together increased. Every other time he slid deep inside her he smoothed over an area that made her tense—tremble.

One second she was bathed in ecstasy, the next she found herself on her feet. But the heat between them didn’t die as he cupped her face between his palms and kissed her wildly—passionately. He turned her toward the truck.

“Spread your legs.”

Stepping out of her jeans, she did as he asked.

“Now lean toward the truck.”

When she complied, he entered her from behind. The position drove him even farther between her thighs. Each time he drew back and then slammed into her, she released a soft cry. Her fingers curled, she grasped for something to hold on to, something to anchor her from losing herself. She couldn’t believe the intensity building inside her. It was like the winding of a clock. Twisting and turning, growing tighter and tighter. Adjusting his hips, he thrust, striking her sensitive spot, and she began to unravel.


Her sudden climax stole his name from her lips. Sensations exploded throughout her body. She rode a lightning bolt of pleasure. Hot. Exciting. Wild and uncontrollable. She shook with the fiery currents ripping from her core and bursting from her nipples. She felt like he had found and released a tightly wound spring inside her. Before she could recover from what had to be the best release she had ever had, he eased her around and found her lips once more.

This time his kiss was gentle, poetic. What surprised and impressed her was his stiff erection pressed against her belly. He hadn’t reached fulfillment, and by the way he stroked his palms up and down her body he wasn’t through with her.

“You’re cold. Let’s get inside.”

Sahara hadn’t realized she was shivering, but she doubted it was the weather. As he gathered their clothes, she inhaled the woodsy scent of pine, Devon and sex, a heady combination.

It felt a little awkward being naked and following him up the cobblestone walkway leading up to his rustic wood cabin. From outside, the structure appeared small and lived in. A porch swing hung from the eaves. A beer bottle and a small tool set sat on a three-legged table. A pair of mud-crusted work boots sat next to a worn welcome mat.

Devon opened the door and stepped aside. Sahara entered. She hadn’t known what to expect, but it was definitely not what she saw. The first thing that caught her attention was the fireplace, which had to be one of the largest she had seen. The mantel and the facing were beautifully carved wood, polished to the point they glistened. As she scanned the room, she noticed all the detailed carvings, from the baseboards to the large beams in the ceiling. His home was a piece of art.

Forgetting she was stark naked, she strolled to the fireplace, tracing a finger over the eight-point deer etched into the wood. “Devon, this is beautiful.” She turned to face him. “Did you do this?”

Pink dotted his cheeks. Instead of answering, he approached her and took her into his arms. He nuzzled her nose with his. “I think it’s time to go to bed.”

BOOK: Feisty
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