Fated Redemption [Kindred of Arkadia 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (10 page)

BOOK: Fated Redemption [Kindred of Arkadia 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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as he rummaged through the drawer until he found the lube. He turned and looked over his shoulder and

winked at Moe.

Moe reached down and squeezed the base of his cock to keep from coming. His mate was so fucking

sexy. Without wasting another second he went to the closet and pulled out three long silken scarves. He

hadn’t had a chance to use them in a long time. When he looked down at the green fabric he realized it

matched his mate’s eyes perfectly. Images of Rhys bound to their bed had his hands shaking.

A low, long moan had him spinning around to stare at his mate. Rhys was on all fours, stretching

himself. He was up to three fingers and was pumping those long pale digits in and out of his ass at an

amazing speed.

“You’re not allowed to come,” Moe said, his voice sounding deeper even to his own ears.

Rhys shivered at the tone of his voice and his hand slowed down.

“Ready?” Moe asked.

“Please,” Rhys whispered.

“If this is too much we can stop, I know that he…” That was as far as Moe got.

“He hardly ever restrained me. I’m okay with this, really.” Rhys turned and reclined back on the mound

of pillows. Moe decided to take him at his word. He walked to the head of the bed and looped the silk

around his mate’s wrist. He reached between the wrought ironwork of the headboard and secured the scarf

to the metal eyehook he had installed into the wall. After ruining one headboard with another shifter lover,

he had learned to secure his men and women directly to a wall stud.

Rhys looked at the installed metal eye and raised a brow.

“I like to play,” Moe bent down and whispered lowly at the base of Rhys’s neck, behind his ear. Rhys


“I’m glad.”

Moe walked around and secured his other wrist in place.

“Comfortable? Not too tight?” Moe asked.

Rhys pulled at his silken bonds and shook his head. “Just right.”

“Safeword?” Moe asked. Rhys shook his head.

“You would never do anything remotely close to hurting me. I trust you.”

That meant more to Moe than the sex. Smiling, he lifted one last silk scarf. He climbed onto the bed and

knelt between Rhys’s legs, which had to stretch wide to accommodate his large frame. It gave him the most

perfect view of Rhys’s pink hole and dripping prick.

Rhys frowned. Moe could almost hear the wheels turning as his mate tried to figure out what the last

scarf was for.

Ever so gently Moe dragged the silk over Rhys’s weeping cock. Rhys’s quick inhale let Moe know

exactly how sensitive his mate was. Lazily he brushed the silk over the engorged head over and over again,

each time making Rhys whimper and cry out.

“Moe please! Please!” Rhys begged. Moe looked down and watched Rhys’s starburst clench and relax

with each pass of the silk. Moe reached down and picked up the bottle of lube. His mate had stretched

himself quite nicely, but he knew he was a big man. He coated his cock as he kept up his merciless torture

with the silk scarf.

“Moe, please! I need more!” Rhys screamed.

Moe reached down and tested how stretched his mate was. He wanted his man to know nothing but


“You’re not stretched enough.” Rhys shook his head from side to side almost violently.

“Pain helps to keep the blood lust at bay, plus I love the burn. Please, my mate.” Rhys stared up at him,

his green eyes practically glowing.

Unable to hold back a second longer, Moe reached under Rhys and lifted his lower body to plunge deep

into his mate’s needy channel with one hard thrust.

“Fuck, yes! My mate’s huge cock feels so fucking good.” Rhys moaned. Moe felt his eyes cross. His

mate’s dirty talk would have him coming like an untried teenager. He pulled out until just the flared head of

his cock remained inside of his mate and thrust again.

“Yeah baby, fuck your mate.” Rhys wrapped his legs around Moe’s waist. Every time Rhys said the

word “mate” Moe felt his control slip just a bit more.

“You’re going to feel this tomorrow,” Moe said, thrusting again and again.

“Yes! I want to have reminders of how this cock felt in my ass. Harder!” Moe took him at his word and

began pistoning into his mate. Rhys was beyond dirty words now as he struggled to draw breath. Moe

drove forward, and his mate’s body pulled him deeper inside with each snap of his hips. Never before had

sex felt like this, but in his heart Moe knew it was more than sex. His body recognized Rhys’s as his mate.

Together they were complete.

“Close,” Rhys whispered harshly. Moe reached down, and simply wrapped his large hand around

Rhys’s leaking cock causing his mate to detonate. Hot streams of cum covered their bodies. Rhys was still

shuddering in pleasure when Moe felt his own orgasm slam into him. It started at the base of his spine and

raced throughout his body. Buried deep inside his mate he filled Rhys’s channel with his semen until his

balls started to ache, it felt that good.

When the final aftershocks calmed down, Moe pulled from Rhys’s body and Rhys moaned low in his

throat. Moe looked down at his mate. His soft blond curls looked light brown and were plastered to his

forehead with sweat. His eyes were closed but a satisfied smile lingered on his lips. Unable to resist, Moe

leaned forward and kissed his lips gently. Rhys’s eyes opened and he ran a tongue along Moe’s lips.

Breaking from the kiss, Moe sat back on his legs.

“I love you, Moe Jones. I love you so damn much it scares me to death,” Rhys whispered. Moe got up

and untied his mate. He folded the green silk cloths and put them on the nightstand.

“I love you too, Rhys. You are my miracle.” Moe kissed Rhys’s forehead and went to get a washcloth.

“Aren’t you scared?” Rhys asked. Moe walked to the bathroom and thought about his answer. He got

the water warm and soaked a washcloth. He cleaned himself and rinsed out the cloth for Rhys. He walked

back toward the bed and cleaned his mate, laying a quick kiss on Rhys’s cock. He went back to the

bathroom and threw the washcloth in the hamper. When he returned he pulled Rhys into his arms.

“I’m scared of a lot of things, but never of loving you. Fate herself picked you out for me. Someday I

may be a good enough man to deserve you,” Moe whispered.

“I’m the one who doesn’t deserve you! I can’t even claim you properly.”

“Earlier this week we didn’t think sex was possible either, we found a way. Things will work out. You’ll

see.” Moe put a finger under Rhys’s chin and brought Rhys’s face up to his.

“I’m hundreds of years older than you, but you make me feel so young.” Rhys grinned.

“You’re not bad for an old man,” Moe joked. Rhys’s eyes flashed with laughter before he jumped on

Moe, straddling the man. Moe cursed his mate’s vampiric speed as he found every one of his ticklish spots.

Finally when they were both breathless from laughing they curled up together.

“Love you,” Moe said, kissing his forehead.

“Love you too.” This time there was love and laughter in his mate’s eyes, not fear and sadness.

Please help me to give him whatever he needs to be happy. Please give us whatever we need to make

this mating work.

Moe prayed to whomever was listening before he drifted off to sleep.

Chapter 6

Rhys walked into the diner and fought the urge to walk right back out. Every member of the Inner

Court except for his prince was there eating breakfast. Only Rebecca’s slightly hung-over appearance

seemed to match the dogged expressions of their mates. Sebastian was cuddling Lucian, Kate was laughing

with Rian and Damian as they bounced Matthew and Merrick on their knees. Bethy and Asling played with

Landon and Lucas as naturally as if they had known the two boys their entire lives. Nic was inhaling a plate

of waffles as if he hadn’t eaten in days. Rhys had half turned to go back out the door when he heard.

“Don’t even think about it. Come tell me what drink I am,” Rebecca called out, still face down at her

table. How she had even seen him he didn’t know.

“Rebecca, leave the poor man alone, he looks like he’s about to bolt.” Ma smiled at him sympathetically.

Rebecca raised her head with what looked like tremendous effort and looked up at him. He sighed. He was

stuck. There was no way he could say no to those purple puppy-dog eyes.

Aleks chuckled and adjusted Aidhan on his arm.

“She is still feeling some of the aftereffects of drinking eight double-strength espressos.” Aleks shook

his head.

“If y’all would let me have some coffee…”

“No!” the entire diner said at one. She looked at Rhys and pouted.

“They are picking on me.”

Rhys smiled and sat down at her table rubbing her back when she put her face back down on the table’s

cool surface.

“I’m used to dealing with hangovers, hair of the dog usually helps, though I’m not sure how that would

work with caffeine,” Rhys said. Rebecca raised her head and yawned.

“I’m feeling better, just not one hundred percent awake. Just having the Inner Court together actually

helped a lot.” Rebecca stretched her arms up over her head. Rhys sat back and picked up a menu. Moe

would be joining him after he made Peyton some coffee and got his breakfast order.

“Doc says now that we know what we’re experiencing we can take steps to prevent it from getting that

bad again. Postpartum depression usually only occurs in the first three months, so hopefully we won’t see it

get this bad again,” Kate said, then turned to Rebecca.

“What on earth possessed you to drink so many espressos?” Rebecca shrugged.

“I felt better after the first one, so I figure the second and third one would be amazing. I kinda lost track

of time after the third one, then the colors started attacking me.” Rebecca closed her eyes and shuddered

before laying her head back down on the table.

Rhys was laughing when the diner door opened again and woman he had never seen before walked in.

She was about Kate’s height at five ten with light brown, wavy hair and curves everywhere a man wanted.

He had always appreciated the soft curves of a woman. He shook his head. Going by the social media

images of today this woman would be considered “thick” or “chubby.” Back when he was turned she would

have been highly sought after. It amazed him how much had changed over the centuries, even the concept

of beauty. He watched her soft, doe-like, brown eyes as they searched the faces of the diner. When her eyes

landed on Rebecca they hardened and the woman’s nostrils flared. She marched forward until she was

standing beside Rebecca. Kaden and Beau sat up quickly at their table across the diner. The woman had

come in here with a purpose, and Rhys could see that they weren’t sure if that purpose was good or bad.

The woman wrapped both hands around Rebecca’s shoulders and made her sit up before she swiveled

Rebecca in her chair until she was facing her. Rebecca’s face broke into a smile as she recognized the

woman. The dainty woman smiled right back at Rebecca. Rhys was shocked at what happened next. The

delicate-looking woman wrapped her arms around their Alpha Mother’s head, effectively putting her in a

headlock before she began to rake her knuckles over her scalp.

Aleks, Liam, Beau and Kaden stood as if to intervene, but looked on, frozen, unsure of what to do. She

wasn’t exactly hurting Rebecca, but the other woman was obviously pissed. Aleks handed Aidhan off to his


“Bitch let go of me!” Rebecca shouted. Rhys kept his seat. So far Rebecca wasn’t getting hurt.

Aleks took a step forward to break the two women apart.

“You deserve worse, you psychotic little midget!” the woman shouted. Aleks stopped. Everyone looked

at each other. Rhys could tell that everyone was hesitant to interfere now. They had no idea who this

woman was, but with that one statement, she confirmed she knew Rebecca, really knew her.

“Do you know each other?” Aleks asked.

“I am disowning this crazy heifer. Let me go, Abby!” Rebecca’s muffled voice shouted.

“Merry Christmas, everyone, I am doing great. I was kidnapped and tortured, but am mated and happy

now. By the way I’m pregnant. Love, Rebecca.” Abby released Rebecca and stood back, panting.

“What the fuck kind of Christmas card is that! Do you have any idea how frantic we have been? There

was no return address, we couldn’t find you! Cassandra was about to mobilize every Sentinel in the country

to look for you!” Abby shouted. Rebecca paled a bit.

“They only give you so many spaces to type your message on those design your own Christmas cards

online. I tried to give you the most information I could,” Rebecca said defiantly. Aleks wasn’t the only one

who covered his face with his hands. He, Kade, Beau and Liam sat back down.

“Gray was deployed, he nearly went AWOL to come home and look for you. Meg almost got fired and

arrested when she hacked into the NSA mainframe. Camille had contacted I don’t even want to know who

in her family’s mafia-like underworld to get a mini-army together to take out whoever was responsible for

BOOK: Fated Redemption [Kindred of Arkadia 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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