Fate (The Edge of Forever) (5 page)

BOOK: Fate (The Edge of Forever)
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“With the boots?” he asked. I smiled knowingly. “Awesome!” Shawn almost squealed like a girl, “He won’t be able to keep his hands off you in that.” He raised his eyebrow suggestively.

“Shawn...” I sighed, “You know that’s not even what I’m going for.”

“One can only hope, Gabs.”

Even after my rather delicious lunch, I returned to work feeling not quite satisfied, but as I busied myself everything else slipped from my mind. The rest of the day passed in a pretty similar fashion. By the end of the work day, I was a bundle of nerves. I didn’t have time to rush to Shawn’s so I headed to the restroom and quickly changed outfits. I double checked my makeup, applying a few touchups but otherwise it had held up pretty well.

At 6:05, I pulled up outside the restaurant where Grayson said to meet him. I had just exited the taxi after paying the driver, when I saw Grayson standing by the front door. He was dressed in a black suit, with no tie, which was an incredibly sexy look for him. As I approached, his eyes locked on me, piercing me in a way that I felt deep in my chest. I grinned when I saw what he held in his hand. It was a single white orchid to match the bouquet he sent me Saturday. Perhaps it was just luck that he chose my favorite flower, but I cherished the intention.

His eyes danced over me as he scanned my choice of apparel. “You look beautiful,” he whispered against my cheek, just before his lips brushed it in a delicate kiss. The small touch sent a wave on goose bumps down my whole right side.

“Thank you.” 

He handed me the flower then lead me into the restaurant with his hand on the small of my back. It had an elegant feel. Booths lined the walls and separated the different areas. Tables filled in the rest of the area throughout the room. The walls were a chestnut wood which matched the tables. Simple, yet elegant, chandeliers draped from the ceiling creating just the right amount of light that gave the hint of privacy, but still allowed you to see what was going on.

As soon as we entered, my stomach clenched, protesting in hunger. Crap. The whole place was full to the brim with people enjoying their dinner. My mouth began to water, but it wasn’t from the thought of food. It was thirst. I hadn’t fed today. Double crap. The earlier hunger I felt after lunch with Shawn suddenly came to mind. I wanted to kick myself. I should have known then what I needed.

“You alright?” Grayson asked me. I hadn’t realized I had frozen.

“Yeah. Just didn’t realize how hungry I was, until I smelled...” I exhaled the breath I didn’t even know I had been holding, which caused me to then inhale the sweet scent of all the people in the room. Their hearts pumping the nutrition I required. It was like my own personal blood buffet. “Food,” I finished quietly, almost whispering.

He chuckled, “Alright, let’s get you fed.”
 I only wish we could.

We were seated immediately at our table even though there was a swarm of people waiting at the door. It wasn’t until later I realized that the hostess never asked for Grayson’s name. When we were settled Grayson spoke again. “You should try the pasta. This place has the best...” I cut him off, “No. Steak,” Grayson’s brow furrowed with confusion at my interruption. I shook my head then smiled as naturally as I could, realizing how rude I must have sounded. “I’m sorry. I’ve just been dreaming about a steak for a while. I hope you don’t mind.”

He shook his head and the confusion dissolved from his face. “No, not at all. I like it when a woman knows what she wants.”

The waiter came by to take our order.

“I want the 13 oz. sirloin rare.”

“Alright, what sides would...”

I cut him off as well. “No sides. Just the steak,” I leaned in so only he could hear me, “and when I say rare, I mean bloody. I want it so that it barely passes health code standards. Understand?”

He nodded, not seeming bothered by my surly request.

After the waiter departed, Grayson sat across from me regarding me with an intensity that heated my skin. Even with my blood craving so intense, I was still aware of his effect.  

“What?” I asked trying my best not to snap. When thirst hit, I could become aggressive, moody and overall a Bitch with a capital B.

“Rare steak? No sides?” 

I sighed, “I know. It’s just 13oz is enough to fill me. I won’t have room for the sides and I don’t get to eat a whole lot of meat. My family is sort of... vegetarian.” That was putting it mildly.

“And here you are; the carnivore.”

I smiled not daring to show my teeth. I knew my fangs weren’t out but I wouldn’t risk it. “That’s me, the odd ball.” There was so much truth to that statement but I didn’t bother to elaborate.

I did my best to focus on the conversation but the sound of all the beating hearts surrounding me was very distracting. I could feel a cold bead of sweat beginning to drip down my forehead. I didn’t know how long I could last sitting in a room full of what I craved. I felt like a recovering addict enclosed in a closet with only the drug of their choice at their disposal and I was trying so hard not to give in. Luckily, we didn’t have to wait long for dinner. I had never been to a restaurant where I was seated and served so quickly. I almost ripped my plate from the waiter’s hand but used all my strength to withhold that urge. From the moment I put the first bite of steak in my mouth and sucked the blood from the hunk of flesh, the sound of blood pounding in my head eased. With each bite, I became less aware of all the other people around me and was finally able to enjoy Grayson’s company. The blood from the steak wasn’t enough to completely curb my thirst but made it more bearable until I could get home to feed properly. 

We talked about Grayson’s family. His parents were still married and he was the eldest of two sons. His parents lived in Boston, which was his home town. “What about you?” he asked.

“It’s just me and my mom.”

“No brothers or sisters?” he asked curiously.

“Nope,” I took a drink of my wine.

“Your dad?”

I shrugged. “I never knew him. My mom raised me by herself.”

“I’m sorry.” His face filled with pity and I knew he meant it.

“Don’t be.”

Grayson was nice enough to change the subject then. He gave me a half grin that said he was up to no good. “Any crazy exes I should know about? Anyone that might come along and try to steal you away?” he said jokingly.
If he only knew

“There’s just my friend Shawn, but he’s gay.” I laughed then sighed heavily. “Honestly?” He nodded seeing the seriousness on my face. “No exes to worry about, but ah...” I bit my lip as Grayson watched me carefully as he took another bite of his pasta. “I don’t want this to be a concern ’cause there is no way it will happen,
,” I paused, “but my mother has been trying to play matchmaker between me and... one of her friends.” I said slowly making sure I choose my words carefully. I couldn’t exactly say the truth. My mom was setting me up with her 400 year old maker.

He sat there studying me for a moment. “You have no interest in your mom’s...

“Absolutely not!” I raised my brow and shook my head, emphasizing my words.

He chuckled lightly and it stirred something deep in me. “You make it sound like it’s a ridiculous question,” he spoke with a wave of his hand.

I smiled. “If you knew the guy, you’d understand.” Shaking my head, I mumbled, “Will never happen in a million years.” He rolled his tongue over his lips, nodding his head. My cheeks flushed at the sensual ease of his movement.

“How are you enjoying your meal?” he gestured to my plate.

“It’s exquisite.” I took another bite. It practically melted in my mouth. “The chef did a fabulous job.”

“And what about the atmosphere?”

“It’s nice. It has a very welcoming feel to it.”

His lips pulled up in the corner in a knowing gesture. “If you could change something, what would it be?”

I eyed him suspiciously. “Are you trying to take a survey or something? Answer the questions and get a free dessert,” I joked.

He chuckled then sat up straighter. “As a matter of fact, I am. I own this restaurant.” He gestured around. “I wanted to know your honest opinion.” And then it started to make sense why we were being tended to so diligently.

“And here I thought you brought me here to enjoy my company,” I teased. “You thought I wouldn’t give you my honest opinion if I knew you owned it,” I beamed at him.

“The thought had crossed my mind.” He smiled with his eyes which was sexy as hell.

I looked around taking everything in. “Honestly?” I asked not wanting to offend him but knowing I might. He nodded, seriousness deepening in his eyes. I took a deep breath then continued, “I think the service needs a little work. Our waiter was professional but only because he knew who you were. But if you look around, he’s been slightly neglecting his other table to cater to us better. That couple over there,” I pointed behind him, trying not to make it obvious, “ordered their drink ten minutes ago. I understand being busy, but ten minutes for drinks?” I sighed, “Yes, you’re the boss, but getting the royal treatment in your own establishment isn’t the way to keep customers happy. If you want that, have a live in chef.”

He sat stunned for a moment. Eyes unblinking, lips slightly parted. “Wow!”

I shrugged, “You wanted honest?” I almost whispered, not looking at him. I hadn’t wanted to offend him and I really hoped I hadn’t.

“I did. But I didn’t think you’d be so... Honest.” I looked up at him and I didn’t hear anger in his voice. Grayson eyed our waiter, who was at another table. “I have noticed the same thing you’re saying when I’ve been here previously. But the fact that you noticed…” He studied me for a moment, “Did you know I owned this place?”

I shook my head slightly, “No. What, do you think I went home and did a Google search on you?” That was an interesting idea. Definitely had potential.

He shrugged. “Maybe.”
 He pulled his bottom lip between his teeth making me want to lean across the table and do it for him.

We talked and flirted. The subject changed and flowed from topic to topic never touching anything to long. Never had I completely lost myself in conversation making me forget my thirst, like talking with Grayson did.

After Grayson paid for dinner, he led me from the restaurant. Walking down the street, neither one of us called for a taxi. A cool breeze blew. Even in June there was a chill to the evening air. I ran my hands up my arms trying my best to warm them. Grayson noticed. Without a comment, he shrugged out of his suit jacket and slipped it around my shoulders. I looked up into his gray eyes, which looked smoky and mysterious. 

“Thanks,” I whispered, my eyes still locked to his. I inhaled deeply, breathing in his scent as it was now wrapped around me. It was sweet but manly.

“I’m glad that I gave you the wrong phone,” he said with a small smile. 

I giggled. “It’s almost like you planned it,” I said jokingly while eyeing him with feigned suspicion.

“Maybe I did?” I tuned in to his heartbeat. My hearing was my own personal lie detector. His heart was fast, but not from lying. I knew he hadn’t planned it even though the thought excited me. It had all just been fate. “It’s getting late,” he whispered as his finger pushed back a stray piece of hair, wrapping it behind my ear.

I nodded, not daring to say anything for fear the spell we were under would be broken. My breathing was fast, my heart was faster. I wanted him to kiss me and part of me wanted to compel him to, but I didn’t dare. That wasn’t how I wanted it to go. Although, I knew I wasn’t letting him get by with a peck on the cheek. He hovered so close but wouldn’t close the distance. I stepped into his body. My hand slowly slid up his hard chest and curled around the nape of his neck. I pulled lightly urging him down to my level. His lips pulled up in a half smile just before they pressed against mine. They were soft yet firm. My entire body tingled with sensation. I could feel it all the way down to my toes. 

It was over too quickly as he pulled back, and I let him. He rested his forehead against mine. “I’m going to hail you a cab,” he whispered and I nodded. “In a minute,” he groaned before his lips crushed against mine, silencing the giggle bubbling in my throat.

I savored his touch and taste. I knew no matter when the kiss ended, it would never have lasted long enough. I could kiss Grayson forever.




Grayson and I began seeing each other several times a week. My lie to my mother helped out profusely. I had never really dated anyone before so it was all a new experience. We would meet after work for dinner several nights a week. On those nights, my official story was I was “working late.” On the weekends, we’d spend the day together doing a variety of things throughout the city. After almost three weeks, I still hadn’t seen his apartment. He was always a gentleman, holding doors, pulling out chairs and not pressuring me further than a heavy make out session. We’d walk the streets of New York holding hands like a couple of teenagers. At the end of the night, Grayson would kiss me before hailing me a cab. He would always offer to have his driver take me home, which I always refused. I couldn’t risk the other vampires seeing me in an unfamiliar car. It would raise to many questions. 

BOOK: Fate (The Edge of Forever)
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