Read Fate (Choices #2) Online

Authors: Sydney Lane

Fate (Choices #2) (15 page)

BOOK: Fate (Choices #2)
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When she puts both hands on my chest and pushes
me backwards toward the bed, I'm eager to comply. This Quincy, taking-control-and-losing-inhibitions Quincy, is sexy as hell. She pushes until the backs of my knees hit the bed, and I fall to a sitting position on the end of the mattress. She licks her lips, concentrating on her movements.

"Sit. This is for you."

Standing before me, Little Miss Perfect slowly slides her dress straps over her shoulders, allowing the light blue fabric to fall to the ground.
Fuck me.
Slowly, she reaches for her bra, and my patience loses hold. I can't stand it another moment. I have to put my hands on her, needing to touch her, to brand her in this moment.

"No. I get to unwrap the rest. Tonight, babe, you are mine." And I unwrap her
little by little, so agonizingly slow, as to savor each moment.

Nearly bare, yet completely exposed, in front of me, she moves to stand
between my legs. Pulling her closer, I lower my mouth to her neck, then her breasts, perfect in size and all mine. Her knees weaken as she sags against me, and my arousal becomes painful. I lick, touch, and kiss my way across her body until she pushes me backwards. I lean up on my elbows, watching her move on top of me. With her legs on each side, she straddles me, moving her hips against mine. She still has her panties on, but I can feel her heat and moisture through them. I push my hips up into her, allowing her to explore her own responses.

"Shit, baby. You feel so good
," I whisper reassurances, urging her on. Something tells me she needs this, needs to feel as if she's in control, and I let her take me. I place my hands on her hips to steady her, and she begins riding me harder, her back arched, gliding back and forth until she stills in my hands and her body pulses against me. She finds release just when I think I might explode, her small cries making me grow harder.

"I thought you were beautiful before, but damn, Quince, that was breathtaking." When
she sags against me, I roll over, flipping her onto her back beneath me. It takes everything I have to leave her there, but I have to take care of business. No way I'm not going to protect her.

I reach for my jeans and search for the condom I know is there. Quincy watches as I roll it on, her curiosity overriding her shyness.
When I step between her legs, she parts them, allowing me access. The sudden need to be inside her takes control, and I kneel. I run my hands up her thighs, her skin smooth and warm, inviting my touch. Cupping her ass, I pull her hips up to meet mine. I want her more than I've ever wanted anyone.

"I need you too much, baby." The words are wrenched from my throat as I rip her panties off and throw them to the floor.
Now, there is nothing keeping us apart but ourselves.

With one thrust, I bury myself inside of her. My hips grind into hers, each thrust taking me closer to the edge. Our sweat-covered bodies glide over one another, the friction feeding the
fire within me. I grip her hips hard, digging my fingers into the soft skin there. Her fists clench the sheets, and she tosses her head back and forth, accepting me, wanting me as much as I want her. Her hips rise to meet mine, thrust for thrust, until we climax together. When I fall on top of her, she wraps her legs around me, holding me close. Eventually, our breathing becomes more controlled, and I fall back to earth.

Rolling to the side, I dispose of the condom. Immediately, my body reacts to the loss of connection. I want to stay buried inside of her all night, but I don't want to hurt her. As I pull her close to me, I feel her stiffen
, locking herself away behind her quickly erected walls.

"Stop worrying, Quince." I place a soft kiss on the back of her neck, breathing in the
faint scent of vanilla, and whisper, "Night, babe."

Only when she relaxes in sleep do I allow myself to drift away. I feel as if we've finally crossed a bridge, and
even though it terrifies me, I'm content. For the first time in weeks, I sleep like a baby.



Chapter 29


I'm awake, but I pretend to be asleep when she rolls over to study me.
She thinks she's so sly, but she has no idea that I've been awake, watching her, long before she woke up. Her eyes roam over me, and a blush steals across her cheeks. And suddenly, all of me is awake, if you get what I'm sayin'. When her eyes return to my face, I can't hide my smile.

"Like anything you see?" I can't resist an opportunity to goad her. She's so damn adorable. And sexy as hell with her
messy, long hair all over the place.

"I was thinking that even the devil looks angelic when he's asleep." Devil? Yes. Angel? No. But right now, I'll be whatever she needs me to be.

"The devil? Does the devil make you feel like this?" I roll over suddenly, pushing her into the bed beneath me. I roll my hips into hers, my erection pressing between her thighs. And I'll be damned if she doesn't respond to me. I take both of her wrists in my hand, pinning her hands above her head, as I kiss her neck, licking the valley of her throat. "Tell me, Quince. Do you want me to stop?"

She moans, the sexiest sound I've ever heard, and whispers her answer
, "Brody." My lips lazily graze her chest, her breasts, and her stomach before returning to her lips. When she locks her knees around my hips, urging me forward, I give in. I linger at her entrance, giving her the reins once more. Suddenly, her hips surge forward, drawing me inside. This is the closest thing to heaven I've ever had. She wanted the devil, but I got the angel.

Afterwards, we lay together, never breaking contact. I must doze off for a few minutes because the sound of voices in the hallway startle
s me awake. Quincy instantly freezes against me, fear on her face.

"Stop it, Quince. I'll take care of it." Sliding out of the bed, completely nude, I walk across the room to grab some clothes. I can feel her eyes on my back, but when she speaks, it isn't what I expect.

"Brody, is that another fraternity symbol on your back?" Of all of the girls who have seen my tattoo, no one has ever asked what it means.

“The symbol in the middle is the Celtic sign for fate. I got it a couple years ago when I was reflecting on how much our lives depend on fate. We deny it; we may even fight it
, but no one can avoid it.” I take a deep breath and exhale. Every time I open my mouth, I give her another piece of me. Of all my tattoos, this is the one that means the most.

I dress with my back to her
, knowing that if I look at her again, I may not leave this room. And maybe that would be easier than walking out of here and lying to my brothers. "Get dressed, and I'll be back to get you in a minute." As I open the door and close it behind me, I wish there was a way to stay locked away with her.

By the time I
walk through the house, I've brushed off several offers to meet for breakfast at IHOP and agreed to meet for Rush week planning. Eric meets me in the hall, shaking his head. I guess Jenna told him about last night.

"Is she still here?"
he asks, a look full of contempt on his face.

"Yeah. I'm going next door to get some doughnuts from Ralph's, and then, I'm going to the Rush meeting. You?" I can only describe the vibe between us as awkward. He's torn between his brotherhood and our friendship.
Well, welcome to my world.

"Grab us a few doughnuts, too, and we can leave together. Jenna is still here, so she can drive her home."
I can tell he's annoyed, but I'm not about to start supplying excuses. I've made a mistake, but I'm going to make it right. Somehow.

Walking over to Ralph's, I can't erase the smile on my face. Quincy is waiting for me. In my room
, right where she belongs. I'm beginning to think I have a thing for her being in my personal space. I have the vision in my head. Quincy can let Declan down gently, whatever that means. We can keep things quiet for a while, and when a suitable amount of time goes by, I can ask her out. For once, I feel things working out, and I don't even try to look ahead.

Doughnuts in hand, I return to the house. Like last night, I take the stairs two at a time
; however, this time, I'm excited about what awaits me. I quickly stop by Eric's room to drop off his doughnuts. Maybe it'll earn me some points with Jenna.

Next, my room. Pushing the door open, I find Quincy looking at the pictures pegged to a corkboard above my desk. She startles, turning toward me, but smiles when she sees me. I could so get used to this.

"Guess what? We are alone except Eric and Jenna, and..." I pause, bringing the doughnuts out from behind my back. "I brought breakfast." She grins, clasping her hands in front of her. When she does a cute bouncy thing, my heart flips in my chest. "You can thank me later." And by 'later', I mean today.

We sit on the floor together, devouring the best butter twists known to man, licking the glaze from our fingers. Neither of us speaks, but we don't have to. Our bodies do it for us. Every touch, every glance, electricity sparks between us.

A loud knock on the door breaks the sexual tension that we're drowning in. Quincy jumps, nervous as a cat, but I'm not surprised because I already know who it is. I've brought her the next best thing after doughnuts. Jenna. When I open the door, Jenna steps in, her eyes darting between Quincy and me.

“Now that you are in good hands, I have to go meet the guys to work on some Rush week stuff.
" I lean down and place a kiss on her head before I walk to the door. "Later."

Before the door even closes, the chatter starts. I know they're in there trading stories, and even though that should bother me, it doesn't. I know girls have the innate desire to share secrets and bond with each other. I just don't get it.



Chapter 30


I haven't been able to wipe the smile off my face since yesterday, and I'm sure it was obvious to the guys. Seth scowled at me all day, and Eric tried his best to ignore me. Nothing could ruin my mood. I'm in it to win it.

I woke up early this morning, and I have a surprise planned for Quincy. I hate mornings
, and under normal circumstances, I have to drag myself out of bed. I lay awake all night, planning this little adventure in my head. Today is not about sex. It's about getting to know Quincy, but if sex happens to be involved, I won’t be opposed. Show me a guy who would be, and I'll sell him a unicorn.

I wait as long as I can before picking up my phone, finding her in my contacts, and hitting
the call button. When she answers, her voice hints of hesitation laced with curiosity. Well, she'd better get used to it because today is all about surprises.

"Mornin', Quince. Did I wake you?" I can't hide the childlike excitement in my voice.

“I’m conscious and breathing, but I haven’t convinced myself to get out of bed yet. Why? What’s up?” Her voice is grainy and hoarse, lacking morning cheer. So, maybe Little Miss Perfect isn't a morning person either.

“Can you be ready in thirty
minutes? I’ll pick you up.”
Please say yes, please say yes, please...

"Um, sure." I can hear movement in the background, and her voice grows cautious. "Where are we going?" Nope. Today is about surprises, and I really think she'll like what I have planned. I don't know much about her, but I know she loves nature.

“To the cabin. I’ve got something to show you. Be prepared to swim.” Now, I only said I wasn't trying to get her naked. I didn't say anything about getting her in as little clothing as possible.

Ok. Gotta go. See you in a minute.” She's in a hurry, and if I know anything about girls, I would bet my Jeep that she's running around trying to figure out what to wear. I couldn’t care less about what she has on. Seriously, I only remember how she smells and the feel of her skin against mine. I can't remember what she wore when. Well, except for a certain pair of cowboy boots I wouldn't mind seeing again.

I throw on a cap and get dressed quickly, rushing out the door before anyone notices I'm gone. It's just easier that way. No lying. No excuses.

At Quincy's dorm, I wait out front, hoping she doesn't back out. When I see her bounce down the steps, I am captivated. She looks amazing in simple shorts, a tank top, and hiking boots. Again, no make-up. Well, not that I can tell. Some girls have learned the art of putting on make-up to make it look like they aren't wearing any. I don't think Quincy is one of those girls.

She hops into the Jeep, and I pull away.
We don’t make it out of parking lot before the questions spill from her lips. "So, what do you want to show me?" Again, a little excitement mixed with anxiety. Without thinking, and totally by instinct, I reach out and pat her thigh, my thumb grazing the soft skin there. It feels so natural, like maybe she really does belong to me, that I leave it there for a few minutes, taking her in.

“I guess you’ll just have to s
ee when we get there. I think you’re going to like it.”

"No fair! I don't even like surprises!" She giggles, making my mind go in directions it shouldn't
, especially when I'm hitting seventy on the interstate. I can only imagine the reason she doesn't like surprises. She really doesn't like not being the one in control. Another piece of the puzzle.

After she settles in her seat, she turns her head toward the window, watching the miles go by. Her hair blows gently in the wind, releasing little curls around her face. I steal a few glances at her, and for once, she looks content, like she's in the Jeep with me and not wherever she goes in her head sometimes. She smiles to herself, as if she's in on a big secret I'm not a part of. I love it. I'm finally seeing the real Quincy, not the one she shows the world.

As soon as I park, I jump down from the Jeep and walk to her side. Slinging open her door, I take her hand and help her down. My arms run up her sides, and I wrap her in my arms.

We can’t do anything else until we get this out of the way.” I cup her cheek in my hand, rubbing my thumb over her pouty bottom lip. "I dreamed about these lips last night."
And the night before...
Cupping her head in my palm, I lower my mouth to hers. She willingly opens her lips, allowing me to invade her mouth. Her tongue meets mine, doing a little exploring of its own. She wraps her arms around me and moans against my lips, causing my shorts to become uncomfortably tight. I pull away, warning her, "If you keep that up, you won’t ever get to see my surprise. It’s supposed to rain later, so we better get going.” There's no way I want to get caught outside in a storm, even if I am with her.

I smile to myself as I watch a very flustered, very turned
-on, Quincy try to apply sunscreen. I take the bottle from her shaking hands and pour some into my palm. Very gently, I use my fingertips to massage sunscreen down her nose and across her cheek bones. Her skin is so fair and flawless that I'd hate to see it get burned. She closes her eyes while I smooth the cream in, and it takes everything in me to back down.

We walk to the edge of the woods, I direct her to the trail I use with the guys, and we step into the cover of the trees. It's
fall, so the leaves are turning all sorts of colors. It's beautiful in its own right, but this isn't what I wanted to show her. We walk in silence, each of us setting our own pace. A few times, I get ahead of her and slow down so she can follow. I swear I'm not being rude; I'm just excited.

Out of nowhere, she asks, "Brody, what do you like about me?" I stop in my tracks, not sure I heard her correctly. This could be a trick question, and the odds are, I will fail the test. I begin walking again, thinking about how to answer her honestly. There isn't any one thing I like. It's all of her. I turn around, facing her, needing to see her face when I say it.

"Everything." That one word says it all. I want to know all there is to know about her. I turn away, breaking the tension that hums between us. We have to get a move on or it’s going to rain on us.

At the edge of the woods, above the valley, I pause. I've already seen this
, but she hasn't, and I want her to get the full effect. I take her hand in mine, pulling her into the clearing. She gasps beside me and steps forward. She extends her hands out to her sides, turning in circles, with a look of complete awe on her face.

This is the valley Seth and I stumbled upon. The entire field is in bloom with fall flowers, and there are hundreds of butterflies. I don't know how I missed this my whole life, but I'd never seen this before. I actually looked into it and found that this particular kind of butterfly h
angs around until the very end of autumn, toughing it out after all of the others die. After the flowers die, the butterflies do, too. They have a short life span, but for that brief time, they make my valley a wonderland.

And she likes it.

"I know you said you would love to see the snow on the mountains, but I didn’t want you to miss this. It’s even prettier in the spring, but this only lasts a few weeks before the leaves fall.” This is my home, and I'm sharing it with the first girl I ever brought here.

Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, she says,
“Oh, Brody, this is beautiful! I love it!”
so beautiful. Maybe I love

Pushing my thoughts aside, I guide her toward the trees along the edge of the valley.
“This is only part of your surprise. Come on, it’s just a little farther. I found these years ago when I was exploring the farm.” The hot springs running along the edge of the property are the real reason I brought her here.

Quincy looks at the creek with steam rising from the water and asks, "What is it?"

“It’s a hot spring. The spring runs down from the mountains, and it pools here. The water is about waist deep. Come on.” Throwing my cap down on the ground, I reach over my shoulder and pull my shirt over my head. I turn to Quincy, arching an eyebrow, when she hesitates. So we're back to this again? Her hiding her body from me? I walk to her, giving her my best
come hither
look. I smile as I reach for her shirt.

"Here. Let me help you with that." I pull her shirt up and over her head. When she lifts her arms, I brush a finger down her inner arm, that tender touch causing her to shiver. Reaching for her shorts, I kneel as I tug them over her hips and down her legs. From my view down here, she looks perfect. I stand in front of her, wondering just what I did to deserve this girl. "See? That wasn't bad at all."
I almost came in my shorts, but it wasn't bad. I can promise you that.
A shy smile transforms her face, a sparkle in her eye.

"It's not fair when you distract me to get your way." Walking over to the water, she dips a foot in, and quickly jumps back. I catch her before she tips over. "I thought it was warm."

I laugh, moving toward a deeper area downstream. "Not there. Over here." To show her I'm not lying, I wade into the water. Immediately, I feel the stress of the last few weeks releasing from my shoulders. The water is warm, much like a bath.

She follows me in, walking over to a rock that hangs out into the water. When she pulls herself up on the rock, allowing her feet to dangle in the water, I can't resist temptation.
I wade over, standing between her parted legs. I gotta admit, I always liked a girl with a nice tan, but there is something about the creamy color of her skin and the way it pinkens wherever I touch it that does me in. She leans back, her hands on the rock behind her, closes her eyes, and sighs in pleasure. Without meaning to, every movement, every sound she makes, turns me on.

"I thought you didn't like surprises."

She leans forward, wrapping her arms around my neck, "Brody, you can surprise me like this anytime." She lowers her face to mine, our lips only a breath apart, as she uses her deep, chocolate brown eyes to hypnotize me. "Kiss me," she breathes.

I don't have to be asked twice. I forcefully slant my lips over hers, parting her
mouth with my tongue. Running my hands up her legs, I urge them around my waist, my arousal evident as it brushes her inner thigh. When I pull away, she's watching me, her eyes hooded with long, dark eyelashes. Desire pools in her bottomless eyes, her true feelings on display for the first time I can remember.

"I could stay here forever if you always looked at me just like that." I get lost in her eyes, wondering again, just what it
was about Quincy Priest that reeled me in. "Everything." The word slips from my lips. She looks confused, even concerned, so I clarify, "I like everything about you, Quince. I like the way those little wisps of hair frame your face. I love your eyes, so deep I lose myself in them. Those lips I can’t resist. But I like
, Quince. The first time I saw you, I was drawn to you. I knew right then that you would turn my world upside down. It scared the hell out of me, but I knew I’d follow you anywhere.” A lump forms in my throat, and for the first time since Paige, I put my heart on the line.

I search her eyes for any hint of emotion, but she doesn't say a word. Instead, she wraps her arms around my neck, her lips meeting mine halfway. When her small hands fist in my hair,
I escape, jumping over the edge feet first. The kiss deepens, and my body overheats in the warm water.

A low rumble with a sharp clap instantly brings me back to reality. I jump, nervously checking the sky for signs o
f rain. If there is anything I'm afraid of, it's thunderstorms.

"Sounds like we better head back." When I back away
from Quincy, a soft giggle stops me. "What? You think this is funny?" Before she can move away, I capture her, holding her still as I tickle her ribs. Her laugh drowns out the distant thunder."Now you know my secret. I don't like thunder and lightning."

I grew up in the South where these storms are common, but it doesn't mean I like them any more than I like the tornado
es that power through here from time to time. I've seen the damage Mother Nature can do. Just as beautiful and striking as she can be, she can be just as powerful and destructive. Doesn't help that my grandma told me a story about a man who got struck dead by a flash of lightning, charring him on the spot.

"Oh, come on, scaredy cat."
She takes my hand, and I let her lead me from the water. We quickly towel off and throw our clothes on. I wouldn't mind if she walked back in her bathing suit, but I guess that might be too much to ask.

The heat bears down on us, making it harder to breathe as the humidity moves in. I walk behind Quincy,
watching her small hips sway. She's delicate but trim, her thighs and calves well-defined. I’ve always heard that big things sometimes come in small packages.

With another rumble of thunder, I catch up to Quincy, taking her hand in mine. We walk faster, but the rain
moves in quick. Just as we reach the tree line, the bottom falls out of the sky, drenching our already wet bodies.

Quincy drops my hand, running out into the yard, away from the protection of the trees. Instead of making a dash for the house, she stops about midway
and raises her hands to the sky. Laughing, she turns in circles, allowing the rain to wash over her. When she reaches her hand out to me, I hesitate for a split second before I run out to meet her.

BOOK: Fate (Choices #2)
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