Fantasy Curves 269 (BBW SF Erotic Romance and Domination) (3 page)

BOOK: Fantasy Curves 269 (BBW SF Erotic Romance and Domination)
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Unraveling his hands from my hair, he pinned my shoulders against the mattress and smiled down at me. "I do believe you enjoyed that, love."

His statement was odd. Droids are not sentient. They do not enjoy, only feign a simulacrum of receiving pleasure. But they fake it with a physiological mirror, mimicking, for example, the way my cunt twitched and coiled around his still erect shaft.

And they verbalize.

"Yes, I enjoyed it very much, Master." Smiling, I nodded.

He dipped his head down and delivered a quick kiss that barely ghosted across my lips. "Master Vance."

"Master Vance," I repeated, my pussy delivering an extra squeeze that forced a moan from his throat.

That he was still hard confused me. "Master Vance, have you not taken your pleasure?"

His smile lazy, Vance pulled out and repositioned me on my side. He hooked a hand behind my top leg, pushing it forward and up, and then he straddled my other leg. His free hand pushing his cock down, he slowly eased into me.

"Ooh…Master Vance…" I curled my arms up and over my head, lustfully panting as Vance seemed to thicken inside me with the new position. "Please tell me. Have you taken your pleasure?"

Amusement rumbled deep inside his chest and he made a slow, dragging retreat from my cunt, stopping with the fat head lodged just inside my gate. He rocked his hips, his cock gently and repeatedly hitting that spongy knot of tissue inside me that sent spikes of pleasure racing through my lower body.

"You mean did I fill your sweet pussy with my cum?" Still holding my leg in position with one hand, he rubbed the other hand from my hip up to my shoulder, kneading my flesh before seizing and squeezing one ripe breast.

I nodded. "Yes, Master Vance. That is what I meant."

He speared sharply, retreated gently. "No."

The hand at my breast moved down to rub at my clit, the angle of my leg spreading my labia so that he had full access.

He groaned. "But I am most definitely taking my pleasure, love."

Eyes rolling back in my head, I shuddered and clamped down on his cock. There was another chuckle from him as he pinched my clit and pulled it taut.

"You’re lubing overtime. So thick and sweet, baby. Don’t know that I’ve seen one of your kind this soaked."

I jerked, moaned, the pressure inside and out so deliciously intense I was certain I would burst at any second.

"Damn… that little groan of yours, that’s so fucking hot. I want to fuck you all night long.”

All night?

I couldn't allow myself more than the hour. Vance was lost in the moment, his body too aroused for his mind to process all the little clues that should have told him I was human. An entire night would reveal me for the fraud I am.

I pressed my lips together and shook my head at him.

"No?" His laugh told me he took my response as a challenge -- one he accepted and intended to win.

Releasing my leg and clit, he shifted so that I was two-thirds on my stomach. His cock still in me, he stretched backwards and extended his arm toward the wall. I heard the faint, automatic pump of a liquid from one of the service stations built into the wall. A second later, he spread my ass cheeks and a warm gel dripped onto my anus.

Oh, hell, he was going to take both holes at once!

His cock throbbing but otherwise at rest within my pussy, Vance patiently thumbed, then fingered, then thumbed the opening of my ass into submission. As the muscle stretched to accommodate him, he eased another finger in, stroking down to the base knuckles several times before adding a third finger.

"Look at me, love."

Looking back over my shoulder, I stared at his face. Grinning, he gently rotated his fingers, twisting and sliding the digits as his cock took up an equally tender pace inside my cunt.

"Breathe, baby, I don’t want you overheating and short circuiting any more sensors."

I panted like a sick cat. Mewled like one, too, as I began to seesaw my hips, bearing down hard against his cock and then jerking against the slide of his fingers. His free hand clutched my hip, trying to tame its wild bucking as I rode fingers and cock.

Building…building…so close…a sweet burn flushing my skin as I couldn't stop tightening around him. "Oh, yes, Master Vance…coming…please…”

I heard him murmur "so goddamn beautiful…" and then another climax slammed through me, leaving me crying Vance’s name as my world contracted down to one sensation and the man delivering it.


Leaving me twitching and moaning on the bed, Vance eased from me. He was still hard, with just my juices covering his beautiful cock. I watched him work the sensors on the cube, feeding credits into the reader from the transmitter chip embedded in his wrist. A panel slid back, offering him access to a sanitation unit.

I knew from advertisements that the cube likely had more panels hiding things like music, movies and mirrors. I'd never indulged, even without a lover. Vance, however, worked the cube like a regular. Finished cleaning his hands, he crossed to the opposite wall and tapped away at a touch pad.

With each tap of his fingers against the pad, the room transformed itself. Music came on, a slow tribal beat with the foreign words sounding like grunts and moans to my sex-fevered mind. The ceiling became a kaleidoscope of lights, bathing our bodies in different colors.

Without Vance touching me, I grew acutely self-conscious. Sitting up, I drew my knees to my chest and watched him. He eyed me from the side. The brow visible to me lifted in an inquiring arch.

Right, I was about to blow my cover. Pleasure droids don't act self-conscious unless the client communicates the preference. I tilted my chin up to mirror the slight indifference of an automaton.

"How would you like me positioned, Master Vance?"

Swallowing hard, he pointed at the edge of the bed. "Face that wall. Hands and knees.”

I did as directed and stared at the blank paneled wall. I saw the shadow of his arm as he tapped one last time at the touch pad and then a screen slid down from the ceiling.

"You’re recording--" I choked down the rest of my question. A pleasure droid wouldn't care if it was being recorded. It certainly wouldn't sound half hysterical.

"Hey, yeah, let’s do that, too." Another tap and I winced at his enthusiasm. "I just wanted the screen on so I can still see your face.”

My face?

No, that wasn’t right. I didn’t need to worry about him seeing my face, just the one he’d programmed the mask to display. I looked at the screen, waiting for it to come into focus as he fiddled with the camera controls.

I wondered whom he pretended the pleasure droids were when he screwed them. Would I recognize her face? Was she a real girl or a construct?

Staring hard at the screen to find out, I felt the slow journey of his hand down my bottom. He hooked his thumb inside my cunt as his fingers slid along the spine of my clit. My eyes crossed with pleasure, the screen blurring further out of focus.

"Hmm… you’d think it was broken."

I looked over my shoulder at him, his teasing tone unmistakable. He wasn’t looking at the screen. Instead his gaze was fixed at the juncture of my thighs where he languorously stroked my pussy.

"Maybe if you used both hands?" I suggested, trying to uncross my eyes.

"Here?" He tapped the touch pad before tightening his grip on my cunt. "Or here?”

Squeezing my eyes shut, I shook my head. It was rude, his expecting me to express a coherent thought while he kept touching my like that, his whole hand possessing the various sectors of my cunt.

I opened my eyes in time to see Vance glance up at the screen and smile.

"Ah, problem solved.”

My gaze jerked forward, my heart stalling as I saw my own face. That was wrong. Was the mask malfunctioning, showing translucent when it shouldn’t?

I studied the image, looking for the visual clues that the mask was working and the face only looked a little like mine or …

Vance leaned over me and used his lips to push my hair off my shoulder. Supporting his weight with one arm, he eased his hand from my pussy and threaded it beneath and around my chest to grasp my opposite shoulder. Cinching me closer, he pushed into me, his cock rock hard as it filled my cunt.

His lips brushed along my neck. "Do you like the face I picked?"

The face on the vid mask looked too much like me. Even the muted pink eye shadow that I hadn't worn since… My stalled heart gave a shuddering thump as I realized that I had worn that shade during my last trip to Tina's office, which was also the last time I saw Vance.

This couldn't be! Did he know?

"You don't like it?" he teased, sucking at my ear lobe.

Did he know?

He picked the slower back beat of the music to move with, kissing and sucking along my neck to drive the question from my mind. With each kiss and stroke of his cock, I told myself that the face only looked like mine. He didn't know and he wasn't playing me because no one could be so great an actor that I felt like he was actually worshipping my body -- every last curve and roll of flesh.

Taking the lobe of my ear between his teeth, he gently tugged at it before stopping to whisper. "You remind me of a girl I know, love."

I froze -- unsure I'd heard him correctly. He froze with me, his gaze on the onscreen version of my face. He placed his lips against my ear again.

"Sensors acting up?”

I stared at the wall where Vance’s pixel-twin stared back. He had a smooth smile on his face, the expression a mix of muted curiosity and smoldering-hot need. My throat too tight to speak, I nodded at him.

He laughed.

"Don’t look so worried. I’m not about to ask for a refund." He offered a random thrust as collateral, his eyes slowly closing. "Not when you’re so tight and so very, very wet.”

"Right… I just…" I blinked and the mask’s video transmitters mimicked my stress, followed a second later by the camera’s feed of the same image. "I just didn’t hear what you said.”

Evading my question, Vance grabbed my hips and found the music’s rhythm once more. Filled with him, I dropped my head, moaning and letting his hard thrusts rock me back and forth. I had come and come again but he had continued to postpone his own climax. His cock slowly thickened with each thrust, taking me hard and deep as he continued to ignore my unspoken request.

He slowed. A single slide of his cock, from its tip down to its wide base, lasted long seconds. I fought his leisurely possession of my cunt with deep breaths, forcing myself to look at the screen and catch his gaze. "Tell me what you said. I just want to please you.”

"You are." Letting go of me for an instant, he turned the music up, drowning out anything else I might say beneath the thump-thump of a heavy bassline.

He mouthed something -- something that looked like
come for me again
-- and then he was thrusting and pulling, dizzying me up with the hard in and out. Swollen and heavy, my breasts hung low, the tips rubbing and catching against the bed with each bump of his hips against my ass.

Heat blistered my skin and I tightened around him. When I dropped my head a second time, he wrapped my hair around his hand and pulled my gaze back onto the screen where the whisper of need and pleasure shimmered across our faces.

He released my hair to run his fingers along my spine. His thrusts had lost the thread of the music’s beat. He gentled his pace to one that was slow and deep, squeezing at my thighs and hips and forcing my legs further apart until I was swaybacked and panting.

His gaze swung between my face on the screen and my cunt in a steady pendulum of want and calculation. With as many climaxes as he had wrung from me, he knew I was close once more -- he could read the quiver in my lip as it played across the screen and the tension that made my thighs shake.

Flipping me roughly onto my back, Vance swiftly reentered. He cradled the back of my skull with his hands, tilting my head to study my face. A building climax marched across my features. I lifted my brows, the motion lost behind the mask, and stretched my mouth in a trembling smile.

"You're so beautiful." He rubbed his cheek against mine, his voice just audible over the music. "Do you believe me?”

Was this it -- was this the moment he had been waiting for to unmask my fraud or did he really want to know?

He hugged me tighter, kissed hard against the edge of my jaw as he pushed deep inside me and held. "Believe me."

I couldn't. Why would he say it to me or a droid, especially a droid that looked like me? People drastically altered their appearance monthly, weekly if they were rich enough, to match current fashions. No one changed their face or body to look like Morgan Macy, the plump, bookish research assistant only a handful of people even know exists.

"Beautiful, desirable, so very, very fuckable." His strokes increased in force and speed, his own release closing in on him as his brows and mouth contorted. "Believe me."

Vance claimed my mouth, the pressure almost desperate as he drove home the last few, straining thrusts. His tongue swept against my palate, his muscles contracting to hold me tightly to him. I wrapped my arms and legs around him, clinging as he pushed my senses completely over the edge.

He broke the kiss and I squeezed at him -- legs and arms, hands and cunt. Holding, grinding and gasping, I begged him, "Please come with me this time.”

He kissed me, silencing my pleas. His hand found my breast, closed possessively around it to stroke and squeeze, the word "mine" falling from him in a whisper over and over as he kissed my throat.

His muscles seized and, trembling, he said it one last time.



I drifted out from the haze of my climax to Vance caressing my cheek with his thumb, his gaze locked on my face. Rolling onto his side, he pulled me to him.

"Come home with me.”

Swallowing my surprise, I shook my head. Every minute I spent with him increased my risk of exposure. I couldn’t laugh off what I had said or how I had said it. Nor could I forget what he had said when he thought he was talking to a pleasure droid.

BOOK: Fantasy Curves 269 (BBW SF Erotic Romance and Domination)
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