Faithfully (Club Decadence) (4 page)

BOOK: Faithfully (Club Decadence)
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, she still wasn’t reassured and he could tell by the way she was wringing her hands.

“What else is bothering you, darlin’?”

“I got… uh, well… you know. At the end I, uh got off.”

“You sure did, babe
and it was spectacular.  But if you think that’s strange, dirty or even kinky, relax. Cause if you get off on getting a spanking, I’m just as twisted for enjoying giving you one.”

She looked at him, surprised.  “You liked it?”

“How could I not with you lying naked across me?  That beautiful behind presented like a gift. Your skin is soft and gets warm and pink beneath my hand.  And you jiggle wonderfully with every swat.”  He laughed at her frown, knowing
had gotten to her.  “I like your jiggle.  I like a woman with some meat on her bones. Who’d want to get busy with a skeleton with no butt? Not me.”

‘Not you, huh?  That’s good, cause
I got a double share, mine and some poor skinny girl’s butt, too.”  Giggling, she wrapped her arms around his neck and cuddled up against him. She stopped when she felt him poking her in the belly, hard and ready. “I guess you really did like giving me that spanking.”

but I would have preferred to stop after the warm up.  I’d rather just give you a playful spanking, so you’re gonna have to make it up to me and reward me for all my efforts. Besides, you’ve already had yours.”  Capturing her mouth in a scorching kiss, he paused long enough to whisper, “I want you on top this time. Ride me, baby.”

Without hesitation
, she moved to straddle him.

Uh-uh.  Turn around and face the other way.  I want to watch that glorious spanked ass as you ride.”

Blushing scarlet, she
turned around.  His hands went immediately to her warm bottom and she felt him spread her cheeks.  Startled, she looked back to see him grinning.  “I don’t want to miss anything.  While I‘m away, I’ll lie in bed at night with only my hand to keep me company, so I want some good memories.”

As she slid down his shaft she groaned. 
“You are so naughty, your words alone are going to make me come.”

“Don’t you
dare. It’s my turn for a reward.”  He slapped her butt to get her started as if she was his horse back in Texas.

Rising up in outrage she squealed, “Peter!”

“Lord have mercy woman, you’re killing me. Now quit putzin' around and ride me.”  As she started to raise and lower her hips, he sighed in satisfaction.  His hands wrapped around her hips helping to guide her in this new position, thumbs still holding her cheeks apart so he could enjoy the view.  “That feels so good, Darlin’. Who knew that a city bred Bostonian could ride the hell out of it?”



Fort Devens, MA



Did you get them down?”

“Yep, no problems.”

“They always go to sleep so easy for their daddy.”

That’s because my kisses have magic powers.” 

“I’ll vouch for that.”

Walking up behind her, he hurdled the couch in a sideways leap and landed on the seat beside her.  “With my promotion, I’ll be around a lot more to help you do that.  Did you put the movie in the VCR?”

I am so glad and yes I did.  I put your drink on the end table, too.”

Puzzled by her cryptic answer, he l
eaned over to retrieve the glass and took a sip.  “How many of these  have you had already?”

“Only one, Goofy.
And I meant I’m so glad that you are going to be around more and yes the movie is in the VCR.  I guess being around a two and four year old all day hasn’t done much for my grammar.”

He huffed a small laugh at being called Goofy
but let it slide.  “This is really good, what is it?”

“It’s called a s
creaming orgasm.”  She couldn’t say it with a straight face and broke out in a fit of giggles.

You’re such a naughty girl,” he teased, but laughed along with her.  “I taste the Bailey’s. What else do you have in here?”

“Vodka and Kahlua
, so go easy or you’ll fall asleep during the movie.”

“Jeez Jo, you talk like I’m ancient.
I’m only 36 and besides, this movie is supposed to be really steamy so it should hold my interest.”  He wiggled his eyebrows at her as he reached for the remote.  “I’m sorry we couldn’t do something more fun on our anniversary, baby.  Like out to dinner or to the club to play.”

“I can’t think of anything more
fun and romantic than snuggling up to my man while we watch a steamy romance.” 

“Yeah… We’ve really got to work on finding some babysitters.”  Settling back he wrapped an arm around her and snuggled her close as "9 ½ Weeks" starring Mickey Rourke and Kim Basinger started playing. 

Later, as
the credits rolled, Jo picked up their drinks and headed toward the kitchen.  “Do you want another?”

“I’ll pass.  Did you like the movie?”

Coming back from the kitchen with a troubled look on her face, she took her seat next to him.  “Some of the scenes were really hot, but the couple and their relationship were disturbing.”

“How so?

“Well, I know
they went into it as a fling.  But the way he dominated her, made her dependent on him sexually and emotionally and acted as if he cared for her bothered me.   It was hot at first, but then it got twisted.  I wanted to turn it off when he brought in the hooker and forced her to watch them having sex.  She was hurt and I felt bad for her.  He was a scumbag.”

“Don’t hold back, darlin’.  Tell me how you really feel.”

“Ha Ha.”  She looked at him curiously.  “Did you like it?  He really dominated her.”  Like you do to me sometimes, she thought but kept that to herself.

“I th
ought the guy was a prick.”

“Don’t hold back, darlin’
…”  She laughed, relieved he hadn’t gotten any ideas for a threesome.

Pulling her close, he swatted
her butt lightly. “Let me finish.  The guy was a prick for using the woman and leading her on, but the BDSM stuff was hot.  I’d actually like to look into that a little more.”

“More?  You already spank me and
there’s toys, paddles and restraints in the closet. What else did you want to try?”

told you about some of the bondage clubs before I met you.  I’d think we should explore that more.”

“We went to one of those places and you didn’t like it.”

“That was a while ago. I’m not talking about one of those creepy, underground clubs from the 70’s.  They are more mainstream these days.”

“Most of the people there were single and didn’t have kids so we don’t have much in common with them now.”

“Honey, I took you to explore the bondage equipment and the world of kink, not for a social club experience.”

“Well they didn’t seem like the kind of girls I’d ask to have coffee or go shopping with anyway.  Not that I’m a snob, but they all seemed more like players to me.  It was a kinky meat market if you ask me.”

“That’s what you get at public clubs.  Europe is much more progressive and open about sex and kink and they have a lot of private, members' only clubs.  I wish there was one like that nearby.   A place where we didn’t have to wear masks to keep our identity under wraps.  A place I could tie you to a cross and whip your bare ass with my flogger and not have it get back to HQ that one of their officers is a wife beater.”

“That wouldn’t be good for your career.  And I think the USO would frown on it for me.”

“For sure.” He snickered at her level of understatement.  They would both be crucified.  “But I haven’t given up hope.  I’ll find a private club someday that caters to private, adventurous, married couples more like us. 

“Old and boring you mean?”

He laughed and nodded then snuggled her closer.  “You know I am happy to do just about anything to please you honey, but can we leave out the other people?  I don’t think I could stand to see you with another woman.”

“Or you with another man.  I agree
, no threesomes.”  Looking at her expectantly, he continued to push, testing her limits.  “Did anything else turn you off?”

“No food.  That was
… no… I mean barf.”

Laughing at her expression
, he challenged her.  “Really?  I recall a certain someone using chocolate syrup on my balls a couple weeks ago.  You seemed to gobble that up expertly as I recall.”

“OK but cherry pie filling, honey, syrup or any o
f that other sticky stuff would make me gag.  Whipped cream would be OK I think.”

“The chocolate syrup was sticky, baby.”

“Yeah but Peter… it was chocolate," she whispered this with awe in her voice.  A true chocoholic to the bitter end.

Ah… now I understand.  You’ve put some thought into this, huh?”

“Not really.”  Running her hands through his hair she
changed the subject, enjoying the feel of the silky strands sliding through her fingers.  “Is long hair one of the perks of your promotion, Major?”

“I wouldn’t say this is long, but yeah, there is a little leeway for ranking officers.”

“It’s just enough for me to run my fingers through and very sexy, Sir.”

“I like that.”

“My fingers in your hair?”

“No, when you call me Sir.”  Looking into her eyes, she saw the familiar wicked glint there.  “That’s what I liked about the movie, the submission.  I’d love to see you on your knees crawling naked to bow a
t my feet.”

“Really?”  She
didn’t look shocked instead she smiled shyly up at him for a moment then nodded.  “I could do that.  You know I love when you take charge and get all manly and commanding officer on my naughty ass.”

“That’s another thing, now that I’m going to be around
full time, I’ll take over management of our household.”

Truly puzzled now, she leaned back to look at him more closely.  “I don’t understand
. Aren’t you the head of our household already?”

“More like an a
bsentee landlord.  But now that I’m home more with this assignment, I’m ready to take on more of a leadership role around here.  Callie is going to be four this month and Jace is already two.  They both need to know when it’s OK to come to mommy and what needs daddy’s permission before they get any older.”

Seeing her frown he rushed to reassure her.  “Don’t get me wrong.
I’m not saying you are doing a bad job, baby. But since I’ve been away so much, you’ve had to do it all and take on both the masculine and the feminine roles.  This should help relieve some of the stress you’ve been under.”

“What exactly
do you have in mind?

“I’m going to take the week to get acclimated to
our home again. I’ll make some notes about changes I’d like to see and we can go over it at the end of the week.  How’s that sound?”


“Come on, you know I’m not going to go hardcore dictator on you or anything.  I just want to establish more traditional roles, some house rules and more intimacy between us.”

“I thought we did pretty good in that department.”
  Joanna pouted a little as she took all this in.  Were things really that bad here or in the bedroom?

“That’s sex, Jo.  
I have never had any complaints in that department, you know that. I’m talking about emotional intimacy so we can have trust, respect and honesty between us.”

I thought we already did.  Those things are fine and I guess that doesn’t sound scary after all.  I guess I don’t really understand so I’ll wait anxiously for your list. Can I make one too?”

Of course, but I have veto power.”

“As always
El presidente
, as always.”  That earned her another swat on the rear before they ended up in a full make-out session on the couch.  Peter was in the process of unfastening Jo’s front hook bra when four year old Callie woke up and came crying into the room.  Both were relieved they hadn’t really gotten down to business yet and put their amorous thoughts aside to tend to their oldest child.  She had a tummy ache and after Mommy gave her some Bepto-Bismal, she insisted that Daddy hold her until she fell back to sleep.

By the time Peter got her
settled, Joanna was off in dream land.  He stripped and climbed into bed beside her.  Finding her in an annoying cotton nightie made him think of the first entry on his list of house rules; 
If you're in bed, you better be naked. 
He made sure the baby monitor was on so he could hear the kids, then struggled trying to get the nightgown off without waking Jo.  Over her head was impossible so he did the next best thing; he ripped it down the back with his strong hands.  “That was easy,” he whispered in the silent room before he slipped the rent material off her arms, wadded it up in a ball and then made a two-point shot in the waste basket across the room.  “Damn thing was ugly, anyway.” 

He then
spooned along his wife’s back fitting his semi-erect cock snugly into the juncture of her thighs.  Taking a long arm, he wrapped her up tight, cupping a hand beneath one of her full breasts.  She sighed in her sleep and relaxed into his warmth. “God, it’s good to be home.”  After he whispered that bit of gratitude, he dropped off to sleep.

BOOK: Faithfully (Club Decadence)
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