Read Ex's and O'S Online

Authors: Bailey Bradford

Tags: #Romance

Ex's and O'S (10 page)

BOOK: Ex's and O'S
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Bailey Bradford



his legs quivered as need coiled in his gut. It took every ounce of his considerable self-control not to pop wood.

Then he saw one of the servers, dressed in shorts so tiny they made a Speedo look Puritan. It wasn’t that he hadn’t seen the ‘uniforms’ before, but it was only at that moment it occurred to him Adam might very well be wearing that scrap of leather himself. Les froze as he stared at a blond bouncing on his toes, grinning down at a man who was caressing his ass.

Was Adam dressed like this? Or undressed, rather, Les fumed, his vision narrowing down to the small bit of leather the server was wearing. Les tried to remember what Josh had told him, but all he could recall was Josh saying Adam worked here. Les hadn’t really thought about what Adam’s job might be. Les glanced at the bar, spotting the bartender who was definitely not Adam. He forced his feet to move steadily instead of pounding his way over to the bar. Les was less than a dozen feet away when there was a blur of movement and he heard an ear-splitting squeal.

Stopping to look down at the man in front of him, Les realised it was the server who’d been grinning a few moments earlier. Blond and cute, and too damned bubbly, as evidenced by his wide grin and the way the little guy came up on his toes and squealed again as he patted Les’ chest with both hands.

“Ohhh, such a sexy man,” the blond purred, leaning almost fully against Les. “I love big, angry looking men! Wanna spank me?”

The question was accompanied by a wink but Les wasn’t sure if the guy was joking or not. He seemed really…friendly, and…Les’ eyes widened as his heart ramped up to triple time. Was that—he grabbed the blond’s biceps and looked down to where the smaller man was rubbing his groin against Les’ thigh. Oh. That was indeed his dick. The little server giggled and humped harder.

Les’ mind went blank as blood rushed from it to his cock. It didn’t matter that he didn’t want this bouncing ball of hyperactivity, it still felt damned good to have another man pressed up against him. The blond moaned and the sound went straight to Les’ balls then ricocheted up to his brain, exploding in a ball of panic. Les tightened his grip and lifted the little guy up and away, letting his small boot-clad feet dangle above the ground.

“Cut it out,” Les ordered, shaking the blond as hard as he dared. He was really kind of afraid he’d break the man. “I am not here for your humping pleasure.” Les’ cheeks burned EX’S AND O’S

Bailey Bradford



but he kept his eyes narrowed and his fiercest expression in place. “And I would think you’d have more sense than to act like this to a police officer.”

The blond’s eyes widened and his plump lips parted as the tip of a pink tongue darted out to moisten them. “B-but I t-thought you w-w-ere the s-stripper—”

Les dropped the stuttering server so fast he had to reach out and grab his arm again to keep the blond from falling. “Does this look like a stripper costume?”

The blond bobbed his head as he stared in the vicinity of Les’ groin. “W-well, yeah, some of t-them are rreally accurate. And you have a hard—”

Les shook the blond before he could finish that sentence. He glared down at the

smirking man who no longer looked the least bit intimidated. “It isn’t because of you,” Les sniped, knowing encouraging the server would be a mistake. He might very well want Adam, but his body was burning with new wants and needs and didn’t seem to be as picky as his mind. Les was used to controlling his body, but as he’d been forced to admit when he’d got sick, he couldn’t always do so and, well, he had years of want that had built up inside him. All of it seemed dangerously close to bursting free and if and when it did, it wasn’t Bouncing Boy, Les wanted it to flow over. On that note, he set the server further away from him then barked out, “Where’s Adam Masterson?”

The server looked confused for a second before…Les frowned down at the guy. The

little blond was actually quivering, an excited look on his face—then Les found out why.

“Did Adam call the cops because of Randy?” Bounce bounce. “Is that it? Or did Randy call the cops ‘cause Adam nearly broke the horny shit’s hand? Or wrist?” Bounce bounce bounce. “‘Cause, ohmygod! That was just too cool! Unless—” the blond stilled so suddenly Les’ mind couldn’t figure it and still had him seeing the man bouncing on his toes. “Talbot didn’t call the cops, did he? I mean, Randy’s his brother, but he really was giving Adam a hard time tonight and Adam’s ass is probably covered in bruises and—”

Les squinted against the red edging his vision. A vein throbbed at the side of his head as he ground his teeth together. “Where. Is. Adam.” Les gritted out, fisting his hands to keep from shaking the answer out of the server, whose eyes and mouth rounded before he giggled.


Bailey Bradford



“Ohhhh, he’s your boyfriend!” The blond bounced and took Les’ hand before he could stop him. “Well, that’s too bad, ‘cause I really would have loved for you to fuck me, but no way would I risk pissing Adam off, not after the way he went after Randy.”

Les didn’t know whether to be offended or amused that the guy wasn’t worried about making him mad. He wondered what Adam had done to put the fear of a whooping into the bubbly blond. It didn’t take him long to find out as the server, who finally introduced himself as Billy, chattered steadily as he led Les to the office. By the time Billy grinned and tipped his chin at the door, Les was back to being furious and a little afraid that he might not have the control he’d foolishly prided himself on. He purely wanted to kick the Talbot brothers’ asses.

Les started to shove the door open but stopped when Billy touched his forearm with one hand while pressing a slender finger to his own lips with the other. Being hushed didn’t sit well with Les at all, but Adam’s angry voice had him following Billy’s silent order.

“You thought what you wanted to because it was easier.” A moment later, “Look at

this!” Les couldn’t tell what the rustling sound was for sure but his gut clenched as he peeked through the narrow opening then quietly eased the door open wider. His mouth watered even as his anger spiked. Adam’s dick was long and thin, and Les wished to hell he’d got a longer look before the man had bent over and snapped, “Do you think I asked for this?” He sounded almost as angry as Les felt.

Les wasn’t going to hide on the other side of the door any longer. He couldn’t help but make a low noise as he spotted Talbot staring at Adam’s ass. Les didn’t like that at all.

Stepping into the room as he shoved the door open, Les glared at Talbot, thinking the asshole was looking all too appreciative of the view Adam was giving him. Something inside Les snarled
and he had to bite his tongue to keep from shouting it.

Adam’s head snapped up. The man looked borderline terrified. “Pull your shorts up!”

Les shouted, stunned by the force of his anger. Talbot rose from his seat behind the desk, one hand held out as if to stop Les. Adam jerked upright and tugged his shorts up, but not before Les got a good look at his hairless groin and hardening cock. He was vaguely aware of Billy squealing behind him and doing something that sounded a whole lot like clapping his hands as he said, “This is so hot!”

“Get back to work!” Talbot snarled. Les presumed it was at Billy since there was

another squeak followed by the sound of rapidly retreating footsteps. He dragged his gaze EX’S AND O’S

Bailey Bradford



up from Adam’s covered cock, over the smooth planes of the man’s stomach up to his chest, lingering for a moment over the tight tiny coral coloured nipples. Everything in Les’ body tightened as those nipples grew pointed. Les swallowed noisily, the moisture in his mouth threatening to spill over. Damn it, he was not going to drool!

“Now, Officer Stanton, this wasn’t what it might have looked like,” Talbot began, distracting Les from his visual feast. Les finally managed to look at Adam’s face, and the fear and longing there both calmed Les and set his nerves to pinging with a need that made him shudder. Adam’s eyes grew darker, the pupils dilating as he drew in a shaky breath. “It seems there was a problem with one of the customers,” Talbot rattled on.

“Shut up,” Les ordered, gaze locked with Adam’s. “I’ll deal with your idiot brother later.”

Talbot moved out from behind the desk. Les lost track of the man as he was still

caught in Adam’s dark stare. “I’ll deal with my brother, I swear. I didn’t know—”

“Get out.” Les didn’t have the patience to deal with Talbot right now. The man was interfering with Les’ need to touch Adam, to make sure he was really okay. “Now.”

“You could have told me Stanton’s your boyfriend,” Talbot snarked as he passed

them. “And no fucking in my office!”

Les didn’t waste his breath on the owner, instead holding out a hand to the still scared looking Adam. “Come here.”

The air gusted from Adam’s lungs as he took a tentative step forward. “I didn’t…we weren’t—” his cheeks pinked as he dropped his gaze.

“I know,” Les said gruffly, his arms aching to hold the man. Adam looked so unsure, and so scared, and it just seemed wrong, Les had to fix it. “Billy told me and I heard from outside the office.”

Adam darted a glance back up at him and his full lips trembled as he smiled shyly.

“Oh. Okay. So you’re not mad?”

Les shook his head once, hard enough his neck panged from it. “Not at you. The

Talbot brothers, though—I’m definitely gonna have a talk with both of them.” And beat some manners into Randy.

Adam’s smile faltered for a moment. “I don’t need you to stand up for me. I’m not a helpless wimp.”


Bailey Bradford



Les took a step closer since Adam had stopped moving. He reached for Adam’s hand

and breathed a silent sigh of relief when the smaller man didn’t pull away. “I never thought you were,” but Les wasn’t going to let the Talbots get away with this kind of crap. “Now come here, please,” Les whispered, holding Adam’s hand in his while extending his other arm out in a blatant plea for a hug. Adam hesitated for a heartbeat then Les grunted as the man launched himself at Les, wrapping around his bigger form like a warm, sexy cloak. Les let go of Adam’s hand so the smaller man could wind his arms around Les’ neck, then he reached below Adam’s ass, conscious of the fact that area was sore, and gripped the backs of Adam’s lean thighs. It didn’t take much to lift Adam, who wound his legs around Les’ waist.

“God,” Les rasped, hooking one arm under Adam’s bottom and shifting the other up

to hold him across his lean back. Adam looked at him with such longing Les felt a pulse of pre-cum spurt from his dick.

“Les,” Adam said, making his name a plea as Adam parted his lips and slicked the

lower one with his tongue. How could Les resist that? Why would he?

Fuck it, I’m already sunk.
And if he’d had any doubt at all, the feel of Adam’s soft lips pressed to his shattered it in an instant.



Bailey Bradford


Chapter Ten

Yes! Adam would have shouted it if doing so hadn’t meant lifting his lips from Les’.

There wasn’t a chance of that happening now that he’d finally managed to plaster himself to the big cop. Les’ lips parted on a moan and Adam swept in, his tongue staking his claim on the man. Les’ grip on him tightened, making it a struggle for him to breathe, but Adam didn’t care. He wanted closer, deeper, he wanted to come so hard his eyes crossed.

To that end he undulated against Les. Les whimpered, a shockingly sexy sound from such a big tough man, and it only stoked Adam’s need higher. He worked one hand down Les’ back then bit Les’ lip in mild rebuke when he couldn’t shove his hand beneath the waistband of Les’ pants. The man would have to cinch his damned belt as tight as he possibly could.

Les jerked his head aside, panting heavily. He shook, literally quaking in his boots as he tongued the spot on his bottom lip where Adam had nipped him. “What—” He looked so confused and it turned Adam on unbearably.

But Les also looked scared, and that would not do. Adam would get that firm ass in his hands, but not tonight. He soothed Les with soft murmurs as he smoothed his hand up to the back of Les’ neck. Les’ skin there was slick with sweat, a temptation that had Adam’s mouth watering for a taste—if he could just freaking reach it! Les was so much bigger, Adam would have to climb up a bit higher on the man, or—

Letting his legs drop back down, Adam wriggled in Les’ embrace. That got him

another confused look until he moved, rubbing his belly over the firm swell of Les’ cock.

“Ohhh,” Les sighed, hands clamped to Adam’s shoulders. “God, Adam!”

Adam’s smirk was hidden as he pressed his cheek to Les’ chest. Les was at least as close to the edge as he was, and Adam was going to go ahead and shove the man right off the cliff. Without warning, he grabbed at Les’ belt, unbuckling it while keeping plenty of friction on Les’ dick. Les’ hands clenched and unclenched on Adam’s shoulders as rough moans spilled from the big man’s lips. Adam risked a look up and saw Les’ eyes glazed, unfocused, his mouth slack. He’d done that to the man, driven him into a state where his EX’S AND O’S

Bailey Bradford



mind shut down and his needs took over. How was Adam not supposed to feel like a god for that, when Les was the most controlled man he’d ever met?

“You deserve a reward,” Adam muttered to himself as he unfastened Les’ pants, then, oh sweet heaven, he felt the wet tip of Les’ dick poking out the top of the man’s boxers.

Adam rubbed the glistening slit with his thumb, thinking of all the things he’d like to do with that cock.

All his plans came to an abrupt halt when Les shouted and thin white ropes of cum shot out, splattering Adam’s hand and Les’ shirt.



Les felt like he’d exploded, something inside him bursting into a thousand pieces as his climax roared through him. He couldn’t even be embarrassed about going off like that, with just a swipe of a thumb over his cockhead, not when ecstasy was such a sweet, all-encompassing sensation sinking into every cell in his body. He gasped and jerked, clutching Adam’s shoulders tightly, trying to stay upright when all he wanted to do was collapse into a satiated heap and sleep.

BOOK: Ex's and O'S
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