Exposed: Book 2 MAC Security Series (24 page)

BOOK: Exposed: Book 2 MAC Security Series
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“Yes…” She tilted her head back, her hips thrusting forward.

Pulling my t-shirt over my head, I threw it across the kitchen and undid my belt, giving my erection some much needed relief.

“Let me,” she said when I tried to pull my zip down.

Pushing off the table, she lowered down to the floor and started to pull my zip down.

“Sweetheart, you don’t have to do this.” I knew what Max had made her do and I didn’t want her to think that she had to ever do that to me.

“I want to.” She looked up at me through her lashes, her hands pulling my jeans down. My erection sprang free and she leaned forward, licking the bead of pre-cum off the end.

Moaning, I threw my head back while trying to stop my hands from weaving into her hair. I knew this was about control for her, doing it on her terms. So I resisted the urge to grab hold of her head.

Her tongue licked me from base to tip before her mouth closed over the head and sucked. Lowering further down, she moaned, the vibrations sending tingles through me.

“Shit.” I looked down, watching her. Damn, it was one of the best sights I’d ever seen.

Her head bobbed forwards and backwards as she went faster, her tongue flattening on the underside. She was mesmerizing to watch, a sight that I wouldn’t be able to get out of my head for a long time.

Not able to take it anymore, I lifted her up onto the table, ripping her panties off and slamming home.

I groaned as her pussy clenched down, it was the sweetest sensation when I was inside her. She dug her nails into my back and held on tight as I fucked her. This wasn’t a slow, gentle, night of lovemaking.

No. This was a pure, hard, dirty fuck.

Lowering my hand between us, I rubbed her clit, not willing to get off until she had and knowing from the tingle in my spine that I wouldn’t last much longer.

“I’m close,” she moaned.

Taking her nipple into my mouth again, I sucked hard.

Her pussy clamped down, squeezing me as she screamed my name, her back straightened and I thrust once more before my own orgasm ripped through me.

Groaning, I threw my head back as I shot my load inside of her.

I’d never be able to get enough.

I had the biggest smile on my face Monday morning. We’d had a fantastic weekend; it was just what we had all needed. Kitty seemed to be in a better place after we’d had that talk and she seemed to be back to her normal self.

Me, Ty, Eli and Monty had spent yesterday visiting Ty’s ma and dad, then we went out for a meal. Finishing the day off with a movie marathon and a popcorn fight.

“Mama? Can I go to Uncle Luke’s tonight?” Eli asked as I strapped him in his seat.

We were running a little late because we’d all woke up late, even Ty, which was saying something, he never woke up late. He was still rushing around inside, feeding Monty and getting ready himself.

“I’ll ask Uncle Luke when I come back,” I answered, stepping back and shutting the door.

Walking around to the driver’s side, I spotted Monty sat at the top of the stairs. He always did this, although most days he tried to get in the truck, but he was slowly learning that he couldn’t come everywhere with us.

I’d taken him to the preschool one day and he barked so loud and fierce at a passing parent and her daughter that I was asked not to bring him again.

It was fine by me. That little girl had sobbed so hard, I felt bad about it and since that day, I hadn’t bought him with me.

“I’m meeting Miss Maggie in town when I’ve dropped Eli off,” I said to Ty as he came through the front door and down the steps.

“Okay, sweetheart.” Wrapping his arms around me, he stared into my eyes and moved forward, his lips touching mine in a sweet, gentle kiss. “I’ll see you later.”

“See you later,” I whispered and pulled back.

Jumping into the car, I drove out of the compound and made my way to the preschool. Eli Chatting away constantly about what he planned to do with Luke when he came home. Those two when they were together, were a pair of kids, although I loved seeing Luke like that. He was always so serious and broody, but when it came to Eli, he was a different person, gentle, kind, and would laugh until the cows came home.

Pulling up outside the preschool, I parked up and jumped out. We were right on time; I was relieved that we’d made it. I knew that Miss Maggie would be waiting for me in town and I didn’t want to make her wait any longer than she had to.

It was the only way that I could see her because I wouldn’t go back to that apartment block and her coming to the compound all the time just wasn’t feasible. It was too far for her to travel on her own, and the guys couldn’t always go and get her. So we’d come up with this arrangement.

Helping Eli down, he placed his hand in mine and I walked him inside.

“You picking me up, mama?” He took his bag from me and turned to face me.

“Yeah, sweetie.” Crouching down, I pulled him in for a big hug and kissed him on the cheek. “Love you, have a good day.”

“Love you too, mama.” He pulled back and ran to the door that Miss Cooper was holding open.

I stood and watched for several seconds, able to see him hang his coat and bag on his peg. I waved when he turned around and saw me, his little hand stretching up into the air as he waved back.

Smiling at the young girl who manned the desk, I spun around and walked back to the truck, pulling my phone out when it vibrated. I frowned at the screen, not recognizing the number.

“Hello?” I answered.


“Hello?” I said a second time, huffing out a breath. Just as I was about to put the phone down, I heard it.

“Guess who?” His voice sent shivers down my spine. I hadn’t forgot what his voice was like but hearing it now bought so many memories flooding back that I had to lean my forehead against the car window to catch my breath. “Not gonna talk, baby?”

“W…w…what are y…you calling me f…for?”

“Just thought I’d give you a heads up.” I could almost hear the smirk that he was sure to be wearing.

“A heads u…up?”

“Yeah, thought you’d like to know that we’ll be seeing each other, very soon.”

Pulling my head off the car window, I scrambled to open the door. My hands shaking so hard that I couldn’t get the key to go in and I managed to drop them on the ground.

Bending down to pick them up, a boot came into my line of sight. My heart thumped harder, the blood pumping in my ears so loud that I couldn’t hear a thing.

Jumping up, I tried to move away but crashed into a hard body, stepping back and turning around, I was met with those evil green eyes.

“Told you I’d be coming for you,” he sneered, right before everything turned black.

Me and Monty watched Kay drive off the compound and I was feeling good about everything. Things were going smoothly with everyone, especially since Kay had talked with Kitty.

Once the gates closed behind her, I jogged down the steps and whistled for Monty to follow me. He whined like he did every time they went out. Until Kay was back, he’d be sat by the door, watching and waiting for her to walk back through it anyway.

I heard him follow me to the warehouse and sure enough, just like always, he sat straight by the door when we were inside. I went into my office to try and catch up on some paperwork, although I didn’t know how much I should do because Kay would most probably re-do it all.

It had been crazy these last few weeks and this weekend was just what we all needed. Spending time with Kay and Eli, as a family, was something that I never thought would happen.

Eli may not have been my son by blood, but by all other counts he was. With him not having a great start, I wanted to give him the best possible life that I could. I knew that Kay had done everything that she could, and that she’d tried to shield him from as much as possible, but now it was time for me to step in and be the father figure that he needed. To be honest, I was looking forward to it. I didn’t want to replace his father, although that wouldn’t be a bad thing.

Even though Kay had tried to shield him from everything, he’d been well aware of what had been going on. When he’d wanted to learn how to box, I’d had a good talk with him and asked him why he wanted to learn. I knew that it was a big decision, especially with Kay’s past. I’d never expected him to say what he had.

“I want to protect mama,” he had said. I’d tried to swallow past the lump in my throat, to explain that he didn’t need to learn how to box to protect his mama. In the end, we’d decided that it would be good for him to learn, I still hadn’t told Kay what he had said and I didn’t think I ever would.

Was it wrong for me to keep it from her? Probably.

But if I told her, all she would do was worry about it and she didn’t need to. It was over now and there was nothing she could do to change the past. All she could do was make the future a better one and with my help, I’d make damn sure that it was one hundred times better.

“Mornin’ boss,” Evan sang as he walked into the office.

“Mornin’.” I nodded.

Shuffling through all the paperwork, I put them all into a pile for Kay. There really wasn’t any point in trying to sort through it because I knew that it would just mess up the whole system that she had, and it would just cause more work for her.

Our time in the office had become less and less, I really should probably try and find someone to work in just the office. Kay was more suited to working on surveillance jobs anyway. I wondered sometimes what we did before her. She had this way of looking at situations; she was able to step back from them and look at it from all angles and that was what was needed in this job.

BOOK: Exposed: Book 2 MAC Security Series
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