Evan Arden 02.5 Uncockblockable (7 page)

BOOK: Evan Arden 02.5 Uncockblockable
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Milena cried out as she raised the top half of her body up to grab my shoulders and hold on for a moment.  Then she dropped back to the mattress and reached down to grab my hips as she cried out again.

“You like that?” I growled in her ear, enjoying her reaction to the words.  “You like it hard and fast?”

The only response was an incomprehensible, post-orgasmic grunt, which I took as positive as I continued to plough into her.

My thighs were shaking as my hips
repeated their rhythmic thrusts.  The buildup of pressure in my balls was strong, and my whole body tensed as my abs contracted.  The rippling sensation began to spread out down my legs, up into my gut, and to my cock. There was no more ability left in me to hold out, and with a gasp and a loud grunt, I unloaded inside of her.

I froze, shuddered, and for the longest moment, just…felt her.

I couldn’t have described it if I tried.

With my eyes closed and my forehead pressed against her shoulder, I panted hot breath over her skin as I tried to figure out what the hell had just happened.

It was like my brain had exploded along with my cock.

I had heard others talk about orgasms and sex and shit with someone you really care about being different
– better, more intense. I'd never experienced it though and honestly thought it was total bullshit.

Until that moment.

I didn't just get off.

I didn't bust a nut.

It was truly unlike anything I had felt before.

My forehead pressed against Milena's shoulder, and my teeth ground together
, though that didn't stop the cry from escaping my mouth.

There were tears in my eyes.

The muscles in my arms and legs gave out, and I collapsed on top of her.

I couldn't move, and whatever was going on in my head was too fast - too intense - for me to comprehend.  I stayed in the exact same position with my cock still
buried and my arms still wrapped tightly around her back and shoulders. My heart continued to race as I held myself deep inside of her and tried to make mental contact with any part of my body. My flesh seemed to be in some sort of post orgasmic shock, though, and kept insisting my legs were no longer attached to the rest of me.

My arms still worked, apparently, and they tensed a little as her weight
transferred. While my arms tightened their hold, my hips also moved slightly to keep me from slipping out of her.

I wanted to stay.

She let out a soft moan, and just when I thought she was going to push herself away from me and out of the bed, her legs wrapped around my hips.

Wow,” her breathless whisper came from below me. “Don't you dare move. Stay right where you are.”

I was all too h
appy to oblige. I even shifted my hips a bit to keep myself inside of her.  It was where I wanted to be – maybe forever.  I’d never stayed inside a girl like that.  There was always the issue of the condom and not wanting it to leak or anything.  This time, as stupid as part of my brain knew it was, I didn’t care.  I still wasn’t interested in having any kids, but coming in her had been all too fantastic.

That was really something,” Milena said.

It was,” I agreed.  Then some paranoid bit of me wondered what she really meant.  “I mean…you mean something good, right?”

For some reason, it was really important to me
that it was.

Definitely,” she replied. “I don't... I don't think I can quite put it into words, except that I’m totally wiped out now.”

You can sleep if you want,” I suggested.  It was a strange thing to suggest, too.  Though I’d had a few girls sleep over with me, or me with them, it wasn’t exactly a common occurrence, but something born out of necessity of some sort.  There was no need here – I could have just gone back to the bar.

You can,” I said, feeling uncharacteristically awkward.  I had basically just given her permission to sleep in her own bed, which was kind of ridiculous. “I mean, you can just sleep right here if you want, obviously – it’s your bed.  I just mean, I’m okay with it.  If you wanted to go to sleep.”

Milena looked up
at me and laughed.

I feel like a guy!  And you’re being all girly and awkward.”

No one has ever said that with my cock inside them before,” I said as I raised an eyebrow.

laughed again, and the motion pushed me right out of her, and I let out a frustrated sigh.  Milena shrugged an apology, and I rolled off to lie next to her instead.  My arms went around her immediately, and I pulled her to my chest.

So, it’s okay if I stay, right?” I asked quietly.

Yes, it is.”

Good,” I replied with relief.  “Then you just go ahead and fall asleep.  I’ll keep watch out for angry family members and bedbugs or whatever.”

That's good to know,” she said with a soft snicker.  “I mean about the rolling over and going to sleep part.  I’m really tired.”

I kept my eyes on hers and tried not to be too mesmerized b
y the kaleidoscope of colors found there.  It didn’t really work, and I wondered how completely lame it was to be so fascinated by such a thing.  Yes, they were unusual, and I liked unusual things, but there was a lot more to it as well.

I couldn’t put it into clear thoughts or words; I just wanted to be near her and
at her.



Milena moved her arm around me and rested her hand on my stomach.  My arm went around her shoulders
as I lay on my back and stared up at the ceiling.  I pondered the whole idea of an actual relationship, up to and including a mortgage.  The pondering was bad enough – the fact that it all seemed to be kind of a cool idea to me was the most surprising bit.

this going to be the end of my man-whoring days?

I didn’t know, but as weird and uncharacteristic as it was, it didn’t matter to me.  I wanted to know I’d be seeing her
again and preferably again after that.  The idea of being a one-woman guy was not only attractive, but just downright
.  I needed her.

I’m not sharing you,” Milena mumbled as her head tucked against my shoulder.  “Just so we’re clear.”

Crystal,” I replied.  I pulled her a little closer against me and couldn’t even fathom anything else at the moment.  More cliché, of course, but she just clicked inside of me.  I knew it was right, and I knew there was never going to be anything else like the time I spent with her.

Milena’s breath
ing became slow and steady, and I felt her weight against me increase slightly as she relaxed into sleep.

Thoughts and memories of every other woman I had ever encountered – every single cliché notch on the bedpost – faded from my mind.  My lips pressed against the spot right below Milena’s ear, and she sighed as she rolled against my body.  Her arm flopped a little to the side, and her hand smacked against my


My teeth ground together, my face scrunched up, and my whole body tensed and lifted from the mattress a little as a shockwave moved through my system.  It was like a white-hot light starting in the pit of my stomach and radiating outwards as nausea and dizziness overwhelmed me.  For a moment, I thought I might actually get sick.

I did my best to not actually scream out loud
but had to bite my lip pretty hard not to.  My balls throbbed, my legs ached, and I had my eyes squeezed shut so tightly, I saw blue spots all over the insides of the lids.  It could have been seconds or minutes as I lay there immobilized and tried to push the pain away.

As I slowly regained some sense, I opened my eyes to see Milena motionless beside me.

I looked more closely at the beautiful woman whose bed I shared.  It had taken everything I had inside me not to scream.  There was no way she could have missed what just happened, right?


Milena was sound asleep and completely oblivious to what she had done.

As the
agony slowly – much, much too slowly – began to subside, I managed to release my lip from my teeth and collapse back against the mattress.  Once I could breathe again, my body went through one final shudder, and Milena let out a sleepy sigh as she snuggled against my chest – the ultimate cockblock going completely unnoticed.

I had to stop myself from
laughing out loud when I thought about it.  The idea of having anyone try to screw up my chances with a lady had always been so abhorrent; I had devised a thousand ways to keep it from happening.  Of all the people who knew this and had tried to interfere with my ways in the past, no one had ever been successful until I had managed to screw up my first encounter with Milena all on my own.  Somehow, that had worked out for the very best, and now here she was, and the idea of being the ultimate ladies’ man didn’t matter anymore.

No doubt – I had decided being
cockblocked wasn’t that bad after all.

As long as I was with her.

The End


Thank you for reading Uncockblockable!  I hope you enjoyed this little story.  A portion of the profits from this book will go to the Wolfe family to help with Brian’s medical expenses as he undergoes treatment.  By purchasing this book, you’re directly helping Brian and his family, but please consider an additional donation of any amount – it all helps!

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and Brian say THANK YOU!!

BOOK: Evan Arden 02.5 Uncockblockable
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