Read Enchantment Online

Authors: Nikki Jefford

Enchantment (25 page)

BOOK: Enchantment
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“Ryan wants Charlene back in her original
body. Your body.”

Gray looked at the floor.

Oh God, and Adrian had left Gray with the
pair of them in Spain. Unsafe. Unprotected.

The boy was a twerp, but a dangerous one.
Adrian would never forget walking into the Perez home and finding
all the doors and windows open, Ryan with his magic orb, and
Charlene cackling that they were too late. Gray had been purged.
She stopped laughing pretty quickly once Adrian got his hands on
her and pulled out his dagger.

He stared at Gray now, wondering if she knew
he’d nearly died for her. He hadn’t gone through all that just to
lose her again.

“Where is Ryan now?”

Gray looked startled by his ominous tone.

“I don’t know. Probably still in Barcelona if
he was really ever there to begin with—Charlene’s not the most
reliable source.”

“And where is your sister?”

Gray snorted. “In her mansion. Trust me, she
has no desire to give up the life she’s taken over.”

“Does she know where you are?”

Gray shook her head. “I had her driver take
me to the Magic Club.”

“Is that how you found me?” Adrian asked. He
assumed she’d used a locator spell.

“The manager gave me your address,” Gray

Gotta love the French. Woman walks in asking
for a home address and
Pierre probably gave her
directions while he was at it. Adrian smirked. Good thing Gray
arrived under the spell, or he likely would have suffered worse
damage than a couple of broken knickknacks.

“Shall we get that coffee?” Gray asked. She
walked past Adrian and threw a flirty glance back over her
shoulder. “I like your place, by the way.”

Adrian momentarily forgot to breathe.

Her smile was so intoxicating, so taunting,
so damn kissable at that moment.

He cleared his throat in an effort to clear
his mind. “Let’s go.”

So long as Ryan Phillips was a threat he
wasn’t letting Gray leave his sight.






Gray slipped her arm around Adrian’s. He gave her an
odd look, but didn’t pull away.

Old habits die hard.

Gray smiled to herself.

“So, that’s your actual apartment?” she asked
when they stepped onto the boulevard. “You didn’t let yourself into
someone’s empty home while they’re away on extended vacation?”

“No, it’s mine—mine and Nan’s.”

Gray turned her head to look at Adrian. “How
your nan?”

“I don’t know.” Adrian frowned. “I don’t know
where she is.”

“Maybe she knew I was coming.” Gray chuckled.
“She has something of mine, you know.”

Adrian abruptly stopped. He took Gray by both
shoulders and turned her to face him. “Do you know something I

His eyes studied her intently.

Gray didn’t mind telling Adrian the truth.
There should be no secrets between the two of them. Not if this was
going to work.

She lifted her chin. “After I came by to see
her in Barcelona my luck amulet went missing. That’s also when I
started feeling . . . funny.”

Adrian’s eyes widened further. “You went to
see my nan? When? Why?”

“It was during one of your matinees, and I
required a personal object to banish you from my life.”

Adrian released her. His arms drew back
quickly, as though an electrical current had caused a shock through
his hands.

Adrian shook his head. “How can you know
these things and still want to be with me?”

“Because I feel happy. What’s wrong with

“Because it’s not real!”

No need to yell.

Gray pursed her lips. She shouldn’t have
messed with Adrian in Barcelona with the whole “I’m cured” thing.
Obviously it was going to take a while to break that wall again and
earn back his trust. Always on guard. Adrian had never fully let
down his defenses in Spain. At least he’d begun to go with the
flow. Getting that back was going to take time.

“I believe you promised me coffee,” Gray

Adrian made a sound of exasperation. “You are
impossible, you know, and the most stubborn witch in

Gray gave him a playful punch. “Come on,
admit it. You’re crazy about me.”

Seeing Adrian grimace wasn’t the most
flattering answer. Good thing Gray knew the truth—it was etched in
the palm of her hands like initials carved into the trunk of a tree
by only the most devoted lovers.

Adrian seemed to consider her a moment then
finally relenting, offering her his arm in an overly heroic gesture
Gray found adorable beyond words.

They proceeded down the boulevard. Gray
really did want a coffee. She craved caffeinated stimulation almost
as much as she craved Adrian.

“Maybe after coffee you could show me around
Paris,” Gray said. “Charlene was supposed to show me around and
take me shopping until we got into an argument, and I stormed

“Were you fighting over Ryan?”

Gray snorted. “Pear-head? Nope. Charlene was
just being her usual egomaniacal self. Didn’t even last a night
with her. She’s no better as a man.”

“I’ll show you around Paris,” Adrian said

“You will?” Gray couldn’t hide the excitement
in her voice.

Adrian shrugged. “Why not? I’m free at the
moment and everyone should get the chance to see the City of Light.
Maybe, if we’re lucky, we’ll run into my nan.”

“Why would you want to do that?” Gray hated
the distrust in her voice. Ever since she’d entered Adrian’s
apartment she felt like she’d taken on another personality. It
scared her, but not as much as losing Adrian.

Adrian looked at her funny. “To know she’s

“Oh,” Gray said. “Fine. If that’s the only

Ortega had
said the spell would become stronger the closer she got to the
amulet. Obviously she was on the right track. Not that she had any
interest in finding it . . . at least not until she’d seen Paris.
After that, once she did locate the amulet, it was her decision
whether to “cleanse” it or keep it. At least the decision would be

“I’m sure she’s fine,” Gray tried again. “I
mean she’s clearly quite crafty and strong-willed.”

Adrian grunted. “Kinda like someone else I

“Sure you can handle two of us?”

It worked. Like that Adrian was smiling
again—shaking his head—but smiling. They rounded the corner in what
Gray hoped was the direction of a nearby café.

Once they were seated at a table with their
coffees and croissants, Gray said, “So tell me about this vengeance

She knew it was bold of her to bring it back
up, but she was partly ashamed of her reaction in Adrian’s
apartment—smashing objects like an out-of-control teenager. Gray
wanted Adrian to see her as a level-headed woman.

Adrian sipped his coffee slowly, looking at
her over the rim before setting it down. “Not much to tell. I’ve
been hired to avenge someone who feels wronged.”

“Do they deserve it . . . avenging, I mean?”
Gray asked softly.

Adrian took a while to answer, but finally he
said, “No,” and went back to sipping his coffee.

As Gray watched Adrian she came up with the
solution to her problem. She’d let Adrian decide. If he went
through with the vengeance job then she’d cleanse the amulet and
break the spell. If he didn’t go through with it she’d let the
spell be. It was still free will if she chose to stay in love with
him, right?

“When are you leaving again?” Gray asked.

“Wednesday afternoon.”

That gave her three days.

Gray leaned forward with a smile. “So what
are you going to show me today?”

They started with the Eiffel Tower since it
was the closest. It felt like a dream to stand below the famous
landmark, staring up from beneath the iron pillars. They rode the
elevator to the upper viewing platform where Adrian pointed out
sights he planned to take her.

“You see that white dome-shaped structure
over there?” Adrian said, leaning close to Gray. “That is the Sacre
Coeur in Montmartre. It is my personal favorite monument in

Gray shivered at Adrian’s proximity and the
way he pronounced Sacre Coeur with a flawless accent. She swallowed
and moved along the platform.

“And that big, wide green area over there?”
She pointed.

Adrian rejoined her side. “The Place du

Gray looked at Adrian’s sideways. “Your
French sounds very good.” She’d noticed it when he ordered at the
café and again when he paid for their tickets to go up the tower’s
elevator. “What made you decide to learn the language?”

And what was it with witches and French? Back
at McKinley High that’s what Charlene, Shay, Ryan, Nolan, and Max
had all taken.

Adrian smiled. It was one of his rare boyish
grins Gray loved.

“The French are extremely passionate,” he
said, looking over the city. “They have spells that don’t work the
same in English.”

For some reason this made Gray feel like
kissing him. Instead she laughed and said, “Should have known.”

Adrian stood a foot away from the railing.
“What about you? Learn any useful Spanish spells?”

Gray pulled her lower lip back with her teeth
gently. Adrian watched the gesture with hungry eyes.

“It never even crossed my mind,” Gray said,
releasing her lip. Adrian exhaled when she did.

“I studied Spanish because it’s fun, and I
wanted to travel to Spanish-speaking countries,” Gray

Adrian nodded and smiled slightly. “Planning
a trip to South America next?” He stood a foot away from the
railing and looked beyond Gray’s shoulder. It didn’t look as though
he would pay attention to her answer so Gray shrugged.

“That depends.”

Adrian’s eyes were on hers again. “On

Gray folded her arms over her chest.

A look of frustration passed over Adrian’s
face, but he swallowed whatever he had been about to say. Instead
he focused on her arms. “We really need to take you shopping,
unless you’re planning on wearing that thing the rest of your

“I’m more concerned about a fresh pair of
undies,” Gray shot back. “I only have one pair, and I had to leave
them hanging up to dry after I washed them in your sink.”

Gray wished she had a camera. The look on
Adrian’s face at that exact moment was priceless.

His eyes darted down to her nether regions.
It was Gray’s turn to blush. Both of their cheeks colored the
moment their eyes met. Adrian abruptly turned and led the way to
the line forming in front of the elevator. When a young man brushed
against Gray, Adrian stepped forward and said, “Watch it!” He
positioned himself so that he blocked the guy waiting behind them
from getting too close to Gray.

Gray smiled to herself when Adrian wasn’t
looking. She’d have him canceling that trip to Belgium in no

It was Gray’s turn to go scarlet when Adrian
marched her into the nearest lingerie shop. Worse, he walked her
in, greeted the saleswoman in a booming voice, and said,
“Elle a
besoin de sous-vêtements.”

The saleswoman, skinny as a twig, was upon
Gray in a heartbeat. Gray’s eyes widened as the woman stared
directly, and we’re talking
, at Gray’s boobs. Gray
resisted the urge to fold her arms over her chest. The woman next
circled her, suddenly placing her hands just below Gray’s breasts,
squeezing her torso. Couldn’t use a measuring tape, no, the French
apparently took a hands-on approach to bra sizing.

Adrian stood watching—not in a leering sort
of way, but almost as though he were supervising an important

Spell or not, Gray was ready to die of

There was nowhere safe to focus. The
mannequins were all dressed in transparent negligees. Lacy garters
and corsets dangled from hangers on the wall. The bras and
underwear weren’t the practical cotton type, either. If Charlene
had still been a girl she would’ve had a field day in there.

The clerk grabbed a blue floral demi bra and
matching panties off the wall followed by something black and lacy.
She walked Gray over to the dressing room—located in the middle of
the store and drew the curtain back once Gray was inside.

Gray barely had time to pull her dress off
and get the first bra on when the clerk asked, “
Est-ce que ça vous va

“Um . . .” Gray said.

“How does it fit?”

Gray jumped slightly when she heard Adrian’s
voice on the other side of the curtain.

“Just a second,” Gray said.

The clerk said something and then Adrian
asked, “Do you need help?”

“No!” Gray hurried to secure the clasps at
her back.

Good thing she did because the clerk swept
the curtain aside to have a look.

Um, do you mind?

She looked all business when she scrutinized
“Oui, ça vous
va bien“

That sounded

essayer le reste.”

At least Adrian gave her privacy. Gray heard
his voice from within the shop. “She said it’s a good fit. Now try
on the rest.”

Gray suppressed a sigh. She needed a
chocolate crêpe after this ordeal.

It wasn’t quite over. Even after she had
finished trying on the bras and had her sundress back on, Adrian
made for the counter as though to pay.

“I don’t think so,” Gray said. No way in hell
was she letting Adrian buy her undergarments.

He backed away from the check stand, but
remained annoyingly nearby as though he feared she’d put everything
back if he stepped outside.

“That was utterly humiliating,” Gray said
when they were back on the street. Now that it was over, she had to
admit it was a relief to have a fresh supply of undergarments, and
they were rather pretty.

BOOK: Enchantment
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