Edwina and the Seven Snowed-in Scientists (16 page)

BOOK: Edwina and the Seven Snowed-in Scientists
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nor believed it.

Evan watched his brother move toward Edwina with his palms

raised in surrender. She eyed him warily, and Evan noticed she hadn’t put down the pot and still held it ready to strike. Simon licked the split on his lip where one of Evan’s punches had landed and tried again to

apologize. “I shouldn’t have said what I said.”

“Uh-huh, sure,” Edwina said sarcastically. “Wouldn’t have

stopped you from thinking it.”

“Oh, fuck, I wasn’t thinking anything.” He ran a hand through his

long, white hair. “And I shouldn’t have said anything. I’m sorry, and I hope one day you’ll forgive me.” Edwina nodded her head slowly, the

type of nod that suggested she didn’t believe a word but wasn’t


Rachel Clark

willing to argue. Simon turned to Evan, mumbled a “thank-you,” and

left the room.

“Is he serious?” Edwina asked with a small frown. They both

watched Simon limp away, and Evan couldn’t help but feel a stupid

satisfaction at having given better than he’d gotten. He ran his tongue over the inside of his mouth and finally noticed the lump where

Simon had head-butted him. Well, maybe not given better…

“Yes,” he answered Edwina as he turned to face her. “He’s very

serious. He’s done it all his life. He has a short fuse to anger, but he’s usually quick to let it go. He reacts to a situation without thinking and, more often than not, ends up apologizing afterwards for being such a


Edwina stared at the doorway for a long time before mumbling,

“Brian doesn’t want me,” then turned back to the sink and began

drying the pot she’d used to nearly drown them.

“I doubt that,” Evan said quickly. Edwina was exactly Brian’s

type. Tall, confident, well spoken, independent, and, considering that she wanted a brief affair, not a lifelong commitment, completely

perfect for Brian. Why he wouldn’t have already had the woman in

his bed was a complete mystery to Evan.

“I’ve slept in Brian’s arms two nights in a row, and he hasn’t

responded to me, not even when I actually tried to seduce him.”

She seemed so sad that it felt natural to cross the room and take

her in his arms.

“He’ll change his mind,” Evan said confidently. How could any of

them live in the same shack without wanting the woman in their

arms? She was perfect for them. And she was their mate. He could

feel it in the air, sense it, taste it, and hopefully Edwina would accept it before her time in Antarctica was done.

“I won’t stay,” she said almost as if she could read his mind.

“Then I’ll just have to enjoy our time together.” He almost

managed to make it sound like he believed his own words.

Edwina and the Seven Snowed-in Scientists


* * * *

Simon lay on his bed, cursing his own stupidity. He was fairly

certain that calling one’s intended mate a whore was on top of the list of things not to say when trying to impress a woman. It was well-known he had a temper, but with Edwina it had been almost like

watching himself from outside his own body. He’d never said

anything so cruel to anyone, and he wouldn’t be surprised if the

woman never spoke to him again. He didn’t understand why he was

so angry. Gary’s news had been a shock, but it wasn’t like they were

expecting everything to magically fall into place while they were

gone. She’d already told them she wouldn’t stay even after she’d had

sex with Kieran and Jake. He shouldn’t have been surprised that

fucking Calvin and Gary hadn’t changed her mind.

What he should have been was overjoyed. They had eight long

months at Kendall shack, and if Edwina wasn’t here, he would have

spent a whole lot of quality time with his own hand this winter.

Instead he had a hot woman willing to sleep with them.

Well, sleep with his brothers. After that little scene, Edwina

probably thought he was completely nuts.

Her soft voice startled him. “Can I come in?”

He sat up on the bed, barely controlling the urge to grab the

woman and demand she forgive him. Fuck, what the hell was wrong

with him? He just sat there looking at her, too scared to open his

mouth in case he fucked up this chance to make things right.

She looked uncomfortable, like she didn’t know whether to go or

stay, so he opened his arms in the hopes that she would at least come into the room and sit beside him. His heart very nearly stopped when

she practically ran into his embrace and hugged him tight.

“I’m sorry,” she said quietly.

Fuck. Was this woman for real? He’d hurt her so badly, yet she

was the one apologizing.


Rachel Clark

“No, beauty, I’m the one who needs to apologize. I was angry,

and I took it out on you. I have no excuse for being so cruel.” He

hugged her closer. “I truly am sorry.”

“And I’m sorry for not being the woman you and your brothers

need. I can’t stay, but we’ve got months together first. Please can we just enjoy the time we have together?”

“Seriously? You’re willing to forgive me even after what I said?”

He couldn’t quite wrap his head around it. He didn’t deserve her, but he sure as hell wasn’t going to walk away from someone so


She bit her bottom lip, and he wanted to lean over and suck it into

his mouth. “You and I probably have more in common than you

realize,” she said with a small smile. “I’ve been known to say stupid things in the heat of the moment. Why do you think Kieran wants to

spank me so badly?”

She gave him a wry smile, and he couldn’t help but press his

mouth to hers. She caressed him with her lips, barely touching him but stealing his breath all the same. He kissed her again, running his tongue over her lips, seeking entrance to her warm mouth. She opened

to him with a sigh, and he eagerly thrust his tongue past her teeth.

She shivered against his chest, and he finally realized he had her

pressed up against his wet clothes. Holy fuck. He moved away, ripped

his shirt over his head. Grabbed hers and did the same. She laughed

softly as he pulled her back against his chest. He ran his hands all over her skin, trying to warm her up before he realized she was half-naked in his arms.

“Um, sorry,” he tried to say, but she laughed and pressed a finger

to his lips.

“I understand the motivation, but it would seem silly to waste the

opportunity to, you know, warm me up all over.”

He grinned at her sassy smile and leaned over to press his mouth

against hers once more, still amazed that she would forgive him so

easily. She wrapped her arms around his neck and moaned as he

Edwina and the Seven Snowed-in Scientists


dragged her pants off and pulled her underneath him. His cock

strained to be released, but he refused to think of his own needs until he’d taken care of hers.

He kissed her deeply, thrusting his tongue into her mouth,

imitating what he wanted to do. She held him close, gasping when his

hand found her nipple and squeezed. She arched off the bed when he

did it again, clawing at his back when he sucked the nub between his

teeth and bit down gently. He could smell her arousal, the scent filling his mind, threatening to overwhelm his self-control.

He ground his teeth, determined to give her everything she


Switching to the other breast, he suckled her hard nipple as his

hand traveled lower to her pussy. She opened her legs for him

eagerly, and he felt the slippery evidence of her arousal coating her labia. He pushed a finger into her, fucking her slowly as he watched

her face. She moaned, staring into his eyes, undulating underneath

him, driving him crazy with her beautiful scent.

“Please?” she asked brokenly. He slid lower down the bed, his

face mere inches from her swollen clit. He added a second finger,

fucking her roughly with his hand as he slowly licked at her juices.

He felt the walls of her pussy flutter around his fingers, her gasping breath and increased movement warning him of her impending


He pulled his fingers from her slowly and simply lay there waiting

for her to calm a little before starting over. She squirmed on the bed, trying to get closer, but he held her hips still with his forearm.

“Shhh, beauty, I’ll take care of you.”

He lifted her legs, pushing her knees toward her chest, exposing

her pretty pussy to his gaze. Her arousal pulsed from her, sliding

down her body to cover her ass. He pressed a finger to her puckered

opening, and she tried to jump away from his touch.

He pressed her legs harder against her chest, holding her captive

as he massaged the tiny opening with her pussy’s natural lubrication.


Rachel Clark

“Have you ever taken a man in your ass?” he asked as he pushed

against the tight muscle but didn’t penetrate her.

“N–No,” she managed to say on a gasp.

He continued to press against her anus as he slid the fingers of his

other hand back into her pussy and began fucking her hard. “Come for

me, beauty.” He used his thumb to play with her clit, and she

practically went off like fireworks. Her pussy grabbed at his fingers, dragging him deeper, massaging him with her inner walls as her ass

pulsed against his finger.

He pushed harder against her puckered opening, breaching her ass

just as her orgasm began to wane.

* * * *

Edwina dragged air into her lungs, her orgasm slowing down, the

aftershocks ebbing and pulsing through her. But the moment his

finger thrust into her ass a second more powerful orgasm sent her

reeling once more. She strained against the unfamiliar sensation but

cried out in disappointment when he pulled away.

She could feel the cream from her orgasm slither down her crease

and she gasped in surprise when Simon pushed two fingers back into

her ass. He scissored them, the feeling strange and uncomfortable

until he added a third. She felt stretched and aching and maybe a little bit frightened. But the way he held her so tight, with her legs in the air, her pussy and ass exposed, she felt amazingly aroused.

He removed his fingers a moment before he thrust his cock deep

into her pussy. He fucked her over and over, his thrusts hard, deep,

all-consuming. She was on the verge of another incredible climax

when he pulled out and pressed the fat head of his cock against her


“Relax, beauty. I promise you’re going to love it.”

She was panting, ready to cry halt, but then his cockhead popped

through the tight muscle, and he slid farther into her ass. She held her
Edwina and the Seven Snowed-in Scientists


breath as unbelievable sensations spiraled through her, the feeling of fullness combined with the slight sting sending heat bursting outward.

She rocked against him, trying to pull him deeper, trying to get him to move, wanting him to fuck her.

He groaned as he slid all the way in, dropped his head to kiss her

hard, and then slid out slowly and slid back in. He kept the pace

steady, never moving faster, never increasing the speed, never giving her what she craved. She grabbed at him, pulling him closer, urging

him deeper. She pressed her lips to his, thrust her tongue into his mouth, moaning her arousal. He pulled out, thrust in hard, did it

again, harder, pulled out faster, slid in deeper. He kissed her,

swallowing her cries, taking her breath, stealing her soul.

She shook, her legs quaking, her arms grabbing him as her orgasm

took her. She could feel her ass grasping at his dick, and he moaned

and thrust in one last time. She felt his cock throb as he hurled his seed deep into her ass.

He fell forward, catching most of his weight with his hands, but

pressing her hard enough to the bed to imprint his shape on her

memory. She smiled as he kissed her reverently.

“You are amazing.”

“You’re not so bad yourself,” she said with a breathless laugh.

She could feel him softening in her back passage but felt the need

to hold onto him a moment longer. She sighed as he cuddled her

close, but he eventually needed to pull away from her. He helped her

to roll onto her side and left for a few moments. Simon returned with a wet washcloth, and cleaned her up before tucking the blanket

securely around her. She worried that he was going to leave, but then he proved her insecurities wrong by crawling onto the bed beside her.

He gathered her, blanket and all, into his embrace and held on tight.

She closed her eyes against the tears that filmed her vision. It

didn’t seem possible, but she was pretty sure she’d fallen in love with all the brothers. Now she just had to find the strength to keep her

secret and leave them when the time came.


Rachel Clark

* * * *

“You hurt her.”

Brian stopped in the doorway of the kitchen. Evan didn’t even

look at him when he said it, but Brian could feel his brother’s deep disapproval.

“Bullshit,” he said, irritated at his Evan’s easy summation of a

rather complex situation. “I haven’t hurt her. I just haven’t had sex with her.”

“Same thing,” Evan said with a shrug. “She wants you. You

rejected her. You hurt her.”

BOOK: Edwina and the Seven Snowed-in Scientists
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