Dwyer, Dixie Lynn - SWAT Team Two and Miss Robin Hood [The Men of Five-0 #2] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) (7 page)

BOOK: Dwyer, Dixie Lynn - SWAT Team Two and Miss Robin Hood [The Men of Five-0 #2] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)
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Charlie wasn’t completely shocked that these men were weres. He knew wolves existed and most kept their identities to themselves. He had a cousin who was mated to a wolf, so he knew the intensity of finding a mate. Maybe this was Mel’s chance at happiness.

“I understand, but she might not. She’s independent, and she’s tougher than nails, especially when it comes to men. Tread carefully, guys. I’ll give you some time with her, but she really is needed behind the bar. Plus she has a private party in the back room tonight.”

With that, Charlie left the room.

* * * *

Melissa felt her heart beating rapidly in her chest. It had been exhilarating and exciting to be up on stage and dance like that. Of course she was more confident because of the wig and makeup. She could never do that on a regular basis. Her nerves would be shot, and she didn’t like the way men looked at her as if they had every right to touch her.

As she danced for Alex, she noticed the brothers that were keeping her entertained all night at the bar. The look in the one big guy’s eyes burned her insides. She never felt anything like that in her life. Then, when she was squatting over Alex, pretending to fuck him with her clothes on, she closed her eyes and she saw the five brothers. It was so crazy that it scared her.

Her thoughts bothered her as she stared into the mirror. That’s when she thought she heard voices.

Melissa heard Charlie talking to someone outside of the dressing room door. There were multiple voices, and she wondered who was there. Closing the robe tighter against her body, she moved toward the door when suddenly there was a knock.

“Yes, who is it?” she called.

“Friends of Charlie’s. He told us we could come visit you.”

What the hell were they talking about? Charlie didn’t mention visitors. Why would he do that?

“Sorry. I don’t know anything about visitors. Go get Charlie and—”

The door opened, and one by one the five hot guys from the end of the bar came waltzing in. Melissa clutched her robe tighter and stepped back further into the room. They were way too big to fit in the small dressing room. Her breathing grew rapid and it suddenly felt tight and stuffy in the room.

“What are you guys doing back here? No one is supposed to be back here.” She hated that her voice sounded so shaky and unsure, but these five men took up the small space immediately. If not for the fact that she still wore the stilettos, she would appear elflike next to them.

“Don’t be frightened. We’re not here to hurt you,” the one guy with shoulder-length hair stated calmly. One glance at the others and they looked ready to devour her. She felt her body warm at their presence, and she wondered, what the hell was wrong? She should be deathly afraid that five extra large men crowded into her dressing room after viewing the performance she just did.

“Listen, I think you guys got the wrong impression out there. That was just an act.”

“We know that. We have a proposition for you, though,” one guy stated, causing his brothers to look at him as if he were crazy. Melissa picked up on it immediately.

“I’m not interested in any of your propositions,” she replied as the same man moved closer. He eyed her from head to toe then licked his lips.
Damn, did he have fabulous lips. What the heck? Focus, Melissa, this could get ugly.

“I think you got the wrong idea. I don’t do sex for money,” she stated firmly, but her voice cracked on the last syllable as the guy moved closer to her. Her hip pressed against the wall and then her back. Son of a bitch, he backed her into the wall.

“I’m happy to hear that you’re not a whore. I expect more from my woman.”

Her eyes widened in shock. Was this guy a nut job?

“Your woman?”

He reached toward her cheek, and she held his gaze as the deep, dark brown of his eyes seemed to sparkle with black flecks. Then she felt the other hand at her waist before he was inches from her body.

His thumb caressed her lower lip, and she inhaled his scent. Peculiar. He smelled familiar and interesting. Her breathing calmed, and the fear she had moments ago seemed to slowly be minimizing.

“You feel it. I know you feel it, honey. Inhale my scent and recognize the familiarity of your partner. You felt it at the bar earlier, too.”

Partner? At the bar? Oh shit, he knows who I am.

She panicked and tried to push against him to get away from his hold.

* * * *

“Whoa, honey, don’t freak out. Your secret’s safe with us,” Logan added, joining Frankie beside their mate.

“Your eyes are so beautiful. Did you really think the mask would hide them?” Logan asked as he touched her cheek. He watched her chest rise and fall, and her grip loosened on her robe. His eyes roamed over the gap in the robe, and she clenched it tighter again.

“What do you want?” she asked, eyeing him and looking concerned.

“You, Mel. We want you,” Frankie whispered then pressed his lips over hers. He sensed her resistance at first, and then it appeared her body and soul recognized him as one of her mates.

He took the moment to pull her curvy body against his. He caressed her lower back as he devoured her mouth and minimized her fear. She, in return, became calm in his arms.

He didn’t want to push too far and knew she needed to adjust to this situation. They knew nothing about her, and she knew nothing about them. In fact, from what he could decipher, she was human.

Slowly he released her lips and kissed her chin and neck.

“Thank you, Mel.”

Her eyes looked glossy and hazed over. Could the mating musk be working so quickly?

Logan placed his fingers under her chin, tilting her head toward him.

“Do you feel the connection?” he asked her as he held her gaze.

She nodded, and his wolf celebrated inside him.

“Good. So why don’t you get dressed and we’ll talk about this some more?” Logan suggested.

“I can’t. I have to work.”

“Fuck work.” Frankie began to protest, but Logan stopped Frankie and shoved Frankie behind him.

“We’ll wait until your shift is over. We’ll be right outside,” Logan said and gave her a gentle kiss on her cheek despite the fact that his cock pounded against his jeans, demanding release. His wolf kept repeating the words “fuck and claim, fuck and claim.” He felt like a fucking robot.

She stared at them, looking unsure but not quite ready to bolt, so they walked out and waited for her to come out.

* * * *

Melissa stared at herself in the mirror and touched her swollen lips. Her body was on complete fire, and her pussy wept with need. Those men were lethal, and it appeared they all wanted to have sex with her. Damn, she would have had sex with the first guy against that wall if he pushed a little harder. She shook her head at the thought.
Being sexually deprived for the last eight months has obviously made me crazy.

She began to remove the makeup and change her clothes as she thought about what the first guy said. He asked if she felt that feeling? What was going on with her? She felt a familiarity to them, yet she never met any of the men before tonight. Maybe she should ignore them?

She thought about their sexy bodies and their amazingly good looks. Shaking her head in the mirror, she couldn’t believe her own train of thought. It had been months since she had sex with one man, now little old, inexperienced her was going to take on five?

Yeah right? I think shaking your tits and ass in front of strangers has turned your brain to mush. Concentrate on studying and passing the bar, not getting laid and being used. Like being used by one guy hadn’t been hell? How would being used by five be better?

Chapter 5

The five brothers watched Melissa work. She tried to avoid that end of the bar, but it was inevitable. The brothers caused a fight with Jerry in order to get her to wait on them. She had fifteen minutes until the private party. With a sigh, she raised her chin and headed into the unknown with eyes wide open.

She looked at each of them, and her insides came to life. She felt herself blush as they stared at her with eyes filled with lust and fantasies. She didn’t know how she could see such things in their eyes alone, but she did. No man ever looked at her like that and definitely not five at the same time. When she looked at them, the first thoughts that came to mind were them ravishing her body. One-on-one or five-on-one, she was open to any of it.

“What can I get you?” she asked, trying hard not to really look deeply into their eyes. When she did, she felt weak and powerless. That wasn’t a familiar or enticing feeling for her. Trust didn’t come easy for her. She needed to be very careful. The simple fact that they were cops to boot didn’t sit well with her criminal side either
. Yikes!

“Don’t you even want to know our names?” the one who kissed her so thoroughly asked. She felt herself blush again.
Get a grip, girl, or they’ll think you are easy prey.

She shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly as if she didn’t care either way. One of the men raised his eyebrows in the most adorable way. She shook her head and laughed. Then they began to introduce themselves.

“I’m Logan,” the first guy stated, reaching his hand out for her to shake it. She was hesitant, but his smile weakened her defenses.

“Logan, nice to meet you,” she replied, shaking his hand, and the introductions continued. She smiled at the one named Vince. He seemed a bit shy compared to the others but by no means safe. He had muscles everywhere and was in great physical condition. Immediately Sunny introduced himself, taking her hand from Vince and bringing it to his lips. She held his intense gaze and felt her thighs shake when he let the tip of his tongue touch the top of her hand right before he kissed it. Her heart hammered in her chest at the thought that he wanted to see how she tasted. She should have been repulsed by the action but on the contrary her panties were drenched.

“I’m Jake,” the really big guy whispered, and she wasn’t sure she heard him right. Silly her leaned forward over the bar to hear him better.

“The name is Jake, baby. Damn, you smell good,” he whispered as his warm, firm lips pressed against her neck and ear. The chills coated her body and quickly she pulled away. She was trying to maintain some control here, but these men were lethal. Just as she thought she had met them all, the fifth brother introduced himself. She reached out her hand to shake Frankie’s hand, the guy that kissed her and his big, brown eyes held her gaze. She licked her lips out of nervousness and all the men made weird noises.

“Your lips are calling to me again, sweetheart. Why don’t you lean on over and let me have another taste?” Frankie asked, and her heart instantly hammered in her chest. He was a definite tease. Handsome and experienced, and he reminded her of Colin Farrell. That bad-boy, I-can-get-into-your-pants smile of his did a number on certain body parts. She bet he probably had a mouth on him like the actor, as well. Her imagination would soar with fantasies about these men tonight, when she was alone on the couch.

“I don’t think so, Frankie.” She turned away as someone called her name. It was Tara, her replacement for the night. Now Melissa had to freshen up before the private party.

“Okay, guys, this is Tara. She’s going to take real good care of you. It was nice meeting you all,” Melissa said. The moment the words left her mouth she noticed what appeared to be shocked expressions on all five men. Logan got up from the barstool as if he could stop her. She ignored their questions as she hurried to the back exit of the bar.

As soon as she was down the hallway and about to enter the bathroom, someone grabbed her shoulder to turn her around.

She gasped as she turned to give the person a piece of her mind until she saw that it was Logan. Looking straight up at the six-feet-five-inch monster of a man, her insides quivered.

He grabbed her upper arm as a few women exited the bathroom, staring at Logan, practically drooling before they exited back to the club. She couldn’t help the jealous feeling that hit her gut. Logan was an exquisite work of art. A lot of women found that appealing. Apparently, by the amount of times she felt her pussy weep with desire, she was one of them.

“What is it?” she asked him, trying to act tough.

Logan pulled her further down the hallway to where there was some privacy. He pressed her body against the wall and kept one hand pressed against the wall behind her and above her left shoulder while his other hand laid flat against the wall and next to her right hip. She was trapped between a solid wall and a massive amount of muscles. Even his forearms had rippling muscles through them. She stared up into his eyes, and he stepped one foot back to lower his frame for her, but his chest was inches from her own.

“You can’t just run off like that after what we discussed in the dressing room,” he reprimanded, holding her gaze with his eyes but faltering as he locked in on her lips. She licked them out of self-consciousness and saw Logan tense in response.

“You’re killing me, Mel,” he whispered then pressed his firm lips against her own. She found herself kissing him back and loving the feeling of his arms around her, holding her to him. His knee and leg pressed between her thighs, causing them to part as he rocked his hips against her body. She felt his hard cock hit her belly, and she gasped as he kissed her. He tasted sweet and warm as she fought him for control of the kiss. Her nipples hardened and her pussy dripped with desire as she heard Logan growl in her mouth.

BOOK: Dwyer, Dixie Lynn - SWAT Team Two and Miss Robin Hood [The Men of Five-0 #2] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)
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