Dreamlike State (The Magic of Black Forest Book 1) (9 page)

BOOK: Dreamlike State (The Magic of Black Forest Book 1)
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Crying I begged, “Please don’t leave, please.”

“Don’t cry. It’s going to be alright. Tomorrow we will take care of everything.” He sat with me on his lap, rocking back and forth, trying to comfort me.

“You’re right, because I’m going home tomorrow.” My fear undoubtedly took over. Logic, at the moment, ceased to exist in my mind. Visions started flashing through my mind. They were coming so fast, constantly changing, that it made me dizzy.

He growled loudly. “NO! You’re not leaving tomorrow. I won’t let you. You don’t have anything to worry about. I won’t let him hurt you.”

“Oh yes I do, and by hurting me he’s going to hurt you. He wants to take care of two birds with one stone. He’s even angrier now than he was before because you’re here. He saw us kissing Bradley. He may have just walked away but…” Fear driving me, I wrapped my arms around Bradley kissing him like I’d never kissed him before. Showing him how much I loved him, worried that I may have to leave tomorrow and this could be our last night together.

With ease, he pushed me slightly away. Out of breath, eyes wide he asked, “Natalia, wow, what was that? No don’t answer. I don’t care how or what. Thank you for sharing that with me. I love you, too. And this won’t be our last night together because you’re not leaving tomorrow.”

Tears streamed down my face. Confused I asked, “What?”

“You said you loved me. I heard it clear as day.” His warm breath swept over my ear as he whispered, “I truly love you too. I have since the first time I saw you.”

But I didn’t say it, I thought it. “You heard my thoughts?” I stared at him, stunned.

“Wait, are you saying that I heard what you were thinking? How can that be?”

We totally forgot about the fact that Anthony waited outside, watching us. We were lost in our own moment.

Giggling, I teased, “How could I say anything with my tongue down your throat?”

And with the tension broken momentarily, we laughed together.

“Think of something, I want to see if it happens again.”

I didn’t think it was going to work but played along anyway.
“I can’t wait for you to kiss me again.”

A huge smile brightened his handsome face removing any doubts I had. My breath caught waiting for him to fulfill my request. He slid my body closer to his, electricity surging between us. Placing his hands on my cheeks, he lifted my head, “Your wait is almost over,” and began kissing the center of my neck.

Slowly, torturing me, he worked his way towards my chin. “Breathe,” he whispered, pressing gentle kisses on the corner of my mouth. Lightheaded, I exhaled. With it escaped a lustful sigh. Chuckling, he ran his thumb along my quivering bottom lip. His tongue followed teasingly. My heart pounded against my chest. My lips parted slightly to taste his delicious warm flavor. Desperate from his own tortuous pace, Bradley crushed his mouth on mine. His tongue dove in searching for mine. A loud embarrassing moan escaped me but I didn’t care.

He laid me down. Laying over me, holding his own weight so as not to crush me, he kissed down the right side of my neck and back up again. My heavy breathing sounded obscene. I ran my hands up and down the length of his back before wrapping my arms around him, pulling him closer. Emotions I never felt before consumed me. Inside, a fire burned, spreading its warmth throughout my body. Returning his lips to mine, he let out a low sexy growl. 

I thought, “
Tighter. Hold me tighter.
” As requested, he pressed his body onto mine. Again, unlike anything I ever experienced, moisture formed between my thighs from my arousal.

“Natalia, you taste and smell so good. I want you.” Our eyes met. His, wild with excitement, seemed to dance, enchanting mine.

I want you too, Bradley.
” I wrapped my legs around his waist, locking my ankles behind his hips. I’ve never wanted to be intimate with any man before, ever. But with Bradley, I wanted intimacy and a whole lot more. He emitted an agonizing groan. Grabbing my hips he pulled them upwards. He thrust his groin between my thighs, grinding, and breathing uncontrollably.

Longing for more, for him, my hips rocked, meeting his thrusts. The moisture between my thighs spread, wetting my panties. As my arousal grew, so did his. His mouth crushed mine, kissing me passionately. Our tongues danced while our bodies moved, rubbing against each other, synchronized.

Every muscle felt tightly wound, about to snap. His right hand slid under my shirt. Slowly, as his hand caressed my flesh, he moved upwards towards my breast… Unexpectedly, I arched up and my legs tightened around his waist. As my first orgasm ripped through me, “
” my body quivered in ecstasy.

Unaware of what just happened, Bradley continued thrusting and grinding against me.

A rather large wet spot formed between my thighs. Having no experience with intimacy I felt embarrassed, became worried. I panicked and frantically tried to search his mind to see his thoughts. But like all the other times I tried to read his mind, I couldn’t. What if…

He groaned, pulling me away from my negative thoughts. Slowing his grinding motion, he removed his hand from under my shirt. But I didn’t want him to stop. I wanted more. A lot more. Why was he stopping?

He rested his forehead on mine, with a shaky voice, “Natalia…” His thrusts, now not so determined or aggressive, slowed. The gentle thrusts between my thighs pressed my soaked jeans and panties against my flesh, reminding me of my inexperience. With his groin pressed firmly against me he stopped. “I promised you that my love for you is pure. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have.” Sliding off of me, he grabbed my hip and pulled me onto my side. Face to face, he brushed his lips over mine before looking me in the eye. “I have never felt such intimacy with anyone like I just did with you. Being able to hear your thoughts, it moved me. I lost control a little. Again, I must ask for your forgiveness.” He kissed my forehead tenderly.

Trying to catch my breath, not wanting these incredible feelings to end I asked him, “Why did you stop? Did I do something wrong?” I buried my face in his chest. Embarrassed, not having done this before, he probably sensed that with all of his experience. Why would he waste his time with someone as inexperienced as I was?

“Natalia, stop thinking for a minute.” He was laughing now, still trying to catch his breath. “Didn’t you hear what I just said -- I have never felt such intimacy with anyone like I just did with you. Being able to hear your thoughts of me, it moved me. When you kissed me with all that love and passion, I could barely stop myself. Actually, I didn’t stop myself.”

“Would you please look at me? And say or think something?” His voice was full of excitement and utter joy.

On the verge of tears, again, I said, “You just told me to stop thinking.”

“Do you always think so recklessly?” He chuckled. “Please don’t feel embarrassed; I should be the one embarrassed. With all my so-called experience, I’m the one who couldn’t control myself enough to make it last longer. Seriously Natalia…” He put his hand under my chin and lifted my face up so he could see my eyes. Gritting his teeth, his lips were pressed tightly together. Moments after we made eye contact he turned away, unable to hold my gaze.

Now concerned with his feelings I asked, “What’s the matter, Bradley?”

“Please don’t think anything less of me. I promise when we really do this I’ll be in more control. Umm, I got a little overly excited.” He paused as if he was unsure if he should go on. I encouraged him to. After a long hesitation he finally asked, “Do you have a pair of jogging pants I can borrow? Preferably not pink so as to avoid permanently damaging my manhood.”

“What? Why?” At first, I didn’t get it. I replayed everything in my head then clear as day, it came to me. I took a quick peek at his jeans and saw that he had a wet spot too. I couldn’t stop myself, I started giggling.

“Ugh! I thought hearing your thoughts would be great but at this very moment I’m even more embarrassed then I was a few minutes ago.” He got up looking everywhere but at me.

“Really, Bradley?” Thrilled that I got him excited too, I jumped up and down clapping. My reaction seemed to upset him even more. Embarrassed like I was earlier, he wouldn’t look at me. Understanding how he felt I decided to behave. “I do have something for you to change into, you know, so that you can be more comfortable.” I stood beside him with my hands behind my back, leaned towards him and whispered in his ear, “Me too, but you didn’t hear that did you. Except that was the first orgasm I ever had.” I spun around quickly. Giggling I ran into the bedroom to find him something to change into.

When I spun back around, he was right behind me grinning. He wrapped his arm around my waist and held me close, “Really?” He asked quizzically. “Now don’t be mad, but if you’ve never had one before how would you know?”

To prove it to him I recalled a play by play memory of my orgasm. The exact moment my body exploded leaving me breathless, my toes curling and the incredible feelings of ecstasy I had. When he heard my detailed thoughts and the very moment my orgasm swept through my body, my most favorite crooked smile spread across his face.

With his lips pressed against my ear he whispered, “Natalia, I love you. You are everything to me.”

Not thinking at all, I replied, “I love you too. There are so many more “firsts” we need to experience together. Well, for me anyway.” I giggle. “Like who’s changing first?”

“Ladies first.” He looked dazzled. Forgetting he can hear my thoughts he replied, “I am and never have been before. You are the first woman who has ever dazzled me, Natalia. Now go get changed.”

While I changed, I repeated the last thirty minutes in my head. It was wonderful. I started to imagine what it would be like when we really made love when my thoughts were interrupted by a loud banging on the door. I hadn’t realized I was taking that long. “Sorry, I’m done.” I burst out of the bathroom door with a huge grin on my face. Before going into the bathroom, he kissed me like earlier, with passion, leaving me breathless.

“Natalia, please try to remember I can hear your thoughts. You are driving me crazy fantasizing about how our sex life will be. Please, for the love of all that is holy, stop.” Then he kissed my nose and went to change.

I didn’t think about it again, but I couldn’t stop laughing when he came out.


Chapter 8


We were so preoccupied with ourselves that we totally forgot Anthony was outside. But Seager didn’t. He kept an eye on him for us. Apparently, when he saw us going at it, he left, enraged.

Bradley thought it was because of the fear I felt that I let him in, to hear my thoughts. But we couldn’t figure out how he heard Seager.

Seager had a theory about that. He said Bradley was able to hear him because he has some kind of psychic ability that he hasn’t channeled into yet. Normal humans can’t hear Seager the way I do. He even joked around, telling Bradley that he had to be some kind of immortal, maybe a shape-shifter or a vampire even. He acted as if they really existed. I laughed at his theory. For some strange reason though, Bradley didn’t think that was too funny, and totally blew him off by changing the subject.

Even though I didn’t want him to, Bradley said he had to go and talk to Anthony. “I have to find out what’s going on in that head of his, and more importantly, to tell him to leave you alone.” Knowing that I was worried about such a meeting, he told me not to fret and said, “Natalia, don’t wander far from the cabin. Don’t go into the woods.”

As he was going on and on, I forgot he was able to read my thoughts and started thinking about last night. Wondering if he would come back tonight to stay again and if he did, will we
do it
again. I really couldn’t focus on anything else. My face had a huge smile permanently painted on it. I had been smiling so much since last night that my cheeks were actually starting to hurt. I reached up and began rubbing them. When I returned to reality and looked up at Bradley, he was just staring at me with his eyes narrowed and lips pressed firmly in a straight line.

I stopped smiling, narrowed my eyes, and returned a glare. “What?” Nice tactic, but I was smiling and laughing before I could even finish my one word question.

“You’re driving me crazy with your thoughts. It takes all the strength I have not to pick you up and take you to your room.” He looked really frustrated.

“So what’s stopping you?”

“My promise to you and that I really need to take care of this, so please don’t make it harder for me. How can I protect you if all I want is to take you to your room and make love to you?

“Balance… it’s all about balancing our time. Now is the time for me to take care of Anthony, to make sure he doesn’t try anything else. I promise I’ll be back tonight – with my own change of clothes.” His flirty smile reached his eyes. Wrapping his arms around me, kissing my ear he asked, “What will you do while I’m gone?”

“I’m going to the Laundromat down the road. I have some clothes that desperately need cleaning. Then I’ll run to the market. About what time do you think you’ll be back?” My smile gone, replaced with a pouty expression.

He pushed my frown upward with his fingers. “Like you, before dark. I love you and please be safe.” He kissed me, then got in his truck and drove off while I stood there waving goodbye.

Seager and I returned around dinnertime. We ate and then I cleaned up. Bradley wouldn’t be here for a few more hours. It was a beautiful day out so we sat out on the porch. Telepathically we talked to one another.
“What do you want to do, Seager?”

“I think you need to figure out a way to block Bradley from your thoughts, you know to shield yourself.”

“Good idea, I’m driving him nuts. I keep forgetting he can hear them,”
I said laughing.

“Yea and you’re both grossing me out! I mean I’m happy for you both but yuck! When you’re thinking you’ll want to make sure you keep your thoughts to yourself. Block them. You can control who hears your thoughts. Like with me, when you’re not actually talking to me I don’t hear them. Thank the heavens above for that!”
We practiced a few times, and only twice did Seager hear my thoughts. He said I wasn’t concentrating enough. It’s easy with Seager but I’m not sure if it’ll work on Bradley.

Bradley returned just before dark. He had a bag of clothes with him but he didn’t look happy. Immediately, I started concentrating on blocking my thoughts.

Hugging him tightly I gently kissed him. “Hello, I’ve missed you.” When he didn’t respond with the same affection I asked, “Is everything okay?”

“No, Anthony quit the band and supposedly left town. I didn’t get to talk to him. I looked everywhere for him but he’s nowhere to be found. Since I had to come here, Jesse and Colleen are out looking for him. If they find him they’ll call me. So I may have to leave you alone for a bit.” Due to my wild imagination I immediately thought…
had to?
… didn’t he want to come? When he didn’t try to comfort me I realized he didn’t hear my thoughts, that I’d successfully blocked them from him.

“Do you really think he left town?” I asked even though I knew deep down that he didn’t. He’s probably outside right now.

“I don’t know, I really don’t know. When he quit the band he told Dave a bunch of lies about me and about you, too, Natalia. I’m truly sorry about that. Rest assured though, Dave didn’t believe a word he said. I was relieved to find out that he only tolerated Anthony because he was my friend and a good drummer. Dave’s happy he’s gone. Starting tomorrow, we’re holding auditions to find a replacement. We have a few commitments coming up that we can’t back out of.”

“I’m sorry you had such a bad day, Bradley. I don’t care what Anthony said about me. I’m used to people talking behind my back, being rude to me. I just ignore it.” I waved my hand in the air as if to gesture ‘who cares.’

“How can anyone be rude to you, Natalia? That would be like kicking a puppy.” Even though it was at my expense, I was elated to see him smile.

“Oh you’re a real funny guy tonight.” We started to wrestle playfully. Of course, in a matter of seconds he had me on the floor, sitting on top of me, holding my hands above my head. Fervently he gazed down into my eyes. The intensity warmed me all over. Then he did the strangest thing. He sniffed the air, smiled wickedly, and kissed me.

When his phone rang, he said some cuss words under his breath. “Jess spotted Anthony at a bar in town. He’s waiting for me to arrive before approaching him so I have to go.” Shoving his phone in his pocket he asked, “Natalia, will you be alright while I’m gone or do you want to come with me?” I could sense he wanted me to stay but would take me if I asked.

“I’ll stay here with Seager. We’ll be okay. Please be careful and get back here quickly.” I say brusquely.

“It really bothers you when I leave, doesn’t it?” I nodded and rolled my eyes. Chuckling at my response he said, “I’ll be back soon.”

I put a movie in to help pass the time while Bradley was gone. It felt like time was dragging.

“Seager, you want to go out?”
Without responding, he was at the door.

The night was beautiful, the sky a clear blue and there were stars everywhere. I could definitely get used to this.

“I’ll be right back, Natalia. I’m going to check out the perimeter of the cabin. Go ahead inside.”

Watching him disappear around the side of the house I felt a draft, no…a rush of air against my back. It wasn’t a breeze or the wind; it was as if something rushed past me. I took a few steps inside the cabin when I suddenly heard the front door slam shut behind me. I spun around and standing right behind me was Anthony.

“What are you doing here Anthony? Get out!” I yelled so Seager would hear me. Seager did hear me. He started barking and scratching at the door trying to get in.

“I told you I would stop by. I heard Brad was looking for me. You wouldn’t know why, would you,” he asked tauntingly.

“No, why don’t you just ask him yourself?” Authoritatively, I lifted my hand and pointed it towards the door. “Didn’t I tell you to get out?” I was so nervous my palms were sweating and my hands shaking. His aura was as black as the ace of spades.

“I’ll talk to Brad later, maybe. I don’t think you want me to leave.” Before I could tell him differently he grabbed my arms and spun me around so that my back was against the door. His movements were so quick, that everything became a blur. Pinning me against the wooden door, he started smelling my hair and pressing his body against mine. I wanted to defend myself, to run but I knew it would be useless. Fear raged within, rooting me to the floor. 

Every time Seager jumped on the door I felt it. It jolted me forward, against Anthony. I heard him scratching, trying to get in, the sounds of his desperate cries coming from the threshold. “
Seager, get help.

With my hands against his chest, I tried shoving Anthony away but it was like pushing on a boulder. He wouldn’t budge.

“Get off me, Anthony. NOW!” I yelled, demandingly. Too terrified, I heard the panic in my own voice.

“How do you think your Bradley would feel if I kissed you right now? Maybe we should find out.” Oh, god, please no!

I did everything I could to avoid his lips from being forced onto mine. With every attempt he made I stretched, twisted and even turned my head from side to side, but he was too strong. I knew it wouldn’t be long before he succeeded. “No!” I pleaded, “Please don’t!”

My unwillingness to participate infuriated him. Clamping his fingers onto my face he slammed my head against the door, and pushed his lips harshly onto mine, forcing his tongue into my mouth. I gagged and coughed, but that didn’t stop him. Dazed from the growing lump on the back of my head, I struggled to free myself. Unable to do so, I did the first thing that came to mind, I bit down hard on his tongue. It felt like I was biting down on a piece of marble stone.

Pulling his face back from such close proximity to mine, he held my throat tightly with his hand as he said, “Did you just try to bite my tongue, you silly girl? How about I bite you back, sort of an eye for an eye? I wonder how Brad would feel if I bit you. Would he still want you then – I know I would.”

Realizing there was some unknown meaning behind his threat a chill ran down my spine. Fear, unlike anything I’ve felt before, consumed me. Eyes dark with black circles under them had evil spewing from them. Images of the things he wanted to do to me flitting through my mind, all were vulgar and disgusting. Some of the visions were blurry. And even though I couldn’t make them out, they were the ones I feared most.

“BRADLEY!” I screamed, struggling yet again to escape his grasp.

“He can’t hear you,” he said wickedly, licking the side of my face.

Seager, please go get Bradley!
” I pleaded weakly.

My eyes filled with tears, terrified I pleaded, “Please let me go and leave. P-please.”

Startlingly, my phone trilled. I tried to answer it but he just ripped it from my hand. After he saw the caller ID and knew who was calling, he grimaced while throwing my phone onto the couch.

With one hand still on my throat he said, “Oh, Natalia, I like it when you beg. If I didn’t have to go right now I’d stay and show you how much. In my showing you, you’d beg for more, unlike last night. Tell Brad that I’ll catch up with him later. I promise.” The threatening promise to catch up with Bradley terrified me more.

Angrier after Bradley’s interruption, he slammed my head against the door again, harder than before. I literally saw stars. Bending over he kissed me, choking me with his tongue as he rubbed his groin against my stomach. His fingers tightened around my throat, cutting off my air supply, making me gasp. I scratched and clawed at his wrists trying to get him to release me, to let me breath. My head hit the door again before he released my throat. Holding my head and gagging, I struggled to breathe. He grabbed a fistful of my hair and demanded, “Go outside and grab that mutt of yours.” After opening the door, he aggressively threw me out it then slammed it closed behind me.

I swung the door open and screamed, “Get 'em Seager.” Seager rushed into the cabin growling and snarling. The tan streak on his back now black with fury, the fur stood straight up from the back of his skull to the tip of his tail.

When he returned he said,
“He’s gone. Climbed out the window. Are you alright? I’m so sorry I couldn’t get in. I tried.”

“No, I’m alright.”
I tried to downplay it. I felt so disgusting that I had this immediate need to brush my teeth and get in the shower.

“No you’re not. I’m sorry, Natalia. I should’ve jumped through the window.”

“Don’t worry about it. I’m getting in the shower. Please don’t let him in. Don’t let anyone in.”

“I promise no one will get past me.”
His eyes were full of regret.

Before I jumped into the shower, I brushed and scrubbed my teeth until my gums bled. Once the water hit my face, tears started pouring from my eyes uncontrollably. It’s a horrible feeling to be held against your will -- being forced to do something you don’t want to do. I didn’t get out of the shower until the tears stopped; it took a while. I spent most of the time sitting with my arms wrapped tightly around my knees, rocking back and forth while the water washed his filthy touch off of me. The back of my head had a huge bump on it causing me pain when I combed my hair. By the size of it, I may end up with a headache later on.

When I finally came out Bradley was there, both him and Seager looked as though they had failed me. Seager must have told him what happened. Not knowing what to say I walked up to him, wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face in it. My body trembled as I sobbed, “I’m so sorry, Bradley.”

BOOK: Dreamlike State (The Magic of Black Forest Book 1)
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