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Authors: Jaci Burton

Dream On (6 page)

BOOK: Dream On
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“Take me home, Jack. Make love to me.”

He drew back and searched her face, his eyes turning dark. He nodded and led her to the car. The drive home was made in silence, but he held her hand the entire time, his thumb rubbing against her fingers.

Kate watched the way his hand moved over hers, memorizing every stroke of his thumb, committing the feel of his touch to memory. Before, she hadn’t been prepared for his departure. This time she would be. Like a clock ticking in her head, she knew the countdown had started. Somehow, part of her knew that her time with Jack was fleeting.

Maybe that was part of this dream. Spending nights with him, letting her imagination run wild into scenarios of “what if”, trying out how she’d react if he ever really did come back to her. The safe haven of her imagination allowed her to break free of the anger and hurt and truly live again in the arms of the man she loved. 44

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Jack pulled up in front of the house, turned off the ignition and got out, making his way to her side of the car. Everything that happened after that seemed like a slowmotion play on a movie. He opened the door, lifted her out with both hands, then swept her into his arms, taking the steps two at a time. She tilted her head back and laughed when he stood on the porch and twirled her around in circles. She was dizzy, ecstatic and crazy in love with him. Unlocking the chains around her heart made her soar with freedom again. Even if this was a dream, it was a catharsis, a reawakening she’d desperately needed.

Nudging the door open with his shoulder, he kicked it closed with his foot, driving his mouth down hard against hers as soon as she heard the click of the door lock. She tangled her fingers in his hair and pulled him closer, desperate to feel no barriers between them except their own needs and desires.

In an instant she was on her feet, Jack’s hands sweeping around her and drawing her hips against his. His cock was erect, hot and thick. He rocked against her and her sex wept with need for him. A whimper escaped her throat when his hand found her breast, kneading her flesh and scraping his thumb against her nipple. Too many clothes separated his hand from her skin. “Jack, please,” she begged, thrusting her breast into his hand.

He laughed, the sound low and husky and driving her arousal to a near fevered pitch. He lifted her and carried her into the bedroom, turning on the small table lamp. Soft light filtered the room, not too much to glare harshly, but enough that they could see each other.

Typically she’d want the light off, not wanting him to see the way her body had changed. But after today in the dressing room, it was pointless to try and hide the ravages of time. Besides, she thought with a soft curl of her lips, he thought she was beautiful.

He set her down on the bed and stepped away. The light shined behind him, casting his face in a dusky glow, silhouetting his body. And oh what a body! He yanked 45

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the tie from around his neck and began to slip each button from its hold. Shrugging out of his shirt, he stood and stared at her while she nearly drooled over his chest and flat abdomen, amazed that a man his age could still make her juices flow uncontrollably. Truthfully, he looked about thirty-five. Tanned, well-muscled with a healthy glow that suffused his entire body. Dark hairs without a single gray among them scattered across his chest and lower, leading to a soft down of black fur that teased her by disappearing into the waistband of his pants.

She stood and reached for his belt, keeping her focus on his face. Slipping the belt loose, she popped the button on his pants. When she tugged the zipper down, her knuckles brushed his erection and he swore softly, moving his hips forward.

“Touch me, Katie. It’s been too long.”

She nodded and drew his pants down his hips, dropping to her knees to gaze at his cock. Thick, pulsing, the head engorged and dark, a pearl-sized drop of fluid lingered at the slit. She leaned forward and swiped her tongue over it, then covered her mouth over the head and sucked him inside.

“Christ!” he cried out, holding her face and slowly thrusting forward until his shaft was buried between her lips. She lapped at his cock head and swirled her tongue around and over the shaft, cupping his balls and massaging them while she loved his cock with her mouth.

His body trembled. The power to pleasure him was an amazing thing. To realize that he needed to be close to her, as much as she needed the same from him, made her love him more than she ever thought possible.

The soft sacs under his shaft tightened, drawing close to his body as she engulfed his cock deep into her mouth. She stroked the base of the shaft, propelling it between her lips, then drawing it out to lick the head, making sure he watched the movements of her tongue and lips. He uttered soft curses and kept his hands on her head, guiding her mouth over his shaft again and again.


Dream On

She could do this all night long, but Jack pulled her to her feet and kissed her, parting the seam of her lips with his tongue. He swept it inside her mouth, thrusting and withdrawing until she was all but weeping with the need to feel those same motions inside her quaking pussy.

Jack pulled away and yanked at the straps of her dress, drawing them down her arms. The bra soon followed after he impatiently tore it away from her body, baring her breasts to his hungry gaze. He devoured her, first with his eyes, then with his hands, and finally, blissfully, with his mouth, tugging one nipple with his teeth while plucking the other with his fingers.

Her legs trembled and she held onto his shoulders for support. His pursuit of her body was purposeful and relentless. There wasn’t a part of her he failed to touch as he slowly unveiled her skin, inch by inch, finally drawing her dress down over her hips and to the floor. She stepped out of her shoes and away from the dress, then stood there and waited for him to remove her garter belt, stockings and panties. But he pushed her backward and she fell onto the bed. Jack followed, positioning her so her head was propped up on the pillows. He knelt between her spread legs, reached for the dainty panties and graced her with a devilish grin. With one quick jerk of his hands he ripped them off. A flood of cream poured from her slit. She’d never seen him like this before. His face was dark, dangerous, his jaw clenched tight and his lips pressed together. He used to look like that when he was deep into a project. Now he looked at
that way, as if she was the only thing that existed in his world.

“You have the most beautiful pussy I’ve ever seen,” he murmured, studying her sex as if seeing it for the first time. He ran his fingers up and down her slit until she whimpered at the exquisite torture. “Pink, with plump, juicy lips that I’m dying to bury my dick between. Do you know how much I want to be inside you, Katie?”

To prove his point, he pushed back and took his shaft in his hand, clasping his fingers around the thick rod and stroking from base to tip. His eyes rolled back and he let out a soft groan. With his free hand he roamed her sex, patting her clit. Hot sparks 47

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shot deep inside her womb, melting her from the inside out. He tormented her, stroking himself and her at the same time, showing her his cock but not letting her have it.

“Dammit, Jack, please!” She didn’t care that she begged. If he didn’t fuck her and soon, she’d push him onto his back, straddle and ride him until the pressure inside her exploded. Then she’d take him along for the ride. She wanted his cum inside her. He slipped two fingers between her pussy lips and buried them inside her cunt, pulling them out and fucking them in again, deeper and harder this time. Her pussy was soaked, cream running down the crack of her ass. She lifted her hips, driving her sex against his hand, clenching the coverlet in a death grip as she rode his fingers toward her impending orgasm.

“Oh, no,” he said, withdrawing his fingers. He lifted her legs and pushed them backward, nestling his hips against her thighs. With one quick thrust he buried his thick wonderful cock all the way inside her. “When you come this time, I’ll be in you, feeling your pussy shudder and grip my dick, forcing me to come with you.”

Exactly what she wanted. She tugged at his hair and drew his face close to hers, needing the full contact of his body against every inch of hers he could possibly touch. The years apart dissolved, the pain with it, as they became one for the first time in a very long time.

When they’d been young, it had been hurried, both of them too inexperienced to understand the pleasure of taking their time. As they’d gotten older and had the boys, it had continued to be fast and furious. There had always been something else that needed their attention. Then his work had gotten in the way and sex had been an afterthought, a quick tumble to ease the tension, but somewhere along the way they’d lost the romance of making love.

Now they had time and used it to their advantage. Jack teased her clit, brushing his pelvis up and against her, then withdrew his cock until just the head remained inside her. She ran her fingers over his skin, digging her nails into his flesh when he didn’t give her the intensity she needed.


Dream On

“Fuck me, Jack,” she demanded.

“As you wish,” he teased.

It seemed to last forever, this giving and taking. His mouth devoured hers, at once hard and passionate and yet achingly tender. His cock did the same, moving slowly and gently at first, then hard and pounding as her need rose higher and higher. Jack seemed to instinctively know just where to take her, finally pushing her knees toward her head and pounding relentlessly, slamming so hard inside her that his balls slapped her ass. She welcomed it eagerly, wanting to hold him there for an eternity and never let him go.

But release loomed ever closer and try as she might, she couldn’t hold it back. Like an oncoming train, it came faster and faster, careening toward her until she couldn’t run from it anymore.

“Jack, I’m coming!” she cried out, her voice ragged. The answering cry was his as he jettisoned hot cum deep into her pussy, dragging her into a crashing orgasm that tore her in two. She cried, knew she drew blood as she buried her fingernails in his back, but she was helpless to stop. Pleasure like she’d never known before swept her into a frenzy. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she screamed again, a second, more powerful orgasm shooting through her like lightning, melting her from the inside out. When she could finally feel his weight on top of her, could feel her trembling legs lowering onto the mattress, could feel their bodies entwined in the moist sweat of their own frantic lovemaking, she knew that what had just happened was special. He held her against him, stroking her hair and her skin, pressing light kisses to the top of her head. Her heart squeezed painfully and she fought back the melancholy that threatened to overwhelm her.

Dreams were a magical link to her desires, and she knew there was a reason she’d dreamed of him every night. But what she experienced now was no dream and hadn’t been since Jack had reappeared in her life. It was time to stop living in a fantasy world of her own making and face the reality of what was happening. 49

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She’d been given an amazing gift, and no matter how much it hurt, she wouldn’t rail at the injustice of it all.

But not yet. She needed a little while longer to feel him against her, to commit every touch, every look, every kiss to her memory.

Sometime later they still stroked each other, still kissed each other, and Kate could no longer hold her questions in silence.

Despite the tenuous hold they had on each other right now, she had to know.



“Why did you leave me?”

He rolled over onto his back and took her with him, cradling her against his side. Her head rested on the left side of his chest, and she knew as soon as she lay her ear against it what she’d hear.


“I had to leave, Katie. It wasn’t my choice. But I didn’t want to. You know I didn’t. Not with so much left unsettled. I had things left to do. Mistakes I made with you that I didn’t have enough time to fix.” He sighed and squeezed her hand. “You know, you always think you have all the time in the world to do the things you want to do. I wish I had known what was going to happen in time to fix it. But I didn’t. Or maybe I did. Hell, I don’t know now. Maybe I saw the signs and ignored them. But I swear I didn’t know about my bad heart, about how the years of stress and overwork would take their toll.”

She lifted her head and looked deeply into his eyes, seeing the sorrow, the regret, knowing that the past five years had been as miserable for him as they’d been for her.

“I didn’t know I was going to die, Kate.”


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Neither did she. But he had. Without warning. Just like that, he was gone. One day he was fine, the next he was dead. The doctor told her that the heart attack was devastating, that he had to have felt some pain for weeks or months beforehand. But he hadn’t said a word. Instead, he’d died at the office after working late one night. Leaving so much unsaid and unfinished between them.

“Is that why you’re back? To make up for all you didn’t do before you died?”

“Yes. I wasn’t finished, Katie. Not with you, not by a long shot. I wanted that forever with you that we’d talked about. I hated that I’d allowed myself to get so sidetracked. I hated that all we planned for was ripped away because I was too stupid to recognize the signs.”

She couldn’t believe she was even having this conversation. But she was. And whether she believed in it or not, it had happened.

This was no dream at all. She’d just spent an amazingly glorious day and night with her dead husband.


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Chapter Eight

They stayed curled together for the longest time, neither of them saying a word. Kate held tight, afraid to move or say anything that would cause him to vanish from her life again. Somehow she knew what was coming and wasn’t ready to face it yet. Not yet, not when she’d just gotten him back.

BOOK: Dream On
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