Read Dream of Me Online

Authors: Delilah Devlin

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Military

Dream of Me (7 page)

BOOK: Dream of Me
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hen the moon
was high above them, Sam and Ash said their farewells and he held open the Warricks’ gate, letting Ash pass. The scent of oranges followed her, and he drew a deep breath.

“I like your friends,” Ash said.

At her quiet words, Sam reached for her hand and gave it a squeeze. But he didn’t let her go. And since she didn’t tug it away, he released a sigh. He liked the way this physical connection felt. Walking close together. Their fingers intertwined. When she leaned her head against his shoulder, he knew she let down her guard, and his chest swelled. Since he’d never brought a woman around his SEAL friends before, the moment felt bigger. Their approval of this woman only cemented the thought that she was The One. “They liked you,” he said softly.

“They had some pretty interesting stories about how they met their fellas. Suri said their connection was ‘insta-love’.”

“Danger has a way of bonding people in an instant.”

“Like you and your SEAL buddies.”

“Yeah.” The warm sand shifted beneath his feet as they approached the cottage.

She angled her head toward him. “Makes me almost wish for a firefight.” And then she laughed. “Sorry. I know how that sounds…like I don’t know what the hell I’m talking about.”

“I bet you have pretty good idea, Ash. I get what you’re saying. But you’re wrong. Maybe we don’t have drug runners on our tails, but you and I have something else pretty traumatic that’s drawing us together.” He tensed, waiting for her response.

“We have Marc,” she whispered. “You never said how he saved your life. But I’ll tell you the way he saved mine.”

Sam already knew the story, but he kept silent as she described responding to the robbery, the man hidden behind the door. From the tension in her voice, he knew the experience would forever haunt her.

“I think, all the time, that I shouldn’t have ducked. That I should have taken the shot. Maybe the bullet would have embedded in my vest. Maybe I would have pulled through.” She drew a deep, shuddering breath.

His gut twisted. She was guilt-ridden over her actions, reliving the moment over and over her mind, second-guessing her decision. Something he could relate to. But he knew how futile that was, and that she had nothing to feel guilty about. One of them would have died. The one left behind would forever be marked. He halted, turned, and drew her into his arms, cupping the back of her head to coax her to lean against his chest.

She was quiet, but her hot tears soaked the shoulder of his shirt. Slowly, her arms encircled him, and she leaned closer.

Skimming her skin through her thin dress with his hands, he gave her comfort while he learned the strength of her back, the sweet indent of her narrow waist. With her small, soft breasts pressed against his chest, he was content to stand on that spot, would have done so for hours just for the gift of holding her.

But she stirred and leaned back; her face tilted away. Moments later, her gaze met his, and he didn’t stop to think. He bent forward and sealed his mouth over hers.

What he’d intended was a chaste kiss, but her lips parted beneath his, opening herself to his touch. He groaned. The kiss deepened as each stroked the other’s tongue and their lips suctioned together. His cock slowly filled, and her belly rubbed against it.

Pulse racing, Sam broke the kiss. “Aislin?” He couldn’t put his question into words. Whatever she wanted of him, she’d have to take.

She swallowed. “Sam…” Her gaze dropped to his chest while her hands stroked his back. “I’d like…to be…with you.”

Sweet, sweet Ash.
He closed his eyes and hugged her close again. “Whatever you need, sweetheart.”

“This isn’t about need,” she whispered. “I want…you.”

He cupped her cheek with one hand and slipped his thumb under her chin to lift her face. Her tears were gone now. Her glossy gaze was steady.

Taking a moment, he searched her expression, looking for any signs of hesitancy. He gave her a nod, and then stepped away, holding out his hand.

Smiling, she reached for it, and they held tight as they walked the rest of the way to her bungalow in silence.

Ash waited as
he unlocked her door and pushed it open. She preceded him inside, aware of him behind her, following as she led him through the darkened cottage to the bedroom. After those kisses, she felt arousal. Her body vibrated with need, shivering and tightening. She’d never experienced this tension, this depth of anticipation. With Marc, sex had been fun and relaxed, interspersed with moments of extreme pleasure.

This was different. Different man. Different her.

Since Marc’s death, she’d ridden a rollercoaster of draining emotions. Sam had given her a glimpse of a future where she might once again connect with another man. The truth hit—that she could learn to love again. That maybe, she was already falling for Sam.

Which should have rung alarm bells, but she wouldn’t think about the future. Whatever the outcome, she was grateful for this night. For him. She’d never expected to feel this alive again.

Once inside the bedroom, she moved to the nightstand and turned on the lamp. Not that she worried she’d forget who was with her in the darkness, but because she wanted him to see her. To know that she was here. Now. That she didn’t want anyone else making love to her.

His features were taut, his jaw and cheekbones defined. His eyes were green and narrowed as he remained still, both hands curling at his sides.

His stance announced the parameters of what was happening. He still offered a chance to change her mind. Instead, she slipped out of her flip-flops and slid the wide bands of her sundress off her shoulders. She pushed the garment downward until it fell around her feet, leaving her in only bra and panties. She fought the urge to wrap her arms around her middle. She’d be brave so he’d know there’d be no hesitation on her part.

“You’re shivering,” he said softly. “Are you afraid?”

She shook her head, her mouth too dry to give him words. She reached both hands around her back and unsnapped her bra. The lacy cups fell away, exposing her small breasts. She hoped he didn’t find her wanting.

His gaze dropped and held for long seconds. His chest billowed around a deep breath.

Encouraged, she slipped her thumbs into her panties at the sides of her hips and pushed them down.

Nude, she couldn’t maintain her gaze and instead, looked at the painting on the wall past his shoulder. She stood still as only the sounds of their deepening breaths filled the room.

“You’re beautiful, Ash,” he said, his voice grinding and deep.

Her nipples tingled. The tips lengthened.

Another long moment passed when she wondered if he would make her beg. Then he moved, laying her keys and his cell phone on the night stand, placing a couple of small plastic packets there too. Next, he quickly unbuttoned his shirt and shrugged it off his wide shoulders. His pants were gone within seconds along with his briefs.

Now, she had a turn to stare. She’d thought him perfect before. After seeing him naked, she’d add breathtaking.

Every inch of his body was powerful and honed. The
rising at his groin sent a quiver through her core. Gasping, she raised her arms, holding them out toward him. “Sam…please.”

His mouth pursed as he blew out thin stream of air. He reached for one of the packets, tore it with his teeth, and then quickly rolled a condom down his shaft. In a flash, he strode toward her, his expression taut, and lifted her into his arms. Then he took the extra steps toward her bed and crawled with her to the center of the mattress where he laid her flat. She settled and opened her legs, inviting him to come over her body.

Sam swallowed hard, then set his knees between her spread legs. He held himself above her, bracing his weight on his hands as his gaze raked her body. “I wanted to go slow,” he said, his voice nearly a growl.

She almost smiled at the thought that he’d been thinking about having sex with her. And he’d been determined to be considerate. “I’m fine with fast.”

His mouth twitched then one side rose. “We have time to get this right.”

She slid her hands tentatively over his chest, palms cupping the muscular swells. Beneath her fingers was warm skin over taut muscle, coiled strength within easy reach. “This is so right. So,

He gave a strained laugh then bent to kiss her. Slowly, he lowered to his elbows.

Now his chest met hers; his cock rested against her mound. Her heart beat double-time. Ash lifted her knees to cup his sides, relishing the heat he gave off. “Never took you for a slowpoke.”

Again, he laughed. “Don’t talk about pokes. Not now.” His mouth glided over her cheek, he nuzzled her ear and the column of her neck with his nose.

Tingles ran along her skin. “Come inside me, Sam.”

“Move your hands, baby. Put them on the pillow.”

She slid them from between their bodies and let her lids lower as his chest hair scraped her nipples. Every place their bodies touched was aroused, awakening, as though from a long slumber. His hips shifted, his cock sliding between her folds, and she gasped and shivered again.

He found her center and held, his gaze seeking hers. She widened her eyes, locked her gaze with his, then gave a long sigh as he glided fully inside.

He was large. Every bit as endowed as Marc. His girth stretched her walls as he surged deep.

“You’re so wet,” he said, dipping to slide his stubbled cheek against hers.

“You make me that way.”

Their bodies close, she moaned as he withdrew then returned, this time plunging deeper. Her skin was warming, sweat already aiding the glide of their skin as he pushed slow strokes inside her.

Ash felt filled, fulfilled. The hollow inside her no longer ached with emptiness. Tears burned the backs of her eyes, and she turned her face to kiss his cheek, his jaw, then capture his mouth in a long, carnal kiss. When she pulled away, she bit his lip and tugged it. “Faster, Sam. Harder.”

“Dammit, Ash,” he growled. But he complied, his hands moving down her sides, slipping beneath her to cup her bottom as he stroked faster and harder. “I swear I’m better than this.”

“You get any better, and I’ll scream,” she said, groaning when he quickened his motions. She gripped the pillow with both hands and clung tight.

“I won’t mind,” he said, then kissed her again, his mouth rubbing, teeth nipping at her lips in sexy bites.

She caught his tongue and sucked it, and this time, he groaned.

Pausing his movements, he came up on his knees and hooked hers with his arms. Their bodies separated except for the one place they remained joined.

She dropped her gaze to watch his cock tunnel inside her, again and again. Such a sexy sight, she couldn’t help writhing her hips just a little. Couldn’t keep from cupping her own breasts and tweaking the tips, sparking tingles that shot straight to her core. She was close. Her pussy clasped him to hold him when he drove inside.

His body was built for this. For the pleasure of her watching. For the power he delivered as he stroked. His thrusts shortened, quickening again, friction heated her from the inside out and she cried aloud. “I’m close. So close.” She bit her lip to keep from telling him how much she loved this.

Sam bent over her again and released her thighs. While looking deep into her eyes, he cupped her face with one hand, smoothing his thumb over her mouth while he slid the other hand between their bodies and slicked a thick finger over her clit. One single touch. She screamed, her body arching, as she plunged over the crest. A wave of heat swept her skin, and she closed her eyes as moans, one after the other, ripped from her throat.

“That’s it, baby. I’m right there. Sweet,
,” he whispered then gave a garbled shout.

His arms encircled her, holding her against him as he continued to rock against her body. When at last he went still, they lay together, catching their breath. His head turned toward her.

His breath wafted against her neck, producing a shiver. “Thank you,” she murmured, then gave a shaky laugh. “That was…”

“Fantastic,” he whispered.

“You were fantastic.” She trailed a finger along his chiseled jaw, enjoying the prickle of his beard.

He shook his head and grinned. “Let me catch my second wind. I’d like to get this right.”

She settled on her side and stared across at him. “You never told me why you owed Marc. I’m ready to listen.”

Sam reached for her hand and pulled it to his mouth. He kissed the back of it, and then held it against his chest. “Will you be satisfied with the short version?”

“So long as some day you tell me the long one.”

He nodded, and then his gaze slid away. “I was pinned inside a house we were raiding that was a suspected hideout for Al Qaeda. No one could get to me. So, I called in an airstrike. Told the rest of the team to get out. All of sudden, I hear a burst of fire and an explosion beside me. Marc had set a charge to blow out a wall to get me out.” He gave her a crooked smile. “Of course, the blast was ringing in my ears. I was dizzy as hell. Marc comes in shouting curses at me, calling me a stupid bastard, and he hauled me up and kicked me out the hole.” We only got twenty feet away when the artillery hit, wiping out the house. Marc turned to me and said, ‘Good times, bro.’”

Ash gave a soft, short laugh. “Sounds like him.”

“And that’s it. I wouldn’t be here, looking at you now, if it wasn’t for him.”

Ash moved toward him and kissed his mouth. “I’m glad he kicked your ass out of that hole.”

They shared widening smiles while they held each other until they slept.

In the early
morning hours, she awoke to the sensation of Sam resting between her legs, trailing kisses along her belly as he edged downward. She reached out and raked his short, thick hair with her fingers, then gave him a nudge to move him lower.

He glanced up and flashed a grin. “I was beginning to think you’d never wake up,” he said, pressing a kiss against her inner thigh.

“Mornin’, Sam.”

“Mornin’, Sunshine.”

For just a second, she stilled, holding her breath. Marc had called her that, too. This time, she didn’t feel a sharp pain inside her chest. In its place was warmth, which was quickly spreading through her, centering there between her legs. She held her breath as once again, he ducked his head and slid his tongue through her folds.

BOOK: Dream of Me
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