Read Double Dare Online

Authors: Jeanne St. James

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm, #Romantic Erotica, #erotic, #Erotic Contemporary, #menage, #Multicultural

Double Dare (5 page)

BOOK: Double Dare
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“You're so tight.”

Logan released her hips and leaned forward, pinning her fingers under his lower belly, and he changed the angle of his hips, thrusting down. His cock brushed against her magic spot, making her knees buckle. She no longer held her own weight on the balls of her feet. He held her in place, held her where
wanted her. Took her at
own rhythm.

Her pinned fingers felt each bunch of his stomach muscles as he conquered her. Took her for his own.

She had never felt so completely under someone else's control in her life. Never. And she loved it.

Quinn realized she had been moaning the same two words over and over in rhythm with each surge of his cock deep within her.

Fuck me.

Fuck me.


He leaned his chest into her back, putting more of his weight on her, pinning her arms between them even more. He freed up one of his hands and slipped it between her and the table, pressing his fingers against her clit, making rapid movements in contrast to his hips.

His other hand grasped her loose hair, and he sank his teeth into her shoulder as he ground against her, making small, quick thrusts, staying as deep as he could.

“Come with me.”

She did.

Quinn screamed as the spasms overtook her, rocking her whole body from the inside out. Her muscles gripped and released his cock in the hardest orgasm she had ever had. She hadn't even known it was possible for it to be that intense.

Logan cursed, and she could feel his cock pulsating inside her, his hips moving uncontrollably as he came as hard as she did.

He stilled while she had some aftertremors. She felt weak and boneless. Her muscles were loose, and she didn't know if she could even stand by herself.

But that could wait. She was still full of Logan; he was deep inside her yet, and she wanted to take pleasure in the moment.

She had just had the best sex in her life, and it was all because of a stupid dare.

A laugh bubbled out of her as Logan slipped out of her and stepped back. He untangled the shirt from her arms gently and pulled her to her feet. The blood rushed to her freed limbs, and she groaned with the relief and the little bit of pain.

Logan turned her to face him with a look of concern on his face. “Are you all right?”

Rubbing her arms to bring back the circulation, Quinn smiled up at him. Couldn't he tell that she'd just had the best sex of her life? “Never better.”

He returned the smile and, with his index finger, tipped her chin up toward him. “Good.”

He leaned down and kissed her, giving her what she had wanted earlier but had been unable to get. His mouth slanted across her lips, and his tongue brushed against hers softly. She was disappointed when he ended the kiss, but he made up for it when he enfolded her in his arms and pressed her naked body against his. His cock was still large, but softer than what it had been, pressing against her hip; her nipples brushed against the light fur on his chest.

She usually felt self-conscious naked. But not now. With this man, it just felt right.

He laid a whiskered cheek on the top of her head and after a few moments said, “We need to stretch you out.”

It took a moment for Quinn to process what he had said. But she didn't get it. Yes, she had been tight, but he had fit just fine. Perfectly fine.

“For what?”

An unfamiliar deep voice came from behind her. “I guess I missed breakfast.”

“For him,” Logan answered her, tilting his head toward the kitchen entranceway.

Quinn tensed in Logan's arms and tried to pull away, embarrassed to be caught naked in front of another man. He wouldn't release her but turned the both of them until she could see the owner of the silky voice.

He was dark, his skin the color of baking chocolate. Dark enough that from the distance between them, it was hard to differentiate his facial features, but she could tell he had dark eyes and a very white smile.

Those dark eyes surveyed the two of them, and the smile got even bigger.

“Wow. I didn't expect you to bring home a wedding gift.”

As he stepped closer, Quinn clung to Logan like he was a blanket, trying to keep the important stuff covered. But it was useless. Logan peeled her off and stepped away, his nakedness in front of the other man not seeming to bother him a bit. He held on to her hand, forcing her to face the new arrival.

“Ty, this is Quinn…” He looked at Quinn with a disconcerted expression. “I'm sorry. I don't know your last name.”

“Preston.” This was bizarre—being introduced to another man when she was totally naked. She glanced around for the T-shirt.

“Preston,” Logan repeated. “Quinn, this is Tyson White. My…roommate.”

The way he said
made her lift her eyes from her search.

Ty took another step closer and gave Quinn the once-over. “She's spectacular.”

Since he had moved closer, Quinn could see Ty's eyes were definitely a dark brown, almost black. His scalp was shaved smooth, showing off a beautifully shaped head. He had a small gold hoop earring in each ear, which were nice complements to the rich shade of his skin. His nose was broad and his lips full. His shoulders looked even broader in the tight black T-shirt than Logan's did. And he was taller too. By an inch or so.

He was a very big man. And Quinn realized that was the least of her worries. She needed to cover up.

She spied the discarded T-shirt thrown over one of the chairs pushed away from the table. She started for it when Ty reached out and grabbed her elbow.

“Hold on. Let me see you.”

His grasp was light, but when Quinn tried to pull away, he tightened his fingers.

Logan came behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, putting his lips to her ear. “Shhh. It's okay. He's not going to hurt you.”

Quinn's heart was pounding, and she was getting into a fight-or-flight mode when Ty ran a thumb over her jawline. He ran one of his long fingers over her parted lips, her rapid breath fluttering against the backs of his knuckles.

He gave her a soothing smile and said, “Beautiful.”

His fingers continued a path down her neck, along her shoulders, and lightly traced along the undersides of her breasts. Quinn's nipples peaked again between the pressure of Logan's soft but still-heavy cock against her backside and Ty's fingers brushing over her rib cage. Ty lingered a bit before trailing them down her belly to her damp curls and the evidence of the sex between Logan and her just minutes before.

She sucked in a breath and held very still. She felt like a deer caught in headlights, knowing she should run but too stunned to do so.

“She's very tight,” Logan said matter-of-factly, his voice sounding normal—like he was talking about the weather.

Quinn was thinking there was nothing normal about this situation, when Ty dropped to his knees in front of her and smoothed his palms over her hips and down her legs, running his hands over the slickness still on her inner thighs. His hands were not as rough as Logan's, but they caused shivers up her spine just the same.

He rubbed his thumb and forefinger together, testing the wetness between them. “She must be very responsive. Turn her around.”

Logan turned her within his arms, and Quinn looked up into his eyes, questioning him without words. He placed a featherlight kiss on her forehead in answer.

If he thought that was going to be enough to pacify her, he was sorely mistaken. She did not like being inspected like a piece of horseflesh at an auction. But no protest made it past her lips. Maybe it was her natural curiosity to see where this would lead.

Or maybe he had just fucked her brains out. Literally.

Ty's hands skimmed over her buttocks. Then he stood, stepping close enough to press his jean-clad groin against the small of her back.

“Still pink,” he murmured, referring to her spanked ass.

Logan and Ty shifted closer and met over Quinn's shoulder. Quinn was helplessly sandwiched between the two men as their lips met and they kissed.

It wasn't a brotherly kiss either.

“Holy shit,” Quinn blurted out before she could stop herself.

The men broke the kiss, gave each other a look Quinn couldn't read, before they both stepped back, freeing her.

With her newfound freedom, she dashed to the chair and yanked the T-shirt over her nakedness. With hands on her hips, she turned to both of the men. Logan had slipped back into his jeans and was in the process of closing the top button.

“What the hell is going on here?”


“I mean, one minute you're having sex with me, and the next…the next you're kissing him. I mean, it's not like I'm jealous or anything. I'm not. It's just I'm…” She shook her head. “I'm confused.”

Confused was a mild way of putting it. She sank into one of the heavy wooden kitchen chairs and stared at the men across from her. Logan leaned back into Ty's chest, and the darker man's hands languidly stroked Logan's arms.

For some reason, Quinn could not wrap her brain around what she was seeing.

“You're gay?” Her question was directed toward Logan, though she didn't care which one of them answered her.

“No, I'm not gay. I love women.”

Quinn pressed fingers to her temples to try to relieve the dull throb taking up residence in her head. “But you like men.”

“I don't see color or gender, for the most part. I see people.”

She asked Ty, “Are you gay?”

He shook his head. “I enjoy women too. But I love Logan.”

Quinn gave up the massaging and dropped her hands in her lap helplessly.

Logan squeezed Ty's forearm before pulling away and coming over to Quinn, then squatting in front of her. His fingers were warm and strong as they gripped hers.

“Quinn, when I went to the wedding yesterday, I didn't plan on meeting anyone. I was only going to do my sister a favor. And I definitely wasn't planning on bringing home a drunk girl”—at her frown, he corrected himself—“woman. Sorry.”

His thumbs traced over the delicate skin of her wrists.


“But I was attracted to you, and I was intrigued by your friends' dare. But…” His words faded off.


“But when you got that drunk, I changed my mind.”

“But I ended up here anyway.”


“Did anything happen last night?”

Logan didn't answer. Just his expression was enough.

“I still don't know how I ended up here.”

Logan explained it to her while Ty moved around the kitchen, getting himself a mug of coffee and clearly keeping an ear open during the interesting tale of events.

Quinn was disappointed to learn her friends had deserted her while she was so incapacitated. She was going to have to have a little discussion with them. It was one thing for them to want her to get laid. Or to get over Peter. It was another to leave her drunk and expect her to go home with a stranger. Okay, maybe he wasn't a total stranger, but still…

Ty placed a fresh mug of coffee in front of her. Logan moved away and settled into a chair across the table, giving her some space. Ty leaned against the counter a couple of feet from her and crossed his ankles, just observing her. Both seemed to be waiting for some sort of reaction from her.

“So…you're a couple?” she asked them, keeping her eyes focused on her mug of steaming java.

“Four years,” Ty finally answered.

Logan had cheated on his partner with her. She was the
other woman
. She would never knowingly cause a rift in a relationship. The guilt turned her gut.

“I'm sorry,” she said.

“For what?” Ty asked her.

“You caught us… We… I didn't mean to…” Why was she apologizing? Feeling guilty? She hadn't known Logan was taken. She turned to look at him. He was leaning back in his chair, a concerned look on his face.

BOOK: Double Dare
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