Read Don't Drink the Holy Water Online

Authors: Bailey Bradford

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

Don't Drink the Holy Water (9 page)

BOOK: Don't Drink the Holy Water
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Axel wanted to move over and kneel in front of West, but there wasn’t enough room. Frustrated, he tried to figure out another way he could get that fat cock in his hands—or mouth.

West pressed his hand to Axel’s and pushed, asking silently for more pressure. Axel gave it to him, then he traced the outline of West’s cock and rubbed over the head.

West hissed and the next thing Axel knew, he was being tugged to his feet.

“Can we—?” West didn’t finish the sentence. He had Axel by the wrist and was leading him out of the theater.

“Where are we going?” Axel asked. “I’m down with whatever you want, West. I’m just asking.”

West didn’t answer until they were outside. “I don’t know. I—I just—”

Axel had had alley sex before, and he didn’t want that with West. The man deserved better. “My room, then.”

West seemed hesitant and Axel feared he’d say no. Then a determined look came over West and he nodded. “Let’s go.”

When he said it, he apparently meant it. Axel ran beside him toward the hotel.


* * * *


He had to hurry before he either backed out, freaked out, or came in his jeans. Running with a hard-on sucked, though, and his dick was likely to be chafed.

Well, he’d deal with it if it meant Axel touching him there. While West wasn’t sure he was ready for anal sex, he
ready to experience more things with Axel. He believed Axel wanted more than to just get off with him. Axel had been sincere earlier when speaking of his hope for them to have a relationship.

And most people in relationships had sex. West was ready for that.

A block from the hotel, they slowed to a jog.

“Stairs might be faster if there’s a line at the elevators,” Axel said.

West grunted, unable to get his mind off doing
with Axel.

As they approached the hotel, they slowed to a walk. Axel waved at a concierge, then opened the door for West. The lobby was empty, and there was no line at the elevators.

West was relieved that the interior of the elevator was paneled rather than mirrored.

Then he forgot about that too as Axel kissed him the second the doors closed.

West felt a surge of arousal so great he wanted to shove Axel’s pants down and— He couldn’t quite envision it, but West did back Axel up to one wall and kiss him fiercely. He wanted more of Axel, more of his taste, more of the sounds he made. More skin, more everything.

The elevator dinged and they jerked apart as the doors opened. Axel took him by the hand again and strode quickly to a room halfway down the hall.

“Key card, key card…” Axel mumbled while pulling his wallet out. “There it is. Thank God I didn’t leave it in the room. It’s happened before.”

He opened the door, and West barely stepped inside behind Axel before Axel spun around and buried his fingers in West’s hair.

West wrapped his arms around Axel. He ran his hands down the planes of his back but stopped at his belt.

Axel moaned and wiggled against him. He pressed his erection urgently against West and began to rut.

West bit at Axel’s lips. He wanted more than this, though it was good. “I want to see you,” West forced himself to say, speaking against Axel’s lips. Shaking with nerves and excitement, he moved one hand around and cupped Axel’s cock through his jeans. His own daring surprised him, but Axel drove him insane with want.

Axel hissed and shuddered. He moved back and pulled West with him. When Axel had the bed directly behind him, he began to strip. First his shoes, then socks, then his pants. He hadn’t worn underwear.

West should have probably taken off his clothes, too, but he was too busy staring at Axel’s long, muscular legs first, then his balls and cock next. West forgot to breathe and it was only when he started seeing spots that he realized it. “Can I touch?” he asked, almost not recognizing his own stripped voice.

“Please,” Axel said, spreading his legs.

West took a step and Axel gestured at him. “Can I unfasten your pants at least?”

Maybe he was an awkward dork who should have stopped and stripped down at least as much as Axel had, but West was too eager to touch. “Uh-huh.”

Axel reached for his waistband at the same time West palmed his fuzzy balls. The weight and heat of them felt amazing in his hand. “Oh. Oh, god—” He traced a thick vein running down the underside of Axel’s shaft with one finger.

“Fuck, you touching me makes me—” Axel gasped and thrust his cock at West. “I’m going to lose it if you keep that up.”

West knew how he felt. He was on edge just from touching Axel.

Then when Axel pulled down his zipper and shoved a hand into West’s briefs, it was very nearly over and done with.

West cried out and bit his tongue to keep from losing it. He grasped Axel’s cock and closed his other hand around Axel’s nuts.

Axel moaned and his lids fluttered. His lips parted and West had to kiss him again.

The first flick of Axel’s tongue against his spurred something in West. Something he hadn’t ever had a chance to explore. He growled softly and nudged Axel back.

Axel took a step, then his legs hit the bed. He shoved at West’s pants. West let go of Axel and set about pushing his underwear down.

West still had his shoes and socks on, but that didn’t matter when Axel sat on the bed and hands gripping West’s hips, pulled West’s groin to his face.

Everything inside West froze inside in the instant that Axel’s lips brushed over his cockhead. He might have squeaked—probably did—then his head spun as the tip of his shaft was engulfed in wet, silky heat.

West’s legs trembled and his balls drew up. He wasn’t going to last, couldn’t when there was such perfect suction on his cock.

Axel moaned and took more of West’s length in.

“God, Axel,” West yelped, heated streaks of arousal shooting through him. “I can’t last!”

Axel pulled off his cock. “Then come and let me taste you.”

“Too fast,” West got out, embarrassed by his lack of control.

“I’ve got news for you, sweetheart,” Axel rumbled. “I’m probably going to make it two strokes after you come. You make me need, so bad. And we can go again.”

Well, when Axel explained it like that…

“Hold on to me,” Axel asked. “Give me everything you got.”

While he wasn’t sure what Axel meant, West just went with his instincts. He slid his fingers through Axel’s hair, then fisted it.

Axel nodded his approval then opened his mouth and took West down to the base of his cock. “Axel!” West shouted, inadvertently pulling Axel’s hair when he jerked.

Axel cupped West’s buttocks and pulled him even closer.

West felt his control and restraint shatter along with his self-consciousness. He couldn’t stop himself from withdrawing then thrusting in deep.

Axel made encouraging sounds, and he pulled West to him with every thrust.

West stopped thinking, stopped worrying and let his body lead. He fucked Axel’s mouth, his balls slapping the underside of Axel’s chin. Axel clutched West’s ass tighter until he was spreading West’s cheeks.

The shock of cool air over his hole combined with Axel’s fingers tracing down his crack sent West into orbit. He fucked faster then stilled as he moaned, coming into Axel’s mouth.

The blissful sensations seemed to last forever, then West was plummeting down to reality. His knees trembled and his thighs shook as Axel let West’s cock slip from his mouth.

“I—” West didn’t know what he’d been about to say. It didn’t matter. When he saw Axel jerking off, West collapsed beside him on the bed, taking Axel down with him.

West got his hand around Axel’s and began stroking with him.

Axel made the sweetest sounds, and West wanted to taste them. It shouldn’t have been a shock to taste himself on Axel’s tongue, but it was. And not an unpleasant one. If anything, it fired West up again, and as Axel keened and came on him, West was already planning out all the ways they could make each other come.


Chapter Fourteen




Axel was done for. His dick couldn’t get hard again if his life depended on it. And he had to be wearing the silliest grin in the world, but
, he was happy.

He ran his hand down West’s arm, over his chest, down his belly. West was built just like Axel’s dream man—long and lean, with very little body hair except down south, which was the one place Axel liked a man to be bushy. He just wasn’t a fan of bare skin there.

He touched the top of West’s dick before he hit pubes. Axel chuckled and blinked in the darkness. “Shit, what are you? Superman? Or maybe you’ve got a super dick.”

West groaned. “That was bad, Axel, and for your information, I’ve got a lot of sexless years to make up for.”

“What do you expect? I’ve come so many times I think the lack of blood flow to my brain did some damage.”

West snorted and guided Axel’s hand more firmly to his cock.

Axel toyed with asking West if he wanted to fuck him. West had shied away when Axel had hinted at it earlier, and that was fine. All sex was good when it included a partner, usually.

There were exceptions. West, however, was exceptional in that he aroused Axel so thoroughly. The blow jobs and hand job had been amazing, better than anything Axel had ever done with Jukie.

Axel wasn’t going to push. He absolutely wasn’t. He did have an idea, though. “You wanna rub off on me? Like this?” He had to let go of West’s shaft, which was a shame. Didn’t mean he had to let go of West’s hand. Axel rolled onto his side, pulling West along.

“Like this,” he said again, wiggling his butt against West’s stiff shaft.

West gasped and clutched at Axel’s waist. He seemed poised to flee.

Axel rushed to explain. “Not in me. You’d have to wear a condom for that. Just…just slide your dick down and…”

West’s indecision vanished and he wedged his dick between Axel’s cheeks. The head nudged past Axel’s balls, and Axel discovered that his own cock wasn’t as done as he’d thought.

“That’s good,” he moaned when West began to move faster, with more confidence. Each forward drive shoved that hot length past Axel’s balls and soon Axel was rocking back, rolling his hips forward, trembling every time any part of West’s dick made contact with his hole. “Yeah, yeah, West, keep fucking me—”

It sounded like West growled, which only sent Axel’s arousal higher. He clutched at the blankets, at West’s arm, his hip and ass, any part he could reach while his orgasm began to build up to a crescendo.

One forceful thrust brought the underside of the head of West’s dick into hard contact with Axel’s hole. He couldn’t keep back a shout. Axel left off touching West, his own need so tight and sharp it made him ache all over.

Axel gripped his own shaft and made it three strokes before he was coming, his stomach clenching along with his thighs and ass. Behind him, West roared and almost rolled Axel onto his belly as liquid heat jetted over Axel’s balls and cock.

He shuddered, teeth chattering as his orgasm turned him inside out. Axel felt it in every particle of his being, yet he was still aware of West, of the sounds and feel of him, the grip of his hand on his hip.

Coming back down took several minutes, and Axel found himself on his stomach, lying on the wet spots, West on top of him. West kissed his nape, then sighed.

“I hate to, but I have to go. It’ll be morning soon.”

“Right.” Axel had no reason to feel disappointed. He knew West had responsibilities. “Sure. But you kinda need to get off of me first.”

West muttered something against his skin then rolled to the side. “God, you wore me out.”

“Same goes.” Axel sat up and turned on the bedside lamp. “Oh jeez.” He blinked away the spots after a couple of minutes, and felt the dip of the bed when West moved to the edge then got up.

Axel’s gaze went right to him. He wanted to see every inch of the sexy man he was falling for. Letting West go without arranging another date wasn’t going to happen. “We’re doing this again, right? Seeing each other?” he asked as West walked to the bathroom.

West looked over his shoulder. “Tomorrow night?”

Axel beamed at him. “Oh yeah, tomo—” He frowned and leaned forward.

West froze in the bathroom doorway. “What—?” He turned his head back around and immediately stilled.

Axel should have been able to see his expression. He was peering around West’s left side, but all he saw in the reflection of the bathroom mirror was himself on the bed. “W-West?”


Chapter Fifteen




For a moment, West couldn’t even breathe. Contrary to the popular thinking, vampires did actually need air. They weren’t dead, Claude had explained. They were just different. Very different. As in, no reflections different.

West stood rooted in place, watching Axel in the mirror. The sun would be rising soon—his internal clock was ticking like mad.

“West?” Axel said again, fear in his voice and expression.

What could he say? There was no logical explanation for it, none that a human would easily believe without the evidence of seeing—or in this case,
seeing—it themselves.

Axel bolted off the bed, dragging the sheet with him. “What are you?”

That’s what he was. West glanced toward the window. The blackout curtains would be very effective if he didn’t get out of there in time. And he had his phone, so he could call Terrence if he needed to and make sure the kids didn’t flip out because West wasn’t there. Two of his potential problems were easily solved, but how to tell Axel the truth was still an issue.

Slowly, West turned around until he faced Axel. He knew that if he said the wrong thing, he would not only expose the coven, but lose Axel. While he wasn’t in love with the man, he liked Axel, a lot. He didn’t want Axel to hate him.

West held up one hand as Axel crept closer to the door. “Please.” West swallowed, his throat tight with emotions he couldn’t examine right then. “Please, Axel. Just let me talk to you for a few minutes.”

Axel’s eyes were huge as he trembled. “First z-zombies, then you, and—” Axel inhaled sharply. “The bat. In the desert. That was you. You’re a—”

BOOK: Don't Drink the Holy Water
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