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Authors: Eve Vaughn

Dirty (6 page)

BOOK: Dirty
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“Oh baby!” He cried out. Sweat dotted his forehead as if he’d exerted himself for several minutes instead of seconds. When Simone unwrapped her legs from around him, and let go of him completely,
seemed quite pleased with himself. He gave her a knowing smirk. “Give me a few minutes to recover baby and we can go again.”

“No, uh,
I have to go.”

“What’s the hurry, Mary? We’re paid up for a few more hours. We don’t have to leave, yet. Besides, I have a few more rubbers in my wallet. Let’s put them to good use.”

“Let’s not. Look, we both got what we wanted and I think it’s best to part ways.”

She spun around him and moved to grab her purse that had fallen on the floor.
grabbed her wrist. The friendly smile he’d worn since she met him was replaced by a ferocious scowl. In
the look in his eyes almost seemed a bit deranged. “We’re not finished until I say we are.”

“Let go!” Simone attempted to yank her wrist away from him but he tightened his grip, squeezing so tight, she winced in pain. She didn’t bruise easily but she was sure in the morning there would be marks.

“Bitch, what part of we
finished yet
don’t you understand?”

Fear swelled within her chest when she realized the huge mistake she’d made by coming here with this psycho. In a desperate attempt to get away, she stomped on his foot with as much force as she could. That seemed to be enough for
to loosen his grip on her wrist. Simone then followed through with a swift kick to his testicles. This sent him to knees.

“You fucking cunt!”

In a mad scramble to get the hell out of there, Simone quickly grabbed her purse and dashed out the room. She didn’t stop running until she made it to her car. As soon as she started her car, she saw
coming toward the vehicle in her rear-view mirror. She pealed out of the parking lot so quickly, her tires squealed in protest.

Simone made sure to make many detours on her way home to assure herself that she wasn’t being followed. When she pulled into her driveway, she broke down. This wasn’t the first time she’d had an encounter like that. She just hadn’t had one in a while. Why did she continue to do this to herself? She could blame
on the impulse but deep down
she knew the reason but refused to admit to it, even to herself.

She wanted to
sick when she thought about
’s hands on her and her how they’d reminded her so much of…

No. She wouldn’t go there. Never again.

Leaning against the wheel of her car she cried in pain, relief and self-loathing. Even as she told herself she’d never do something like that again, Simone knew she would and she hated herself for it.





Chapter Six

Though Paul had discovered Simone’s text at two in the morning as he was leaving his latest match, he’d headed to her house and waited. When he saw her car wasn’t parked in the driveway, he’d
around for an hour, but she didn’t show up. There were only a couple reasons why she would text him such a cryptic message at this time of night. The first one was she was in trouble. The second, she wanted sex. Either way, he needed to check up on her.

When she didn’t show up, he decided he’d seek her out first thing in the morning. As soon as he was up
showered and dressed, Paul stopped by her house again and her car still wasn’t in the driveway. He called her cell which was immediately answered by voicemail. Concerned, he called Noelle to see if she’d heard from her cousin.

“Hey Paul, what’s up?” Noelle greeted him.

“I was just wondering if you’d heard from Simone.”

There was a brief pause on the other end of the line before she answered. “Not since yesterday. Why?”

He figured if he told her about the text, she’d read more into the situation than there was. Besides, Paul wasn’t sure what there was to explain when he didn’t quite know why Simone had contacted him. “I was just wondering. I needed to ask her something is all.”

“Oh? Do you plan on asking her out again? Good for you.”

“I don’t need you to play matchmaker for me, Noelle.”

“I wasn’t, I promise. I didn’t realize you and Simone were that close. I mean I never see you guys interact, but I do know you’ve asked her out before, so it stands to reason that maybe you were going to give it another shot.”

“No, Nancy Drew. I needed to discuss something
with her,
is all. I’ll be by the bakery this afternoon. I have a meeting with one of the distributors later this morning.”

“Okay. If I hear from Simone, should I tell her you’re looking for her?”

“That’s okay. I’m sure I’ll catch up to her eventually. I’ll see you later.” Paul hung up before Noelle could do any further digging.

He wasn’t sure what time she usually went to her boutique but Paul decided to take a chance and stop
by. He saw her BMW parked at the side of the building. The shop wasn’t opened yet,
he headed to the back and rang the doorbell.

There was no answer. He pulled out his phone
sent her a text.
I’m outside.

A couple minutes later, Paul was greeted with sound of the door unlocking. Simone poked her head out the door. “What are you doing here?”

“Did you think I wouldn’t come after you sent me that text last night? Where were you
by the way?”

“It really doesn’t matter, Paul. I don’t have to tell you my whereabouts. In fact, just forget I sent that text. I was just…”

“Just what?”

She sighed. “Look, I have a ton of work to do. I have a huge shipment coming in this morning and one of my girls called in sick.”

Paul raised a brow. “So you’re dismissing me

“I just told you, I’m busy.”

He refused to let her turn him away, not when the passion between them burned so hot he could barely think of nothing else but her. “Invite me in.”

Nervous laughter tumbled from her lips. “What are you? A vampire.”

“Let me in

She moistened her lips with the tip of her tongue, a movement that drew his gaze to her mouth. His cock twitched in his pants. Simone was so fucking sexy, Paul had to clench his hands at his sides to stop himself from yanking her in his arms. “Can we talk another time?”

“I didn’t say anything about talking.”

Her eyes widened and a look he couldn’t quite discern crossed her face before she stepped back and opened the door wide enough to allow him entrance. Paul made sure to brush up against her as he moved past her. A grin touched his lips as he heard the involuntary gasp that she let slip.

“You might as well come to my office.” She gestured for him to follow her. “I just put on a pot of coffee. I’ll make you a cup
if you’d like.”

“You and I both know I’m not here for coffee.”

“Paul. Please don’t be difficult about this.” Simone let him into a sizable office that was filled with boxes and a drafting desk that looked a lot like the one Noelle used to draw her cake concepts, instead this one was cover
in fashion designs. It was clear that talent ran in her family
considering how crafty Simone’s cousin was. There was another desk, a metal one that was in the far corner where Paul assumed Simone took care of her business matters. The office was cluttered but somehow it felt just right.

Simone took a seat behind the smaller desk, possibly to put some space in between them, but he wouldn’t be deterred by her. Not ever again.

He took the chair in front of the desk and waited for her to speak first before he decided how he wanted to play this.

“Look, I don’t know why I sent that text, but it was a mistake. Just like what happened between us at Noelle’s house.”

“Simone, what exactly are you afraid of?”

“Nothing. What makes you think I’m afraid of anything?”

“Because you
me a text in the middle of the night and there
only a couple reasons why you would contact someone that time of night. I figure if it were an actual emergency, you would probably have called the cops or maybe
cousin before you’d contact me. But your text specifically said you need me, which could only mean one thing. You wanted me to come over and scratch that itch I didn’t take care of before.”

She rolled her eyes skyward and released a heavy sigh. “Look, I was desperate, okay? I have a healthy sexual appetite and like you said, I had an itch that needed scratching. Anyone would do, really. I just happened to text you because I figured I’d hear back from you the quickest. And when I didn’t hear from you, I moved on to someone who took care of
…itch just fine. I didn’t
to hurt your feelings but you’re forcing me to do just that. I don’t think you can handle a woman like me

If she would have taken a sledgehammer to his chest, it wouldn’t have been any harder a blow than what she’d just delivered. All he could think about in this moment was the conversation he’d overheard between Simone and Noelle when Simone accused him of being too nice.
within him snapped.

stood from his chair with such speed and force that
toppled over. With determined strides
he moved around Simone’s desk and yanked her out of her seat.

Her eyes widened with a mixture of fear and if he didn’t know better, excitement. Pulling her into his arms, he lowered his head
pressed his lips against hers in a bruising kiss
, r
eleasing the frustration he’d felt over the last several hours when he was worried sick about her, wondering where she was, and who she was with. And for her to toss some random lover in his face as if he didn’t fucking matter made him want to strangle her and fuck her senseless at the same time. He decided right then and there that she would never callously dismiss him again. She belonged to him for as long as he wanted her and when he was finished with Miss Simone Carter, there would be no other man’s name on her lips except his.

Paul gripped the loose bun on top of her head and gave it a yank, making her gasp. Taking advantage of her slightly parted lips, he thrust his tongue forward, silently
taste he’d been denied the night before. She was just as sweet as he remembered. His cock grew impossibly hard when she moaned into his mouth. The feel of her breasts, pressed against his chest was nearly enough to drive him insane with lust.

He explored every inch of
mouth, savoring the unique flavor that was her. He ran his tongue along her lips and tasted a hint of berry. He captured her full bottom lip between his teeth and gave it a sharp nip. Simone released a cry that sounded like a mixture of shock and pain. Paul immediately soothed the spot with the tip of his tongue. He rained kisses on her neck and face. “You’re so beautiful. And you’re mine. No one else will have you as long as I want you.”

“You don’t own me, Paul Winters.”

He chuckled raising his head to stare into her passion glazed eyes. “Oh, but that’s where you’re wrong sweetheart. The way your body trembles when I touch you tells me I do and I’m going to prove it to you.“
Before she could protest, he lifted Simone off her feet and carried her the short distance to her desk and sat her on it. He quickly went to work undoing the buttons on her blouse. Fuck! Why were there so many goddamn buttons?

whimpered. “Paul—”

He raised his head sharply as he detected the uncertainty in her voice. “If the next word out of your mouth is that this is a mistake or that we shouldn’t be doing this, I’m going to turn you over my knee and spank that luscious ass of yours until you beg me to stop

Simone widened her eyes as he
mouth dropped open. But
no sound came out. Paul returned his attention back to her blouse pulling at the last two buttons with little finesse. He didn’t have the patience to unhook her bra so he yanked it up to reveal a pair of high firm breasts capped with dark chocolate nipples. He rubbed his thumb across one nubbin and it puckered beneath his touch. Leaning forward, he took the taut bud between his lips and suckled with just enough pressure to make her moan in pleasure.

When he felt Simone dig her fingers through his hair and hold his head against her chest, he knew then that she was his. It gratified him to know that she wanted him as badly as he did her. He didn’t understand why she fought the attraction between them so but that didn’t matter. All that did, was that he have her absolute and total surrender.

Paul licked and laved Simone’s tender flesh. Her soft moans and gasps were music to his ears. He nibbled and fondled before transferring his attention to her other nipple. As he continued to make love to her breasts with his mouth, he fumbled with the button and
on her slacks. Simone helped him by wiggling her hips just enough for him to work her pants down her silky brown thighs. He placed his hands inside her panties past the neatly groomed patch of hair on her vulva before sliding his middle finger across her labia. Her pussy was slick with juices, just as he knew she’d be. He released her nipple from his mouth with one wet pop before raising his head to meet her gaze, a smirk curving his lips. “So, wet and ready for me
aren’t you

Simone nibbled on her bottom lip.

“Tell me you want me. Or I’m going to stop.”

She opened her mouth and closed it again.

Paul eased his hand out of her panties. But Simone caught his wrist before it was all the way out. “Don’t stop,” she groaned.

“Say you want me.”

“I-I want you.”

“Tell me you need this.”

“I need this.”

He slid his finger between her warm slit not stopping until his finger was buried deep inside her moist cunt. “This is my pussy now. You won’t give it to anyone else

She shook her head back and forth.

“Say it!” he growled.

“I won’t give this pussy to anyone else. It’s yours.”

“Damn right it is.” And with
removed his hands and worked to pull her pants and panties all the way off. With that task completed
he dropped to his knees and pushed her thighs apart. “Scoot to the edge of the desk.”

Simone obeyed his command without hesitation this time. Paul bumped his nose against her clit that peaked past her slick pussy lips. She smelled divine. The musky, sweet scent was heady enough to make any man drunk. He’d dreamed of having her, for so long. Not quite like this, but he wasn’t going to allow this opportunity to pass without getting a taste. Hooking his arms beneath her knees to anchor himself, Paul pressed his face against her sweet pussy giving it a deep French kiss. She tasted as heavenly as she smelled.

He latched on to her clit and sucked it hard and deep. Paul didn’t need to use his hands and fingers because he wanted to worship her with his mouth. There would be plenty of other times to explore her body which he fully intended to take advantage of. But for now, this is how he wanted her, open wide for him so he could explore her pussy with his lips and tongue.

“Paul! Oh my God!” she cried out.

He continued to play with her clit, alternately sucking, licking and biting. Simone had a death grip on his hair, but Paul didn’t mind. He didn’t plan on stopping until she came on his tongue.

BOOK: Dirty
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