Read Dimitri Online

Authors: Roxie Rivera

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #alpha male, #bad boy romance, #roxie rivera, #her russian protector, #tattooed bad boy, #sexy new adult romance, #mob romance

Dimitri (4 page)

BOOK: Dimitri
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Dimitri tugged my jeans down my hips. I thanked
my lucky stars I'd had time to shave during my morning shower. I
would have died if Dimitri's hands had encountered stubble as he
swept them up and down my short legs.

I gulped as Dimitri reached around behind my
back to unhook my bra. He carefully peeled it away from my chest
and down my arms. I started to put a hand over my naked breasts but
he stopped me.

"No," he whispered. "I want to see you." He
brushed his lips over my nipple. "All of you."

I gasped as his tongue slowly traced the dark
bud. He suckled me gently, pulling my nipple between his warm lips
and laving it with his tongue. My hands flew to his shoulders as he
tormented me with his mouth. Tummy violently wobbling, I gripped
his upper arms and held on for dear life.

His hands moved to my hips and he pushed my
panties down my thighs. I stepped out of them and squeezed my knees
together. Awash with anxiety, I tried not to focus on my hang-ups
but it was so hard. He gently stroked my naked hips and legs as if
petting a skittish creature. "I wish you could see how beautiful
you are to me."

I stared into his pale eyes and
realized he was dead serious. He wasn't trying to be kind or
flattering me for some ulterior motive. It occurred to me that he
didn't see all the little things that drove me crazy about my body.
He saw
, the
real me.

And he thought I was beautiful.

His lips skimmed my collarbone. "Luckily, I've
got the whole night to show you."

I shivered as the weight of his words settled
upon me. This was going to be a night I would never




Dimitri was hard enough to pound through
concrete as he led Benny into the shower. The urge to lift her up,
wrap her petite legs around his waist and sink into her hot,
willing flesh threatened his control. Somehow he found the strength
to keep those primal urges at bay. She deserved something tender
and easy, to be seduced and shown real pleasure. He wanted to watch
her come undone and surrender to the passion inside her—and that
was a thing that took time.

He still couldn't believe the night was
unfolding in this way. When he'd asked her up to his apartment for
dinner, he'd truly only wanted to keep her safe and help her unload
some of the burdens weighing so heavily on her shoulders. He'd
thought maybe he would finally work up the courage to kiss her, if
the time was right. Not in his wildest dreams did he imagine she
would present him with the perfect opportunity for making his

He'd seen the embarrassment on her face the
moment she'd admitted how long it had been since she'd had a lover.
In that moment, he'd recognized his chance and seized upon it.
Hearing her say that she wasn't in his league had cut him deeply.
He sensed that she would need reassurance tonight. Before this
night was over, he would make sure she rid herself of those silly

Stepping under the hot spray, Dimitri let the
pounding water splash over him. Benny stayed near the glass door
and wound her ponytail into a messy bun. The second she was done,
he reached for her. She came willingly, sliding into his arms and
pressing her cheek to his chest. His eyelids drifted together as he
relished the feel of her small, soft body.

Arousal and excitement gave her silky brown
skin a pink tint. With her dark hair and dark eyes, Benny favored
her Hispanic mother more than her blond-haired, green-eyed father.
Johnny, on the other hand, looked more like their late father.
Dimitri often wondered if that was why he'd thrown himself into the
Hermanos gang. The kid was overcompensating and trying to prove
that he was just as Latino, if not more, than the other

Not wanting to let thoughts of that little
bastard ruin their night, Dimitri shoved them aside and
concentrated solely on Benny. He soaped up his palms and took his
time swiping his hands along her curves. Her naked skin felt so
damn good under his fingers. He couldn’t wait to get her in his bed
so he could do more than just stroke her.

Benny's breaths deepened and her eyes seemed to
darken. He captured her mouth and carefully backed her up against
the tile. She whimpered when his hands moved along the gentle slope
of her belly to the vee between her thighs. Almost instantly, he
felt her tense. He broke their kiss and peered down into her brown
eyes. There was no mistaking the glint of panic there. Not moving
his hand, he asked, "Do you want to stop?"

She gulped. "No."

He nuzzled her nose with his. "But you're
afraid to keep going?"

"Yes." Her whispered reply ghosted against his

Understanding her mindset, he decided that
perhaps it was time to take a more dominant role with her. Until
she was comfortable asking for the things she wanted or
surrendering to the passion blossoming within her, Benny would need
him to guide her.

"We're going to play a game."

She blinked with surprise. "What?"

"A game," he said and kissed her tenderly. He
felt some of the tightness leave her as he gently caressed her
belly and brushed his lips across hers.

Her eyes narrowed with suspicion. "What kind of

Smiling, he said, "The kind of game you're
going to enjoy very much." He traced her nipple with a soapy
finger, coaxing the dusky bud to a hard peak. "For the rest of the
night, I'm taking away your right to say no."

She gasped with outrage but he quickly ambushed
her with a kiss. He stabbed his tongue against hers. She tasted of
wine and the slight sweetness of the berries he'd served with
dessert. Palming her breast, he tweaked her nipple, pinching it
just enough to make her moan.

When she was pliable and ready to listen, he
explained, "I'll ask you how you feel when I'm touching you or
kissing you or making love to you. You can say red, green or yellow
and I'll adjust accordingly."

He watched the warring emotions play out across
her face. For a woman who always had to be in control, this
wouldn't be easy for her. He expected her to put her foot down and
refuse but she surprised him by lifting her chin and nodding. A bit
breathless now, she said simply, "Green."

A smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. He
let his hand slide along her hip and down to cup her backside. She
had the sweetest ass, the kind of soft, supple flesh that begged to
be squeezed and swatted. The image of her bouncing on his lap, of
him clasping her backside to guide her up and down on his shaft,
made Dimitri's balls ache.

Soon, he promised himself. But right now? This
was all about Benny and her needs.

Holding her gaze, he let his hand slide lower.
He forced her thighs apart and cupped her mound. She inhaled a
sharp breath as he dragged his fingertips up and down the seam of
her pussy. Wanting her on edge, he continued to do tease her. "Are
we still green?"

"Y-yes," she stammered, her breaths coming
faster now. "We're very, very green. The brightest green you've
ever seen," she added with a little laugh.

Dimitri chuckled at her playfulness and gave
her exactly what she wanted. He parted her tender folds and exposed
her clitoris. The swollen nub responded to his swirling fingertip
and left Benny shuddering. Her hands squealed against the tile as
they flew back to the wall and desperately searched for purchase.
He dropped his forehead to hers, their breaths mingling, and slowly
circled her clit.

He watched in wonder as her expression changed.
Committing the small details to mind, he studied her as she
climaxed, her strangled cry echoing in the tiled stall. He
memorized the way her neck flushed and her lips parted. He noted
the way her upper body tightened and her breaths became almost
panicked just before she came.

The sight and sound of her climax whet his
appetite for more of her. He wanted to watch her come again and
again. And he wanted to do it now.



I still hadn't regained my ability to breathe
normally when Dimitri shut off the water and helped me out of the
shower. Dripping onto the bathmat, I welcomed the warmth of the
towel he wrapped around me. I tried not to let anxiety invade my
belly but not even that shockingly quick orgasm he'd just given me
in the shower could dull my crazy self-consciousness.

I think Dimitri sensed it too. He secured a
towel around his waist before turning back to me. I couldn't
believe he wanted to help me dry off but I wasn't about to say no
having his big hands moving all over my body again. His touch
soothed my raw nerves.

When I was dry, he took my hand and led me into
his bedroom. My mouth went dry as I stared at his bed. The orgasm
he'd coaxed out of me in the shower had been hotter than any I'd
ever managed to give myself. Coming wasn't easy for me. In the back
of my mind, I recognized it was a power issue. It's hard to let go
and enjoy the moment when you're constantly overthinking every
single second of a sexual encounter.

Back in the shower, I'd been forced
off-kilter by Dimitri's commanding presence and my inability to say
no. The idea that he was simply going to take what he wanted from
me had made me so wet. I couldn't understand it. I started to
wonder if maybe I was one of
girls. I'd read about them in some of my steamier
books but I'd never considered that I needed or wanted to surrender
control to a man.

Or maybe it was simply that I wanted
to surrender control to Dimitri. Maybe
was the reason this experience
felt so different and so exciting.

He stepped so close the tip of his cock brushed
against my lower back. My clit throbbed mercilessly as his body
heat wound around me. I closed my eyes as he expertly uncurled the
bright yellow elastic wrapped around my hair. He ran his fingers
through my dark waves, his nails scratching lightly against my
scalp and making my skin tingle.

His hands moved to my shoulders and I tensed. I
knew he felt it because his fingers instantly lessened their slight
grip. Feeling embarrassed, I whispered, "I'm sorry, Dimitri. It's
not you. Really. It's just me. I'm so—"

"Shh." His hot breath moved across my ear. He
peppered feather-light kisses along my neck, causing goose bumps to
break out on my skin. "I understand. I'm going to help you


He stepped away from me and yanked the covers
right off his bed. They ended up in a pile in the corner. "Get on
my bed, Benny." His voice was low and husky. "On your

Trembling now, I did as told. I swallowed hard
and watched him disappear into his closet. I heard a drawer open
and close. When he returned he had strange black straps in his
hands. My belly did a wild dance. Restraints?

Dimitri put a knee on the bed. "I'm assuming by
the look on your face you know what these are."

I gulped. "Yes."

"Have you ever used them?"

"No but I've read about them."

He laughed. "Remind me to browse your
bookshelves the next time I'm at your house."

I heard the tearing sound of the hook-and-loop
closure as he unlatched one of the cuffs on the restraint straps.
Feeling really uncertain now, I started to protest. "Dimitri, I
don't think—"

He clicked his teeth and wagged his finger.
"Red, green or yellow?"

I frowned in annoyance but knew he wouldn’t be
swayed. Finally, I said, "Yellow."

"Good girl." Seemingly pleased that I'd
followed his instruction, Dimitri let his hand drifted along my
calf and up toward my knee before doubling back. "You enjoy reading
stories where women are restrained by their lovers but you aren't
sure you want to try it in real life."

He'd nailed it in one try.

"Do you know what I think?"

"No but I'm sure you going to tell

He gave my thigh a playful pinch. "Be glad I'm
not into spanking, Benny. Otherwise I might have to put you across
my lap."

Even though I knew he was joking, my tummy
fluttered. The idea of being spanked by a lover seemed so erotic
and naughty.

"I think you need to learn to let go and relax.
Your mind is constantly racing." He lowered his mouth until it
touched my knee and then my thigh. My toes curled into the mattress
and I held my breath. "Tonight, you're here to feel. Just feel," he
added. "Can you do that?"

"No," I answered honestly. "You know I

"And that's why I'm going to restrain you." He
crawled over me, planting his knees on either side of my thighs,
and teased his mouth over mine. My breasts rubbed against his hard
chest and his stiff cock nudged my navel. I experienced a quiver of
panic at being pinned beneath his massive frame but he kissed the
fight right out of me, reminding me who was boss

"I'm going to restrain your legs and arms so
you can't twist or pull away from me when the sensations become
overwhelming. I want you to feel them all, Benny. I want to see the
passion locked up inside you set free." He trailed his fingertips
along my cheek. "I want you screaming and writhing and begging for
mercy when I bury my face between your legs and when I fuck

BOOK: Dimitri
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