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Authors: Emma Anderson

Devil Takes His Innocent (8 page)

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Of course,” he replied

Have you done anything in my name
that I might not like?” The previously stoic man flinched slightly. “What?”

You will tell me if you hear
anything from Jeffrey Harrison. I have warned him off contacting you again.”

That wasn’t your place.”

Have you not been listening to
me? You are mine, and therefore it was my right and duty to deal with that

What did you do to him?”

Devil’s chin lifted slightly
before he replied, “Nothing he didn’t deserve, and far less than what I wanted
to. He’s currently in a hospital, drinking through a straw. He should count
himself lucky that’s all I did to him.”

Though this news provided her
extra comfort that Nikki was safe, Gabby found herself desperately trying to
remove herself from Devil’s lap, which he refused to allow. A struggle ensued.
Her fisted hands began thumping his chest as angry tears rolled down her face.
His fingers wrapped around her wrists, holding her hands still. She continued
to struggle regardless of the restraint. He had somehow transferred one of her
wrists to join the other. One of his large hands acted as a manacle. His free
hand came up around her neck, pulling her face toward his.

As soon as their lips met, the
fight left her, her adrenaline feeding her now ravaging hormones. From nowhere,
the unsure, inexperienced Gabby was replaced by a sultry vixen. She nipped and
sucked at his lips, desperate to gain entry. Finally he opened for her. His
taste blasted onto her tongue. He challenged her, demanding and expecting her
compliance. Without even a word, his dominating personality had her submitting.
She relaxed back into his body. Her now free hands found their way to his head,
and her fingers wove themselves through his soft hair. Still their lips didn’t

Gabby was too lost in the
sensations to worry about what Devil was doing. She was aware of him lifting
her. She vaguely heard the sound of a zipper and material ripping over the
blood rushing through her ears. It wasn’t until she felt something prodding at
the entrance of her pussy that realization came to her. Her underwear was gone.

Slowly his cock pushed into her,
deliciously stretching her. A hand moved to her ass, the other up the back of
her t-shirt. Suddenly her breasts sprang free from their prison, her sensitive
nipples catching on the underwire of her bra. Electricity shot straight to her
pussy. Her need to have him in her became desperate. She tried to force her
body down on to his, but his hand on her backside denied her the pleasure.

Squeezing her ass cheeks, Devil
ordered, “Patience.”

She wanted to growl at him, but
instead it came out as a long moan. His teeth began pulling on one of her
nipples through her t-shirt. Each tug sent her flying higher. Light appeared
behind her closed eyes. Her body trembled and her orgasm raced forward. As she
floated back to earth, aftershocks continued exploding throughout her whole
being, and she became aware that she was no longer on Devil’s lap. Instead he
was carrying her through her tiny house, his cock now fully seated within her.

When he came to her closed
bedroom door, he tightened his hold around her back. Opening the door with his
other hand, he walked straight to the bed. His hand reached for something
before he gently laid Gabby on the mattress, her head landing on a pillow.

The care he took with her had
both her eyes and pussy leaking. The now all too familiar buzz began again in
her lower stomach, radiating outward to touch every one of her nerve endings.
She needed more of this man, and he hadn’t budged since placing her on the bed.

Lifting her hips slightly, she
allowed her body to speak for her. His body came over hers, causing her
backside to return to the bed. He raised both of her legs over his shoulders
before placing his hands on either side of her head. His face lowered, stopping
just above hers. Her hormones ramped up their assault on her body, demanding
another completion, but still he hadn’t moved within her.

Tell me you accept me as your
mate.” She groaned in response. “I need words, angel, then I’ll give you what
you want.”

Yes. Yes,” she screamed. “I
accept you as my mate. Now move, damn it!”

As soon as her words had left her
mouth, Devil began to pound into her. At that angle, she felt every inch of him
as he entered her, while his exit saw his tip scraping against the new favorite
part of her body. This time as her orgasm took
it wasn’t light that she saw but darkness. Her mind drifted, flitting aimlessly
toward oblivion.

Devil’s voice drew her back.
“Open for me.”

As she parted her lips to ask him
what he wanted her to open, the answer came to her by way of an object over her
mouth. Her panic lasted all of a millisecond. Something hit her tongue. It was
the sweetest, most erotic thing she had ever tasted. Nothing compared to it. In
her mind, if sunlight had a flavor, this was how it would taste.

Two sharp points sank into her
neck, but again she didn’t fear it. With each sharp pull on her neck, she
sucked more of the magic liquid into her mouth. Impossibly so, another orgasm
steamrolled through her body, sending her beyond anything she had felt before,
leaving her completely at peace.



Devil looked down at Gabby once
more. He couldn’t believe how fortunate he was to have such a sensual sex
kitten for a mate. A sex kitten
was currently
snoring. Throughout his long life, he had often wondered whether he deserved a
mate at all. Now he had found Gabby. He knew he was nowhere near worthy enough
of her good heart. In his past, he truly had lived up to the names many knew
him by, Death and Devil being just a couple. He was guilty of many of the
atrocities he had been accused of, and now looking down at the angel beside
him, he had to wonder whether claiming her had been the worst of his crimes.

With that simple bite, he had
pulled her into his world.
A world where normal rules and
laws didn’t apply.
To survive, a person needed to be strong-willed,
unmoving and unforgiving. If someone were to steal from him, he would steal it
back with interest,
ensure they never stole from
him again. Instilling fear was the key to survival, and he worried how that
would affect Gabby. He didn’t doubt for her safety, because he would do
everything within his power to protect her. It was the effect on her sweet and
generous heart that had him worried. To have anyone other than the woman lying
beside him would be unacceptable to him. He vowed to ensure that the harshness
of his world wouldn’t change his giving, caring Gabby.

A low, deep rumble sounded from below
the blankets. Looking at his watch, he realized that it was past dinner time.
He was already failing as a mate. He hadn’t fed her. It was a lapse in judgment
he intended on correcting. Pulling out his phone, he quickly made amends. Now
all he had to do was rouse his sleeping beauty. Taking a leaf out of Prince
Charming’s book, he bent down and placed his lips on hers. Seemingly liking her
sleep, she swatted his head away.

Come on, it’s dinner time,” he
said, chuckling. “And if I’m not mistaken, Nikki’s car just pulled up in front
of the house.”

The mention of Nikki had Gabby’s
beautiful blue eyes opening wide. He couldn’t help but laugh. Her attempt at
looking alert would have been effective had she continued to look straight
ahead. But just as the mere sight of her affected him, he affected her. As soon
as her gaze fell upon his still naked form, her eyes glazed over with arousal.

Stop that. I would very much like
to make a good impression on your friend, and somehow I doubt having her
walking into the house to you screaming would do that,” Devil chastised gently
as he rolled out of bed. “Now come on, let’s go get some dinner. The Chinese
should be here in about ten.”

The mention of food had Gabby’s
stomach growling loudly for the second time. Again he found himself laughing.
Gabby was now lying down with the blankets over her head, muttering something
about “stupid stomach.” It did nothing but increase his amusement. His mate had
had him laughing more in the last few minutes than he had in the last decade.
He hadn’t relaxed around anyone other than his brothers and Jewel in a very
long time. Gabby was truly a gift.

The calm created by his mate was
instantly destroyed at the sound of knocking at the front door. His assumption
that it was Nikki had been wrong, and it was too soon for the takeout to have

Turning to Gabby, he asked, “Are
you expecting anyone?”

No,” she said, sitting up,
finally awake.

I’m assuming that isn’t Nikki.”

She has her own keys,” she
replied, looking over at the clock on the nightstand. “And she won’t be home
for a while yet.”

and I’ll go and see who it is,” he instructed, pulling on his trousers.

scrambled off the bed. “
a chance, buster. This is still my home. I’m going with you.”

His concentration was momentarily
disrupted as he appreciated everything there was to his mate’s body. He was one
lucky man, he thought to himself.
A lucky man who had better
get his act together if he was going to protect Gabby.

Gabby,” he said in a voice that
brokered only obedience. “I will answer the door and you will remain behind me
at all times, until I can discern whether this person poses a threat to you or


No buts, Gabby. I won’t have you
placing yourself in harm’s way. Do I make myself clear?”

Fine, but—”

Again with
, angel. Let me put it this
way, if you don’t agree, then I’ll have to tie you to this bed, and when I
return from answering the door alone you will be on the receiving end of a
spanking that you won’t enjoy.”

With a huff, Gabby nodded. She
finished dressing before following him out of the bedroom. As they neared the
front door, Devil inhaled deeply, ensuring he had a scent to put to the name.
Answering the door with one hand, his other came around behind him,
holding Gabby to his back.

Can I help you?” he asked the man
standing on his mate’s porch. His facial characteristics suggested that he was
related to Jeffrey Harrison. He now had a face to the name of Gabby’s
half brother

Who the hell are you?” Grant
tried to barge in through the door. With a side step, Devil effectively cut off
the man’s entrance.

So we’re done with the niceties,
are we? Good, that’s just how I like it,” he stated. “What do you want,

I came by to see my sister. Now
who the hell are you to Gabby?”

Her fiancé,” he replied, rubbing
the now stiff Gabby at his back.

Bullshit! She doesn’t have one.”

She does, and if I hear you using
that kind of language around her again, I will rip out your tongue,” Devil
warned. Gabby’s wriggling form tested the muscles in his arm. “I don’t know
what kind of women you generally hang around, but Gabby deserves better
language than that.”

That had his mate settling down
and her
half brother
stunned. This gave Devil an
insight into the man who was for all intents and purposes, his brother-in-law.
He had already established that Grant Harrison was not a gambler like his
father. Otherwise he would have known exactly who Devil was. Any serious
gambler and addict would ensure they were familiar with the owners and managers
of the casinos in the area. Harrison’s reaction to Devil’s reprimand suggested
this man hadn’t been spoken to harshly at any point in his life and was
accustomed to getting what he wanted from people. That wouldn’t be happening
where Gabby was concerned; Devil would make sure of that.

His mate ducked under his arm and
stood beside him. Her backside’s only saving grace was the fact that both of
her arms were wrapped around him. She didn’t look too happy about this man’s
presence at her home. Her next words confirmed Devil’s suspicion.

Grant, I thought I told you I
would think about your dinner invitation.”

You also told me you had
tomorrow,” came the man’s impatient reply.

I do, hence the reason I am at
home waiting on Chinese takeout for dinner.”

Could I have a quick word in

Anything you have to say to
Gabby, you can say in front of me,” Devil snapped, jumping back into the

It’s private.” Thankfully,
Gabby’s response to the man’s request was to remain where she was, at Devil’s
side. “Fine, I get the message. I’m interrupting something here. I’ll talk to
you later, Gabby.”

Devil refused to move from the
door until he saw Grant Harrison’s car drive away. He made a point of
memorizing the license plate, suspecting he would see that car again. As if on
cue, as soon as one car departed, another car appeared. Their dinner had
arrived, and just in time if his mate’s noisy stomach was any indication.

Kissing the top of Gabby’s head,
he suggested, “Why don’t you go and get some bowls out while I deal with the
bill?” With a gentle tap to her retreating backside, he added, “You might need
a few serving spoons. I had no idea what you liked, so I ordered several
different dishes.”

By the time he carried his
delicious-smelling load into the house, Gabby had the table set, and she was
carrying two glasses of wine away from the kitchen. “I hope wine is okay?”

Of course,” he reassured,
unloading the many different containers.

Reaching over, Gabby tore open
the prawn crackers and began munching on one. His actions stopped. He was in
trouble. He wasn’t sure he could sit through dinner watching her eat. The
enjoyment she took from her food had him hard. The fact that her eyes were
closed as she savored the small morsel was almost too much to take. And the
soft groans that escaped her had him nearly coming in his pants.

Her eyes opened, and she caught
him watching her. Her cheeks grew red, and she suddenly found her feet
interesting. “Sorry, I couldn’t help myself. I’m hungry.”

Moving over to her, he lifted her
chin and placed a kiss on the tip of her nose. Holding her chair for her, he
indicated for her to sit down. Once she was seated at the table, he said,
“Don’t you dare apologize for being
That is my
fault. I failed to take care of your needs. It’s my job as your mate.”

Did you mean what you said to
Grant? Are we engaged?”

Angel, technically we’re married.
I have claimed you, making you mine.” He emphasized his comments by piling food
into her bowl.

But still I don’t know much about
you,” she replied, looking down at her hands.

Ask anything you wish, just make
sure you are eating as well.”

You’re a vampire, right?” she
asked after her first mouthful. He nodded. “Does that mean you can control
people with your mind?”

no, though there have been more than a few times that I’ve been accused of such
I do
however have the ability to implant a thought into someone’s mind, but only
when I’m drinking from them. It’s a vampire’s protection against being

Can you do that to me?”

No. As my mate, you are immune to
such things.”

So that amazing orgasm was real?”
Gabby asked, then flushed scarlet.

I’m glad to be of service,” Devil
replied, chuckling.

You bit me. Will I become like
you?” she continued

No, but as my mate your life has
been extended.”


how long?”

As long as you continue to sample
my blood you will live as long as I do.”

And your blood, does it heal
people?” she asked, leaning forward.

but I must be selective about who I share it with. Whoever tastes my blood will
be connected to me. The length of time depends on how much blood is drunk. I
cannot allow outsiders that level of power over me, so my blood will be yours
and yours alone
,” he
explained, reaching over to squeeze her hand.

that, she looked slightly nonplussed, but she continued with her questions.
“What sort of connection?”

would sample my heightened senses, speed, and strength while my blood ran
through your system.”

don’t feel any different,” she said, squinting down at her hand.

blood has replaced that which I took from your body during our bonding. It
mutes the effect my blood will have upon you.”

she replied.

what about your brothers?
Would you share it with them?”

“If there were a need, then yes, by all means.
But each of my brothers
their own healing

Can you fly?”
her next question.

No,” he replied, laughing. “And I
don’t turn into a bat.
Though my vampire form is not
completely human.”


My fangs protrude from my mouth,
my eyes are red, and claws replace my nails,” he explained. Taking another
spoonful of food, he swallowed it before continuing. “Gabby, I’m just a guy who
eats like everyone else. Except my body has an added dietary requirement, I
need to drink blood. The only other thing that makes me different from any
other man out there is that my senses are more sensitive and I live a long

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